New Player Guide
- Author: Smyrill
- Wiki Profile: User:MerlinAesalon
- Discord: Smyrill#0960
- Referral Link:
Note that this guide might have been changed and updated later by other players.
- Information on this page has been verified to be accurate as of the above date.
This is a guide containing basic information for new players originally written on the subreddit, and later migrated to the wiki to take advantage of the wiki's features.
Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. Start an Account on Facebook. Facebook accounts are the only way to play on both Mobile and PC. If you do not need the ability to play on mobile, then start an account on Steam as it is the most stable PC platform. Mobile without spending money also offers advertisements to decrease the timer of your chests in Hall of Fame and is the recommended platform if you’re aiming to spend a ton of time everyday on the game.
- 2. Avoid leveling anything unnecessary (especially Heroes, but also Warlords) unless you gain something for it, such as the Unity of Factions quests in the Event Center. You should still level up anything that will help your League progression, as advancing a league is very worthwhile.
- 3. Reach League 22 to unlock Global Events which are the best method of unlocking Heroes, as well as the Event Center and Mystery Store for additional resources, and most other event types, as well as the Event Center and Mystery Store for additional resources, and most other event types.
- 4. Finish the First Blood Global Event to unlock the Wish Shop and Chosen Hero Events which are the best method to unlock specific Heroes, as well as decent method to collect Souls of specific heroes.
- 5. Reach League 20 to unlock Dungeon of Trials and the Black Market. The Black Market is among the best sources for focused Hero development.
- 6. Continue advancing in League to get better soul rewards from the Black Market and Chests. Reboosting is the most effective way to progress. If using this method, plan ahead accordingly.
- NOTE: reboost is currently unavailable, it is uncertain if it will be back and when
What kind of game is Mighty Party?
- Mighty Party is a turn-based strategy game focused on building your collection of Heroes (do not let the ads fool you). You have a Warlord (commander) and a team of 8 heroes you bring into battle and alternate placing a hero on the board which contains 12 cells. Heroes have various types, skills and synergies. The game currently contains over 400 heroes split into 4 rarities. The game seems easy at first but is very complex in terms of possible combos/synergies and skill effects. However, unlike most collection-type games it is not a gacha where you spend resources chasing low drop rates. Most drop rates in Mighty Party are quite generous, meaning the game is more about resource management rather than luck. Unlike most games, the game is not designed to be immediately completable by an average player - you will get stuck at points until you get stronger by continuing to play. Reaching the highest leagues takes well over a year without spending and completing a collection takes ages. This may seem scary to some but it’s a big part of the appeal as you try to set your goals and aim to complete them over time. It is a game that takes patience but every day does bring you closer to your goals so there’s almost never that feeling like you’re not making any progress, even if that progress is very tiny each day. It’s also not super competitive as you mostly play vs an AI (controlling a player-built deck) so you can dedicate as much or as little time to the game without losing much.
Is this game P2W?
- Like many other modern microtransaction games, the general model is not pay to win, meaning that paying players do not gain unique advantages, but pay to advance faster. For example, a new player can expect to hit League 20 after around a week of playing, but buying a good $5 Legendary pack can get you there within a day as Legendary Heroes are pretty overpowered in the early leagues. In the later leagues, obtaining large quantities of Souls is a lesson in patience, unless you pay money. Some Pets and the soccer skin warlords are only available for real money and offer a large advantage for a 1 time purchase with additional development costs using in-game currency, and can be considered pay to win. Nonetheless, development of Heroes is still the key to overall progression - a pet can greatly increase a hero's potential, but heroes will still be the backbone of your gameplay. Epic pets are also generally considered not to be worth it, as their legendary counterparts are much stronger.
Is this game Player vs Player?
- With 1 exception, all battles are Player vs. AI, with the AI using another player's Squad or specially designed squads to fight you. The exception is Turf Wars, in which you play a numbers game with other players.
What platform should I play on?
- Facebook or Steam are the best platforms. Facebook allows you to play both on mobile via iOS/Android apps and on PC via web browser. Steam is the most stable platform, but does not allow native mobile play.
- if you have already started on Mobile and have not ever played using your Facebook account, you can link the mobile account to Facebook to play on PC. There are no other ways to transfer accounts between platforms. Support team can make the connection for you if you give them your old and new player ID (found top left corner in your profile section after completing the tutorial).
What is the most important thing to know as a new player?
- Do not level up anything (Heroes or Warlords) without a reason, such as quests from the Event Center or Global Events unless absolutely necessary for League progression. Level-ups are a limited resource and many quests reward performing level-ups.
- The First Blood Global Event immediately begins upon reaching League 22 and will block the Wish Shop, Mysterious Calls, and other Global Events while it is active. First Blood lasts for 6 days, so if planning ahead be sure it will finish before the other events begin. Do not use your gems on summons, save them for a warlord skin (see below) and legendary pet.
What are the best things to spend my Gems or real money on?
- The best purchases for real money are the Gem Fund which is a limited time purchase and provides the best long term
Gem to money ratio, a Legendary Pet (Sentry Fenrirus (wolf) will provide the most immediate benefit, while Drogun (raptor) is the best long term option), and finally Chest Slots. If you are looking to make occasional purchases, the Combat Packs that appear around holidays are Mighty Party's version of a sale deal.
- The best purchase for
Gems for a new player are:
- 1. The Ogre or Morgoth Warlord skins
- 1. Other Warlord skins for the Warlord of the Week Event Center and Global Events quests
- 2. The Hunt to level
Legendary Pets
- 3. The Black Market to improve specific Heroes
- 4. The Wish Shop to improve specific heroes and collect
Elixir and
- 5. Summons during a 10x Demigods discount Event, Global Events, Mysterious Calls, or the Hunt to complete quests
- Global Event Heroes are doubled in summons while their Global Event is active
- 6. A Festive Summon that is available during holidays that costs up to 4x as much as a Demigods summon, but only contains Event Locked Heroes. This summon is the best method to unlock many Heroes if you can afford it.
- When spending
Gems, it is best to spend while a Hunt, Global Events, or Mysterious Calls quest will reward you for spending. Long term the best way to spend gems is to complete hunts for
Legendary pets.
I want to whale. What should I spend on?
- Whales will generally purchase
Event Rune and
Gems in the Shop during Global Events, as they go on sale while the Global Event is active.
Gems are used to Summon while a Global Event is active for the chance at double souls, while a Shop Bonus is active, or on the Wish Shop.
Early League Guide
STEP 1: League 30-22 Main goal: Getting to L22 asap to unlock First Blood so that its timer starts asap.
You will need 3 epic cards to quickly get to L22: Minotaur, Bard and Lady Clair
Minotaur: unlocked via Playtime Rewards (the rewards for staying logged in, these are different at low leagues and actually unlock epics). Just stay logged in for 1 hour and claim the other playtime rewards as soon as they're available. Minotaur will be level 2 and has 28hp whereas most other cards will have 3-10hp. He's pretty much unkillable up to L25 and serves as your tank up until L22
Bard: free summon in the shop when you reach L25. Just check the shop asap when you reach L25 (summon shop bottom left of main menu).
Lady Clair: 25 souls received for completing the starting questline at the top of your screen. Just do all the steps needed for it. You can skip the minigames if you want as you get the gold and pass the step no matter if you win or lose. This also requires completing the first chapter of journey.
The rest of your deck can be anything so just focus on commons/rares with high stats or if you're lucky, extra epics. Doesn't really matter what you use as the epics will do the work. I recommend Son of Woods (the bear) as Warlord (WL). Just check your max might often to upgrade WL's and level your main team (do not level the other cards). As to the rest of the game, just do the tutorials and pass the starter questline. You can ignore journey after the first chapter is done, the rewards are too low to matter and not worth your time. Grind Hall of Fame (HoF) to get to L22 and either use advertisements (ads) if on mobile to speed up chests or just play with full chest slots, the extra souls from league up are worth more than waiting right now.
Save all your other level-ups, save gems (do not summon demigods or buy anything with them) and just focus on Hall of Fame and getting the 3 epics above.
STEP 2: L22-L20: You have two tasks here: First Blood (acquiring the three epics) and Event Center (acquiring more epics or even a legendary).
First Blood: it has different nodes than the standard Global Events but get past chapter 1 and early chapter 2. Most of this requires battling or finding souls of event heroes. You can use the event rares/epics you find in your team as they tend to have better stats than your non-epics. If you need to summon, use your scrolls (not your gems!!!) to get past those nodes. Stop when you get paywalled and keep farming bosses and HoF (ads help a lot here if you have them) to grind runes and pick up the three epics (legendaries are ironically easier to unlock in this game so grabbing the three epics is more crucial than getting any of the legendaries.
Event Center: first, make sure to check the news section as sometimes Pano (= Panoramik Games Ltd. aka the developers) hand out compensation at the bottom of these posts so don't miss out on the rewards.
If you have enough time left, use your level-ups and the gold you have by now to complete Gold Vein or Unity of Factions (UoF) as well as Blood Root/Fatal Fight.
Using the 2 legendaries and probably a few extra epics, you should have little trouble getting to L20 and unlocking Dungeon of Trials.
STEP 3: L20
Rather short step as Dungeon of Trials are the only new thing here:
- Pit: you won't get far but you do get a lot of copper per damage dealt. Just go as far as you can, don't worry about boss rewards as the goal is to get copper, not souls.
- Dark Tower (DT): if you leveled up all your stuff for Gold Vein/UoF and use Son of Woods, you should be able to beat DT with a max. of 5 losses so within a day you can complete the whole thing. This should give you 2-5 legendaries total by now which is more than enough to cruise into L19.
STEP 4: L19
You unlock evolve feature now. If you didn't level the rares and epics of the legendaries, evolve everything right now to upgrade your legendaries and max. might some more. Use the Black Market and Event Center to get more levels on things and push past L19.
STEP 5: L18-L17-L16.5:
You only unlock Divine Arena (always do this) and some extra cards. Focus on strengthening your main team same way as in step 5. Make sure to rebirth legendaries when you can(Bastet, Chernomor, Devil and Vlad benefit heavily from this). Your First Blood timer should be ending around this time. Once that happens, you will get the normal global event types now which will get you much stronger legendaries and allow you to progress further.
Wish Shop: This is the best way forward as there's one card that will help you immensely: Apollo. Apollo's shielding is insane, he stops Bastet/Devil bombs and hard counters Owl and Prince. Other good wishes if you want to play differently are the usual meta heroes: Villano, Aharin, Grand Ma, Blair, Shaa, Charon, silence/transform cards. I think Apollo is best by far as he's not squishy due to the shields and works well with pretty much anything. Also, he's ranged and you'll likely be melee-heavy by now.
- Chosen Hero Event: same as Wish Shop. Pick any from the list above or ask in the Discord for some advice.
- Focus on Black Market and Event Center to push forward until you are around halfway through L17 (requires 2150 fame, you need to be able to hit 2k fame a few times as an indication you're ready for the final push).
STEP 6: Pushing further
By now you should have a rough idea on your team but struggling to get further in league.
If you saved gems as recommended you can buy either the Morgoth or Ogre Warlord skins when they’re available in the event center. If they aren’t and you have close to 8k gems, you can buy Drogun or Fenrir legendary pets (unlock at league 16) already. Prioritize the warlord skin as it’s more powerful.
A skin should get you to league 14 to unlock Draft and most of the other modes so that’s it for the basics/first few weeks.
Miscellaneous tips:
- make sure to complete epic quests: join/create a guild, do Turf War, upgrade journey chest a bit, evolve/level quite a bit, kill heroes - do daily/weekly quests as much as you can without spending gems - again, do not forget to rebirth your (legendary) heroes when you can. This quickly boosts max. might while also pumping up card skills a lot in some cases.
- don't forget playtime rewards and gold mine to gain extra resources
In addition to these tips, the Mighty Party Discord server is known to be filled with a lot of people with insane knowledge about the game and a very friendly community. There is also an epic quest related to joining the server and there you can ask for up to date tips and tricks as well as advice.
Promo Codes?
- There is currently one promo code that is always active:
- Additional codes are occasionally available for a limited time after being announced via the official Facebook and Instagram pages. A list of all codes is maintained on the Subreddit Wiki.
What Warlord skin should I purchase?
- New players should always purchase the Og'ord Crusher skin for Son of Woods (aka Ogre) or the Jimmy Rockerboy skin for Adam first. These warlords are significant improvements compared to the basic Warlords. More information can be found in the Warlord Skins section below.
Which heroes should I choose for the Wish Shop?
- After the April 4th, 2022 update which drastically increased the souls obtained from the Wish Shop, the best use of the Wish Shop is to choose strong Heroes to develop. Be sure to have enough
Gems saved up to get them since the wish shop comes twice a month and heroes cannot be chosen again for 2 wish shops - although keep in mind that the first roll will always be a
Legendary. Apollo, Charon Soul Catcher, Shadow Shaa-Moona, Blair, Groot and Dead Lord are all good choices for a new player. More information and options are listed in the Wish Shop section below.
When should I Rebirth my heroes?
- The best time for a Rebirth of a Hero is when preparing to push Leagues in the Hall of Fame. Otherwise, you should always try to rebirth when an Event is active which will refund souls for rebirthing (this is every Sunday, the “fable” for this can be found in the event center). This is much more important for higher tiers of Rebirth, so if a first Rebirth will finish a Weekly Quest, a task in the Event Path or other useful thing, do the rebirth. However, when Rebirthing make sure that you are able to relevel your heroes back to a usable level - in general, the required levels for soulbinding or the Event Path are a good benchmark. For more specific comparisons between Rebirths/levels, Mighty Bot's
command on the Official Discord Server will display stat comparisons between potential levels/Rebirths. For Soulbinds, most important are the rare/epic/legendary soulbinds, as those are required for steps in Global Events.- Level 16
- Level 13
- Level 8
- Level 6
- Level 16
- For Global Event Path, depending on Event Tier which is based on Maximum League:
- Step 1.17: Level 6/8/8/12/13
- Step 2.17: Level 7/8/10/12/13
- Step 3.11: Level 8/10/12/13/14
- Step 3.15: Level 10/12/14/15/16
- Step 1.17: Level 6/8/8/12/13
When should I Soulbind my heroes?
- You should immediately Soulbind heroes that you actively use in your squad and as needed for Global Event steps. For other heroes, soulbinds (as well as Reborns and Level-ups) increase total might, which increases the difficulty Dungeon of Trials. However, the difficulty increase from soulbinding is negligible and not worth worrying over as the point where soulbinds would actually influence difficulty can be carried by the correct choice of warlord (Morgoth or Ogre). Keep in mind that a reserve of soul dust should be kept for the relevant event steps to boost heroes and to soulbind upcoming event heroes.
How does League affect gameplay and rewards?
- The majority of gameplay and rewards in Mighty Party will use either your Collection Army Might or your lifetime maximum League achieved to determine the value or difficulty. The exceptions are below:
- Dark Tower rarity selection each turn is based on Current League
- Hall of Fame Season rewards are based on Maximum League reached in that Season
- Chests in Hall of Fame are based on current league
- Rank - Overall measurement of account development. Ranks improve the Gold Mine. Experience is mainly gained from the Journey. Ranks have been made useless and should not be worried about.
- League - Measurement of account in relation to other accounts. Advancing in League unlocks various features. This is your main goal as a player.
- Warlord - The "player character". There are currently 4 warlords and over 20 skins each with different abilities. Most people refer to a Warlord as WL or WL skin. The skins add much better stats and skills than their base counterparts.
- Hero - Also known as cards. 8 heroes form a Squad which the Warlord takes into battles.
- Souls - Also known as copies. Souls are used to level up and evolve heroes.
- Resources - Used for purchasing or enabling various features.
Gems are the primary game resource, and most other resources can be purchased directly for Gems - generally the option to purchase will appear when attempting to use a resource that you are lacking.
Creating an Account
- There is a single server that everyone plays on, but different platforms can be used to log in.
- There is no way to merge different platform accounts with the exception of Facebook which can be linked to a mobile platform - each platform used to log in creates a unique account with a different ID.
PC Platforms
Mobile Platforms
- A Facebook account is the most versatile account type as it allows play on both PC and mobile. Otherwise a Steam account provides the best and most stable user experience, but does not allow native mobile play via apps.
Progression Unlocks
- Various Game Modes and features unlock as you advance in League, while difficulty is based on the total Might of your entire collection. Most important are reaching League 22 to unlock Global Events as they are the main method for unlocking Heroes and League 20 to unlock the Dungeon of Trials/Black Market which is the best source for focused Hero development
- The Journey is the main storyline of the game and consists of a series of battles against increasingly difficult enemies. The Journey is designed to be difficult to complete - The final chapter (Chapter 9) of the Journey is extremely difficult for those without the proper heroes or time. Progression in the Journey only slightly improves the rewards from the recurrent timed Journey chest, so don't worry too much if you get stuck.
- Of special note is the Gem Fund which is a limited time offer lasting 2 weeks from account creation and offers by far the best
Gem to real money ratio, rewarding
Gem for progressing in the Journey. If you are planning on spending any money at all and planning to play the game seriously, the Gem Fund is one of the better long term best purchases you can make.
- Tip: Look at the enemies abilities and try to build a squad which can counter them. Remember that you will get stuck at some point and that to progress you will likely need to develop your Heroes more or obtain a key
Legendary Hero. A Journey Guide with tips and tricks specific to the Journey can be found here.
League 28: Gold Mine
- Use your squad in the Gold Mine to destroy statues within 7 turns to gather
Gold. The Philosopher Stone will spawn 1 statue on a random square each time it is hit up to a maximum of 12 statues per turn. Statue health and gold increases with Journey progression.
- Tip: Use heroes with Multi-Attack to generate as many statues per turn as possible. Once you can reliably generate 12 statues per turn in the later turns, min/maxing involves generating as many statues as possible in the first few turns. The below squads are very effective in the gold mine:
King of the North Jimmy Rockerboy |
Options: Charon, Soul Catcher, Draggara, Strik, The Fiery Heart, Mina Hellsing, The Colonist Invader, Red-haired Beast |
Oiran the Red Moon |
Options: Leader Nilen, Draggara, Strik, The Fiery Heart, The Colonist Invader, Red-haired Beast |
Oiran the Red Moon |
Options: Other slots should be filled with Heroes that have ![]() ![]() Turn 1: Fury, the great warrior - Spawn 4 statues |
Trixy, Cheerleader |
Options: Other slots should be filled with Heroes that have ![]() ![]() Turn 1: Summon Witch_(Trixy) and play Grace of Rockfleet ideally in third lane |
League 27: Friend Requests
- Allows you to send and receive requests for
Common or
Rare Souls to friends. Donating Heroes rewards
- Tip: These souls can be used to complete the "collect rare souls" tasks in Global Events
League 27: Mighty Pass
- Unlocks the Mighty Pass, which is a monthly reward system similar to daily and weekly quests. The Mighty Pass has a cycle of 21 days. Rewards for the Mighty Pass are earned by completing daily and weekly Quests.
- Tip: Delay opening daily/weekly reward chests until the pass is active. The chests in the Mighty Pass can be saved and used to complete event steps.
- Note: the mighty pass has several versions that scale with your maximum league. If you’re considering buying the premium version, it is advised to wait until you leveled up your max. league a bit first. It is a decent deal for resources though must be purchased every 3 weeks again when a new one starts
League 24: Guilds (Turf Wars)
- Join a Guild and send Champions to claim territories in Turf Wars. Turf wars reset weekly, troops can be sent once daily, and there are 3 clashes per day with rewards distributed based on territories claimed at the end of the 3rd clash.
- Tip: Follow your guild's targets indicated by a crosshair (target) and white flag (do not target) on tiles.
League 22: Event Center
- The Event Center, offers weekly quests to earn
Gems and
Stamped Coins which can be spent in the Mystery Store for Souls and Resources.
- Tip: Always try to wait to develop your heroes when there is an event center quest available - once the event center task is complete, wait until the next quest appears before continuing to develop heroes.
League 22: Global Events
- Global Events are the main method to unlock Heroes. Complete specific tasks and defeat special event bosses to gain
Event Rune which can be used to open event chests containing event heroes. Event difficulty and rewards are based on the highest reached League with 5 different tiers:
- League 21-15
- League 14-10
- League 9-5
- League 4-2
- League 1-GM
- Tip: The best method to unlock
Epic and
Legendary Heroes. The primary goal is to unlock all 9 featured heroes. The secondary goal is to open as many 5k
Event Rune chests in Chapter 3 to obtain
Legendary Souls. Note that in addition to the League tiers above, the current Chapter of the Global Event also affects the reward, with the best rewards available in Chapter 3. There are lots of tricks to getting the most out of Global Events, such as storing chests in the battle chamber to open later, saving up Pit/Dark Tower runs, requesting event heroes, etc. - most of which can be found on the Event Tips and Tricks page.
- Tip: Upon reaching League 22 for the first time, the starter event First Blood will immediately begin. This Global Event is different from normal Global Events but does not have great heroes, so do not invest too much into trying to complete the event. You cannot participate in any events until the timer for First Blood has ended. You do not need to complete the questline so don’t bother investing in it and aim to pick up all 3 epic heroes there.
League 22: Wish Shop
- Available after completing the Starter Event and appearing every other week, the Wish Shop allows you choose up to 3
Legendary Heroes to include in a special summoning chest.
- Tip: The Wish Shop is a good source for hero development, but can only be used for a specific hero every 3 appearances. The first roll is a guaranteed hero, but if you have the option to choose more than one hero make sure to save up enough
Gems to unlock the hero you want, since selected heroes cannot be chosen again for 2 wish shops.
- Generally, a "Carry", or hero that will win the match when played and left unanswered, should be the first pick in order to begin developing them as soon as possible via summons and the Black Market. Ideally the carry would also have a fully unlocked Evolution line in order to acquire more souls. If none of the below heroes are an improvement, wishing for Gold Mine heroes or heroes to complete Soulbinds is next. See the Gold Mine section of the New Player Guide for more information.
- If you are unsure of what to pick to improve your existing squad Apollo, Aharin Gods Will, Blair, Charon, Soul Catcher, Dead Lord, and Groot, Silent Guardian are heroes that can fit in all squads regardless of squad composition.
If you just started playing or are just starting to put together a legendary squad, Apollo, Charon, Soul Catcher, and Shadow Shaa-Moona are good heroes to build a squad around.
- For efficient
Gem usage in the
Legendary Wish Shop, it is best to purchase 6 spins for 1784
to reach the 8 spin bonus chest after including the 2 free daily spins. 21 spins for 4297
in order to reach the 21 spin bonus chests is also decent with excess gems or good wish heroes.
Wish Shop Priority List
- Below are a list of heroes, roughly in order of priority, that should be considered as some of your first wish shop selections. They all bring some combination of raw atk power, high hp, or skill versatility that will compliment and fit into almost any non themed deck. They're also heroes that will continue to be useful to you as you make your way up the leagues.
![]() |
![]() |
Charon, Soul Catcher
![]() |
Frost, the Snow Queen
![]() |
Shadow Shaa-Moona
![]() |
Aharin Gods Will
![]() |
Dead Lord
![]() |
Groot, Silent Guardian
![]() |
Void Jewel
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Villano Mad Genius
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Ball'Zt, the Warden
![]() |
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Tengu, Ravencrest
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Leader Nilen
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Poison Flos
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Madam Lo'Trix
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Mizu, the Sea Foam
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Jörmun Grand
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Airavata Heaven's Fury
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Morgan, the Sea Tusk
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Justia, Law Goddess
Below are some example squads based on the recommendations above:
League 22: Gold Shop Bonus (Midas/Shower)
- Starting League 22, the Hand of Midas and Golden Shower Shop Bonus can appear for 12 hours which provides a 50% (Golden Shower) or 100% (Hand of Midas) bonus when purchasing 100k
Gold for 500
- Tip: If purchasing gold, Hand of Midas is the best gold to gem ratio in the game. Golden Shower and doubling 12h journey rewards after reaching sector 9 are the next best options.
League 20: Dungeon of Trials
- The Dungeon of Trials provides access to one of 2 weekly Game Modes: Dark Tower and The Pit. Both modes have difficulty based on total collection Might and reward
Copper Coins for use in the Black Market as well as Chests from
Big Rare Chest to
Legendary Chest. The Black Market will be the main source of progression by purchasing relevant
Legendary Hero lots.
- Dark Tower: Use randomly selected heroes from your collection to fight against AI controlled player collections and win 16 times, with 3
Dark Tower Attempts that recover at 1
Dark Tower Attempts per 12 hours. Hero selection is based on current league, giving you a choice of 4
Common, 4
Rare, 4
Epic, or 4
Legendary heroes per turn.
- Tip: Guild boosts can be used for a huge advantage. Each win will match you against a more difficult opponent, but each loss will match you against a less difficult opponent until you win - it's guaranteed to clear this mode if you purchase enough
Dark Tower Attempts.
- The Pit: Battle against 10 bosses of increasing difficulty using all Heroes in your collection only once, with 3
Power Sigil (attempts) that recover at 1
Power Sigil per 12 hours. Rewards are dark coins and chests from big rare to legendary. You are given a random choice of 1
Common, 1
Rare, 1
Epic, and 1
Legendary hero to play per turn, and can reshuffle up to 3 times per attempt.
- Tip: Remember you can only use each hero once during the entire week. If you don't have a lot of heroes, skip turns when you're in a good position to preserve heroes for later bosses. Guild bonuses apply here as well for an advantage in the early game with low collection might.
League 19: Legendary Chests
Legendary Chest begin dropping from the Hall of Fame starting from League 19.
- Tip: It is best to save these chests for Global Events to pass the "open legendary chests" step at the end of Chapter 2. Global events occur every 2 weeks and start on Friday’s at 10:00 UTC
League 18: Divine Arena
- Play one of two themed squads in the Divine Arena every 48 hours. Rewards are an
Epic Chest per squad, so 2
Epic Chest total.
Legendary Chests are available during special events.
- Tip: Since you have unlimited attempts, to save time, surrender if your opening play is not to your liking and try again. Divine Arena is recommended to be played every single time as it’s free and helps teach you how certain heroes or combinations work. Note that each Epic Chest also gives 100 runes so saving the one on Wednesday before the Global Events means a free extra 200 runes if you complete the DA after the event started but before the next DA begins.
League 17: Legendary Season Chests
Legendary Chest are rewarded per season and per league advancement starting at League 17.
League 16: Pets/Hunt
- Unlocks Pets and the Honey Dew Rescue quest path to earn a Honey Dew pet. Hunts cost 300 (
Rare)/500 (
Epic)/800 (
Gems to begin a set of 10 quests to earn extra pet Souls, with bonus souls if all 10 quests are completed.
- Tip: Hunts in combination with Legendary Draft (see below) are a good way to pass the “spend X ” nodes in various events.
League 16-13: Black Market Legendary Lots
- Unlocks additional
Legendary slots in the Black Market, which is the best source for focused Hero development. Each League between 16 and 13 will change one
Epic slot into a
Legendary slot.
League 15: Seasonal PvP
- Very similar to Hall of Fame battles but with a few restrictions/differences such as:
- Decks being limited to certain heroes
- Warlord and pet levels are different from your main squad each season
- Chests gained only give the heroes in that season
- ELO Matchmaking where the higher you place the more rewards you'll receive at the end of the season relative to other players in your ranking
League 14: Legendary Draft
- Legendary Draft (LD) is generally recognized as the best early-game method of farming and stocking up on Scrolls, though it is time consuming. In LD, you get 4 choices of random Warlords and pick 1, then pick 1 from 3 heroes, repeat this 7 more times until you have a full deck. You then play this team against other teams, all levels for heroes and warlords are fixed and the heroes aren’t your own.
- The reason it's such a huge treasure trove is that the mode gets more difficult the higher your max. league is. Up to league 11 it’s super easy as the enemy teams are poorly built and have weak warlords while you can still select the good stuff and it’s easy to win, earning you various resources.
- The higher you go, the better and meaner enemy teams and warlords get.
- It is often advised to stay between L14-L11 until you’re satisfied with your LD rewards.
- Note: there is a free version available with no rewards in case you’re afraid of losing gems, you can practice there
League 10: Summon Offer Shop Bonus (10x Discount Demigods)
- Starting League 10, the Summon Offer Shop Bonus can appear for 12 hours which provides a discounted Demigods Summon at the price of 899/799/699
Gems per summon (normally 1299/1199/999
Gems per summon).
- Tip: This is one of the better uses of gems outside of permanent purchases such as Warlords, especially when combined with Global Events which doubles the souls of event heroes.
Hero Development
- The most important aspect of success in Mighty Party is developing your heroes by Leveling Up, Soulbinding, and Reborning your Heroes. The 8 heroes in your Squad are the most important, but all heroes need to be developed for use in The Pit, Dark Tower and other modes.
Collecting Souls
- With the June 1st 2021 update, obtaining souls in order to level up heroes has become much easier. The best methods to collect souls using game Resources are as follows:
- 1. The Black Market, Mystery Store, and Wish Shop to target specific Heroes
- 2. Summons during a 10x discount Event for many randomly distributed souls
- 3. Festive Summons which cost more but only contain event-locked Heroes
- 4. Chosen Hero Events
- 5. Hero’s Fair, a once per month enhanced Black Market (bigger costs, bigger rewards)
- With this in mind, it is best purchase Black Market lots for useful heroes, perform discounted Demigods summons when available, and perform a Festive Summon only as a new player without a lot of unlocked heroes. To get the most out of your
Gem, you should always summon Demigods while Hunts or Global Events will reward you for doing so.
Leveling Up
- Leveling up using Souls increases Might, but requires increasing amounts of gold. Each level gives additional
Atk, or improves Skills.
- Heroes should only be leveled up in the following cases:
- 1. To complete Event Center quests
- 2. To complete Daily or Weekly Quests
- 3. To complete a Global Event task (Chapter 1: level up heroes)
- Tip: There is a Guild bonus which reduces the amount of gold required to level up, and an Event Center quest Gold Vein which returns a portion of spent gold.
- Evolving is available at League 19, and lets you convert Heroes to a higher Heroes#Rarity.
- Tip: Evolving should always be done with the Guild bonus active. Generally evolving is performed to complete quests to obtain Souls (of any or a given hero). With high enough
VIP, evolving can become a very efficient way to obtain high rarity heroes.
- Soulbinding is available at League 26, and grants permanent boosts to
Atk or
HP. Heroes can be soulbound up to 4 times using Soul Dust, with each soulbind requiring specific levels of other heroes. Soulbinding should be immediately performed on any actively used heroes. Soulbinding unused heroes is optional - while it increases total might which affects difficulty within the Dungeon of Trials, this effect is marginal compared to leveling heroes.
- Tip: In order to unlock all soulbinds,
Common should be leveled up to level 16,
Rare to level 13,
Epic to level 8, and
Legendary to level 6.
- Note: boosting a hero does not count towards the required soulbind level.
- Rebirth is available at League 22, and grants permanent upgrades to attack, health, and even skills, but resets the hero's level back to 1. This will likely reduce the strength of the hero unless you are able to level it back up immediately, but also grants more level ups and thus more
Gems from unity of factions.
- Tip: Reborns should generally only be performed with a planned Reboosted push and to obtain additional level-ups to complete quests. However, when Reborning make sure that you are able to relevel your heroes back to a usable level - in general, the required levels for soulbinding are a good benchmark: Level 16
Common, Level 13
Rare, Level 8
Epic, and Level 6
Gameplay Tips
Although Mighty Party is much more about proper management of Resources, farming specific resources is possible.
Hero Souls
- Farming Souls of a specific Hero is possible by keeping its Might low relative to the rest of your collection within the same Rarity. All random drops except for Global Events have a higher chance of containing lower Might heroes. This is most useful (and noticeable) when farming Rare heroes in order to Evolve up to higher rarities.
Gold can be farmed in the Hall of Fame. Although Chests are limited by available slots, gold is still awarded for each victory. The amount of gold rewarded can be increased by:
- The Blessing of Midas Guild Bonus
- Win Streaks by purposely dropping in League. However note that the amount of gold rewarded per victory is based on current league.
Global Events
- You may be able to refresh Event Bosses and purchase
Attempts for Event Runes at a cheaper price than purchasing them directly with
Gems (3
), although that will generally only be cheaper with late Chapter 3 bosses.
General Progression
- Do not level up anything except what is necessary to advance. Unlock the Event Center at League 22 in order to receive rewards for developing Heroes.
- Wish Shop unlocks at League 22 after completing First Blood. Your first Wish Shop should be used to pick a strong carry to build a team around.
- Grace of Rockfleet is one of the strongest heroes as well as the best Gold Mine hero.
- Legion, God of War combos well with the many
Rare and
Order Heroes that are available in the early Leagues. He also has the benefit of being a good Gold Mine hero. However, a Legion pick will limit your viable choices in the future if you choose to continue using him.
- Shadow Shaa-Moona is not a carry, but is a very good tank to protect your other heroes. Although she will not win the fight by herself, she is very good at protecting the backline and your Warlord and does not need any levels to do so.
- For more recommendations, see the Wish Shop section.
- Global Events and Chosen Hero Events unlock at League 22. Check the Event path difficulty to ensure you are able to get as far into the event as possible - it is better to make it to Chapter 3 than to advance a global event tier and only make it to Chapter 2. However if you are going to be stuck in the same tier regardless (generally due to lacking soulbinds), it is better to advance.
Gems should be saved and spent on the Og'ord Crusher (Ogre) skin for Son of Woods or the Dark Reaper Morgoth skin for Void Spirit, then on Black Market lots to improve your squad or on summons while doubling up with a Hunt, or quest.
- Which warlord depends on squad composition. Ogre is more versatile, but a "face" deck that goes directly for the warlord works great with Jimmy.
- Global Events prevent other events from occurring. This is specifically relevant for First Blood which begins immediately on reaching League 22 and lasts for 6 days, and will prevent other events from occurring while it is active
Plan Reboosted pushes in order to advance in League. The first Reboosted push should take 1490 Souls, 107900Gold, and 6300
Soul Dust per reboosted hero before discounts to reach League 7-10 with Level 12 Reborn 2 heroes boosted to Level 21 Reborn 2. The second Reboosted push should take 4330 Souls, 291200
Gold, and 8400
Soul Dust per reboosted hero before discounts to reach League 1-4 using Level 14 Reborn 3 heroes boosted to approximately Level 26 Reborn 3.
NOTE: reboost is currently unavailable, it is uncertain if it will be back and when
Premium Purchases
- There are a few Premium purchases that are helpful in the long run:
- The Gem Fund is available for a limited time and offers the best Gem to Real Money ratio.
- Chest Slots are the next best value, but only for PC players as having additional chest slots in the Hall of Fame is not useful when only one chest can be opened at a time. Additional slots will also allow you to "save" chests in preparation for events.
- VIP is a recurring subscription that offers great benefits, but also requires investment in the hundreds or thousands to be worth it, so it is generally not for new players.
Warlord Skins
- Purchasable Warlord skins are significant upgrades over the base warlords. This should be one of the first purchases made with
Gems a new player makes, if a decent skin is available in the Event Center. It is recommended to check the warlord schedule and see when it will next feature a top tier warlord.
Warlord Tier List
- Tier 1 - Ogre, Morgoth, Trixy, Cheerleader. Ogre and Morgoth both can be purchased with gems but Cheer must be purchased or $10. Ogre is a defensive warlord highly reliant on being supported by a strong squad, but has abilities useful for all types of squads and remains relevant throughout all levels of play. Morgoth is an aggressive warlord with strong summons but needs to survive until turn 5. These two are generally considered to be the best overall warlords and it is highly recommended to get one of these first if the event center allows it.
- Tier 2 - Cookie, Geisha, Anna, White Shaman. These are all decent Warlords, but will generally not be as beneficial for new players. Cookie allows for powerful combos, but requires certain heroes for that. Anna unfolds to her full potential with mental shield heroes. Geisha and Shaman rely less on specific heroes, but are generall less impactful than the tier 1 skins.
- Tier 3 - Pirate, Jimmy Rockerboy. Pirate was highly recommended when the AI did not avoid his damage pentagrams. He can still be helfpul in The Pit, but less so in the hall of fame.
- Tier 4 - Efreet, Spider Queen.
- Tier 5 - Shadow, Nord.
- $10 only - Soccer, Fan, Cheer, Referee. These skins are never featured in the Event Center, including deals, so they can't purchased with gems or money. If you are reading this as an old player that happened to purchase these skins when they were still available, not that Cheer is the best skin for gold mine and also is currently popular in the GM league.
As above, Cheer is a tier 1 warlord and should be your first choice here as she’s extremely powerful in Hall of Fame and also the best Gold Mine warlord. Adam Soccer and Void Referee work well and are considered to be tier 2 and tier 3 respectively, being funkier alternatives with decent skill sets but nothing super useful for climbing. Bear, Soccer Fan is considered the worst of the 4 as his skillset is kind of outdated. He’s a tier 4 warlord.
- In general a new player should aim to purchase Ogre first. Although Morgoth can be more effective for aggressive tactics in higher Leagues, Ogre is relevant through all levels of play.
- Geisha can be considered to be purchased for a Gold Mine squad. All other warlords should be purchased only with excess
Gems in order to complete the Global Event task in Chapter 3 or the Event Center quest lines to win with that specific warlord.