Wish Trove

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Wish Shop Icon.png

The Wish Trove (formerly Wish Shop) is a special event available at League 22 after completing the First Blood Global Event. The wish trove allows players to select up to 3 Heroes depending on the player's maximum League to add as possible rewards to a roulette.

The Legendary Legendary Wish Trove was added on December 20, 2019, as a seasonal event and under the name Wish Shop, before becoming a normally scheduled event on July 24, 2020. The Legendary Legendary Wish Trove is normally scheduled every 2 weeks starting on Monday and ending on Wednesday.

The next Legendary Legendary Wish Trove is expected to occur on:

Start: Monday, June 24, 10:00 UTC
End: Wednesday, June 26, 10:00 UTC
Starts in 3 days, 15 hours, 19 minutes
This page was last cached on Thursday 18:40 UTC, 20 June 2024. Click here to purge the server cache to update dates and times.
Listed events and dates are predictions of upcoming events. Special events may change the schedule. Check #events-announcements on the official Discord for the official schedule.

Hero Selection

The number of heroes that can be selected is based on maximum League:

  • League 5-GM: 3 heroes
  • League 15-6: 2 heroes
  • League 16-22: 1 hero

Once a hero is selected, it cannot be selected again for 2 wish troves. This timer can be tracked by clicking on the locked hero to see when it will unlock.


Legendary Legendary

A single spin is 299 Gem Gem, or 2499 Gem Gem for 10 spins at once. A free spin every 24 hours is no longer part of the Wish Trove.


Besides hero souls, possible Wish Trove rewards include: Elixir Elixir, Contribution Contribution, and Gems Gems. Souls and Elixir Elixir scale in quantity depending on Maximum League, while potential Contribution Contribution and Gem Gem rewards are always the same. The very first spin is guaranteed to reward hero souls.

Each chest opened, including the chest from the free daily spin, will contribute towards a bonus chest which always contains hero souls. The contents and requirements per bonus chest increase with each bonus chest opened.

Bonus Chest Requirements
Bonus Chest Chests Opened Total Chests Reward multiplier
1 8 8 1x
2 13 21 1.15x
3 18 39 1.3x
4 23 62 1.45x
5 28 90 1.6x
6 33 123 1.75x
7 38 161 1.9x
n ROUND(5.33(n-1)+8.33) ROUND(8.33n+5.33(n(n-1)/2) 1+0.15(n-1)

Legendary Legendary Wish Trove

Chest Contents

[Return to Top]
League Legendary Legendary Heroes
Legendary Legendary Heroes
Legendary Legendary Heroes
Elixir Elixir
Elixir Elixir
Elixir Elixir
Contribution Contribution
Contribution Contribution
Contribution Contribution
Gem Gem
Gem Gem
Gem Gem
1/GM 150 200 600 3500 4000 10000 2500 3000 8000 150 200 400
2 150 195 590 3500 4000 10000
3 120 160 470 3500 4000 8000
4 95 130 380 3000 3500 8000
5 80 105 310 3000 3500 8000
6 65 85 255 3000 3500 6000
7 55 70 215 2750 3250 6000
8 45 60 180 2750 3250 6000
9 40 50 150 2750 3250 6000
10 35 45 125 2500 3000 5000
11 30 35 105 2500 3000 5000
12 25 30 90 2500 3000 5000
13 20 25 75 2250 2750 5000
14 15 20 60 2250 2750 4000
15 15 15 50 2000 2500 4000
16 10 15 40 2000 2500 4000
17 10 10 30 1750 2250 4000
18 5 10 20 1750 2250 4000
19 4 5 15 1500 2000 4000
20 4 5 10 1500 2000 4000
21 4 5 10 1500 2000 4000
22 4 5 10 1500 2000 4000

Bonus Chest Contents

Base Bonus Chest Rewards (increased by reward multiplier)
League Legendary (39%) Legendary (38%) Legendary (18%) Legendary (2.1%) Legendary (2%) Legendary (0.9%)
1/GM 800 1000 2000 4200 5600 7600
2 800 1000 1950 4100 5450 7450
3 650 800 1550 3300 4400 5950
4 500 650 1250 2650 3550 4800
5 400 500 1050 2150 2900 3900
6 350 425 850 1800 2400 3250
7 275 350 700 1500 2000 2700
8 225 300 600 1250 1650 2250
9 200 250 500 1050 1400 1900
10 165 210 425 875 1160 1620
11 140 175 350 735 980 1360
12 115 145 290 615 820 1105
13 95 120 240 505 670 915
14 80 95 195 405 545 730
15 60 80 155 330 435 590
16 50 60 120 260 345 465
17 40 50 95 195 265 355
18 30 35 70 145 195 265
19 20 20 60 90 125 165
20 15 20 60 65 85 115

Tips & Recommendations

The main purpose of the Wish Trove is to both unlock and strengthen your squad with specific Heroes that can "carry" you to higher Leagues for greater rewards. In addition, the earlier heroes are added to your collection, the earlier they begin to appear as rewards in Chests, Shop#Summons, and Shops. Below are recommended heroes that can fill various roles your current squad may be lacking.

Once your squad is built, wishing for heroes required to soulbind heroes in your squad can help them grow stronger. The best time for this is after reaching League 5 for 3 wishes - because heroes cannot be wished for again for 2 wish troves, a total of 9 heroes can be chosen in a full cycle, allowing you to wish for the 8 squad heroes to collect additional souls and 1 hero to add to your collection.

Generally, a Carry should be the first pick in order to begin developing them as soon as possible via summons and the Black Market. Ideally the carry would also have a fully unlocked Evolution line in order to acquire more souls. If none of the below heroes are an improvement, wishing for Gold Mine heroes or heroes to complete Soulbinds is next. See the Gold Mine section of the New Player Guide for more information.

If you are unsure of what to pick to improve your existing squad, Blair, Charon, Soul Catcher, Dead Lord, and Eostre the Dawn Glow are heroes that can fit in all squads regardless of squad composition. If you just started playing or are just starting to put together a legendary squad, Charon, Soul Catcher, Grace of Rockfleet, Legion, God of War, and Shadow Shaa-Moona are good heroes to build a squad around.

For efficient Gem Gem usage in the Legendary Legendary Wish Shop, it is best to purchase 6 spins for 1784Gem to reach the 8 spin bonus chest after including the 2 free daily spins. 21 spins for 4297Gem in order to reach the 21 spin bonus chests is also decent with excess gems or good wish heroes.

Carries are Heroes that will win the match when played and left unanswered. A carry should be a top priority when collecting Souls to be leveled to a comparable strength as enemy heroes in order to be effective.

Aharin Gods Will.png Aharin Gods Will

+ Counterattacks before enemy heroes attack and Steal Attack from enemy heroes
+ Only vulnerable to Melee and indirect damage
+ Very oppressive and hard to kill if not neutralized quickly
- Vulnerable to Eostre the Dawn Glow

Grace of Rockfleet.png Grace of Rockfleet (Recommended)

+ Indirect Damage to clear the board
+ Buff ATK of friendly heroes
+ Win condition after 7 deaths
+ Key hero for Gold Mine squads
- Fragile and needs to be protected

Legion, God of War.png Legion, God of War (Situationally Recommended)

+ Buff ATK and Buff HP of friendly Order heroes
+ One turn Win condition with existing Order heroes
+ Win condition from buffing friendly Order heroes
+ Key hero for Gold Mine squads
- Useless without Order allies

Madam Agony.png Madam Agony

+ Transform threats on play
+ Counter low Health heroes
+ Win condition with buffs from Madam Agony's Crystal
+ Key hero for some Journey strategies
- Can also transform friendly heroes
- Requires some setup to use effectively
- Fragile and needs to be protected

Madam Lo'Trix.png Madam Lo'Trix (Recommended)

+ Puppets protect rows, reflect damage, and Cleanse friendly heroes
+ Win condition from sacrificing Puppets
- Summons are random and can block cells or not protect herself
- Too many summons can become a problem

Mizu, the Sea Foam.png Mizu, the Sea Foam

+ Control the enemy board by Freezing enemy heroes
+ Protects herself with a summoned Water Elemental
+ Win condition from sacrificing Water Elemental
- Water Elemental needs to have a square in order for Mizu to summon it.

Mosura Wind Breath.png Mosura Wind Breath (Recommended)

+ Summon clones of herself that continue to get stronger
+ Very difficult to remove - all Mosuras must be neutralized or killed
+ Win condition from increasing attack over time or protecting ranged carries with continual cloning
- Clones can block other melee heroes from being used
- Vulnerable to debuffs
- Low health if not buffed by allies.

Poison Flos.png Poison Flos

+ Summon hordes of poisonous plants
+ Buff HP of friendly heroes
+ Win condition from creating a wall of high-health heroes
- Summons can block other ranged heroes from being used
- Low direct damage
- Vulnerable to Blair

Tai Ling Dragon Dance.png Tai Ling Dragon Dance (Recommended)

+ Very versatile - protect the warlord/backline, boardwipe, direct warlord damage
+ Win condition from board control and increasing attack over time
+ Win condition from warlord damage using Mushus
- Fragile and needs to be protected
- Vulnerable to AoE
- Mushu dragon summons need to be protected due to low HP.

Yorik, the Risen One.png Yorik, the Risen One

+ Reborn to offset low Health
+ Can deal a lot of damage in one turn by killing starter buildings
- Must kill in order to trigger Buff ATK
- Fragile and will die quickly if not protected

Mina Hellsing.png Mina Hellsing

+ Gains extra attacks from attacking the Warlord - must be countered quickly
+ Evasion makes her immune to ranged attacks
+ Cannot receive miss due to Accuracy
+ Win Condition from massive Warlord damage from being attacked

Support Heroes buff or protect friendly heroes, and are usually played to set up an advantage for the future. Support heroes do not need levels in order to perform their role, but levels will improve their effectiveness.

Alexandria.png Alexandria

+ Cleanses friendly heroes
+ Heals friendly heroes and Warlord
+ Silences enemy heroes
+ Protects herself with a summoned Little Life Palace
- Must be able to hit the enemy
- Does not cleanse herself

Blair.png Blair (Recommended)

+ An answer to enemy Ranged heroes
+ Is useful even after being played by granting Pierce and Mental Shield
- Ranged enemies are not killed, only set to 5 HP. This can be fixed by using the Guild Bonus Divine Retribution
- Fragile and needs to be protected

Charon, Soul Catcher.png Charon, Soul Catcher (Recommended)

+ Immune to common counters such as Warlord Silence and Dead Lord
+ Creates Multi-Attack Runes to be used when needed
+ Can block a lane due to Cenotaph's bulk and Mental Shield on friendly heroes
+ Key hero for Journey strategies
+ Gets significantly better with levels
- Only gets better at milestone levels
- Low Health when not transformed

Discordia.png Discordia

+ Immediately gives friendly heroes extra attacks
- Requires friendly heroes to already be on the field
- Not very useful after buffing friendly heroes

Shadow Shaa-Moona.png Shadow Shaa-Moona (Situationally Recommended)

+ Effectively immortal while a friendly Eclipse Shard is up
+ Protects more than one lane
+ Key hero for Journey strategies
- Can block melee cells making friendly Melee heroes difficult to play
- Eclipse Shard cannot be summoned on tiles with runes or pentagrams on them

Villano Mad Genius.png Villano Mad Genius

+ Massively buffs health of adjacent allies, including his own
+ Decreases attack of enemies
+ Provides massive healing to Warlord
- Can block ally cells by overly buffing weak summons

Control Heroes disable or hinder enemy heroes, and are generally played as an answer to a threat. Control heroes do not need levels to perform their role, but levels will improve their effectiveness.

Dead Lord.png Dead Lord (Recommended)

+ An answer to all Melee heroes except those with Immunity Immunity or Flight Flight
+ Transforms an enemy so stats or mental shield do not matter
+ Summons zombies with poison in the column to protect other rows
+ Gets significantly better with levels
- Transformed enemy remains on the field to potentially shield enemy Ranged heroes. This can be fixed by using the Guild Bonus Blessing of Vlad
- Potentially blocks melee cells due to summons

Eostre the Dawn Glow.png Eostre the Dawn Glow (Recommended)

+ Can block a lane due to high health and Flight.
+ After being played, buffs allies and damages enemies every turn
- Enemies are only Silenced so they will still have their normal stats and can attack as well as potentially shield enemy Ranged heroes
- Cannot buff herself
- Needs to die to silence enemies

Evil "Santa".png Evil "Santa"

+ An answer to all heroes except heroes with Immunity Immunity
+ Transforms an enemy so stats do not matter
+ Can transform Buildings
- Must be able to hit the enemy
- The transformed enemy remains on the field to potentially shield enemy Ranged heroes
- Not very useful after transforming an enemy

Frost, the Snow Queen.png Frost, the Snow Queen

+ An answer to all heroes except those with Immunity Immunity or Summon Summon
+ Freezes and reduces an enemy's Health to 1
+ Warlord healing while on the field
- Target is random and health reduction only happens if the enemy remains Frozen
- Enemy is not killed, only reduced to 1 HP
- Needs Order heroes in order to be useful for more than 1 turn

Groot, Silent Guardian.png Groot, Silent Guardian

+ An answer to all heroes except those with Immunity Immunity
+ Silence cannot be prevented as it occurs upon play
+ Can silence Buildings
- Enemies are only Silenced so they will still have their normal stats and can attack as well as potentially shield enemy Ranged heroes
- Not very useful after silencing enemies

Justia, Law Goddess.png Justia, Law Goddess

+ An answer to all heroes that Summon Summon other heroes
+ Buff the attack of heroes within the same Column
+ Key hero for Journey strategies
- Needs Order heroes in order to be effective as more than a summoner counter

Void Jewel.png Void Jewel (Recommended)

+ Great defensive option that gets even better when fighting Order Order enemies
+ Building, so cannot be Silenced by Og'ord Crusher
+ Key hero for Journey strategies
- Vulnerable to direct silence from heroes like Alexandria or Groot, Silent Guardian
- No offensive capabilities

Below are some example squads based on the recommendations above: Beginner Deck Building.png

Rare and Epic Wish Troves

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  • Reason: Updates/1.23

An Epic Epic version of the Wish Trove was added on January 25, 2022, and a Rare Rare version of the Wish Trove was added on February 1, 2022. The Epic Epic and Rare Rare versions of the Wish Trove alternate every week, with the Epic Epic Wish Trove starting on Tuesday and ending on Friday and the Epic Epic Wish Trove starting on Monday and ending on Thursday. In the 1.23 update on June 16, 2022, the Epic Epic and Rare Rare versions of the Wish Trove were removed from the game.


Epic Epic

A single spin is 99 Gem Gem, or 799 Gem Gem for 10 spins at once, with one free spin every 24 hours.

Rare Rare

A single spin is 49 Gem Gem, or 399 Gem Gem for 10 spins at once, with one free spin every 24 hours.


Epic Epic Wish Trove

Chest Contents
[Return to Top]
League Epic Epic Heroes
Elixir Elixir
Contribution Contribution
Gem Gem
1/GM 360, 480, 1450 1250, 1500, 3000 800, 1000, 2000 50, 75, 150
2 350, 470, 1400
3 280, 375, 1150
4 230, 305, 900 1000, 1250, 2500
5 185, 250, 750
6 155, 200, 625
7 130, 170, 500
8 105, 140, 425
9 90, 120, 350
10 75, 100, 300
11 65, 85, 250
12 55, 70, 210
13 45, 60, 175 750, 1000, 2000
14 35, 45, 140
15 30, 35, 110
16 20, 30, 90
17 15, 20, 65 500, 750, 1500
18 15, 20, 55
19 10, 15, 40
Bonus Chest Contents
Base Bonus Chest Rewards (increased by reward multiplier)
League Epic Epic Heroes
Epic Epic Heroes
Epic Epic Heroes
1/GM 2400, 3600, 7200 4800, 6000, 14400 7200, 9600, 18000
2 2300, 3500, 7000 4700, 5900, 14100 7000, 9400, 17600
3 1900, 2800, 5600 3800, 4700, 11300 5600, 7500, 14100
4 1500, 2300, 4600 3000, 3800, 9100 4600, 6100, 11400
5 1250, 1850, 3700 2500, 3100, 7500 3700, 5000, 9300
6 1000, 1550, 3100 2000, 2600, 6100 3100, 4100, 7700
7 850, 1300, 2600 1700, 2100, 5100 2600, 3400, 6400
8 700, 1050, 2100 1400, 1800, 4300 2100, 2800, 5300
9 595, 900, 1800 1200, 1500, 3600 1800, 2400, 4500
10 500, 750, 1500 1000, 1250, 3000 1500, 2000, 3800
11 420, 630, 1250 850, 1050, 2500 1250, 1700, 3200
12 350, 525, 1050 700, 875, 2100 1050, 1400, 2600
13 290, 430, 865 575, 720, 1750 865, 1150, 2150
14 230, 350, 695 475, 580, 1400 695, 925, 1750
15 185, 280, 560 370, 465, 1100 560, 745, 1400
16 145, 220, 440 290, 365, 875 440, 585, 1100
17 110, 175, 335 225, 280, 670 335, 450, 840
18 90, 130, 265 175, 220, 530 265, 350, 660
19 65, 100, 200 130, 165, 395 200, 265, 495
20 65, 95, 190 130, 160, 385 190, 255, 480

Rare Rare Wish Trove

Chest Contents
[Return to Top]
League Rare Rare Heroes
Elixir Elixir
Contribution Contribution
Gem Gem
1/GM 420, 560, 1700 400, 500, 1000 400, 500, 1000 25, 30, 60
2 410, 550, 1650
3 330, 440, 1300
4 265, 355, 1075
5 215, 290, 875
6 180, 240, 725
7 150, 200, 600
8 125, 165, 500
9 105, 140, 425 200, 250, 500
10 90, 115, 350
11 75, 100, 300
12 60, 80, 250
13 50, 65, 200
14 40, 55, 165
15 35, 45, 130
16 25, 35, 100
17 20, 25, 80
18 15, 20, 60
19 15, 15, 50
20 10, 15, 50
Bonus Chest Contents
Base Bonus Chest Rewards (increased by reward multiplier)
League Rare Rare Heroes
Rare Rare Heroes
Rare Rare Heroes
1/GM 2800, 4200, 8400 5500, 7000, 17000 8500, 11000, 21000
2 2750, 4100, 8200 5500, 7000, 16500 8000, 11000, 20500
3 2200, 3300, 6600 4500, 5500, 13000 6500, 9000, 16500
4 1750, 2650, 5300 3500, 4500, 10500 5500, 7000, 13500
5 1450, 2150, 4350 3000, 3500, 8500 4500, 6000, 11000
6 1200, 1800, 3600 2500, 3000, 7200 3500, 5000, 9000
7 1000, 1500, 2975 2000, 2475, 5950 3000, 4000, 7500
8 825, 1250, 2500 1650, 2075, 5000 2500, 3300, 6250
9 695, 1045, 2100 1740, 1400, 4200 2100, 2800, 5200
10 585, 875, 1750 1175, 1460, 3500 1750, 2350, 4400
11 490, 735, 1470 980, 1225, 2950 1475, 1960, 3700
12 410, 615, 1230 820, 1025, 2450 1225, 1640, 3100
13 335, 505, 1010 670, 840, 2025 1000, 1345, 2500
14 270, 410, 815 545, 680, 1630 815, 1090, 2050
15 220, 325, 655 435, 545, 1310 655, 870, 1625
16 170, 255, 510 340, 425, 1020 510, 680, 1275
17 130, 200, 395 265, 330, 790 395, 530, 990
18 110, 165, 330 220, 275, 660 330, 440, 825
19 85, 130, 260 170, 215, 515 260, 345, 645
20 80, 125, 245 165, 205, 490 245, 330, 615