Evolve allows the players to convert their heroes to higher rarity and this feature is automatically unlocked when the player reaches League 18 (see Picture 1). The default values for evolving is as it is shown below:
- 50
Common heroes to 5
Rare heroes
- 50
Rare heroes to 5
Epic heroes
- 20
Epic heroes to 1
Legendary hero
It should be noted that most rare and epic heroes can evolve only their better versions while all common heroes can evolve to more than one different hero (see Picture 2).
Evolving is only possible if the player has already obtained at least one card of the target hero through other means and rarity tiers can't be skipped. Cards obtained through evolving count for event and hunt objectives to find cards of the respective rarity.
Within the game, the players can find different features that affect the ratio of evolves by either increasing the amount of outcome or decreasing the amount of input needed. These features are listed below.
- Guild Bonus: reduces the amount of input needed.
- VIP: reduces the amount of input needed. up to a maximum of 55% based on VIP level