Event Center

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The Event Center

The Event Center provides access to daily and weekly activities to earn Stamped Coin Stamped Coins to spend at the Mystery Store. Daily Boosts are also available on a set rotation.

Scheduled Events

These events offer several quests which grants Stamped Coin Stamped Coins and various other resources on completion. The events run on a biweekly schedule:

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Week 1 Gold Vein
Warlord of the Week, Pet of the Week, Blood Root
Daily Bonus
Hero Fair
Week 2 Ascension of Legends Unity of Factions
Warlord of the Week, Pet of the Week, Fatal Fight
Daily Bonus
Sapphire's Missive

Warlord of the Week

Warlord of the Week is a collection of quests to defeat other players using various Warlord Skins. Quest progress is cumulative, and completion rewards Stamped Coins Stamped Coins and Gems Gems.


Quest Rewards
Defeat other players using the specified skin 1 time 10Gems and 50Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 3 times 15Gems and 100Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 5 times 15Gems and 150Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 10 times 20Gems and 200Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 15 times 20Gems and 250Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 25 times 30Gems and 300Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 35 times 30Gems and 350Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified skin 50 times 60Gems and 400Stamped Coins
Total 200Gem and 1800Stamped Coin


Warlord Name Flavor Text
Dark Reaper Morgoth Lethal Obsession Wizard Morgoth was tempted by the Fel — a force equally great and dangerous. The neglectful mage dabbled with dark spells too much... until he succumbed to them. But while he lost his body, he gained immense power — and now he feeds off the souls to grow it even more.
King of the North Help From Above One can always find King of the North where the heat of battle blazes. As soon as he hears the call of Order, he sends out squads of loyal warriors and unleashes his righteous wrath on the invaders. Just looking at him makes the blood runs cold in the veins...
White Shaman Ursine Ferocity Messing with White Shaman will cost you. The enemy will pay with their own blood for attacking the bear. White Shaman is said to have received this protection from the mysterious spirits of the forest. They protect him, and the Shaman protects all Nature.
Jimmy Rockerboy Tune of Victory Jimmy Rockerboy is a true star of Pangea. His music doesn't just conquer the hearts and minds - it entrances his followers to the point that they're willing to fight for their idol, ready to rip to pieces anyone that dares doubt the maestro.
Sir Biscuit Gingerbread Gentleman Sir Biscuit may strike you as harmless, but this jolly christmas face hides a truly devilish beast. The very "gifts" he grants his enemies bring them no joy - only explosive suffering.
Rajan Flaming Searing Flame Flame knows no overlord but Rajan. Many poor souls foolishly mistook him for a kind genie, begging for their three wishes. That was until they met his loyal servant who just happened to be burning with desire to please his master.
Anna the Abyss Queen Shadowsong Finding herself in the darkness of the Lower World, Anna didn't perish like the rest. Where others lost faith, she persevered, harnessing dark magic until the abyss itself caved in to her. Ever since, Anna is shadowed by her spirits that protect her and restore her power.
Freebooter Dave Dead Man's Chest Daring and reckless, Freebooter Dave is a notorious pirate, renowned for his countless naval victories. His fame is only matched in rivals that wish him gone few dare to challenge the triumphant corsair, and none have escaped the fate of feeding his sharks.
Spider Queen Intricate Web Hordes of spiders always follow their ruler, poisoning enemies. The cunning of Spider Queen is legendary, and powerful witches fulfill her orders for poisons. Her spies are everywhere, and to be friends with this lady is much more profitable than to fight her.
Og'ord Crusher Battle Rage Og'Ord the Crusher is a ferocious warrior, the talk of many legends. They say his frenzied cry can heal even mortal wounds, instilling nothing but fear in the ranks of his enemies.
Harbinger of Darkness Elusive Shadow Harbinger of Darkness is a dangerous spirit. He was born in the depths of the Lower World, and ruthlessness is his middle name. There's no use in bustling or fleeing - the arrows of his loyal demon subjects strike from afar, and always hit the target.
Oiran the Red Moon Kiss of Death Oiran the Red Moon is renowned for her beauty and the horrible, heinous nature it conceals. She enchants the soul and torments the body of any that fall victim to her, and once she's finished, she sends the poor sod on their final journey with a sharp flick of the fan.

Pet of the Week

Pet of the Week is a collection of quests to defeat other players using a given legendary pet. Quest progress is cumulative, and completion rewards Stamped Coins Stamped Coins and Gems Gems. While a pet is featured in the event center and not owned yet, it is available for 3999 Gems Gems.


Quest Rewards
Defeat other players using the specified pet 1 time 10Gems and 50Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 3 times 15Gems and 100Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 5 times 15Gems and 150Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 10 times 20Gems and 200Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 15 times 20Gems and 250Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 25 times 30Gems and 300Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 35 times 30Gems and 350Stamped Coins
Defeat other players using the specified pet 50 times 60Gems and 400Stamped Coins
Total 200Gem and 1800Stamped Coin

Pet Schedule

The pets are featured in the following cycle, which follows the order of their release.

Pet Name Flavor Text
Prince Gleedy Herald of Victory Prince Gleedy is heir to the ruling dynasty of tigers. During the Rupture, Gleedy's kingdom — Ocelot — was completely destroyed. After a long journey, the wandering tigers found their new home on Pastoral and have been its fiercest guardians ever since.
Sentry Fenrirus Guardian's Advance During the Rupture, Fenrir sought to destroy all Pangea, but powerful mages shackled the beast and banished him to the Lower World. The wolf's descendants vowed to redeem their kin: they proclaimed themselves the Guardians and swore to defend Pangea to the last.
Drogun Rage Unbound In the jungles of Dactyl, adventures stumbled a lair of ancient raptors. They took their hatchlings in, only to realise that the baby raptors are incredibly loyal to their master. Noew there is no Warlord that wouldn't want these smart and ferocious beasts for their army.
Oculus Lightwarden Light's servants discovered a long-lost ritual in an ancient tome. It spoke of some warden created out of pure Light to repeal the Darkness. When the priests completed the ritual, Oculus emerged to be the Light's chosen Warden, protecting Pangea from evil.
Sylvan Keeper of Balance As the legend goes, when God of Bature Baal descends on Pangea, his every step leaves a trail of divine magic. These currents spawn the magnificent creatures empowered by Nature itself. They honor all living things and keep the balance in the name of their God.
Barrog Eye of the Abyss Vast and overwhelming, the Abyss never misses a thing. Aided by many acolytes, it peers into the lives of everyday Pangeans, bringing out their dark temptations or causing them immense pain with nightmares. If their piercing gaze falls upon you, fear your innermost desires!

For the rare pets, the cycle is:

  1. Skoln
  2. Dino Dang
  3. Light Essence
  4. Willow Firefly
  5. Chaos Familiar

Loyal Companion

From Monday to Wednesday, the Event Center offers a series of quests after which you receive a featured rare pet. There is one pet globally scheduled for a week. Players who already own that pet will not see the quest line. The order in which the rare pets are featured also follows their release order and is Skoln, Dino Dang, Light Essence.


Quest Rewards
Kill 20 heroes in battles against other players 5Gems
Receive 300 Rare Rare souls 5Gems
Activate Guild bonus 1 time 5Gems
Reborn heroes 1 time 5Gems
Level-up heroes 15 times 5Gems
Open 3 chests 5Gems
Spend 1000 Copper Coins Copper Coins 5Gems
Spend 15000 Gold Gold 5Gems
Win in battles against other players 2 times in a row 5Gems
Summon 3 times 5Gems
Evolve your souls 50 times into Legendary Legendary 5Gems
Complete 4 daily quests 5Gems
Take your rare pet 1 rare pet soul
Total 60Gem and 1 soul of the specific rare pet

Unity of Factions

The annual Faction Tournament in Goldenwood is in jeopardy - someone has decided to destroy the best warriors of Pangea in one fell swoop! Now is not the time to remember past disagreements. Unite the factions into one powerful squad, strengthen the fighters, and prepare for battle. No one can stand against the threat alone!

– In-game flavor text

Unity of Factions is a collection of quests to level-up a variety of Heroes. Quest progress is cumulative, and completion rewards Stamped Coins Stamped Coins and Gems Gems.

The next Unity of Factions is expected to occur on:

Currently Active
Ends in 3 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes
Start: Monday, January 13, 10:00 UTC
End: Friday, January 17, 10:00 UTC
This page was last cached on Monday 20:02 UTC, 13 January 2025. Click here to purge the server cache to update dates and times.
Listed events and dates are predictions of upcoming events. Special events may change the schedule. Check #events-announcements on the official Discord for the official schedule.
Quest Rewards
Level up Order heroes 30 times 180Gem and 360Stamped Coin
Level up Nature heroes 30 times 180Gem and 360Stamped Coin
Level up Chaos heroes 30 times 180Gem and 360Stamped Coin
Level up Rare heroes 20 times 60Gem and 120Stamped Coin
Level up Epic heroes 20 times 120Gem and 240Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 20 times 180Gem and 360Stamped Coin
Total 900Gem and 1800Stamped Coin

Ascension of Legends

The Royal Book of Legends is an impartial guardian of the glory of great warriors. Its author is unknown, but the book magically creates new pages and stories of feats. Brave men from all over Pangea go on adventures to perpetuate their merits. Now there is another page in the book, whose name will appear this time?

– In-game flavor text

Ascension of Legends is a collection of quests to level-up Legendary Legendary Heroes. Quest progress is cumulative, and completion rewards extra Stamped Coins Stamped Coins.

The next Ascension of Legends is expected to occur on:

Starts in 10 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes
Start: Friday, January 24, 10:00 UTC
End: Monday, January 27, 10:00 UTC
This page was last cached on Monday 20:02 UTC, 13 January 2025. Click here to purge the server cache to update dates and times.
Listed events and dates are predictions of upcoming events. Special events may change the schedule. Check #events-announcements on the official Discord for the official schedule.
Quest Rewards
Level up Legendary heroes 5 times 300Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 10 times 300Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 15 times 300Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 25 times 600Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 35 times 600Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 45 times 600Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 60 times 900Stamped Coin
Level up Legendary heroes 75 times 900Stamped Coin
Total 4500Stamped Coin

Gold Vein

On the eve of the tourneys, the Bank of Pangea gives contestants back part of the gold spent on preparation! It doesn't come cheap to participate in such contests. Training and equipment cost a pretty penny, so Pangean warriors hurry to enjoy this generous offer.

– In-game flavor text

Gold Vein is a collection of quests to spend Gold Gold. Quest progress is cumulative, and completion rewards Stamped Coins Stamped Coins and up to 25% of the total Gold Gold spent.

The next Gold Vein is expected to occur on:

Starts in 3 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes
Start: Friday, January 17, 10:00 UTC
End: Friday, January 24, 10:00 UTC
This page was last cached on Monday 20:02 UTC, 13 January 2025. Click here to purge the server cache to update dates and times.
Listed events and dates are predictions of upcoming events. Special events may change the schedule. Check #events-announcements on the official Discord for the official schedule.

League 22-16

Quest Rewards
Spend 1500 gold 375Gold and 50Stamped Coins
Spend 4500 gold 750Gold and 100Stamped Coins
Spend 10000 gold 1375Gold and 150Stamped Coins
Spend 19000 gold 2250Gold and 200Stamped Coins
Spend 32000 gold 3250Gold and 250Stamped Coins
Spend 49000 gold 4250Gold and 300Stamped Coins
Spend 72000 gold 5750Gold and 350Stamped Coins
Spend 100000 gold 7000Gold and 400Stamped Coins
Total 25000Gold and 1800Stamped Coin

League 15-11

Quest Rewards
Spend 2250 gold 550Gold and 50Stamped Coins
Spend 6750 gold 1100Gold and 100Stamped Coins
Spend 15000 gold 2100Gold and 150Stamped Coins
Spend 28500 gold 3400Gold and 200Stamped Coins
Spend 48000 gold 4850Gold and 250Stamped Coins
Spend 73500 gold 6400Gold and 300Stamped Coins
Spend 108000 gold 8600Gold and 350Stamped Coins
Spend 150000 gold 10500Gold and 400Stamped Coins
Total 37500Gold and 1800Stamped Coin

League 10-6

Quest Rewards
Spend 3750 gold 950Gold and 50Stamped Coins
Spend 11250 gold 1900Gold and 100Stamped Coins
Spend 25000 gold 3400Gold and 150Stamped Coins
Spend 47500 gold 5650Gold and 200Stamped Coins
Spend 80000 gold 8100Gold and 250Stamped Coins
Spend 122500 gold 10600Gold and 300Stamped Coins
Spend 180000 gold 14400Gold and 350Stamped Coins
Spend 250000 gold 17500Gold and 400Stamped Coins
Total 62500Gold and 1800Stamped Coin

League 5-2

Quest Rewards
Spend 6000 gold 1500Gold and 50Stamped Coins
Spend 18000 gold 3000Gold and 100Stamped Coins
Spend 40000 gold 5500Gold and 150Stamped Coins
Spend 76000 gold 9000Gold and 200Stamped Coins
Spend 128000 gold 13000Gold and 250Stamped Coins
Spend 196000 gold 17000Gold and 300Stamped Coins
Spend 288000 gold 23000Gold and 350Stamped Coins
Spend 400000 gold 28000Gold and 400Stamped Coins
Total 100000Gold and 1800Stamped Coin

League 1/GM

Quest Rewards
Spend 9000 gold 2250Gold and 50Stamped Coins
Spend 27000 gold 4500Gold and 100Stamped Coins
Spend 60000 gold 8250Gold and 150Stamped Coins
Spend 114000 gold 13500Gold and 200Stamped Coins
Spend 192000 gold 19500Gold and 250Stamped Coins
Spend 294000 gold 25500Gold and 300Stamped Coins
Spend 432000 gold 34500Gold and 350Stamped Coins
Spend 600000 gold 42000Gold and 400Stamped Coins
Total 150000Gold and 1800Stamped Coin

Chain of quests

A chain of 10 quests begins every Friday and lasts for a week. Unlike other quests, these are not cumulative, while their completion rewards 150 Stamped Coins Stamped Coins.

Fatal Fight

Discordia is defeated and vanished into thin air. D'Ark is freed from the evil spell and thanks Angelia for saving her. It was an overall victory for the Order, a faction that never retreats or surrenders.

– In-game flavor text

League 22-16

Quest Rewards
Find 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coins
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coins
Collect resources in Gold mine 2 times 150Stamped Coins
Use any Warlord skill 20 times while fighting other players 150Stamped Coins
Spend 100 Gems 150Stamped Coins
Spend ??? Gold 150Stamped Coins
Kill 50 heroes in battles against other players 150Stamped Coins
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coins
Find ??? souls of heroes 150Stamped Coins
Win against other players 10 times 150Stamped Coins
Total 1500Stamped Coin

League 15-11

Quest Rewards
Find 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coins
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coins
Collect resources in Gold mine 2 times 150Stamped Coins
Use any Warlord skill 20 times while fighting other players 150Stamped Coins
Spend 100 Gems 150Stamped Coins
Spend 15000 Gold 150Stamped Coins
Kill 50 heroes in battles against other players 150Stamped Coins
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coins
Find 2700 souls of heroes 150Stamped Coins
Win against other players 10 times 150Stamped Coins
Total 1500Stamped Coin

League 10-6

Quest Rewards
Find 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coins
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coins
Collect resources in Gold mine 2 times 150Stamped Coins
Use any Warlord skill 20 times while fighting other players 150Stamped Coins
Spend 100 Gems 150Stamped Coins
Spend 25000 Gold 150Stamped Coins
Kill 50 heroes in battles against other players 150Stamped Coins
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coins
Find 7300 souls of heroes 150Stamped Coins
Win against other players 10 times 150Stamped Coins
Total 1500Stamped Coin

League 5-2

Quest Rewards
Find 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coins
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coins
Collect resources in Gold mine 2 times 150Stamped Coins
Use any Warlord skill 20 times while fighting other players 150Stamped Coins
Spend 100 Gems 150Stamped Coins
Spend ??? Gold 150Stamped Coins
Kill 50 heroes in battles against other players 150Stamped Coins
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coins
Find ??? souls of heroes 150Stamped Coins
Win against other players 10 times 150Stamped Coins
Total 1500Stamped Coin

League 1/GM

Quest Rewards
Find 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coins
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coins
Collect resources in Gold mine 2 times 150Stamped Coins
Use any Warlord skill 20 times while fighting other players 150Stamped Coins
Spend 100 Gems 150Stamped Coins
Spend ??? Gold 150Stamped Coins
Kill 50 heroes in battles against other players 150Stamped Coins
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coins
Find ??? souls of heroes 150Stamped Coins
Win against other players 10 times 150Stamped Coins
Total 1500Stamped Coin

Blood Root

After slipping a sleeping potion into the patrol's drink, Snake led the party into the valley without a single skirmish. But you're tense -- the sum is setting, and the mage is still absent. At last a glow appears in the air, and a dim figure emerges from the portal.

– In-game flavor text

Quest Rewards
Claim Gifts in Journey heroes 1 time 150Stamped Coin
Find 10000Gold 150Stamped Coin
Win against other players 6 times 150Stamped Coin
Win in Brawl 3 times 150Stamped Coin
Collect 100 Gem 150Stamped Coin
Play heroes 30 times in battles against other players 150Stamped Coin
Open 12 chests 150Stamped Coin
Summon 5 times 150Stamped Coin
Level-up your heroes 20 times 150Stamped Coin
Spend 800 Copper Coins 150Stamped Coin
Total 1500Stamped Coin

Extra rewards for ongoing quests

Daily Bonus provides additional 75Stamped Coin per day, while Unity of Factions or Gold Vein is active. It lasts from Monday till Thursday, so it is possible to collect additional 300Stamped Coin.

Sapphire's Missive

Long ago, a mage known as Sapphire conjured Legendarium -- a portal that summons heroes from otherworldly realms. Complete quests and earn Sapphire Clovers to activate the portal.

– In-game flavor text

Sapphire's Missive is an event that happens every other Wednesday and lasts 1 day. It contains a set of quests upon completing which a player could get some legendary souls, including currently locked.

Unlike other events, this one does not show up for all players. Although the availability criteria has never been published, it is believed that this event is unlocked with a real money purchase, as f2p players do not have it.


All quests can be done in parallel and each of them gives 20Sapphire Clover Sapphire Clovers that disappear after the event.

Quest Rewards
Collect resources in Gold Mine 2 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Win against other players 5 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Summon heroes 2 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Level up your heroes 5 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Open 12 chests 20 Sapphire Clover
Win in Brawl 3 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Play heroes 40 times in battles against other players 20 Sapphire Clover
Claim Journey Gifts 3 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Spend 450 Copper Coins 20 Sapphire Clover
Boost heroes 4 times 20 Sapphire Clover
Total 200 Sapphire Clover


Sapphire Clover Sapphire Clovers earned for quest completion can be spent in Mysterious Portal to win one of the following resources: Epic Scroll, Miracle Scroll, Gold, Gems and Amethyst Clover. One spin costs 50 Sapphire Clover.

Amethyst Clover Amethyst Clovers can be spent in Legendarium and also disappear at the end of the event. Legendarium is similar to Black Market with its own currency. Souls amount depends on the highest achieved league.

Hero Fair

Hero Fair is an event that happens every other Wednesday and lasts 1 day alternating weeks with Sapphire's Missive. It provides players with an opportunity to buy legendary heroes for gems in Tavern, including currently locked heroes. Souls amount depends on the highest achieved league.

Lavish Gifts is a set of cumulative quests rewarding players with Gems and Gold for spent Gems. Any gem spending counts, including buying on Black Market and starting a Hunt.

Quest Rewards
Spend 300 Gems 25 Gems 3000 Gold
Spend 600 Gems 50 Gems 6000 Gold
Spend 900 Gems 75 Gems 9000 Gold
Spend 1500 Gems 100 Gems 15000 Gold
Spend 3000 Gems 150 Gems 30000 Gold
Spend 6000 Gems 200 Gems 60000 Gold
Spend 9000 Gems 300 Gems 90000 Gold
Spend 12000 Gems 450 Gems 120000 Gold
Spend 15000 Gems 600 Gems 150000 Gold
Spend 30000 Gems 1000 Gems 300000 Gold

Lucky Hand

Main article: Lucky Hand

Lucky Hand a mini-event that runs once in four weeks, lasts for two days and allows a player to get various rewards (Gold, Epic Scroll, Miracle Scroll, Copper Coins, Stamped Coin, Legendary, Epic) by participating in a luck-based game, where they choose an unknown card and decide, if they want to continue or take the current rewards. See the detailed description in the main article.



A good tool for calculating the number of level ups for your cards. Convenient and with pictures. There is a possibility of fine-tuning. Developed by Elwood player with the support of Jimboblion. The application is absolutely free and without ads. The usage guide is located inside the application. Available in the Play Market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BadGraphic.CardsLevelUpCalculatorforMightyParty and for Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qVKyc7vUya_asp-IDHAFVXXIVncCjKXr/view?usp=sharing. Now version 1.6.0.
Example of displaying cards in CLUCforMP

Example of displaying results of calculations in CLUCforMP.