Lucky Hand

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Lucky hand.png

The Lucky Hand is a monthly mini-event, having various resources (except gems) as rewards as well as Epic Epic and Legendary Legendary souls of random heroes.


Lucky Hand introduces a new currency, Lucky Charm Lucky Charm, that is used to start a luck-based mini-game. 100 Lucky Charm are given to players on game being and the currency is also obtainable via purchases. Starting a game costs 100 Lucky Charm.

These mini-games consists of 30 rounds. In each round, you can choose between two options:

  • Quit and keep your rewards
  • Play another turn. This will give you either
    • a random reward or
    • a black mark (which is red). In this case you can spend some lucky charms to continue (with the reward for this round and going on) or the game is over and you lose your collected rewards.
Drawing Gold. Black mark is highlighted with red circle

The cost to continue after getting a black mark goes up each time you get one.

Visually, obtaining a black mark or a reward is depicted by drawing one of four cards. However, the chance to get a black mark is not always 25% (see below), so the four cards are only to be considered a visual effect.

After drawing a black mark

If you reach the end of turn 30 (by paying to continue each timer after receiving a black mark), you get an additional reward of 5 legendary chests.


As mentioned, starting a game costs 100 Lucky Charm. To continue after getting your first black mark, you have to pay 50 Lucky Charm. Getting a second black mark within the same game will cost you 150 Lucky Charm. The costs for further black marks are 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 and then staying at 1000.


The chances to get a black mark depend on the turn, as well as the possible rewards and their chances given you get the reward. Soul numbers stated here are given for a max league of League 1.

Rounds 1-5

The chance to get a black mark is 0%.

The possible rewards in these rounds have the following chances to appear:

Rounds 6-10

The chance for a black mark is 25% in these rounds.

In case you don't get a black mark or you paid to continue, you can get the following rewards:

Rounds 11-15

The chance for a black mark is 30%

Rounds 16-20

The chance for a black mark is 35%

Rounds 21-30

The chance for a black mark is 40%

  • 25%: 500 Legendary Legendary souls
  • 25%: 600 Legendary Legendary souls
  • 9%: 750 Legendary Legendary souls
  • 19%: 1 epic scroll
  • 19%: 1 miracle scroll
  • 1%: 1500 Legendary Legendary souls
  • 1%: 3 epic scrolls
  • 1%: 3 miracle scrolls

Note: Rewards found in this game are only actually received after completing the game or leaving it voluntarily. If you get lucky charms in some round and later receive a black mark, you can't use those new lucky charms to pay and continue.

Scaling of Soul Rewards

The amount of souls received depends on your highest achieved League. While the numbers given above are for a max league of L1/GM, the amounts in other leagues are - up to rounding - the following percentages of those numbers:

League Percentage
L1/GM 100%
L2 98.8%
L3 79.26%
L4 64.06%
L5 52.3%
L6 43.16%
L7 35.86%
L8 29.96%
L9 25.16%
L10 21.1%
L11 17.76%
L12 14.8%
L13 12.1%
L14 9.8%
L15 7.86%
L16 6.16%
L17 4.76%
L18 3.48%
L19 2.18%
L20 1.48%
L21 1.42%
L22 1.3%