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The Hunt is a set of activatable Quests available at League 16 that reward Pet Souls for completion.


The Hunt costs Gem Gem to activate depending on the Rarity of the Pet being hunted.

The first hunt for each pet will be free.

Once active, the Hunt will start a timer to complete within 6/12/24 hours, after which it will grand an amount of Souls.
When a hunt is completed, a new one can be started.

Soul amounts

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The amount of souls granted for a completed hunt depends on the pet's level.

Pet level Soul amount
Soul amount
1 15 4
2 18 5
3 36 11
4 55 16
5 75 22
6 90 27
7 115 34
8 145 43
9 180 55
10 225 65
11 280 85
12 350 105
13 435 130
14 545 165
15 680 205
16 850 255
17 1065 320
18 1330 400
19 1665 500
20 2080 625
21 2600 780
22 3250 975
23 4065 1220
24 5080 1525
25 6350 1905
26 30 9

Pet level Soul amount
Soul amount
1 10 3
2 12 4
3 24 7
4 36 11
5 49 15
6 60 18
7 75 23
8 95 29
9 120 36
10 150 45
11 185 55
12 235 70
13 290 85
14 365 110
15 455 135
16 570 170
17 710 215
18 890 265
19 1110 335
20 1385 415
21 1735 520
22 2170 650
23 2710 815
24 3385 1015
25 4235 1270
26 20 6

Pet level Soul amount
Soul amount
1 5 2
2 6 2
3 12 4
4 18 5
5 24 7
6 30 9
7 38 11
8 48 14
9 60 18
10 75 22
11 95 28
12 115 35
13 145 44
14 180 55
15 225 70
16 285 85
17 355 105
18 445 135
19 555 165
20 695 210
21 865 260
22 1085 325
23 1355 405
24 1695 510
25 2115 635
26 10 3

Remarks and Tips

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To maximize the souls obtained from a hunt, it is advised to level the pet as soon as possible also during the hunt - before claiming the next quest reward, whether that will be souls or gold.
The quests asking you to find souls can be done by evolving. Speeding up chests can be done by watching ads, if available.
For the quests asking you to spend 100 gems, you can start a legendary draft, though this is only recommended if you are confident to reach enough wins to get enough resources back and are willing to invest the time. If you don't want to start a draft and don't have anything else you want to spend gems on, it might be advisible to skip this quest as it only gives a small amount of souls (see also the section on Amount of Hunts Needed).

Amount of Hunts Needed

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  • This may include rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and wikifying.

It is possible to reach level 26 with a legendary pet after 40 hunts. If the quest to spend 100 gems is omitted in all hunts, then you can reach level 26 after 42 hunts.

Here, you can find python code to see how many hunts you will need to reach what level for your pet and after which quest the level-up will be available. Click this link or copy the code below into any other python compiler, fill out the part between INPUT and INPUT ENDS and let the online compiler run the code.


## 0 = rare, 1 = epic, 2 = legendary
rarity = 2
# level at which your pet currently is
startLevel = 1
# available souls that your pet currently has
startSouls = 1

# Are you planning to do the "spend 100 gems" quest each hunt?
# 1 = yes, 0 = no
gemStep = 0

# Are you planning to do the "do 1 summon" quest each hunt?
# 1 = yes, 0 = no
summonStep = 1

# 0 = just show number of hunts needed
# 1 = also show current souls after each hunt

# ignore this if you always stick to your gemStep/summonStep parameter.
# Keep at [] then
# Otherwise, list the hunts here in which you will DO these quests.
# e.g. doGem = [1,2,5] if you do the 100 gem quest on hunt #1 and on hunt #5
# If you chose showHunts, a + will denote doing an extra small quest
# If gemStep or summonStep is set to 1, the corresponding list is ignored anyway
doGem = []
doSummon = []

### INPUT ends

ass="don't do any"
if gemStep and summonStep:
    ass="do the 100 gem quest and the summon quest"
elif gemStep and not summonStep:
    ass="only do the 100 gem quest"
elif not gemStep and summonStep:
    ass="only do the summon step"
print("Assumption: You "+ass+" of the 2 quests with small soul rewards each hunt.")

rareSouls = [15,18,36,55,75,90,115,145,180,225,280,350,435,545,680,850,1065,1330,1665,2080,2600,3250,4065,5080,6350,30]
rareSoulsSmall = [4,5,11,16,22,27,34,43,55,65,85,105,130,165,205,255,320,400,500,625,780,975,1220,1525,1905,9]
epicSouls = [10,12,24,36,49,60,75,95,120,150,185,235,290,365,455,570,710,890,1110,1385,1735,2170,2710,3385,4235,20]
epicSoulsSmall = [3,4,7,11,15,18,23,29,36,45,55,70,85,110,135,170,215,265,335,415,520,650,815,1015,1270,6]
legSouls = [5,6,12,18,24,30,38,48,60,75,95,115,145,180,225,285,355,445,555,695,865,1085,1355,1695,2115,10]
legSoulsSmall = [2,2,4,5,7,9,11,14,18,22,28,35,44,55,70,85,105,135,165,210,260,325,405,510,635,3]
rareForLevel = [0,50,115,210,330,475,640,820,1000,1200,1675,2200,2750,3400,4300,5500,8000,11000,14000,17500,21500,26500,32000,41000,52000,71000,float("inf")]
epicForLevel = [0,30,80,150,230,340,470,600,740,900,1150,1450,1850,2350,2950,3850,5400,6600,8200,11000,14000,19000,26000,33000,44000,56000,float("inf")]
legForLevel = [0,5,20,40,65,140,240,350,470,600,800,1050,1300,1650,2100,2600,3600,4400,5200,6700,9000,12000,16000,20000,28000,33000,float("inf")]
souls = [rareSouls, epicSouls, legSouls]
soulsSmall = [rareSoulsSmall, epicSoulsSmall, legSoulsSmall]
soulsForLevel = [rareForLevel, epicForLevel, legForLevel]

curSouls = startSouls
curLevel = startLevel
if rarity == 0:
    rarText=" rare"
elif rarity == 1:
    rarText ="n epic"
elif rarity == 2:
    rarText=" legendary"
if not startSouls==1:
print("Starting with a"+rarText+" pet at level " + str(startLevel) + " with "+str(startSouls)+" soul"+soulsPlural+", you can reach...")

def levelup():
    global curSouls
    global rarity
    global curLevel
    global soulsForLevel
    # if leveled, subtract the souls needed for level
    curSouls -= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]
    # increase level
    curLevel += 1

while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
    print("level "+str(curLevel)+" before even starting a hunt. Duh...")

# as long as pet isn't maxed yet...
while curLevel < 26:
    # start a hunt:
    # string to show if an additional small quest is done
    # level that determines quest rewards
    questLevel = curLevel
    # do the quests and check for available level-ups every time
    # start 1 battle
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'start 1 battle' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: spend gold
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'spend gold' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: spend 100 gems
    if gemStep or huntsDone in doGem:
        curSouls += soulsSmall[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'spend 100 gems' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: level 3 heroes
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'level (any) 3 heroes' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    questLevel = curLevel
    # QUEST: find souls
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'find souls' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: summon
    if summonStep or huntsDone in doSummon:
        curSouls += soulsSmall[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'summon' quest)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: level 3 leg heroes
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    questLevel = curLevel
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after the 'level 3 heroes' quest near the end)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # QUEST: complete
    curSouls += souls[rarity][questLevel-1]
    while curSouls >= soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel]:
        # output after which hunt this level was achieved
        if huntsDone==1:
        print("level "+str(curLevel)+" after "+str(huntsDone)+" hunt"+huntsPlural+" (after completion)")
        if curLevel==26:
    # check if an extra small quest is to be done
    if huntsDone in doGem and not gemStep:
        extraQuests+=" + spend 100 gems"
    if huntsDone in doSummon and not summonStep:
        extraQuests += "+ summon"
    # output for this hunt result if requested
    if showHunts:
        print("[Hunt #"+str(huntsDone)+", souls: "+str(curSouls)+"/"+str(soulsForLevel[rarity][curLevel])+"]"+extraQuests)