Premium Content

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The information in this article or section was last reviewed on October 10,2021.
  • Information on this page has been verified to be accurate as of the above date.
Mighty Party, having created its own resources that can be earned and spent within the game, also has Premium Content that can be obtained by real-world currency. These contents appear in several ways, and when or what they offer, including the amount of the content and the price, may change according to your league and regularity of your purchase.
You will find various kinds of offers below, which will help you to accelerate your progress within the game.


Shop is one of the buildings in your Kingdom where different kind of offers for summons, Gem Gem, Gold Gold, VIP Points VIP Points, and VIP Time VIP Time can be found. In addition, the offers for Event Rune Event Rune also appears during the Global Events here.
It is also advised to check the announcements in Fables section daily, which you may get better deals that double the amount of resources such as gems or gold with the same amount of payment, for example, or that offers special summons options.
For more information about Shop, click here.


This is the section where most of the paid contents are. When the Deals icon is clicked, you will find various kinds of offers coming as Starter Packs, Unique Offers, Pets Shop, Monthly, Weekly, Daily and occasionally Combat Packs, and Event Packs. Except for Pet Shop and Treasury, all offers stand for limited time, with the prices changing every each time depending on amounts of cards, its Rarity and the combination of other resources such as Gem Gem, Gold Gold, Soul Dust Soul Dust, and VIP Points VIP Points. Therefore, it is better to watch out for new deals.
  • Daily, Weekly, and Monthly offers are renewed daily, weekly, and monthly as it is understood by their names. It should be noted that each section offers a free deal once per cycle. So, do not forget to claim these. Unlike most deals, weekly and monthly deals can be purchased more than once per cycle (twice and thrice, respectively).
  • Starter Packs are the deals for the new players, which aims to give them some advantage against their opponents at the beginning of the game.
  • Unique Offers are the deals which are uniquely generated for every player. Some will be generated based on player progress.
  • Combat Packs are the deals which appear monthly. It offers all rarity versions of one card. The rare version can be bought with Gold Gold, the epic version with Gem Gem, and the legendary version with real-world currency. Purchasing all three will reset the offers up to two times with higher costs, but also proportionally higher rewards.
  • Rune Shop is another occasional deal which appears during the Global Events. The deals within the shop includes Event Rune Event Rune, VIP Points VIP Points, Gem Gem, and guild chest in different amounts. The prices differs as the amounts increase.
  • Treasury is a new slot offer for Hall of Fame. Given 4 slots in the beginning of the game, it is possible to buy another 4 extra slots for 4.99$, 9.99$, 19.99$, and 49.99$, respectively with extra rewards such as hero souls in different rarity, VIP Points VIP Points, Soul Dust Soul Dust, Gold Gold, and guild chest.
  • Pet Shop is the shop which has deals for you to add powerful Pets to your collection. You can buy rare, epic, and legendary Pets with 4.99$, 19.99$, and 49.99$, respectively.

Pet Shop

Pet Shop.png
Pet Shop is a shop where you can buy and add powerful Pets to your collection. The shop can be reached by clicking Deals icon on your main screen. The purchase of Pets comes with extra gifts for you like Gold Gold and Gem Gem, and for your guild like Influence Influence, and Elixir Elixir.
Currently, the prices of Pets are 4.99$ for Rare Rare, 19.99$ for Epic Epic, and 49.99$ for Legendary Legendary. The offers of Pet Shop are as in shown below:
  • Error creating thumbnail: WARNING: The convert command is deprecated in IMv7, use "magick" instead of "convert" or "magick convert" convert: bad adaptive filter value `/var/www/wiki/sites/mightyparty/en/images/b/b2/Honey_Dew.png' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1492. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_d793e949ea62.png' @ error/deprecate.c/ConvertImageCommand/3368. Error code: 1

  • Shadow Ocelot.png
  • Prince Gleedy.png

  • Skoln.png
  • Steel Hati.png
  • Sentry Fenrirus.png

  • Dino Dang.png
  • Greenlight.png
  • Drogun.png


VIP is a status that provides you various of privileges in the game. These privileges differ based on your VIP level and as your level increases, either the privilege you have gets improved or the new one unlocks or both. Currently, the maximum VIP level is 20 and VIP points are the key to reach the next level. The VIP points can be collected by doing purchase either Gem Gem from Shop or offers in Deals.
Another important thing about VIP is that it needs activation to have the privileges. There are two ways of activation:
  • Buying Gem Gem from the store, which comes in different amounts and VIP offers such as points and activation time based on the amount.
  • Buying VIP Time VIP Time for activation, which becomes available after the first VIP activation.
For more information about VIP, click here.

Chest Slot

You will see that you will be already given 4 chest slots and 4 extra chest slots as an offer when the Hall of Fame building is clicked on your map. As you should be familiar with so far, the empty slots are where you store the chests you win at Hall of Fame, and the Hall of Fame is the best fight mode to earn any kind of chests and the only way to league up. However, once all slots are occupied, you have to either wait until the countdown is over or speed up the timer by spending Gem Gem if you want to store more chests. If you do not do one of these, then that means you have to either claim your chests by spending Gem Gem right after the win or skip it, and it is for sure that you do not want to miss any resource on the way up or slow down your progress.
On that point, Mighty Party offers you 4 extra chest slots for 4.99$, 9.99$, 19.99$, and 49.99$, respectively with extra rewards such as hero souls in different rarity, VIP Points VIP Points, Soul Dust Soul Dust, Gold Gold, and guild chest. This offer can be accessed clicking either offer chest from Hall of Fame or Treasury from Deals. The more slots you have, the more resources you will get, and as a result, the faster you will advance in the game. It should be noted that the chests earned in Hall of Fame are also great way to get Event Rune Event Rune during the Global Events.

Mighty Pass

Mighty Pass Icon.png
Mighty Pass is a path where you can earn resources by collecting points, and these points can be earned by completing Daily Quests and Weekly Quests. The Mighty Pass starts at League 27 and lasts for 21 days. The new Mighty Pass starts as soon as the current one expires, however if it is completed before its expiration time, then you still need to wait until its original time, 21 days, ends for the new one to start. The total points you need to collect to complete the Mighty Pass is 15000.
Mighty Pass has two access for you, which are Free Access and Premium Access. You can claim the resources of Free Access any time you want when the required points are collected, while the Premium Access requires a payment to claim its resources. You can pay and claim the premium resources any time you want before the Mighty Pass ends.
Additionally, you will receive a medal if you complete the Mighty Pass, which is The Sole Survivor for Free Access and Real Hero for Premium Access.

How can I collect points?

You can collect the Mighty Pass points by completing Daily Quests and Weekly Quests. The points from Daily Quests are 50, 50, 100, 100, 200 respectively while the points from Weekly Quests are 250, 250, 250, 250, 500 respectively. For more information about quests, please click here.
Besides the quests, the points can be bought at the rate of 600 Gem Gem per tier if you are lacking them. The progress to the next tier does not affect the price.

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1065
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 600 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1200
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1800
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1065
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1800
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1065
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1400
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 900 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1800
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 535 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1065
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 920 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1840
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1200 Epic Chest Epic Chest 2400
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 535 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1600
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1160 Rare Chest Rare Chest 2320
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1500 Epic Chest Epic Chest 3000
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1065 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 2135

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 585 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1045
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 685 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 685 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 585 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1175
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 685 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1760
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 585 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1045
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 685 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1760
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 585 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1045
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 685 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1370
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 880 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1760
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 520 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1045
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1800
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1175 Epic Chest Epic Chest 2345
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 520 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1565
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1135 Rare Chest Rare Chest 2270
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1465 Epic Chest Epic Chest 2935
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1045 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 2085

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 470 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 835
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 550 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 550 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 470 Epic Chest Epic Chest 940
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 550 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1410
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 470 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 835
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 550 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1410
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 470 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 835
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 550 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1095
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 705 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1410
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 420 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 835
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 720 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1445
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 940 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1880
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 420 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1255
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 910 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1820
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1175 Epic Chest Epic Chest 2350
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 835 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1670

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 380 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 675
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 445 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 445 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 380 Epic Chest Epic Chest 760
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 445 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1140
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 380 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 675
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 445 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1140
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 380 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 675
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 445 Rare Chest Rare Chest 885
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 570 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1140
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 340 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 675
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 585 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1165
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 760 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1520
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 340 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1015
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 735 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1470
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 950 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1900
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 675 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1350

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 310 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 550
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 360 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 360 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 310 Epic Chest Epic Chest 620
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 360 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725 Epic Chest Epic Chest 930
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 310 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 550
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 360 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725 Epic Chest Epic Chest 930
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 310 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 550
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 360 Rare Chest Rare Chest 725
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 465 Epic Chest Epic Chest 930
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 275 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 550
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 475 Rare Chest Rare Chest 955
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 620 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1240
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 275 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 825
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 600 Rare Chest Rare Chest 1200
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 775 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1555
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 550 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 1105

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 255 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 455
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 300 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 300 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 255 Epic Chest Epic Chest 510
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 300 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595 Epic Chest Epic Chest 770
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 255 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 455
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 300 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595 Epic Chest Epic Chest 770
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 255 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 455
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 300 Rare Chest Rare Chest 595
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 385 Epic Chest Epic Chest 770
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 230 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 455
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 395 Rare Chest Rare Chest 785
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 510 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1025
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 230 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 685
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495 Rare Chest Rare Chest 990
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 640 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1280
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 455 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 910

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 380
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215 Epic Chest Epic Chest 425
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495 Epic Chest Epic Chest 640
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 380
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495 Epic Chest Epic Chest 640
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 380
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 495
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 320 Epic Chest Epic Chest 640
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 190 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 380
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 325 Rare Chest Rare Chest 655
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 425 Epic Chest Epic Chest 850
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 190 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 570
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 410 Rare Chest Rare Chest 825
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 530 Epic Chest Epic Chest 1065
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 380 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 755

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 315
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180 Epic Chest Epic Chest 355
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415 Epic Chest Epic Chest 535
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 315
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415 Epic Chest Epic Chest 535
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 315
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 415
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 265 Epic Chest Epic Chest 535
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 160 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 315
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 275 Rare Chest Rare Chest 545
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 355 Epic Chest Epic Chest 710
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 160 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 475
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 345 Rare Chest Rare Chest 690
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 445 Epic Chest Epic Chest 890
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 315 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 630

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 265
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 175 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 175 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150 Epic Chest Epic Chest 300
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 175 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 445
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 265
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 175 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 445
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 265
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 175 Rare Chest Rare Chest 350
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 225 Epic Chest Epic Chest 445
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 135 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 265
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 230 Rare Chest Rare Chest 460
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 300 Epic Chest Epic Chest 595
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 135 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 400
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290 Rare Chest Rare Chest 575
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 370 Epic Chest Epic Chest 745
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 265 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 530

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 125 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 225
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 125 Epic Chest Epic Chest 250
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290 Epic Chest Epic Chest 375
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 125 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 225
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290 Epic Chest Epic Chest 375
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 125 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 225
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145 Rare Chest Rare Chest 290
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 185 Epic Chest Epic Chest 375
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 110 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 225
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 190 Rare Chest Rare Chest 385
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 500
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 110 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 335
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 240 Rare Chest Rare Chest 485
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 310 Epic Chest Epic Chest 625
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 225 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 445

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 105 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 185
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 105 Epic Chest Epic Chest 210
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245 Epic Chest Epic Chest 315
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 105 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 185
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245 Epic Chest Epic Chest 315
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 105 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 185
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125 Rare Chest Rare Chest 245
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 155 Epic Chest Epic Chest 315
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 95 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 185
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 160 Rare Chest Rare Chest 325
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 210 Epic Chest Epic Chest 420
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 95 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 280
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Rare Chest Rare Chest 405
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 260 Epic Chest Epic Chest 525
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 185 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 375

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90 Epic Chest Epic Chest 175
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Epic Chest Epic Chest 265
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205 Epic Chest Epic Chest 265
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Rare Chest Rare Chest 205
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 130 Epic Chest Epic Chest 265
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135 Rare Chest Rare Chest 270
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 175 Epic Chest Epic Chest 350
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 235
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170 Rare Chest Rare Chest 340
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 220 Epic Chest Epic Chest 440
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 310

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Epic Chest Epic Chest 145
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Rare Chest Rare Chest 170
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110 Epic Chest Epic Chest 215
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110 Rare Chest Rare Chest 220
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 145 Epic Chest Epic Chest 290
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 190
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 140 Rare Chest Rare Chest 280
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180 Epic Chest Epic Chest 360
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 255

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 60 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 105
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 60 Epic Chest Epic Chest 115
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135 Epic Chest Epic Chest 175
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 60 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 105
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135 Epic Chest Epic Chest 175
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 60 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 105
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 85 Epic Chest Epic Chest 175
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 105
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90 Rare Chest Rare Chest 180
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 115 Epic Chest Epic Chest 230
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 155
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110 Rare Chest Rare Chest 225
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 145 Epic Chest Epic Chest 290
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 105 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 205

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45 Epic Chest Epic Chest 95
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110 Epic Chest Epic Chest 140
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110 Epic Chest Epic Chest 140
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 110
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Epic Chest Epic Chest 140
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 40 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 145
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 95 Epic Chest Epic Chest 185
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 40 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 120
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90 Rare Chest Rare Chest 180
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 115 Epic Chest Epic Chest 235
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 80 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 160

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Epic Chest Epic Chest 75
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 55 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 35 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 130
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 145
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 35 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 100
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80 Rare Chest Rare Chest 165
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90 Epic Chest Epic Chest 180
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 130

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 55
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90 Epic Chest Epic Chest 85
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90 Epic Chest Epic Chest 85
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 90
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 85
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 60 Rare Chest Rare Chest 120
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 55 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 75
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Rare Chest Rare Chest 150
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 70 Epic Chest Epic Chest 140
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 100

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 20 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 20 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 20 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 20 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 45 Rare Chest Rare Chest 85
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 115
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 45 Epic Chest Epic Chest 90
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 50
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 70 Rare Chest Rare Chest 140
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 55 Epic Chest Epic Chest 110
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 65

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 80
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 55 Rare Chest Rare Chest 105
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 35 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 35
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 135
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 45

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
1 250 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
2 500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
3 750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
4 1000 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
5 1350 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30
6 1700 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
7 2050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
8 2400 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
9 2750 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
10 3250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
11 3750 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
12 4250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
13 4750 Gold Gold 2000 Gold Gold 20000
14 5250 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
15 5800 Epic Chest Epic Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
16 6350 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
17 6900 Rare Chest Rare Chest 40 Rare Chest Rare Chest 75
18 7450 Gold Gold 3000 Gold Gold 30000
19 8000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
20 8600 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15
21 9200 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
22 9800 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100
23 10400 Gold Gold 4000 Gold Gold 40000
24 11000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 30 Epic Chest Epic Chest 65
25 11650 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 25
26 12300 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
27 12950 Rare Chest Rare Chest 65 Rare Chest Rare Chest 125
28 13600 Gold Gold 5000 Gold Gold 50000
29 14250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 40 Epic Chest Epic Chest 80
30 15000 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 30

Step Points Free Pass Premium Pass
Reward Amount Reward Amount
0 0 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
1 200 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 150
2 400 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
3 600 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
4 800 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
5 1150 Epic Chest Epic Chest 25 Epic Chest Epic Chest 75
6 1500 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 150
7 1850 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
8 2200 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
9 2550 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
10 2950 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 5
11 3350 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
12 3750 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
13 4150 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 100
14 4550 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
15 5000 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150
16 5450 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Rare Chest Rare Chest 150
17 5900 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
18 6350 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 100
19 6800 Gem Gem 50 Gem Gem 150
20 7250 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 5
21 7700 Rare Chest Rare Chest 50 Epic Chest Epic Chest 50
22 8150 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
23 8600 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 100
24 9050 Gem Gem 100 Gem Gem 300
25 9550 Epic Chest Epic Chest 100 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 10
26 10050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 100 Epic Chest Epic Chest 100
27 10550 Gold Gold 500 Gold Gold 1500
28 11050 Rare Chest Rare Chest 150 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150
29 11550 Gem Gem 150 Gem Gem 450
30 12050 Epic Chest Epic Chest 150 Legendary Chest Legendary Chest 15


Journey Trophy icon.png
Trophies are rewards that can be earned by completing levels in the Journey. At the end of every sector, the current trophy rewards will end, and a new one will start at the beginning of the new sector. As the sectors increase in difficulty, the value of trophies also increases.
Journey Trophies.png

Journey Trophies
As in the Mighty Pass, Trophies are split into Premium Trophies and Free Trophies. Free Trophies can be claimed at any time before starting a new sector once the required level is complete, while Premium Trophies requires payment to claim. Purchasing Premium Trophies will only unlock the premium trophies for the current sector.

Gem Fund

Gem Fund Icon.png
Gem Fund is the one time offer that appears when you first enter the adventure of Journey and it lasts 14 days. Once the purchase is done, the offer will stay with you forever, otherwise you will not get a chance to receive this offer again. The Gem fund currently costs 19,99$.
Gem Fund.png
Gem Fund
Gem Fund rewards you with Gem Gem for completing each level and once you complete the sector, you can claim the Gem Gem at once. Considering that Journey currently has 9 sectors, the amount of gems for each sector is 1300, 1300, 1300, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2600, 2600, and 2600, respectively, which makes 19000Gem in total.