Event Tips and Tricks

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In this guide, you will see some useful tip & tricks for your game. As you continue to read, you will find more than one option to complete some of the tasks. Therefore you should consider the upcoming tasks, even the next chapter and decide what is suitable for you and your game.

Event Preparation

For a successful event, it is important to be fully ready in advance. These preparations will help you to finish some of the tasks right away, or to take you to half way through the task so that you will save time and finish the task quicker than it should take.

  • Leave the chests of Divine Arena undone so that the extra Event Rune Event Rune and souls can be claimed on need.
  • Weekly free Demigods summon should be ready. Don't forget that you might get Legendary souls and can be used on Chapter 2 - 2.18.
  • Requested cards from your friends should be ready to be claimed so don't forget to request every 12 hours until the event.
  • Save up your Friendship Tokens Friendship Tokens. It will be needed for summoning and gathering some souls.
  • Save up your Copper Coins Copper Coins and leave your Black Market one day before the event. You will need coins for the specific task on the event (Chapter 2 - 2.11)
  • For any fight mode of Dungeon of Trials, try to get close to the Legendary Chest Legendary Chest as much as possible so that you don't have to spend too much time to claim the chest. (Chapter 2 - 2.18)
  • Save the chests of Mighty Pass, which includes different rarity of chests and resources which can be used when they are needed.

Tips and Tricks

Global Events consist of 3 chapters of various tasks and bosses that reward Event Rune Event Rune. Difficulty of tasks and rewards from the Event Shop are split into 5 tiers based on maximum League:

  • Tier 1: League 30 to 15
  • Tier 2: League 14 to 10
  • Tier 3: League 9 to 5
  • Tier 4: League 4 to 2
  • Tier 5: League 1 to GM

Below is a full list of all tasks per chapter including the difficulty changes by Tier and it will be useful to remind, again, that there might be more than one option to complete some of the tasks. You should choose the best one you think that fits for your game.


Task Tips and Tricks
1.1 50 Event Rune Defeat the 1st boss of Chapter 1
1.2 60 Event Rune Kill 5 enemy heroes in battle against other players Hall of Fame, Brawl, or any player chosen from your friends, disciples or world chat.
50 Event Rune Find [100/200/300/400/500] Souls of heroes Summoning,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Divine Arena,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass
Buying souls with your coins
100 Event Rune Play heroes [15/15/20/20/20] times on the battlefield Any Fight Modes
150 Event Rune Find [5/5/6/6/6] Rare Rare heroes in Chests or Summon Mercenaries summon,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Divine Arena,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass
1.6 90 Event Rune Defeat the 2nd boss of Chapter 1
1.7 100 Event Rune Level-up (Order Order/Nature Nature/Chaos Chaos based on Theme) heroes 4 times
1.8 110 Event Rune Defeat the 3rd boss of Chapter 1
1.9 120 Event Rune Defeat other players 3 times Hall of Fame, Brawl or any player chosen from your friends, disciples or world chat.
100 Event Rune Find 12 heroes in Chests or Summon Mercenaries summon,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Divine Arena,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass
170 Event Rune Kill [30/35/35/35/35] enemy heroes in battle against other players Hall of Fame, Brawl or any player chosen from your friends, disciples or world chat.
270 Event Rune Find [150/200/200/400/500] Souls of Rare Rare Event Heroes If you are lucky of course, Mercenaries summon,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Divine Arena,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass
Evolve from the common hero if it exists.
1.13 150 Event Rune Open Rare Chest Rare Chest in Event Shop 2 times
1.14 170 Event Rune Defeat the 4th boss of Chapter 1
150 Event Rune Speed up 4 Chests It is important to have chests in Hall of Fame beginning of the event and leave it until here so that it cost less Gems
250 Event Rune Find [500/650/650/1000/1200] souls of Common Common heroes Mercenaries summon,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass
400 Event Rune Level-up to Level [6/8/8/12/13]: Any Rare Rare Event Hero In case of lacking of souls, summoning or evolve always an option. Having on of them at required level will be enough for this task.
1.18 230 Event Rune Summon 2 times
1.19 250 Event Rune Defeat the 5th boss of Chapter 1


Task No. Task Tips and Tricks
2.1 300 Event Rune Defeat the 1st boss of Chapter 2
2.2 350 Event Rune Open Epic Chest Epic Chest in Event Shop 3 times
350 Event Rune Activate guild bonus [3/4/5/5/5] times It is recommended to activate that will help you during the event such as discount for boosting, or levelling up, time reduction for the chest opening time or extra power for your heroes
500 Event Rune Find [550/650/750/850/1000] Souls of Rare Rare heroes Mercenaries summon,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass,
Evolve (if it exist)
850 Event Rune Summon Demigods or Gods 10 times
2.6 500 Event Rune Defeat the 2nd boss of Chapter 2
450 Event Rune Soulbind Rare Rare Event Heroes a grand total of [3/4/4/4/5] times It is autocompleted task if it is done in advance.
700 Event Rune Boost Legendary Legendary Heroes a grand total of [3/4/4/4/4] times It is extremely important that event heroes should not be boosted. Because they will be needed on Chapter 3. One can choose the low level legendaries or the ones that might have discount from fables to minimize the Soul Dust Soul Dust consumption.
1150 Event Rune Find [300/400/700/1100/1400] Souls of Epic Epic Event Heroes if you are lucky Mercenaries summon,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Divine Arena,
Chest of Daily & Weekly Quests, Mighty Pass,
Evolve (if it exist)
2.10 650 Event Rune Defeat the 3rd boss of Chapter 2
600 Event Rune Spend 1300 Copper Coins Copper Coins As it is indicated on the preparation section, copper coins should be saved and Black Market should be left with enough options a day before to complete this task. In case of lacking coins, they can be purchased by Gems
850 Event Rune Soulbind Epic Epic Event Heroes a grand total of [3/3/3/4/5] times It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
1450 Event Rune Spend 15000 Event Rune Event Rune If failing 2.12 leads you to this task, then you should be sure of getting all the Epic epic cards of the event first. After getting all of it and still can't complete the 2.12, then you can spend the sparks on legendary or epic chests as you like.
2.14 800 Event Rune Defeat the 4th boss of Chapter 2
750 Event Rune Spend 1000 Gem Gem This task can be completed buying the required warlord skin of the event (Chapter 3 - 3.3) if there is enough gems.
1050 Event Rune Reborn Epic Epic Event Heroes a grand total of [3/4/4/4/5] times It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
1800 Event Rune Level-up to Level [7/8/10/12/13]: Any Epic Epic Event Hero It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
Evolve might help
With luck, any epic chest can give you required souls
Event chests can be considered as well.
2.18 950 Event Rune Find [1/2/2/2/3] Legendary Legendary Heroes in Legendary Chest Legendary Chest for victory in game modes or through Summon Legendary chests from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials, Mighty Pass, Disciple chests, Demigods Summon and Seasonal Chests of Hall of Fame.
2.19 1000 Event Rune Defeat the 5th boss of Chapter 2


Task No. Task Tips and Tricks
3.1 1100 Event Rune Defeat the 1st boss of Chapter 3
3.2 1200 Event Rune Open Legendary Chest Legendary Chest in Event Shop 4 times
1200 Event Rune Defeat other players with the specified Warlord 2 times
1500 Event Rune Boost Legendary Legendary Event Heroes a grand total of 9 times There are different ways to do this task. Depending on Soul Dust Soul Dust and considering all event heroes are obtained:
All 3 heroes can be boosted 3 times,
All heroes can be booted 2 times and then wait for cooldown for 2 days
All heroes can be boosted 2 times and then can be reborned and boosted again.
In case of missing one of the event heroes, only option is to wait for the cooldown after boosting or to use reborn and boost again.
It is extremely important not to reborn the hero needed for upcoming task, 3.15
2700 Event Rune Get [450/450/450/600/600] Souls of Legendary Legendary Heroes in Chests or Summon Demigods summon,
Chest from Hall of Fame, Dungeon of Trials,
Chest of Mighty Pass
Seasonal chests of Hall of Fame
3.6 1600 Event Rune Defeat the 2nd boss Chapter 3
1600 Event Rune Summon Demigods or Gods 20 times
2200 Event Rune Soulbind Legendary Legendary Event Heroes a grand total of [5/6/7/8/9] times It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
3800 Event Rune Spend 40000 Event Rune Event Rune It is important to save bonus chests for the upcoming task, 3.16, unless there is no other way to complete this one.
3.10 2300 Event Rune Defeat the 3rd boss of Chapter 3
3.11 2600 Event Rune Level- up to Level [8/10/12/13/14]: Any single Legendary Legendary Event Hero It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
Evolve from the lower rarity can be used.

Here, it is better to level up the one needed for the task 3.15
3.12 2900 Event Rune Defeat the 4th boss of Chapter 3
3000 Event Rune Summon Gods 3 times
4000 Event Rune Reborn Legendary Legendary Event Heroes a grand total of [4/5/7/8/9] times It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.
7000 Event Rune Level up the specified Legendary Legendary Event Hero to Level [10/12/14/15/16] It will be autocompleted if it is done in advance.

Evolve is one of the options to get the card to the required level.
3.16 4100 Event Rune Open Bonus Chest in Event Shop 3 times Time to open saved bonus chests.
3.17 4500 Event Rune Defeat the 5th boss of Chapter 3