Old Events

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Events are accessed from the Events icon

Events, also known as Fables, are short bonuses lasting 6 to 36 hours. It is random what Events and how many each person gets per time, but it is often 2-4 Events.

There are several types of Events:

Bonus stat Events

These Events give a small increase in Hero stats or new skills in the same manner as Guild Bonuses, accompanied by an explanation of what caused it. The player has to be active in the current day to get the bonus stats applied during the duration of the Event. Note that these bonuses are applied to the Hero directly, and will thus not have any effect on summoned units.

Boost Events

These Events reduce the cost of boosting Heroes and will stack multiplicatively with the VIP Boost discount, the Masterful Enchantment Guild Bonus, and the Global Events Boost bonuses.

Double Summon Events

These Events double Souls gain when obtaining souls in chests, Journey, and Shop summon.

Evolve Events

These Events double the number of Souls received when a Hero is evolved. The below table shows all possible Evolve Events:

Name Flavor Text League 22-9 League 8-GM
Evolve From Evolve To Evolve From Evolve To
ARCHERY TOURNEY Bowstring tightened. Arrows are ready. Eyes are focused on the one thing only... On the target! Anyone who can hold a bow wants to show their skill in Archery Tourney! RareBowmaster EpicAyfe the Arrow EpicAyfe the Arrow LegendaryAthena
MOULTING PERIOD Unknown gods demonstrate their strength: swarms of snakes are scurrying everywhere. The folks are frightened by a withered snake skin of human size, which is found here and there. RareNaga EpicHigh Naga EpicHigh Naga LegendaryQueen Ananta
Deadly Parade Today, even all the undertakers and marauders are afraid of leaving their houses. On all cemeteries, the dead rise up from their eternal sleep to perform a grim dance of Death! RareUndead EpicLiving Dead EpicLiving Dead LegendaryDead Lord
BLOOM IN THE DESERT Bloom of a cactus is common. But when it begins to move freely, it is difficult to understand what is happening. Maybe the cactus extract caused some hallucinations? RareCactusito EpicEl Cactus EpicEl Cactus LegendaryEl Mariachi
FORGOTTEN TOMBS The earthquake caused an underground collapse, which opened the passage to the forgotten burials. In addition to adventurers, for unknown reasons, crowds of animated skeletons also reached out to this place. RareSkeleton EpicBone Warrior EpicBone Warrior LegendaryKoschei the Immortal
BATTLE CRY A cry of rage... This means war is here! Those who are too slow to understand this, will be broken by the wrath of the Goddesses of War! RareValkyrie EpicScarlet Warrior EpicScarlet Warrior LegendaryTitania
CHANGE OF PLUMAGE The feather of the Harpy is a rare commodity, but at this time of year the merchants have their surplus. Even a child can find a bag of these feathers in the forest! But not all children come back from the forest ... RareHarpy EpicWind Warrior EpicWind Warrior LegendaryEnlil, Wind of Change
SEASON OF AVALANCHE Glacier retreat is a great danger, but not for everyone. There are creatures that are getting stronger from this all-destroying flurry of snow and ice. RarePiece of Ice EpicIce Clod EpicIce Clod LegendaryIceberg
DAY OF FREE VALOR Origin determines everything. There is only one day when the lower classes can prove that they have become better, stronger and more worthy. Long live the Day of Free Valor! RareSquire EpicKnight EpicKnight LegendarySir Lancelot
BLOOD PURITY Why do vampires prefer the blood of virgins? Is there an unknown power in this blood? Or is it something else? Try to ask fellow vampires... RareChiropteran EpicBlood Lord EpicBlood Lord LegendaryCount Vlad
BLACK CROWN FUNNEL Black messengers of the inevitable gather together, as if anticipating a gloomy feast. They are circling over the forest, predicting the impending disaster... RareForest Mage EpicKaras
BEING FROM NOWHERE An unusual symbiosis arises when an ancient and powerful being meets a man who is hungry for strength and power. Only ritual sacrifices can increase this connection... RareChild of Chaos
EpicDark Mage EpicDark Mage LegendaryRegardus Diplius
ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE! "Love your neighbor" - these words became the motto of black and white priestesses because the path to eminence is possible only through kindness, care, and self-sacrifice. RareLove Mage EpicLove Goddess EpicLove Goddess LegendaryAphrodite
PATH OF THE SWORD It is believed that the sword, which witnessed a thousand battles, gave birth to a soul. It's not known whether it's true or not, but you can definitely say that this idea has a lot of followers. RareSoulblade EpicSwordmaster EpicSwordmaster LegendaryPrince
FIRE SEASON Smoke obscures the horizon. The forest is shrouded in flames. And above him hovers a creature of an unimaginable size. If you see this, then you know, the Fire Season began. RareDream Whelpling EpicEmerald Dragon EpicEmerald Dragon LegendaryMatriarch Eona
PURIFICATION CEREMONY Go through the flames and cleanse yourself! Go through and renounce past sins and victories! Go and rise! By washing ashes, you will become better, purer and stronger! RareDark Acolyte
(Fire Mage)
EpicArchwitch EpicArchwitch LegendaryRed Woman
DEMONSTRATION OF POWER Brutality and cruelty are the main features of orcs. The bloodiest orc's fights are between each other. The reasons for these battles are quite numerous. Some react on leering gazes and some try to take over the throne. RareOrc Master EpicChieftain Orc EpicChieftain Orc LegendaryAxe
DIVINITY OF NATURE The tree that was distorted and killed, gets a second chance to live, when a totem is being carved from it. These statues change over time, as if slowly moving, growing... RareTotem EpicLuck Idol EpicLuck Idol LegendaryVanakauri
EDGE OF VOID The Void breed is rare. There are creatures who can work with it but they are quite rare. But if you had ever met the Void Stone, then you know that they exude some incredible hunger. RareVoid Stone EpicVoid Rock EpicVoid Rock LegendaryVoid Jewel
RAPTURE PRAYER The prayers have been heard! Now all the monasteries can touch the divine spirit! Filled with grace, the nuns are gathering the Council to discuss this miracle. RarePriestess EpicBattle Angel EpicBattle Angel LegendaryAlexandria
CHANGE OF PLUMAGE The feather of the Harpy is a rare commodity, but at this time of year the merchants have their surplus. Even a child can find a bag of these feathers in the forest! But not all children come back from the forest ... RareWind Snake EpicWyvern EpicWyvern LegendaryAnak, Princess Dragon
SWAMP FEAST Patience and composure are necessary qualities not only to catch prey, but also to rise to a new level in the social hierarchy. RareMr. Toad EpicLord Toad EpicLord Toad LegendaryPrince Nod
CAREER GROWTH Today only those in danger who have elected the DEATH as their mentor! Only a few of the dozen can become a Stormrage! RareBone Hunter EpicSoul Hunter EpicSoul Hunter LegendaryStormrage
FLAME OF HATE Everyone knows that demons feed on the hatred of living beings, but only a few know that only internal anger allows demons to grow. RareAngry Imp EpicSoul Monger EpicSoul Monger LegendaryMr. Devil
LABYRINTH: EPILOGUE You remember the Labyrinth? Recently King Taurus was spotted outside the Enchanted Forest... RareBully EpicMinotaur

Reborn Events

These Events provide benefits towards Reborning a hero by returning a percentage of the Souls required to level them up to the reborn level. This bonus will stack multiplicatively with the VIP Reborn bonus.

Reborn Events are specific to a Alignment and Type, and return either 10% or 14% of the Souls required for the Reborn depending on maximum League - 10% from League 19-9 and 14% from League 8-GM.

Global Mini Events

Not to be confused with Global Events. Gobal mini events are the same for all players (at league 19+?), run one at a time, are pre-annunced within the event menu 6 hours before their start, start at the main daily reset time (6PM UTC), and run for 36 hours. These events are included in the rotation, though there is also a possibility of none of these events running.


The shortage of gold makes many work for peanuts. This is especially so for Pangea's artisans and mercenaries.

– Crisis

Level-up costs are decreased by 18%!

Crisis runs for league 20- for 14% discount on an 18 hour duration.

Grand Spectacle

Nobles and Merchants from all over Pangea come to one place to look at the epic battles of the best heroes! For such a spectacle, they are ready to fork out as they choud.

– Grand Spectacle

+50% Gold Gold for victories in battles in Hall of Fame

Pangean Fortune

Ah, the treasures of Pangea! What a chance to set things right and make all your dreams come true. It's over there, just waiting for you to grab it. These little coppers, they can give you power over everyone and everything. All you have to do is reach out.

– Pangean Fortune

The number of Copper Coins Copper Coins gained by completing Dark Towner and Pit (Dungeon of Trials) has been doubled.

Weekly Events

These are several Events that cycle every two weeks and lasts for 3 days:

High Growth

Players are rewarded with Gems Gems for level-ups.

Desired Wealth

Players are rewarded with Chests for performing summons.

Hot Gifts

Rewards a total of 200Gems Gems over 3 days

  • The first gift of 50Gem starts a 24-hour countdown
  • When the timer reaches 0, the next gift of 50Gem will be available. Accepting will start another 24-hour countdown
  • The final gift of 100Gem will be available until Hot Gifts ends

Force Binds

This article or section contains information on content that has been removed from the game.

This Event rewarded 1500Ancient Coins Ancient Coins for Soulbinding Heroes a total of 5 times. It was removed in the Dungeon of Trials update on July 20, 2020.

Benefits of Growth Event

This article or section contains information on content that has been removed from the game.

This Event rewarded 1500Dark Coins Dark Coins for collecting 400 Epic Epic or Legendary Legendary Hero Souls from Chests. It was removed in the Dungeon of Trials update on July 20, 2020.

Fountain of Wealth

This article or section contains information on content that has been removed from the game.

This Event rewarded 200Gems Gems for purchasing 5000Elixir Elixir. It was removed with the Shop update on June 30, 2021.