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Icon not found

Template documentation follows
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This template creates an inline image using Module:Icon.




Basic usage


Custom size


Display Link


Display Text


Text/Link Color


Icon Alignment


Line Break


Display Description


Hide Icon



  • code - the icon code. See the table below for a list of available codes.
  • size - a custom icon size. The default size is "24px" (24 by 24 pixels). Predefined sizes:
    • small: 12px
    • normal: 24px
    • medium: 32px
    • large: 48px
  • link - true/yes, default false/no. Display the icon link or tooltip as a link.
  • text - true/yes, default false/no. Display the icon tooltip as text.
  • color - HTML Color Code. Changes the color of the link/text.
  • align - CSS text-align property. Changes the horizontal alignment of the icon.
  • linebreak - true/yes, default false/no. Display the icon, link/text, and description on separate lines
  • description - true/yes, default false/no. Display the icon description as text.
  • icon - default true/yes, false/no. Display the icon.


markup result
{{Icon|accuracy}} Accuracy
{{Icon|accuracy|size=10px}} Accuracy
{{Icon|accuracy|text=yes}} Accuracy Accuracy
{{Icon|accuracy|text=yes|color=#FFD700}} Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy Accuracy
{{Icon|accuracy|text=yes|linebreak=yes}} Accuracy
{{Icon|accuracy|text=yes|description=yes}} Accuracy Accuracy Hits an enemy with evasion. Hero with Accuracy cannot receive Miss.
{{Icon|accuracy|icon=no|link=yes|description=yes|linebreak=yes}} Accuracy
Hits an enemy with evasion. Hero with Accuracy cannot receive Miss.

Icon codes

Skill Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Accuracy.png accuracy Accuracy Hits an enemy with evasion. Hero with Accuracy cannot receive Miss.
Bleed.png bleeding Bleeding Bleeding Hero receives damage while attacking
Block.png block Block Reduces damage dealt to hero by the indicated Block value
BuffAtk.png buffatk Buff ATK Increases Attack
BuffHp.png buffhp Buff HP Increases HP (can exceed maximum HP)
Charge.png charge Charge Charges enhance related abilities
Regeneration.png cleanse Cleanse Removes negative effects from allies (except Silence)
Counter Attack.png counteratk Counter attack Performs one retaliatory attack if has been attacked
Curse.png curse Curse A cursed hero takes damage when their allies are attacked
Damage.png damage Damage Deals damage to target.
DebuffAtk.png debuffatk Debuff ATK Decrease Attack
Evasion.png evasion Evasion Evades Ranged Attacks. Can't be applied to Buildings
Flight.png flight Flight Flying heroes evade the attacks of Melee Non-flying heroes. Can't be applied to Buildings
Freeze.png freeze Freeze Freezes enemies, making them unable to attack
Regeneration.png heal Heal Heal replenishes HP (cannot exceed maximum HP)
Immunity.png immunity Immunity Immune heroes can't be affected by any skills, neither from enemies or allies.
Damage.png instantkill Instant Kill Instantly kills target
Block.png invulnerability Invulnerability Blocks all damage from enemy attack.
Mental Shield.png mentalshield Mental Shield Once defends against attack, skill, or kill
Miss.png miss Miss Misses while attacks
Multi-Attack.png multiattack Multi-Attack Hero performs several attacks in a row
Phantom Attack.png phantomattack Phantom Attack Deals an attack which does not activate heroes' abilities
Pierce.png pierce Pierce Hero damages all enemies in the same line as the target
Poison.png poisoning Poisoning Every turn poisoned enemy takes damage
Pierce.png punchthrough Punch Through When attacks, deals damage to all enemies in the line
RebornSkill.png reborn Reborn After death, the hero appears on the same cell with basic characteristics
Regeneration.png regeneration Regeneration Hero with Regeneration replenishes own HP each turn (cannot exceed maximum HP)
Block.png resistance Resistance Reduces any damage taken
DebuffAtk.png setatk Set ATK Changes current Attack to the specified value
Debuff Health.png sethp Set HP Changes current HP to the specified value
Silence.png silence Silence Removes all (or certain) skills and buffs from enemies
Spikes.png spikes Spikes When a hero with Spikes is attacked, the attacker is damaged in return
Splash.png splash Splash Hero damages all enemies around the target
Steal Attack.png stealattack Steal Attack Heroes decreases Attack of the target and increases own Attack by the same amount.
Vampiric.png stealhealth Steal health Heroes decreases Health of the target and increases own Health by the same amount.
Summon.png summon Summon Summons heroes or runes onto the battlefield
BuffHp.png swap Swaps HP and ATK Replaces current HP status with current ATK status and vice versa
Toxin.png toxin Toxin Attacks: Losses a certain amount of Attack. Toxins cannot be combined.
Summon.png transform Transform Transforms target into different creature
Vampiric.png vampirism Vampirism Hero with Vampirism deals additional damage to enemies they hit after the attack and restores that much HP to self

Basic Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Atk.png attack Attack Damage the creature deals to enemy
HP.png health Health If this value is reduced to 0, the creature dies

Rarity Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Common.png common Common
Epic.png epic Epic
Legendary.png legendary Legendary
Rare.png rare Rare

Alignment Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Chaos.png chaos Chaos This hero belongs to chaos.
Mixed.png mixed Mixed
Nature.png nature Nature This hero belongs to nature.
Order.png order Order This hero belongs to order.

Type Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Buildings.png building Building
Melee filter.png melee Melee
Ranged Filter.png ranged Ranged

Gender Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Female.png female Female
Male.png male Male
Sexless.png sexless Sexless

Currency Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Amethyst clover.png amethystclover Amethyst Clover Can be exchanged for heroes in Legendarium during Sapphire's Missive event.
Amethyst clover.png amethystclovers Amethyst Clover Can be exchanged for heroes in Legendarium during Sapphire's Missive event.
Ancient Coin.png ancientcoin Ancient Coins Can be used to buy heroes and gold in the Journey Shop
Ancient Scroll.png ancientscroll Ancient Scroll Used to summon Gods of War.
Journey Key.png attempt Attempts Attempts are used to fight bosses in Journey.
Chaos jewel.png chaosjewels Chaos Jewels Can be used to level up the Chaos champions.
Contribution.png contribution Contribution Guild Resource. Can be used for activation of Guild bonuses. Max contribution 200k.
Coppercoin.png coppercoin Copper Coins Can be used to purchase heroes, soul dust and elixir at the Black Market
Dark Coin.png darkcoin Dark Coins Can be used to buy heroes and Soul Dust in the Dark Shop
Dark tower attempt.png dtattempt Dark Tower Attempts Each loss in Dark Tower costs 1 attempt.
Elixir.png elixir Elixir Can be spent to Boost your heroes in Turf War
Epic Scroll.png epicscroll Epic Scroll Used to summon Demigods.
Event Crystals.png eventcrystal Event Crystal Are used for rewards in events
Event Runes.png eventrunes Event Runes Are used for rewards in events
Friend Coin.png friendcoin Friend Coins Are used for activating a Friends summon!
Friendship Token.png friendshiptoken Friendship Tokens Used to summon Mercenaries.
Gem.png gems Gems Can be used to summon new heroes, recharge resources, and speed up chest unlocks.
Gold.png gold Gold Is used to level-up heroes.
Gold Dust.png golddust Gold Dust
Influence.png influence Influence Guild Resource. Can be used for improving Guild Bonuses and upgrading the Guild.
Journey Key.png journeykey Journey Keys Journey Keys are used to fight bosses in Journey.
Lucky charm.png luckycharm Lucky Charm Currency for Lucky Hand event; used to start a game. At the end of the event, all charms disappear!
Lucky charm.png luckycharms Lucky Charm Currency for Lucky Hand event; used to start a game. At the end of the event, all charms disappear!
Mighty Points.png mightypoints Mighty Points Mighty Points can be obtained for completing quests. They are used to upgrade the Mighty Pass level.
Miracle Scroll.png miraclescroll Miracle Scroll Used to summon heroes of a certain faction. Scrolls can be bought in bundles.
Nature jewel.png naturejewels Nature Jewels Can be used to level up the Nature champions.
Event Sparks.png oldeventsparks Event Sparks Are used for rewards in events
Order jewel.png orderjewels Order Jewels Can be used to level up the Order champions.
Pal Point.png palpoints Pal Points
PitCoin.png pitcoin Pit Coins Can be used to buy heroes and elixir in the Pit Shop
Power essence.png poweressence Power Essence Can be used to make breakthroughs, levelling up champions of any faction.
Power Sigil.png powersigil Power Sigil Attempt that is used to fight bosses in The Pit
Retiarius Seal.png retiariusseal Retiarius Seal Retiarius Seals restore over time and are spent on games in the Colosseum
Sapphire clover.png sapphireclover Sapphire Clover Can be exchanged for resources in Mysterious Portal during Sapphire's Missive event.
Sapphire clover.png sapphireclovers Sapphire Clover Can be exchanged for resources in Mysterious Portal during Sapphire's Missive event.
Seal of valor.png sealsofvalor Seals of Valor Seals of Valor can be earned in Guild Wars and spent on rewards in the War Spoils.
Soul Dust.png souldust Soul Dust Use it to BOOST your heroes and improve their Soulbind
Stamped Coin.png stampedcoin Stamped Coin Can be exchanged for goods at the Mystery store. At the end of the event, the coins disappear!
XP.png xp XP Experience is used for ranking up

uncategorized Icons

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Icon question.png ? [[]] Icon not found
Icon question.png _DEFAULT Icon not found Icon not found
Epic Obelisk.png epicobelisk Epic Obelisk Global Event Epic Obelisk
Fame cup.png fame Fame Fame
Gem Shop.png gemshop Gem Shop Icon of gem shop
Gold Shop.png goldshop Gold Shop Icon of gold shop
Legendary Obelisk.png legendaryobelisk Legendary Obelisk Global Event Legendary Obelisk
Might.png might Might Might
Miracle.png miracle Miracle Icon of Miracle summons
Rare Obelisk.png rareobelisk Rare Obelisk Global Event Rare Obelisk
Star.png star Star Hero Level Milestone
Summons.png summons Summons Icon of summons
VIP.png vip VIP VIP Subscription
VIP point.png vippoints VIP Points Points needed for VIP
VIP time.png viptime VIP Time Time showing the remaining VIP activation

Icons aliases

Icon Code Tooltip Description
Atk.png atk Atk Damage the creature deals to enemy
Bleed.png bleed Bleeding Bleeding Hero receives damage while attacking
BuffAtk.png buffattack Buff ATK Increases Attack
BuffHp.png buffhealth Buff HP Increases HP (can exceed maximum HP)
Counter Attack.png counter Counter attack Performs one retaliatory attack if has been attacked
Counter Attack.png counterattack Counter attack Performs one retaliatory attack if has been attacked
Event Crystals.png crystal Event Crystal Are used for rewards in events
DebuffAtk.png debuffattack Debuff ATK Decrease Attack
Mental Shield.png divineshield Mental Shield Once defends against attack, skill, or kill
Damage.png dmg Damage Deals damage to target.
Journey Key.png eventkey Attempts Attempts are used to fight bosses in Journey.
Event Runes.png eventrune Event Rune Are used for rewards in events
Event Runes.png eventspark Event Rune Are used for rewards in events
Gem.png gem Gem Can be used to summon new heroes, recharge resources, and speed up chest unlocks.
HP.png hp HP If this value is reduced to 0, the creature dies
Immunity.png immune Immunity Immune heroes can't be affected by any skills, neither from enemies or allies.
Block.png invuln Invulnerability Blocks all damage from enemy attack.
Multi-Attack.png multi Multi-Attack Hero performs several attacks in a row
Multi-Attack.png multiatk Multi-Attack Hero performs several attacks in a row
Poison.png poison Poisoning Every turn poisoned enemy takes damage
Pierce.png punch Punch Through When attacks, deals damage to all enemies in the line
Regeneration.png regen Regeneration Hero with Regeneration replenishes own HP each turn (cannot exceed maximum HP)
Retiarius Seal.png retiarius Retiarius Seal Retiarius Seals restore over time and are spent on games in the Colosseum
Event Runes.png rune Event Rune Are used for rewards in events
Event Runes.png runes Event Runes Are used for rewards in events
Mental Shield.png shield Mental Shield Once defends against attack, skill, or kill
Event Runes.png spark Event Rune Are used for rewards in events
Event Runes.png sparks Event Runes Are used for rewards in events
Stamped Coin.png stampedcoins Stamped Coins Can be exchanged for goods at the Mystery store. At the end of the event, the coins disappear!
Steal Attack.png stealatk Steal Attack Heroes decreases Attack of the target and increases own Attack by the same amount.
Vampiric.png stealhp Steal health Heroes decreases Health of the target and increases own Health by the same amount.
Vampiric.png vamp Vampirism Hero with Vampirism deals additional damage to enemies they hit after the attack and restores that much HP to self
Vampiric.png vampiric Vampirism Hero with Vampirism deals additional damage to enemies they hit after the attack and restores that much HP to self