Champion Resources

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This page describes the currencies related to the Champions used in turf war and the War Spoils that they revolve around.

Seals of Valor

Seals of Valor Seals of Valor can be used to unlock new champions or to spin the War Spoils wheel.

Rare champions can be unlocked for 500 seals, epic champions for 1000 seals, legendary champions for 2000 seals. One spin in the War Spoils costs 100 seals. War Spoils Simulator offers a help in deciding which of these options (unlocks or spins) to choose to maximize the expected total troops.

Seals deals (static values)

Sources for Seals of Valor are the deals and rewards for winning tiles in turf war. There is one daily deal offering 100 seals for 100 Gems Gems and several options to get seals through in-game purchases.

Assuming the current $ prices, the following deals are available:

Price 100Gems 4.99$ 9.99$ 19.99$ 49.99$ 99.99$
Seals 100Seals of Valor 100Seals of Valor 200Seals of Valor 400Seals of Valor 1000Seals of Valor 2000Seals of Valor

Faction Jewels

There are Order Jewels Order Jewels, Chaos Jewels Chaos Jewels and Nature Jewels Nature Jewels. Each kind of jewel is used as a currency to level up champions of the respective faction for costs, see also Champions and Champion Level Table for a complete list of costs.

Jewel deals. Values scale with war spoils, level 1 being shown here.

Jewels are obtained by either spinning the War Spoils or by purchasing them in the deals, each of them containg equal amounts of all three faction jewels. The amount of jewels from both sources scales with the level of the War Spoils. At a war spoils level of 1 and assuming the current $ prices, the following deals are available:

Price 100Gems Gems 4.99$ 9.99$ 19.99$ 49.99$ 99.99$
Jewels 75Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels 150Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels 300Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels 600Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels 1500Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels 3000Order Jewels/Chaos Jewels/Nature Jewels

At higher war spoils level, the same scaling factor applies to all those deals as mentioned below.

Power Essence

Power Essence Power Essence is also used to level up champions. Other than the faction jewels, this resource is only needed when leveling a champion from a multiple of 10, like 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. For that level-up you need power essence in addition to the respective faction jewels. Power essence is independent of the faction.

Power essence deals. Values scale with war spoils, level 1 being shown here.

Sources for power essence are the same as for faction jewels, namely the War Spoils and deals. Just like for the faction jewels, the amount of power essence from these sources scales with the War Spoils level. At a war spoils level of 1 and assuming the current $ prices, the following deals are available:

Price 100Gems 4.99$ 9.99$ 19.99$ 49.99$ 99.99$
Power Essence 10Power Essence 20Power Essence 40Power Essence 80Power Essence 200Power Essence 400Power Essence

At higher war spoils level, the same scaling factor applies to all those deals as mentioned below.

War Spoils

War Spoils at level 1, as stated inside the wheel. The "lvl 2" in the red shield at the end of the progress bar shows the next reachable level, not the current one.

The War Spoils allows you to use 100 Seals of Valor Seals of Valor to spin the wheel once and receive one of the following rewards:

Faction jewels and power essence can come in different amounts which scale with the level of the War Spoils. To reach the next level with the War Spoils, you need to do "current level + 9" spins, for example, you need 10 spins to reach level 2 from level 1, and another 11 spins to reach level 3 (the current level can be found inside the wheel, the next level you could reach is shown at the end of the progress bar).

Faction jewels and power essence (both from War Spoils and from deals) scale with the War Spoils level, being multiplied by some scaling factor that depends on that level. For levels 1, 2, 3 and 4, that factor is 1, 2, 4 or 8, respectively. From level 5 and higher, it is "2*(current level)^1.5 - 8". The maximum level of War Spoils is 50.

The following table shows the different amounts of faction jewels and power essence for the first 5 levels, together with their respective chances:

Level Scaling factor jewels
power essence
power essence
power essence
1 1 200 400 600 35 55 70
2 2 400 800 1200 50 100 150
3 4 800 1600 2400 150 200 300
4 8 1600 3200 4800 300 450 550
5 14.36 2850 5750 8600 500 800 1000

A comprehensive table of rewards for all 50 levels is given in War Spoils Level Table.