War Spoils Level Table

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This table shows the following data for each level of Champion Resources#War Spoils:

  • The scaling factor which gets multiplied to all jewel/power essence rewards as they were on level 1 (i.e. this factor affects rewards from war spoils and the deals)
  • The amount of faction jewels and power essence of the three possible slots each.
Level Scaling factor jewels
power essence
power essence
power essence
1 1 200 400 600 35 55 70
2 2 400 800 1200 50 100 150
3 4 800 1600 2400 150 200 300
4 8 1600 3200 4800 300 450 550
5 14.36 2850 5750 8600 500 800 1000
6 21.39 4300 8550 12850 750 1200 1500
7 29.04 5800 11600 17400 1000 1600 2050
8 37.25 7450 14900 22350 1300 2050 2600
9 46 9200 18400 27600 1600 2550 3200
10 55.24 11050 22100 33150 1950 3050 3850
11 64.96 13000 26000 39000 2250 3550 4550
12 75.13 15050 30050 45100 2650 4150 5250
13 85.74 17150 34300 51450 3000 4700 6000
14 96.76 19350 38700 58050 3400 5300 6750
15 108.18 21650 43300 64900 3800 5950 7550
16 120 24000 48000 72000 4200 6600 8400
17 132.18 26450 52850 79300 4650 7250 9250
18 144.73 28950 57900 86850 5050 7950 10150
19 157.63 31550 63050 94600 5500 8650 11050
20 170.88 34200 68350 102550 6000 9400 11950
21 184.46 36900 73800 110700 6450 10150 12900
22 198.37 39700 79350 119050 6950 10900 13900
23 212.6 42500 85050 127550 7450 11700 14900
24 227.15 45450 90850 136300 7950 12500 15900
25 242 48400 96800 145200 8450 13300 16950
26 257.14 51450 102850 154300 9000 14150 18000
27 272.59 54500 109050 163550 9550 15000 19100
28 288.32 57650 115350 173000 10100 15850 20200
29 304.33 60850 121750 182600 10650 16750 21300
30 320.63 64150 128250 192400 11200 17650 22450
31 337.2 67450 134900 202300 11800 18550 23600
32 354.03 70800 141600 212400 12400 19450 24800
33 371.14 74250 148450 222700 13000 20400 26000
34 388.5 77700 155400 233100 13600 21350 27200
35 406.12 81250 162450 243700 14200 22350 28450
36 424 84800 169600 254400 14850 23300 29700
37 442.12 88400 176850 265250 15450 24300 30950
38 460.49 92100 184200 276300 16100 25350 32250
39 479.1 95800 191650 287450 16750 26350 33550
40 497.96 99600 199200 298800 17450 27400 34850
41 517.05 103400 206800 310250 18100 28450 36200
42 536.38 107300 214550 321850 18750 29500 37550
43 555.93 111200 222400 333550 19450 30600 38900
44 575.72 115150 230300 345450 20150 31650 40300
45 595.73 119150 238300 357450 20850 32750 41700
46 615.97 123200 246400 369600 21550 33900 43100
47 636.43 127300 254550 381850 22300 35000 44550
48 657.1 131400 262850 394250 23000 36150 46000
49 678 135600 271200 406800 23750 37300 47450
50 699.1 139800 279650 419450 24450 38450 48950