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The information in this article or section was last reviewed on November 17, 2022.
  • Information on this page has been verified to be accurate as of the above date.

Animus is an event type in rotation with Global Events and Mysterious Calls, first introduced in September 2022. The next Animus is expected to occur on:

Start: Friday, November 18, 10:00 UTC End: Monday, November 21, 10:00 UTC

NOTE: This page is a work in progress, put up quickly in the hopes that it helps some players with the Animus event starting in 24 hours. Check the pinned messages on the Discord server if you're interested in a guide that's being worked on right now. In the meantime, here is a list of Animus bosses, including their position in the floors, their warlord skills, and partial squad information. Good luck with the event!!


Animus events have several features running side by side. The core feature is the Game Mode, which is simply labelled "Animus" in game. The event also features a Roadmap, similar to those in Global Events and Mysterious Calls. Completing tasks in the Roadmap awards Energy, which is a sort of currency required to attempt fights in the game mode. The Shop feature allows players to purchase souls with currency earned in the game mode, similar to the Mystery Store, and is the main source of loot. Finally, the History feature provides lore and skill information for the warlord featured in the game mode.

Game Mode

The game mode involves traversing three floors, by choosing between one, two, or three options for each of ten steps across each floor. The options can be boss fights, quests, or free chests, as shown below.

  • Animus-floor-1-with-sidebar.png

    View of the first floor of the Animus game mode

Each Animus introduces a new warlord, which players will use for every boss fight that Animus. The warlords are based on familiar Heroes, and each is given a backstory. So far they each have the same skillset. No pets may be equipped, and guild bonuses for warlord level or health do not apply. Each floor behaves a bit like The Pit, in that the bosses have much stronger warlord skills and may take multiple attempts, damage to bosses is cumulative across attempts, and players will get to play a card only once. However, on the first floor, players will be able to use their entire collection of Rare cards only, and the bosses' squads will also be only rares. The second floor works the same but with Epics, and likewise the third but with Legendaries. If a player exhausts their entire collection of one of these rarities but still has fights left on that floor, then a new cycle will start, with that whole rarity available again.


The roadmap works just like the ones in other events, except here there is only a single path with no forks or splits. The steps are not concurrent -- each one must be completed before progress on the next begins. The steps include collecting gold in the Gold Mine, doing Colosseum chores, spending gold, and (yes, also) performing levelups of specific rarities. Each step in the roadmap awards "Energy", which allows players to make more fight attempts in the game mode.


Each fight attempt in the game mode costs "Energy", which is just a currency version of the "attempt" system in Global Events. Players start with a small amount of "Energy", they slowly accumulate it over time (clock time, not in-game time), and they can earn more by completing steps in the Roadmap. Of course, "Energy" is also available in purchase bundles, which are conveniently offered via the sidebar in the Animus screen. This currency is actually the central resource for the Animus game mode, so don't take it lightly. It is very tightly limited for f2p players, so that it is just barely possible to complete without spending, and that requires a collection with good level distribution for each rarity, completing the entire roadmap, choosing the path taken carefully, spending gems and/or scrolls on the right quests, planning and strategizing for each boss, playing with skill, and, naturally, favorable RNG in your draws. The cost of attempts generally increases as players progress through the event, ranging from around 20 "Energy" to around 100. Fights labelled "Hard" cost more than "Normal", which cost more than "Easy", though they also award more coins for the shop. Fights also cost more from floor to floor, and possibly also just for later steps. An f2p player who completes the roadmap, picks chests where possible (they don't cost "Energy"), and does a couple of quests (which also don't cost "Energy") should have enough to complete the event, with less than 10 repeat attempts. That is, a player has to come close to beating each boss in a single attempt, which is generally considered very difficult.


It's a shop


It's a story


Here is a list


Aim for the quest in third floor 4b, to spend 4.5 gems, if there's something you already want to spend the gems on

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