Wizard Patrick

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Wizard Patrick is a Nature themed Global Event released on March 15, 2019.


  • Released: March 15, 2019
  • Rerun: March 13, 2020

Flavor Text

March 13, 2020 Rerun

Sir, we've received a report from a rural village of Alvor. Some drunk satire demands your presence immediately, sir! He wants to have a beer with you! By the rules of our kingdom, you must accept his challenge! If you refuse, the consequences can be vile for today is Wizard Patrick's Day!

March 15, 2019 Release

Sir, we've received a report from a rural village of Alvor. Some drunk satire demands your presence immediately, sir! He wants to have a beer with you! By the rules of our kingdom, you must accept his challenge! If you refuse, the consequences can be vile for today is Wizard Patrick's Day!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

March 13, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Tsukumogami

March 15, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Tsukumogami

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Satyr: Me oul fella, let's melt the ice!
Lord Protector: Look, I don't think it's a good idea.
Satyr: Dry up your butt!
Satyr: Bout ye?

Lord Protector: We've attracted too much attention. Let's get out of here.

Fox: What are you doing here? It's way past midnight.
Lord Protector: I'm escorting my friend to his place.
Fox: Oh yeah? It's going to cost you a buck.
Lord Protector: Sorry, we are out of money.
Fox: Bad for you.

Samaurai: I've found you.
Lord Protector: Do we know each other?
Samaurai: Not you. Your little friend. He's coming with me.
Lord Protector: I highly doubt he can walk at all right now.

Satyr: Hey, watch where yer going, fool!
Lord Protector: Bran, it's me.
Satyr: Bite the back of my bollox!
Satyr: Where... What... My head...
Lord Protector: You did it again. Stop fighting me. I'm on your side.

Fox: Your drunk idiots, you ruin everything!
Lord Protector: We are just walking home.
Fox: :No, you are not!

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Leave us alone, will you?
Samaurai: Not a chance.
Lord Protector: Oh, boy... What a night.
Lord Protector: Why are you so obsessed with Bran? What did he do to you?

Samaurai: Ask him yourself!

Lord Protector: Bran, I need you to tell me about this samurai.
Satyr: Samurai? What samurai? Who are you?
Lord Protector: Bran, come on. Put yourself together!
Satyr: Help! I'm getting robbed!

Fox: The knight said that he'll pay me a fortune for your friend's head!
Lord Protector: My friend is off-limits, okay?
Fox: Still worth a shot.

Samurai: What, you still alive?
Lord Protector: You'd be surprised how much he can drink in a single night.
Samurai: Oh. That's not what I meant.

Lord Protector: Bran, move your butt! We're almost there!
Satyr: Hello there.
Lord Protector: Hm... Why are you looking at me like that? Oh no... No! Stop!
Lord Protector: Okay, Bran. Tell me... What did you do to that knight person?
Satyr: That bastard's off his bloody nut! Now listen...

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Lady, it's none of your damn business. Stay out of this.

Fox: But it is. I got 5000 gold reasons to do this.

Lord Protector: I know what he's done to your... Fiance. But hey, it's the Wizard's Day.
Samaurai: Don't you have any place you'd rather be?
Lord Protector: There's no place on Pangea I'd rather be right now.
Lord Protector: He says he's sorry. Isn't that enough?
Samaurai: All I feel is humiliation. He must pay for it.
Lord Protector: Another day then.

Lord Protector: We've made it, Bran! See you the next year...
Lord Protector: Bran?
Satyr: Ye bleedin’ thick. Ye annoyin' me, ME! Wizard Packie!
Lord Protector: Now he's delirious. The night keeps getting better and better.
Lord Protector: Bran, just promise me that you'll quit drinking, okay?
Lord Protector: Oh, he's asleep. I guess I better go.

Fox: Where's your little friend?
Lord Protector: He's safe. You're late.
Fox: Not too late to kick your butt!
Lord Protector: Well, there's still one thing left to do.

Lord Protector: Hey, The Alvor Knight. I got a proposition for you.
Samaurai: I'm listening.
Lord Protector: We'll fight each other. If I win, you leave my friend alone. If you win...
Lord Protector: ...Then do as you please. I'm totally okay with that.
Samaurai: Sounds interesting. You will never defeat me. I'm the best swordsman on Pangea.
Lord Protector: Care to prove it?
Samaurai: A deal is a deal. Your friend is free to go.
Lord Protector: Good to know. By the way, you are a good warrior. I could've used your skills. What do you say?