Winter's End

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Winter's End is a Global Event released on February 28, 2020.


  • Released: February 28, 2020
  • Rerun: February 26, 2021

Flavor Text

February 26, 2021 Rerun

On one of the last days of winter, the Lord Protector discovered a huge ice cube on the castle steps. One could see the outlines of some unknown creature through the thick layer of ice. What to do with this strange find? Who knows what kind of creature is inside...

February 28, 2020 Release

The snow melted away when spring finally came. Lord Protector of Pangea began janitorial work all across the land. During this, he found a strange creature encased in suspended animation in an iceberg up to the North. Is it a good idea to revive him now?

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

February 26, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Deep Maw

February 28, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Deep Maw

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Sorry what? This unique specimen requires... Extraction from the ice.
Iceman: You can't do that! It's way too dangerous!
Lord Protector: Dangerous is my second nature.
Lord Protector: You're out cold, iceman.
Iceman: Please, think for a moment... You know nothing about this creature you're trying to revive.

Lord Protector: He's just a poor fella trapped in the ice. I wanna help, is all.

Lord Protector: Okay, the unfreezing procedure is complete. Now let's... Hey. Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?
Dryad: Like, in the forest, maybe?
Dryad: I came here to warn you. Leave this creature as it is. Don't unfreeze it.
Lord Protector: Too late. It's done.
Dryad: No... Stupid fool. What have you done?!
Lord Protector: What's wrong with everybody? I'm just trying to help.
Lord Protector: My loyal butler has almost finished the revival procedure...
Dryad: You've doomed us all, Lord Protector...

Lord Protector: Hey, butler guy! Where are you? Oh... Hello. Do you speak Common?
Unfrozen: I... Where am I? Who are you? Are you the one who zapped me?
Lord Protector: Zapped you?
Unfrozen: Well, at least now I'm awake... And I'm ready for murder!
Lord Protector: My goodness, you made some folks... Attack me... But how?
Lord Protector: Something tells me you're a bad guy.
Unfrozen: Do I look like a bad guy?
Lord Protector: Sure you do, mate. Now stay down. I can't let you walk until I realize who you are exactly.

Iceberg: Give me the creature. It is not too late to return him to his normal state. Frozen state!
Lord Protector: No can do, mate. I need to study him. Maybe some magic is involved...
Iceberg: Every minute we waste on talking, this creature grows stronger.
Iceberg: I can't miss this opportunity. The creature dies!
Lord Protector: How you feelin' now, ice-cream?
Iceberg: Don't be a fool. He's going to kill you. There's nothing you can do.
Lord Protector: We'll see about that.

Nature Spirit
Lord Protector: You hate me, I get it. Now please, leave.
Nature Spirit: It is my responsibility to protect the forest realm.
Nature Spirit: And this... Thing... Poses a great danger to the current state of my realm as well.
Nature Spirit: If you don't kill him... Then it's my duty to ensure the safety of everyone on Pangea.
Lord Protector: Okay, enough. I'm going to put this creature into a cryochamber... Wait. Where is he?

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Okay, mate. I'm going to put you back to cryostasis.
Troglodyte: I'm not going back.
Lord Protector: I wasn't asking.
Troglodyte: You don't get it. I can't be frozen anymore. I'm evolving with each minute...
Troglodyte: And soon I'll become unbeatable!

Lord Protector: Well, that's bad... Really bad.

Adviser: Well, well, well. Our dear Lord Protector caused us a new trouble.
Lord Protector: Shut up.
Adviser: Perhaps, I could give you some sort of advice... But I'd rather not.

Tree Guardian
Lord Protector: You were right. I should have listened to you. It was a mistake.
Tree Guardian: Finally you hear the voice of reason. We must act quickly. Terminate this son of a...
Lord Protector: No. We are not going to terminate him. He's the last of his species.
Tree Guardian: You're such a softie, Lord Protector. That's why you'll lose eventually.
Lord Protector: Guess this time I won't lose neither.
Tree Guardian: You're so full of yourself.
Lord Protector: Glad you've enjoyed our battle. Now I must attend to a more urgent matter...

Sea Monster
Lord Protector: Hey, tooth fairy. Let's break the ice.
Sea Monster: So now you're making fun of me?
Lord Protector: It's what I do. First, I make a big mistake... Then I just laugh.
Sea Monster: You humans are so hysterical. Someone must shut you up.
Lord Protector: Good job surviving our brawl.
Lord Protector: What do you say if we hit the road and get back to the lab...
Lord Protector: So I could put you back into a coma?
Sea Monster: We're not done yet, Lord Protector. A funny name, by the way.
Lord Protector: I know. If only I could choose another one. Any ideas?
Sea Monster: Lord Failure, for example?

Therapist: I know we must fight but... I just need some therapy, man.
Lord Protector: He's constantly evolving. I barely have coins to rent the Battle Chamber. Do you know how expensive that is?
Therapist: What do you expect from me? Pity?
Lord Protector: Ouch! That's cold even for you, iceman!
Lord Protector: Okay, let's ask a few questions... If you don't mind.
Lord Protector: First, what does this monster want? Seems like you know him way better than I do.
Therapist: He was born in Bensalem, the Underwater Kingdom. A millenia ago he ruled the place.
Therapist: But his desire to wage war against humanity... It didn't get too many fans, you know.
Therapist: So they banished him. Sent him away. And he was stuck in the middle of the Infinite Ocean.
Lord Protector: Poor fella. But I guess he wants to get revenge. Probably heading to Bensalem as we speak.
Therapist: Ha. He's already been there. Trashed that place. And you, Lord Protector, will never stop him now.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Bensalem is in ruins. I know I made a mistake but we need to act as a team, if we wanna survive.
Devious: You brought this on yourself, sugar. All of our agreements are now terminated.
Lord Protector: On the other hand... Maybe if I turn you in...
Lord Protector: ...Damn.
Lord Protector: Look. We can make things right again.
Lord Protector: All I ever wanted was to help... To save everybody.
Devious: Yeah, right.
Lord Protector: You don't believe me.
Devious: Why should I? Every time you get this brilliant idea... People suffer.
Lord Protector: The monster didn't kill anyone.
Devious: Actually, he did. He stepped on an anthill.
Lord Protector: He didn't kill anyone IMPORTANT.
Devious: Ants are important.

Lord Protector: Okay, fine. I'm gonna do something on my own.

Evolution: The world as you've known it is coming to an end, Lord Protector...
Lord Protector: I think I'm gonna cry. Oh. Wait. Not me, you are!
Evolution: Jokes... As usual. But your sense of humor is not as good as you might think.
Lord Protector: At least, I have a sense of fashion, dirtbag.
Evolution: Impressive.
Lord Protector: Thank you.
Lord Protector: No, thank you. Now I have enough power to turn the entire Pangea against you. Enjoy.

Lord Protector: Look, we have a common goal.
Lord Protector: We were friends before, you know.
Popsicle: Friends? Okay. What's my name?
Lord Protector: Your name? Well, it's easy. Your name is... Um...
Lord Protector: ...
Lord Protector: ...Popsicle?
Popsicle: You don't even know my name. Friends, right.
Lord Protector: Yeah, but... Okay, I see your point.
Popsicle: My name is Grundelar Folkenstein The Third.
Lord Protector: Can I call you Grun?
Popsicle: My friends call me Grun. But I don't have any, so call me Lord Folkenstein of Saint Nordstadt.
Lord Protector: What you said. Let's shake hands, shall we?
Popsicle: Nope.
Lord Protector: Why not?
Popsicle: If we shake hands, you'll get frostbite. We don't need that.
Lord Protector: Yeah. Right.

Lord Protector: Are you ready to suffer?
L'Horna: I'm always suffering... By listening to all this.
Lord Protector: Very well. SQUAD, TAKE 'EM DOWN!
Lord Protector: Wanna do a rematch?
L'Horna: No. You were very persuasive.
Lord Protector: Nice. Then let's go take the beast down. Together.
L'Horna: What do you say if we just kill him? Nobody will ever know.
Lord Protector: Sorry. I have a code against killing.

Deep Maw
Deep Maw: Ah! Lord Failure! Nice of you to pay me a visit! Been expecting you!
Deep Maw: Are you here to talk me into something stupid again?
Lord Protector: No. I'm here to beat your butt.
Lord Protector: Dizzy? Must be the concussion. Then again, how would you know? You have no brain.
Deep Maw: That's a good one...
Deep Maw: Anyway, you've won.
Deep Maw: ...Lock me up. No prison will ever hold me.
Lord Protector: Who said anything about prison? No, I have another offer.
Lord Protector: Your skills will be very helpful in whatever comes next. I want you to join my mighty party.
Deep Maw: Now that's hilarious!
Lord Protector: That's an order!