We Are Legion

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We Are Legion is an Order themed Global Event released on August 16, 2019.


  • Released: August 16, 2019
  • Rerun: December 4, 2020
  • Rerun: September 24, 2021
  • Rerun: September 29, 2021

Flavor Text

September 29, 2021 Rerun

Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...

September 24, 2021 Rerun

Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...

December 4, 2020 Rerun

Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...

August 16, 2019 Release

Sir, Legion is here and he's coming for your soul! Brace yourself, because taking him back to the Lower Worlds won't be an easy task!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

September 24, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Hanzo Sama

December 4, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Hanzo Sama

August 16, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Legion, God of War

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Ninja: Who the heck are you? Another contender to the throne?
Lord Protector: What do you mean another? I am the only legitimate contender!
Ninja: Ha! How can you be so naive? Laws have long been useless on Pangea.
Ninja: You shouldn't have gotten into this fight. But never mind, I'll save you all the trouble and suffering right now.
Lord Protector: This wasn't a part of my plan.
Ninja: You're the first person in years to have beaten me... But you won't stand against Legion.

Angel: Get ready to say goodbye to your life! I will purge Pangea of those who try to destroy it.
Lord Protector: What makes you think I'm trying to destroy it?
Angel: You are one of a dozen contenders to the throne who will do anything to seize power.
Angel: There is only one true ruler who left us many years ago. I'll maintain order while he is away!
Lord Protector: While he is away, huh? You're all about noble speeches and maintaining order, but in reality, you want to take power just like everyone else!
Angel: Enough talking!
Angel: You managed to escape this time, but we will meet again! If Legion doesn't kill you...
Lord Protector: Who is he? Hey, wait, I'm not done with you!

Contender: Um, the ninjas told me that there is a skilled warrior on Pangea that I should be wary of.
Contender: I must say, I'm disappointed with what I see. But it's for the best, the fight with you won't take much time.
Lord Protector: The disappointment is mutual. I expected more, too.
Lord Protector: People talk about you a lot. It feels like everyone is very afraid of you. It's not clear why, though.
Contender: It's a pity that disappointment is the last thing you'll feel before you die.
Contender: Only one person has ever defeated me, but this is impossible...
Lord Protector: I still have blackouts, but I believe it's not impossible anymore. I remembered you, you're still arrogant.

Lord Protector: Does the ninja clan want to welcome the Lord Protector?
Kusarigama: Say goodbye is more like it, I would say. If you think that you have already defeated Legion, you are deeply mistaken.
Kusarigama: Legion was the closest to get the throne, and he is not going to give in to some impostor. The threat must be eliminated.
Lord Protector: An impostor? I've already dealt with a warrior from your clan, and I don't think there will be any problems with you either.
Kusarigama: Lord Protector, it's really you. At least I was killed by a worthy opponent.

Angelia: You won't be able to escape death the second time.
Lord Protector: Didn't you hear that the Lord Protector is back? Your fight is over.
Angelia: Do you think anyone will believe an impostor?
Lord Protector: I think my sword will speak for me.
Angelia: Lord Protector? Apparently, the rumors are true. Why did you leave Pangea?
Lord Protector: I don't remember, but I hope to find out after I take the throne.
Angelia: Good luck with that. You left your subjects to their fate, let's see how they feel about your return!

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Sending assassins after me instead of just fighting was low.
Desperate: I believe that all means are good in the struggle for the throne.
Lord Protector: It seems that the Order faction doesn't act according to its name anymore...
Desperate: You've been away for too long, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: It's true. You've changed a lot, and your obsession with the throne scares me.
Desperate: This is what you lacked to be an outstanding Lord Protector.
Desperate: The people of Pangea need a ruler who will not hesitate and will stop at nothing.

Lord Protector: I can't believe Legion sent another assassin.
Hideo: The first two were good. But you need to put the best against the Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: Meaning you?
Hideo: Don't waste the last moments of your life on idle chatter.
Hideo: I've always completed my orders. Please spare me the shame with your sword.
Lord Protector: As you say.

Avenger: Came to ask for help?
Lord Protector: Frankly speaking, yes... You know I can't handle Legion and his army alone.
Lord Protector: Are you willing to give Pangea to this madman? You've sworn to protect it.
Avenger: Shall I remind you of your vows, Lord Protector?
Lord Protector: We can only stop him together.
Avenger: You're right... Don't think that I'll forget that you left. I'll help you but only for the sake of Pangea.

Impudent: If you've come with a white flag, then I accept your defeat. Maybe I'll even let you stay as an advisor.
Lord Protector: Someone who stubbornly denies an approaching failure cannot become a ruler.
Impudent: Don't measure me by human standards. It seems that you've forgotten who you're dealing with.
Lord Protector: It's time to remind you.

Lord Protector: There's so much persistence in Legion. Do you know that I've already killed three of your comrades?
Hanso: I didn't come for this. I need to learn the secret of your strength.
Hanso: But if you're in the mood to stop me, I'll have to deal with you myself.
Lord Protector: Tell your master that the end is near.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Tell me about Legion. He's from the Order faction, right? What happened to him?
Protector: Yes, but while you were away he was exiled from the Upper Worlds. It's a long story...
Protector: You need to know that he's extremely dangerous and that he'll do whatever it takes to gain power.
Lord Protector: I already know that. How can we stop him?
Protector: We? Lord Protector, I'm afraid you shouldn't fight him on your own anymore.
Protector: The Order Council will protect you and throw everything we have at Legion.
Lord Protector: I will not stay aside and run from danger!
Lord Protector: Pangea needs me. I can't back down.
Protector: I understand, Lord Protector. We'll find another way.

Lord Protector: Did your mercenary not deliver the message?
Exile: He did, but you're just ridiculous. You have nothing to oppose me — no allies, no army.
Lord Protector: Soon you're going to see that it's not like that.
Exile: You know, I think it's time to end this.
Exile: What a shame. But you won't stand against my army. Do you know that they call me Legion for a reason?
Lord Protector: I've always been interested in the origin of your name. I'll ask my friends from the Order.

Kojima: Did you call for me? It was quite unexpected...
Lord Protector: Why did your clan want to kill me? In the past, we had an agreement that you don't touch the Lord Protector.
Kojima: You've just answered your question. It was in the past.
Kojima: You have nothing to pay us after your return. So, expect a blade to stab your heart at any moment.
Lord Protector: How about a duel? If you lose, no one from the clan will know that their leader suffered a defeat. But you'll have to get on my side.
Kojima: You're a fool if you think that I'll agree to that.
Lord Protector: But the fight has already started. Defend yourself!
Kojima: You've won. The ninjas will fight alongside you against Legion. But beware — if you tell anyone about this, you'll die a horrible death.

Ally: The Order Council has declared that you won't take part in the final battle against Legion.
Ally: Pangea has just regained the Lord Protector. We can't let it plunge into chaos again.
Lord Protector: Angelia, it's time for you to understand that I appreciate your help, but I won't let you order me around!

Legion: Lord Protector, are you ready to lose your title?
Lord Protector: I've lost it once, and as you can see, getting it back wasn't difficult.
Legion: Let's not mention the fact that half Pangea still sees an impostor in you.
Legion: It's time to gladden the other half with my victory.
Legion: Angelia? How could you support him? He left Pangea!
Legion: You thought that I'm fighting for the throne because I seek power, but I just wanted to bring order to Pangea!
Lord Protector: I don't think she's going to buy it a second time. And yes I know that you've been cast away from the Upper Worlds.
Legion: Well then, I have no other choice...
Legion: I recognize you as the true Lord Protector and I'll help you get the throne back.
Lord Protector: Oh really?
Legion: I might be power-hungry, but strength has been and still is the main authority to me. You've won by right.