The Last Redemption

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The Last Redemption is a Global Event released on April 26, 2019.


  • Released: April 26, 2019
  • Rerun: May 8, 2020
  • Rerun: June 4, 2021

Flavor Text

June 4, 2021 Rerun

Far from Pangea, in a world filled with peace and harmony, the Elder Gods reside. The Forgers of Existence and The Conductors of Eternal Life, they sleep and dream of a better tomorrow, and they are not to be disturbed.

May 8, 2020 Rerun

Far from Pangea, in a world filled with peace and harmony, the Elder Gods reside. The Forgers of Existence and The Conductors of Eternal Life, they sleep and dream of a better tomorrow, and they are not to be disturbed.

April 26, 2019 Release

Sir, let me remind you that today we celebrate the resurrection of the Old Gods. I must say, I see some familiar faces outside your castle. They are rioting, sir.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

June 4, 2021 Rerun

May 8, 2020 Rerun

April 26, 2019 Release

Heroes Update (May 8, 2020)

Source: Facebook

Changes in health and attack:

  • (1 star) Before: 4 attack and 27 health. After: 9 attack and 29 health.
  • (2 star) Before: 7 attack and 40 health. After: 14 attack and 43 health.
  • (3 star) Before: 11 attack and 66 health. After: 27 attack and 74 health.
  • (4 star) Before: 18 attack and 108 health. After: 42 attack and 117 health.
  • (5 star) Before: 30 attack and 169 health. After: 66 attack and 182 health.
  • (6 star) Before: 70 attack and 257 health. After: 98 attack and 277 health.

3rd ability changes:

  • (1 star) No changes
  • (2 star) Before: starts of turn +14 health to allies. After: starts of turn +16 health to allies.
  • (3 star) Before: starts of turn +21 health to allies. After: starts of turn +27 health to allies.
  • (4 star) Before: starts of turn +33 health to allies. After: starts of turn +42 health to allies.
  • (5 star) Before: starts of turn +52 health to allies. After: starts of turn +61 health to allies.
  • (6 star) Before: starts of turn +79 health to allies. After: starts of turn +88 health to allies.

1st ability changes:

  • (1 star) No changes
  • (2 star) No changes
  • (3 star) Before: end of turn: gives +10 pierce to ranged allies. After: end of turn: gives +14 pierce to ranged allies.
  • (4 star) Before: end of turn: gives +16 pierce to ranged allies. After: end of turn: gives +22 pierce to ranged allies.
  • (5 star) Before: end of turn: gives +25 pierce to ranged allies. After: end of turn: gives +32 pierce to ranged allies.
  • (6 star) Before: end of turn: gives +38 pierce to ranged allies. After: end of turn: gives +46 pierce to ranged allies.

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Bunny: Brothers and sisters! It is time to speak freely!
Lord Protector: What is it, an AA meeting?
Bunny: Your arrogance enraged us! We are here to end your reign!
Lord Protector: How? Could you be more specific, please?
Bunny: We are here to kill you, Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: That’s much better. Thanks.
Lord Protector: C’mon, people. The show’s over. Go about your business.
Bunny: Someone has to stand up to the power of this world!
Bunny: Someone has to change the way it works!
Bunny: The Young Gods shall decide the fate of humanity! Not you!

Lord Protector: Go and preach someplace else, alright?

Turtle: It seems to me that you’ve lost your power over this fine nation.
Lord Protector: You think you'd do this better than me?
Turtle: No. I want to help you. And yes, I know that there’s a hidden portal to the Elder Gods realm in this glorious castle of yours.
Lord Protector: Looks like you forgot to take your pills, old man.
Turtle: You can't stop them.
Lord Protector: At least, I'm not going senile.

Stranger: Do you feel it, Lord Protector?
Stranger: Sends shivers down your spine, doesn’t it?
Lord Protector: All I feel is disappointment.
Stranger: Oh, you should feel it as well. After all, the world is ending and there’s nothing you can do.
Lord Protector: Who are you?
Stranger: I am always in front and never behind. What am I?
Lord Protector: Oh, I love riddles! Gimme a moment... Ah! Yes! You’re the bathroom line!
Stranger: Future.
Lord Protector: Yes. A very sad future.
Stranger: What? No. I am the fu... Hey, this is not funny!
Lord Protector: Exactly. Wetting pants is a dubious pleasure. Unless you’re a water bender.
Lord Protector: You’re insane.
Stranger: Am I?

Lord Protector: I thought I told you all to leave.
Rioter: We are here to stay, Lord Protector! We won’t leave until you give us what we want!
Lord Protector: You mean punches? Happy to oblige!
Rioter: The world does not revolve around you! Look at us! We are the Younger Gods and we are destined to rule Pangea!
Lord Protector: A bunch of psychos if you ask me. There are forces in this world you cannot comprehend.
Rioter: On the contrary! We know about the Elder Gods!
Lord Protector: The Elder Gods is an old myth.
Rioter: Oh yeah? Then what are you hiding from us in that big fortress of yours?
Lord Protector: A stack of adult magazines. What do you care?
Rioter: Soon the truth will be revealed. Everything you’ve done, everyone you care about will perish!
Lord Protector: Yadda yadda kill me yadda yadda destroy. You need to see a therapist, kid. I'm serious!

Old Man
Old Man: They’re getting closer to you every minute.
Old Man: But I can help you. Just take me to the portal.
Lord Protector: What portal?
Old Man: I know there’s a portal to another dimension at your Battle Chamber.
Lord Protector: Is there?
Old Man: Listen to me, boy! You don’t stand a chance against these Younger Gods!
Old Man: I am the only one who can prevent these things from escalating!
Lord Protector: That’s where you’re wrong, old man. Things have already escalated.
Lord Protector: So that’s what this is all about. The Younger Gods want to use the portal. Why?
Old Man: Isn’t that obvious? They believe it is their sacred duty to destroy the Elder Gods.
Lord Protector: Ha! Nobody can destroy the Elder Gods... Right?
Old Man: Do nothing and you will see.
Lord Protector: Hm. I think I can’t let them use that portal.
Old Man: The Younger Gods are getting stronger even as we speak. You won’t hold for long.
Lord Protector: Wanna bet?

Chapter 2

Riddle Guy
Lord Protector: Hey, the riddle guy. Look, I need to lock down my quarters, so the crazies won’t break in.
Lord Protector: I think I might require your help.
Riddle Guy: Sorry. Not interested.
Lord Protector: Oh, come on! We're talking about the fate of the Universe!
Riddle Guy: I have seen all the possible outcomes. Trust me, this is not going to end well.
Lord Protector: You can see the future? Now I get it! Then tell me, how do I win this time?
Riddle Guy: This time... You don’t.
Lord Protector: I bet you didn't predict me kicking your butt!
Riddle Guy: Of course, I did. I am the Foreseer.
Lord Protector: Yeah. And I’m a sushi chef.
Riddle Guy: Are you mocking me?
Lord Protector: With so much at stake, it helps to have a sense of humor, you know.
Riddle Guy: Then I’ll keep my mouth shut from now on.

Lord Protector: Finally! I think we'll end up being good pals, you and I!

Lord Protector: What’s your problem with the Elder Gods?
Kid: They let innocent people die! Who decides who needs to be saved? Everyone deserves a second chance!
Lord Protector: And yet you want to arouse the Forgers of Existence. Do you know what happens when they wake up? Everything dies.
Kid: I don’t care about the world!
Lord Protector: A bit hypocritical, aren't you?
Lord Protector: Kid, please. You have no idea what forces you are messing with.
Kid: Pangea is full of flaws. Someone has to fix it.
Lord Protector: Fix it how? By blowing it up? Makes sense, duh.
Kid: We are ready to do whatever it takes!
Lord Protector: Good for you. I'll go cancel my Patflix subsciption. Won't need them no more.

Grandpa: The clock is ticking, son.
Lord Protector: Good news then. It means that it's not broken.
Grandpa: Give me the keys to your portal.
Lord Protector: Never.
Grandpa: Come on! I will keep them in a much safer place, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: I know such a place. And I intend to kick it!
Lord Protector: You really know a safer place, huh?
Grandpa: Yes. I’ve been preparing my entire life for this.
Lord Protector: You mean, the apocalypse?
Grandpa: The Awakening. The Elder Gods will rise. We need to seal the portal.
Lord Protector: Fine. Take the keys.
Grandpa: Really?
Lord Protector: Nope.

Foreseer: I can sense your fear even from where I’m standing.
Lord Protector: Shut up. I’m trying to think.
Foreseer: Ah. Yes. Thinking is so much easier than running away, scared like a lamb.
Foreseer: You know, because this is exactly what you’re going to do in an hour or so.
Lord Protector: You don’t know me.
Foreseer: Of course, I do! I know everything!
Lord Protector: If you’re so smart, tell me how to seal the portal.
Foreseer: Destroy the keys.
Lord Protector: Right. Hm. What a strange alloy. Maybe I can melt it down...
Foreseer: Unlikely. You don’t have time for that.
Lord Protector: You’re not helping, man!
Foreseer: Admit it. You’ve already lost. There’s nothing you can do to prevent the inevitable.
Lord Protector: Hopefully I can still shut your mouth with my fist.

Thief: I know what you’re thinking.
Thief: You think that I’m surrounded and I remain still, waiting patiently for my own demise.
Thief: Here's the bad news. Patience has never been my strongest suit!
Lord Protector: You could have tried to break in earlier. Why now, all of a sudden?
Thief: You don’t realize how miserable this world is...
Lord Protector: Yeah, cut the crap, will ya? Something must have happened recently to you. Why are you so obsessed with the Elder Gods?
Thief: Once... I had a sister. Not by blood, not anything like that. But she was my world.
Thief: ...And she made a mistake. And now... Now she’s gone and...
Lord Protector: You want to bring your sister back. And you think that the Elder Gods may help you with that.
Thief: If not, I will kill every single one of them! I’ll take their power to redesign Pangea!
Thief: I will bring Cat back.
Lord Protector: Let her go, kid. Just... Let her go.
Thief: I will... But first tell me. Have you seen your keys lately?
Lord Protector: What? I... Crap! Someone from your crew must have stolen them!

Chapter 3

Wise One
Wise One: I told you this would happen! BUT NO, NOBODY EVER LISTENS TO ME!
Lord Protector: Could you speak a bit louder, please? I can’t hear you!
Wise One: I should have taken the keys! Now we are all DOOMED!
Wise One: I guess that child was right. You deserve to BURN!
Lord Protector: Come on, old man. We need to find that kid before she uses the portal.
Wise One: Go without me... I can’t breathe!

Lord Protector: Sorry, grandpa. I can’t deal with your anxiety attacks right now. See you soon!

Lord Protector: Have you seen the rabbit?
Cthulhu: She is gone.
Lord Protector: You talking about the future again? C’mon, man, live the present! Even for a little bit.
Cthulhu: She used the portal.
Lord Protector: Thank goodness, I made a spare key!
Lord Protector: What are you waiting for? Let's go save the Universe and stuff!
Cthulhu: This is not what the future holds for you.
Cthulhu: You still don’t get it, do you?
Lord Protector: You mean Reddit or TikTok?
Cthulhu: The things have already been set in motion. All we can do is watch.
Lord Protector: Never been a couch fan. I’ll go after the kid.
Cthulhu: But what’s the point?
Lord Protector: You love riddles. That’s another riddle for you.

Lord Protector: Hey, kid!
Lapin: Silence! I can sense their presence. A cosmic deity that twists our reality in ways beyond our comprehension.
Lord Protector: Hm. This place looks exactly like Pangea to me. Just smells worse.
Lord Protector: Anyway, it’s too dangerous to be here. I’m here to take you home.
Lapin: No! First, I must find the Elder Gods!
Lord Protector: I wish your friend never died. That would spare us from another battle.
Lapin: Cat... Where are you?
Lord Protector: She’s gone, kid.
Lapin: She deserves a second chance! If only you had known her...
Lord Protector: ...The past must stay in the past. Let’s get you home.

Lord Protector: How you doing, old man? Still angry at me?
Tortulus: No... It can’t be! How are you still alive?
Lord Protector: Looks like you were wrong. Again.
Tortulus: I don’t believe you. This is some kind of a trick. You’re the Elder God!
Lord Protector: Wh... What?
Tortulus: Yes! You’ve disguised yourself as Lord Protector. But I’m not that easily fooled!
Lord Protector?: How about a little secret, old man?
Lord Protector?: You were right.
Lord Protector?: See, I’m not the real Lord Protector. My name is Ysh’Tmala. I am the Elder God. The sole survivor of my kind.
Tortulus: I... I knew it. But where’s the real Lord Protector now?
Lord Protector?: He’s back at my place, still trying to convince that little bunny to go home.
Lord Protector?: Anyhoo, time to deal with him. For real this time. Then Pangea will burn.
Tortulus: Why are you doing this?
Lord Protector?: Why indeed? Maybe this is who I am. Haven’t you heard about me? The God of Madness?
Tortulus: He will stop you.
Lord Protector?: Yes, about that. Imagine how surprised he'll be when he sees my real face!

Ysh'Tmala: Riddle me this. What begins but has no end and is the ending of all that begins?
Ysh'Tmala: The correct answer is coming at you, dear Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: Is there something else you want to share with me?
Ysh'Tmala: Oh, but I gave you so many hints and clues... Fine. Ysh’Tmala is my name. The last Elder God.
Lord Protector: You were stalking me. Why?
Ysh'Tmala: Frankly, I was bored out of my mind. I woke up and there was nothing... Nothing!
Ysh'Tmala: My brothers were dead, and I lost all my power. Years in solitude made me a bit... Cranky, to say the least.
Ysh'Tmala: So I peeped into your world, looking for a way to restore myself. And I found you.
Ysh'Tmala: When I drain your power, Pangea will descend into madness.
Lord Protector: It already has. They have me as their Lord Protector, pal.
Ysh'Tmala: You know, for a moment I thought I was a goner... Then I met you.
Ysh'Tmala: You people are so naïve. You want to believe that there are some ancient gods to watch over you.
Lord Protector: Never met gods. Only freaks consumed by lust for power.
Lord Protector: You said that you can see the future. In the future, will Pangea be mine?
Ysh'Tmala: Yes.
Lord Protector: I’ll be a good ruler, right?
Ysh'Tmala: You expect an honest answer?
Ysh'Tmala: A word of advice. Do not consider yourself to be better than others.
Lord Protector: I'm not. I'm just trying to do whatever I have to. Like the rest of us.