The Last Laugh

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The Last Laugh is an Order themed Global Event released on January 3, 2020.


  • Released: January 3, 2020
  • Rerun: June 18, 2021

Flavor Text

June 18, 2021 Rerun

Hello, Pangea! Here's Jester, and I'm ready to play a prank on you again! I have something special on the menu for you today. Well, let's see... Oh, yes! A crazy old man... and the girl with the fan. All right, I'll leave you to it. I've got important things to do myself! Have fun! Ha-ha-ha!

January 3, 2020 Release

Hello, Pangea! Here's Jester, and I'm ready to play a prank on you again! I have something special on the menu for you today. Well, let's see... Oh, yes! A crazy old man... and the girl with the fan. All right, I'll leave you to it. I've got important things to do myself! Have fun! Ha-ha-ha!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

June 18, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Bravi, Deadly Blade

January 3, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Amaterasu, Eternal Sun
  • Event Dialogue

    Chapter 1


    Madman: For ten years I've been locked up in the isolation chamber.
    Madman: Calling me names. Torturing me. But now I hear the voice of thunder.
    Madman: It sings to me. Calls out to me. Fills me with power...
    Lord Protector: You'd better listen to the voice of reason.
    Lord Protector: He's more powerful than I remember. But not as powerful as I am.

    Assassin: Askarah! What is this place and who are you?
    Lord Protector: It's called Pangea. I'm the Lord Protector of these lands.
    Assassin: If you're Protector, then who's going to protect you?
    Assassin: You are strong. I might need your help.
    Lord Protector: Listen, lady, I'm in no mood for fighting. Got a clown to catch.
    Assassin: Go. But know this, Protector. We'll meet again.
    Lord Protector: Jester. You won't get far.
    Cesar: WhY aRe yOu sO sUrE aBoUt tHaT?
    Lord Protector: Because I'm taking you back to the asylum.
    Cesar: aSyLuM? sO bOrInG, aS uSuAl! cAtCh mE FiRsT!
    Lord Protector: This is it. You're going down.
    Cesar: nOt sO fAsT! wHaT aBoUt dEsSeRt?
    Lord Protector: Talk to that crazy electrician about that. You'll be good roomies back in the asylum.
    Egomaniac: There is no prison good enough to hold me!
    Lord Protector: Such a huge ego for a nut.
    Lord Protector: On the other hand, it's a thing all the madmen have in common.
    Egomaniac: I'm not a madman! And I'm going to prove it!
    Lord Protector: Where's Jester? Did you let him go?
    Egomaniac: He is just another victim of your unfair judgement.
    Lord Protector: He's dangerous. He will kill dozens if I don't stop him.
    Lord Protector: Tell me! Where did he go?
    Clan Lady
    Clan Lady: The Eternal Sun sentenced Mjolnir to die.
    Clan Lady: Don't make it personal, Protector. This is our way.
    Lord Protector: Your way out of Pangea.
    Lord Protector: What is the Eternal Sun?
    Clan Lady: This is... My clan. We have a mission.

    Lord Protector: Tell me about it.

    Chapter 2


    Jack: hEhEhEhEhEhE!
    Lord Protector: What's so funny, clown?
    Jack: wE LiVe iN SoCiEtY!

    Mjolnir: Stay out of this poor clown or witness my power!
    Lord Protector: You know... You're getting annoying, old man.
    Mjolnir: Old man? Do you even realize how ancient am I?
    Lord Protector: Enough to spend ten more years in the asylum!
    Mjolnir: Don't you see it? I am immortal!
    Lord Protector: I know you consider killing Mjolnir to be your duty.
    Lord Protector: But Pangea is not a place for bounty hunters.
    Huntress: We are not bounty hunters. We are Sanctum Officium.
    Lord Protector: Right. Still, I don't do killings.
    Huntress: Just let us do our job! He must die!
    Lord Protector: Or what?
    Huntress: Or the entire Pangea will perish!
    Lord Protector: I don't think so. Get lost!
    Heath: dO yOu kNoW wHy I LeT yOu wIn aLL tHe tImE?
    Lord Protector: Because I'm better than you?
    Heath: HeLL nO. wHo dO yOu tHiNk yOu aRe? DaNiEl DaY-LeWis?
    Heath: nO... I LeT yOu wIn bEcAuSe yOuR sEnSe oF jUsTiCe wOn'T LeT yOu KiLL mE.
    Lord Protector: So we'll just keep fighting until one of us dies? Is that what you're saying?
    Heath: LeT's FiNd oUt! hAhAhAhAhA!
    Lord Protector: Your jokes are getting old, Jester. Give this up.
    Heath: YoU rEaLLy tHiNk I hAvE nOtHiNg uP mY sLeEvE?
    Lord Protector: What's that supposed to mean?
    Heath: I'm nOt yOuR bIgGeSt pRoBLeM tOdAy, LoRd PrOtEcToR.
    Heath: NoT eVeRyOnE iN hErE iS cRaZy!
    Lord Protector: What are you talking about?!
    Heath: hAhAhAhAhA!
    Electric Man
    Lord Protector: I had enough of you, Mjolnir. You're going back to where you belong.
    Electric Man: You've seen what I'm capable of. And still... You refuse to see the obvious.
    Electric Man: Fine. If you survive this battle, I'll share something with you.
    Electric Man: Now I think you deserve the truth.
    Electric Man: I'm not crazy. I'm an avatar for the ancient god.
    Lord Protector: I find this very hard to believe, man.

    Electric Man: Perhaps, it'll be easier if I show you my visions...

    Chapter 3


    Judge: So you know the truth about Mjolnir.
    Judge: Do you believe me now? Do you believe in our cause?
    Lord Protector: Who made you a judge? The Court of Doom must decide his fate.
    Judge: And where's your court now? Where is it? I see no one here, except our armies.
    Lord Protector: They will come. They can't ignore it.
    Judge: You still believe in law and order... But there's no law or order here!
    Lord Protector: I'm locking you up.
    Judge: You're making a big mistake, Protector.
    Lord Protector: Maybe. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic.
    Judge: Your dungeon won't stop Aisha Al Ryaah!
    Lord Protector: Wanna bet?

    Jared: WaNnA kNoW hOw tHiS iS gOiNg tO eNd?
    Lord Protector: It's all going to end in your defeat, Jester.
    Jared: In oNe hUgE bLoOdY mEsS!
    Jared: WAiT. StOp mE iF yOu'Ve hEaRd tHiS oNe.
    Jared: LoRd PrOtEcToR cOmEs bAcK tO PaNgEa...
    Lord Protector: Shut up. I have no time for your jokes.
    Jared: SuCh a pArTy-pOoPeR!
    God of Thunder
    God of Thunder: At last! For the first time in 10 years, I'm free of the sense of dread and despair.
    God of Thunder: Lord Protector, witness me destroying everything the oppressors built to keep me on a leash!
    Lord Protector: So the prophecies were right. You are the harbringer of doom.
    God of Thunder: Freedom never comes easy. But it's all over, a new society will arise!
    God of Thunder: You are just like them... Another oppressor trying to keep things under control.
    God of Thunder: But there's no control, Lord Protector. You should know it by now.
    Lord Protector: Oh, I know. That's why I keep protecting my home.
    Aisha Al Ryaah
    Lord Protector: I got this sorted out, Aisha. You may leave now.
    Aisha Al Ryaah: I'd love to... But you humiliated me in front of my warriors.
    Aisha Al Ryaah: For that I will punish you with death.
    Lord Protector: Look, you were right. Let's not do anything we both will regret about.
    Aisha Al Ryaah: You should've thought about this earlier!
    Aisha Al Ryaah: Before you put me in a dungeon with rats and cockroaches!
    Lord Protector: Who let you out of the dungeons, Aisha?
    Aisha Al Ryaah: That white-faced punk. He blew up the dungeons.
    Lord Protector: You look a bit pale... Are you feeling all right?
    Aisha Al Ryaah: I... haha... I feel dizzy. And my warriors... They're... Haha...
    Lord Protector: Oh, crap.
    Aisha Al Ryaah: hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhA!
    Lord Protector: He poisoned you.
    Aisha Al Ryaah: hAhAhAhA pLeAsE mAkE iT sToP hElP mEhEhEhEhAhAhA!
    Lord Protector: I'm gonna inject you with something. I hope this works.
    Lord Protector: There. You feel better now?
    Aisha Al Ryaah: ha... Haha... I... Find this... Shkarah... And put an end to this.
    Lord Protector: You used Mjolnir as distraction to poison people of Pangea.
    Joaquin: i DiDn'T pOiSoN nO oNe! YoU sEe, iT's aLL iN tHe wAtEr!
    Lord Protector: I get it. You've drugged the water. I need an antidote.
    Joaquin: wHy? tHeRe aRe sO mAnY sAd pEoPlE iN hErE.
    Joaquin: I'm jUsT mAkInG tHeM fOrGeT aBoUt aLL tHeIr tRoUbLeS!
    Lord Protector: The only trouble they know is you, Jester!
    Joaquin: hAhAhAhAhAhAhA! WhEn WiILL yOu rEaLiZe tHaT tHe oNly wAy tO sToP mE...
    Joaquin: ...iS tO kILL mE?
    Lord Protector: Perhaps, you're right. It's too late for the asylum now.
    Joaquin: W-what?
    Lord Protector: Yeah. Maybe this time I'll put you in the 13th Sector of the Lower Worlds.
    Lord Protector: There are innocent souls in there waiting for a payback.
    Lord Protector: You'll love it there.
    Joaquin: N-no! P-please, Lord Protector! You can't do this to me! They'll tear me apart!
    Lord Protector: Not my problem anymore.

    Joaquin: Okay, okay! You win! Here's the antidote. Now take me back to the asylum!