The Grave Keeper

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The Grave Keeper is a Global Event released on July 5, 2019.


  • Released: July 5, 2019
  • Rerun: July 3, 2020
  • Rerun: August 27, 2021
  • Rerun: July 15, 2022
  • Rerun: July 21, 2022
  • Rerun: June 21, 2024

Flavor Text

June 21, 2024 Rerun

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

July 21, 2022 Rerun

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

July 15, 2022 Rerun

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

August 27, 2021 Rerun

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

July 3, 2020 Rerun

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

July 5, 2019 Release

You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

June 21, 2024 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Mr. Flap

July 5, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Charon, Soul Catcher

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Grave Keeper
Grave Keeper: I want to talk to you about that friend of yours... Joseph Corbeau.
Lord Protector: I'm all ears. What happened, Franz?
Grave Keeper: Well, it seems that... Somebody took his body.
Lord Protector: What? Are you telling me that... You are the grave keeper! You are responsible for this!
Grave Keeper: I'm sorry, Lord Protector. It got out of hand.
Lord Protector: Sorry ain't gonna cover it, Franz!
Lord Protector: Damn... Sorry, Franz. It's just... Corbeau was my friend.

Grave Keeper: I understand... Take a look in the grave. I think there might be some evidence left.

Lord Protector: Something tells me you may know where my friend's corpse is.
Plant: Would you like to join him, Lord Protector?
Plant: You, humans, are a perfect fertilizer to me!

Visitor: Do you remember the last time we met?
Lord Protector: You. I thought you were dead. How did you survive?
Visitor: Who says I am alive? But sometimes it's possible to come back from the dead...
Visitor: And everyone just loses their minds. Like they've never seen the living dead.
Visitor: They don't even know where to run and how to hide. Such fools...
Visitor: But that's enough about that, Lord Protector. This fight, indeed, will be our last one.
Lord Protector: Oh, thank goodness. I won't have to listen to this nonsense anymore.

Lord Protector: Franz? What happened to you?
Zombie: There is no Franz in this body anymore. I'm his new master and Lord Protector isn't the one I serve!
Zombie: But I am still handy with the shovel, you know. I've already dug you a grave.

Lord Protector: Okay, now let me get this straight.
Lord Protector: My friend's body is gone.
Lord Protector: That monster came back from the dead.
Lord Protector: The grave keeper has gone crazy and wants me dead for some reason.
Lord Protector: Okay. I must continue my investigation. Gotta find out where Corbeau's corpse is.
Lord Protector: I'll deal with the rest some other time.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: All the evidence I gathered points to you, wacko.
Butcher: I spent months, waiting for the chance to get back at you, Lord Protector. And that day has come.
Lord Protector: So you're a coward too? You couldn't deal with me man to man?

Butcher: Don't you dare call me a coward!

Tombstone: Why haven't you run away?
Lord Protector: Because I don't want to. I want to help you, Franz.
Tombstone: There's no Franz. Only The Tombstone.

Psycho: Soon there'll be a plenty of us! We'll take over this land!

Franky Stein
Franky Stein: Now I may finally take revenge on you!
Lord Protector: Your experiments will backfire on you in the netherworld when I finally send you there.
Franky Stein: People will tell stories about my experiments.
Franky Stein: Saw your friend Corbeau, by the way. He'll be a great addition to my collection...
Lord Protector: So it was you who stole his body!
Franky Stein: Or he won't. Frankly speaking, he doesn't look very presentable. And I haven't sewn his head back on yet.
Lord Protector: You are sick!

Schizoid: My mind is clouded... I don't feel anything.
Lord Protector: Franz, it's not too late for you. Let me help you!
Schizoid: NO! GO TO HELL!
Schizoid: That... Flower... It... Poisoned me. It... Makes me do this.
Lord Protector: It's okay, buddy. I'll find a way to reverse it.

Chapter 3

Тhorn Apple
Lord Protector: You poisoned my friend, and now he's talking bullshit and wants to kill me.
Тhorn Apple: What can I say? Long live the Flos kindom!

Lord Protector: I won't let that happen. An antidote. NOW.

Meat King
Meat King: Tonight we dine on Corbeau's bones!
Lord Protector: You know... I liked you much better when you were dead.
Lord Protector: I can't bring my friend back from the dead. But what you did... It's sick. You need to be locked up in some loony bin.
Meat King: I doubt you'll find one where they can cure my insanity.
Lord Protector: Well, that leaves me no choice but to kill you for good. But first, I need to help Franz.

Lord Protector: Franz, I've got an antidote.
Charon: Who are you talking to? There's no Franz. There's only...
Lord Protector: I know! I get it, all right? Looks like I'll just have to poor it down your throat myself.
Charon: Wh... Where am I?
Lord Protector: It's okay, Franz. You're safe. Although, your skin looks a bit greener now.
Lord Protector: But there is nothing to be embarassed about. No one will see you here in the graveyard after all.
Charon: I appreciate you saving my life, Lord Protector. But to be honest, I've just realized how much I hate this job.
Lord Protector: Right, I get it, but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, right?

Laurnel: You ruined my plans for blooming Pangea! And I'll punish you for it!
Lord Protector: Haven't you heard? I'm Lord Protector of Pangea!
Laurnel: I decide what it's going to look like.
Laurnel: Next time you won't be here to stop me!
Lord Protector: There will be no next time, silly.

Mr. Flap
Mr. Flap: It's funny. I actually hit it home with your friend's body.
Lord Protector: You did. But enough talking.
Mr. Flap: You're right. I am actually already thinking about the best way to sew up your mouth.
Lord Protector: Now listen to me very carefully. I'm going to dismantle your body.
Lord Protector: And bury it piece by piece in different lead sarcophagi in the Lower Worlds.
Mr. Flap: No, you won't do this!
Lord Protector: Watch me. And for now tell me where Corbeau's body is, it deserves a proper burial.