The Darkest Night

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The Darkest Night is a Chaos themed Global Event released on October 25, 2019.


  • Released: October 25, 2019
  • Rerun: July 2, 2021
  • Rerun: February 11, 2022
  • Rerun: February 3, 2023
  • Rerun: February 16, 2024

Flavor Text

February 16, 2024 Rerun

The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.

February 3, 2023 Rerun

The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.

February 11, 2022 Rerun

The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.

July 2, 2021 Rerun

The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.

October 25, 2019 Release

The moon has never looked as beautiful as she is tonight. But don't underestimate her power, for Pangea will soon succumb to chaos. you don't stop evil creatures taking over your homeland, soon there'll be nothing left.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

October 25, 2019 Release


  • This event was originally called The Darkest Night and was renamed to The Longest Night on February 11, 2022.
  • Was renamed back to The Darkest Night on on February 16, 2024.

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: It's not even Halloween. Why would demonesses show up at my castle?
Lord Protector: Bad news, sweetheart. I'm all out of candies. But my fists are still with me.

Lord Protector: Now who have we here? An orc?
Monster: No.
Lord Protector: Don't tell me, don't tell me... Are you a... Wolf? Oh, wait!
Lord Protector: You're that scissorhands dude! I love that movie!
Monster: Are you out of your mind?! This is not an outfit!
Lord Protector: You mean this is what you really look like? No offense, buddy, but let's go visit my tailor.
Monster: Silence, fool! I'm here to slice you! Slice you all!

Black Lady
Lord Protector: I knew it! Everything gets messy when you're around.
Black Lady: Ain't you happy to see me?
Lord Protector: You know what I say to people like you?
Lord Protector: Not today!

Lord Protector: You're scaring people. Maybe it's time for you to go.
Hellcat: But scaring people... This is what I live for!
Lord Protector: In that case, you don't have much time left.

Chuba Cabras
Lord Protector: After the last time we've met I had to fix my mirror.
Lord Protector: It couldn't stand the sight of you!
Lord Protector: I feel dizzy... What is it?
Chuba Cabras: I've injected you something. It's going to kill you. Slowly.
Lord Protector: Please, tell me you didn't give me fleas.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: What is happening to me? I'm getting all itchy.
Enchantress: It could be a parasite. You gotta see a doctor.
Lord Protector: Wh... What doctor?
Enchantress: Well, in your case... A pathologist!

She-Devil: Look at you. What a mess.
Lord Protector: You're the one to talk. So, are you here to fight or what?
She-Devil: I don't think you're in a condition to fight.
She-Devil: Then again, good for me!

Howler: What's up, bro? You don't mind if I call you "bro", do you?
Lord Protector: Call me whatever you like. Just tell me what did you inject me?
Howler: You see, I'm bored. Killing people gets annoying after a hundred times. That's why I decided to turn you into my clone.
Howler: Just imagine. A new species, all-new, all-different. Here, on Pangea.
Lord Protector: You watch too many cartoons.
Lord Protector: C'mon, there must be something... Your blood. Or, maybe, your spit.
Lord Protector: Ah, whatever. I'll just take a sample of both.
Lord Protector: Thanks. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.

Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale: I love nighttime. Less sneaking around, you know.
Lord Protector: You got a face only a mother can love.
Femme Fatale: Don't mess with me, Lord Protector. I am Death, and today I am all yours.
Lord Protector: Such thing like death isn't going to hold me back.
Lord Protector: Gotta make an antidote...

Madam Agony
Lord Protector: Hope this potion works... Smells like a demon's armpit.
Lord Protector: Speaking of the demon! Wanna take a sip of my medicine?
Madam Agony: Actually, I wanna break your neck!
Lord Protector: Pfff. Demons.
Lord Protector: Well, here goes nothing...
Lord Protector: Tastes like crap. But I'm feeling better now.
Lord Protector: Okay, time to end that scissor dude before he turns somebody else.

Chapter 3

Werewolf: Are you hungry? I saw a tasty meatloaf back there. Want me to cut it?
Lord Protector: I don't feel like it. I'm here just so you don't turn anyone into a roll.
Werewolf: Now wait a minute! You're still... You!
Lord Protector: That's very perceptive of you.
Werewolf: It's... Impossible. You've cheated!
Lord Protector: I'd love to stay and chat but I must protect that meatloaf you mentioned.
Lord Protector: And I don't cheat. It is punishable in my kingdom

Old Lady
Old Lady: Knock-knock!
Lord Protector: Who's there?
Old Lady: Your Death.
Lord Protector: Sorry, I've been married before!

Lord Protector: Give up, witch!
Witch: Witch? You calling me witch? I'm 10 years younger than you!
Lord Protector: Okay. There's two more to go. If you want to do something useful today, join me.
Witch: Like I have any other option...

Lord Protector: You don't have to kill people.
Damned: But this is my curse!
Lord Protector: You can fight it, man... Or whatever you are.
Damned: Whatever happened to me... It's incurable.
Lord Protector: Well, I've got the antidote. We can try to fix you.
Damned: It's way too late for me, Lord Protector. I've been like this for... Centuries.
Lord Protector: It's never too late, Cabrus. Never.
Damned: Are you sure this antidot will work on me?
Lord Protector: Oh, quit whining! I'm offering you my help! Now move your ass!
Damned: Okay, okay! Sheesh!

Grand Ma Reaper
Lord Protector: You've got nowhere to run, Death! You're finished!
Grand Ma Reaper: You do realize how dumb this sounds?
Lord Protector: Oh, come on! I'm a warrior, not a linguist.
Grand Ma Reaper: At least, show me some respect, young man. What would you do without me?
Lord Protector: The same thing I usually do. The dungeon is quite big.
Lord Protector: And you'll have a chance to see it for yourself.
Lord Protector: So... To kill or not to kill? That's the question.
Grand Ma Reaper: Fool! You can't kill Death... Can you?
Lord Protector: Well, I guess I'll never know. Guys, cuff her!
Lord Protector: And now let's celebrate. Death will never spoil our day! Not anymore!
Grand Ma Reaper: That's what you think.
Lord Protector: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!