Summon/Zombie (Regardus Diplius)

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Zombie (Regardus Diplius) is a possible Summon Summon from Regardus Diplius.

Summon Overview

Atk Atk HP HP Skill Type Description
2Atk 3HP Curse Inflicts Curse 4 on enemies in a line
Buff HP Start of Turn: Gives +5 to allies (including oneself)

Summon Stats

Level Bonus
1 2Atk 3HP -
2 4Atk 7HP +2Atk
Skill 1: +3Curse
Skill 2: +3Buff HP
3 9Atk 15HP +5Atk
Skill 1: +5Curse
Skill 2: +6Buff HP
4 15Atk 26HP +6Atk
Skill 1: +9Curse
Skill 2: +10Buff HP
5 28Atk 48HP +13Atk
Skill 1: +17Curse
Skill 2: +18Buff HP
6 60Atk 102HP +32Atk
Skill 1: +28Curse
Skill 2: +29Buff HP
7 90Atk 153HP +30Atk
Skill 1: +33Curse
Skill 2: +34Buff HP
8 135Atk 230HP +45Atk
Skill 1: +36Curse
Skill 2: +37Buff HP
9 180Atk 306HP +45Atk
Skill 1: +45Curse
Skill 2: +48Buff HP
10 230Atk 391HP +50Atk
Skill 1: +50Curse
Skill 2: +56Buff HP

Summon Skills

Level Skill 1Curse Skill 2Buff HP
Inflicts Curse 4 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +5 to allies (including oneself)
2 Inflicts Curse 7 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +8 to allies (including oneself)
3 Inflicts Curse 12 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +14 to allies (including oneself)
4 Inflicts Curse 21 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +24 to allies (including oneself)
5 Inflicts Curse 38 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +42 to allies (including oneself)
Inflicts Curse 66 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +71 to allies (including oneself)
7 Inflicts Curse 99 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +105 to allies (including oneself)
8 Inflicts Curse 135 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +142 to allies (including oneself)
9 Inflicts Curse 180 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +190 to allies (including oneself)
10 Inflicts Curse 230 on enemies in a line Start of Turn: Gives +246 to allies (including oneself)