Summon/Reward Box

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Reward Box is a possible Summon Summon from Evil "Santa", Evil's Helper, and Ding Viesel.

Summon Overview

Atk Atk HP HP Skill Type Description
0Atk 7HP Buff ATK Death: Gives +2Atk to all heroes around itself

Summon Stats

Level Bonus
1 0Atk 7HP -
2 0Atk 11HP +4HP
Skill 1: +1Buff ATK
3 0Atk 16HP +5HP
Skill 1: +2Buff ATK
4 0Atk 23HP +7HP
Skill 1: +4Buff ATK
5 0Atk 33HP +10HP
Skill 1: +5Buff ATK

Summon Skills

Level Skill 1Buff ATK
Death: Gives +2Atk to all heroes around itself
2 Death: Gives +3Atk to all heroes around itself
3 Death: Gives +5Atk to all heroes around itself
4 Death: Gives +9Atk to all heroes around itself
5 Death: Gives +14Atk to all heroes around itself