Summon/Freddy, Lord of Terror

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Freddy, Lord of Terror is a possible Summon Summon from Freddy, Lord of Terror.

Summon Overview

Atk Atk HP HP Skill Type Description
20Atk 11HP Damage Deals 7Damage to all heroes (except Chaos)
Summon Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 20/11 (Level 1) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left)
Damage Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 9Damage"

Summon Stats

Level Bonus
1 20Atk 11HP -
2 32Atk 17HP +12Atk
Skill 1: +6Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +7Damage
3 59Atk 35HP +27Atk
Skill 1: +10Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +14Damage
4 92Atk 59HP +33Atk
Skill 1: +18Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +25Damage
5 145Atk 92HP +53Atk
Skill 1: +33Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +43Damage
6 222Atk 146HP +77Atk
Skill 1: +58Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +74Damage
7 295Atk 199HP +73Atk
Skill 1: +44Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +57Damage
8 392Atk 265HP +97Atk
Skill 1: +58Damage
Skill 2: +1Summon
Skill 3: +76Damage

Summon Skills

Level Skill 1Damage Skill 2Summon Skill 3Damage
Deals 7Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 20/11 (Level 1) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 9Damage"
2 Deals 13Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 32/17 (Level 2) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 16Damage"
3 Deals 23Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 59/35 (Level 3) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 30Damage"
4 Deals 41Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 92/59 (Level 4) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 55Damage"
5 Deals 74Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 145/92 (Level 5) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 98Damage"
Deals 132Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 222/146 (Level 6) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 172Damage"
7 Deals 176Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 295/199 (Level 7) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 229Damage"
8 Deals 234Damage to all heroes (except Chaos) Death: Gives to random enemy (except buildings) a skill: "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror 392/265 (Level 8) in the enemy first row(2/1/0 times left) Death: Gives to enemy with skill "Death: Summons Freddy, Lord of Terror" a new skill: "Attacks: Gets 305Damage"