Summon/Death of Rats

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Death of Rats is a possible Summon Summon from Grand Ma, Reaper.

Summon Overview

Atk Atk HP HP Skill Type Description
10Atk 6HP Flight Flight
Damage Death: 3-7Damage to all enemies

Summon Stats

Level Bonus
1 10Atk 6HP -
2 15Atk 9HP +5Atk
Skill 2: +5-11Damage
3 22Atk 14HP +7Atk
Skill 2: +8-18Damage
4 34Atk 26HP +12Atk
Skill 2: +15-29Damage
5 49Atk 42HP +15Atk
Skill 2: +24-48Damage
6 66Atk 60HP +17Atk
Skill 2: +34-60Damage
7 87Atk 82HP +21Atk
Skill 2: +47-85Damage
8 112Atk 107HP +25Atk
Skill 2: +62-113Damage
9 143Atk 133HP +31Atk
Skill 2: +82-146Damage
10 190Atk 177HP +47Atk
Skill 2: +109-194Damage

Summon Skills

Level Skill 1Flight Skill 2Damage
Flight Death: 3-7Damage to all enemies
2 Flight Death: 5-11Damage to all enemies
3 Flight Death: 8-18Damage to all enemies
4 Flight Death: 15-29Damage to all enemies
5 Flight Death: 24-48Damage to all enemies
Flight Death: 34-60Damage to all enemies
7 Flight Death: 47-85Damage to all enemies
8 Flight Death: 62-113Damage to all enemies
9 Flight Death: 82-146Damage to all enemies
10 Flight Death: 109-194Damage to all enemies