Song of Justice

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Song of Justice is an Order themed Global Event released on November 8, 2019.


  • Released: November 8, 2019
  • Rerun: January 29, 2021
  • Rerun: November 11, 2022
  • Rerun: May 12, 2023

Flavor Text

May 12, 2023 Rerun

Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?

November 11, 2022 Rerun

Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?

January 29, 2021 Rerun

Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?

November 8, 2019 Release

Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the jury. The defendant has been charged with the most vicious crime of all, neglecting his responsibilities as the Lord Protector of Pangea. The evidence I present to you will only prove that the defendant is guilty as charged. The prosecution now will call its witnesses...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

January 29, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Apollo

November 8, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Justia, Law Goddess

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Don't move, thief! What are you up to?
Thief : I... erm, am here for the royal bard auditions.
Lord Protector: At 2 a.m. in the treasury? It seems to me you just wanted to steal my magic lute!
Thief : Well... Well, yes. Lord Protector, please, I've learned my lesson...
Lord Protector: Stealing is severely punished on Pangea!
Thief : You'll be sorry you treated me this way! I am known in all the taverns of Pangea!
Thief : I'll sing about the Lord Protector who haunts the poor bard for ballads about his misdeeds!
Lord Protector: Get out of here before I throw you in the dungeon for trespassing and attempted theft.

Lady Gold
Lord Protector: Strangers in the castle again! That's a lot of guests for one night.
Lord Protector: What brings you here, young lady?
Lady Cold: Lord Protector, I have a business proposition. Give me the Sphere of Winter, and none of the inhabitants of Pangea will suffer.
Lord Protector: As I recall, if the Sphere of Winter falls into the wrong hands, it will turn Pangea into a lifeless, icy wasteland.
Lord Protector: So, not a very tempting proposition. I would suggest taking some kind of course on effective communication...
Lord Protector: But I'm afraid I'll just have to eliminate the threat to Pangea, which is you, right now!
Lady Cold: You've made your choice, Lord Protector. I gave you a chance to protect the people of Pangea, but you turned it down.
Lady Cold: Retribution will come soon...
Lord Protector: Villains these days... and they're trying to make me look guilty.

Messenger: Lord Protector of Pangea, I must take you into custody.
Lord Protector: On what grounds?
Messenger: The Council of Fatum wants to talk to you.
Lord Protector: Is this a joke? In custody in my own castle? And I don't know about any Council of Fatum. It's outrageous!
Lord Protector: It's not very comfortable to fight with your eyes closed, is it? Will someone finally answer what the hell is going on here?
Lord Protector: Hey, get your hands off me! Are those handcuffs?

Bard: I warned you not to offend me. My ballad about the vengeful Lord Protector was a great success.
Lord Protector: Have you come to gloat? You shouldn't have. Justice will prevail, and I will kick your ass.
Lord Protector: Why put it off, though? I'll get right on it!
Lord Protector: It was incredibly satisfying to wipe that silly grin off your face. Why don't you tell me what I was detained for?
Bard: Oh hell no! You'll find out in court!

Frost: Have you changed your mind? I'll give you one last chance.
Lord Protector: I don't know what's going on here, but you're going to be in trouble when I get out of here!
Frost: Don't you get it yet, silly? This is all my doing.
Frost: You are accused of refusing to save Pangea from me and neglecting your duties as the Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: What kind of crazy idea is that? Can't you think of anything cleverer?
Frost: It'll work, you'll see.
Frost: You can't be defeated in a fair fight. Many have tried and failed.
Frost: My plan is perfect, I've thought of everything. Once I've eliminated you, no one will be able to stop me.

Chapter 2

Prosecutor: Answer the questions. When did you learn about Frost's plans?
Lord Protector: It doesn't matter, Frost is lying.
Lord Protector: Let me go immediately, you're making a huge mistake!
Prosecutor: I see that the defendant does not want to cooperate with the investigation!
Prosecutor: Remain in jail before the trial and think it over. I advise you to find a good lawyer.
Lord Protector: I will defend myself in your "court"!
Prosecutor: That's your right. The trial is about to begin, they will send you a list of witnesses in the case.

Lord Protector: I can't believe you're the first witness. Are you in cahoots with that crazy snow maiden, too?
Witness: She promised me the right to conduct an exclusive report from the courtroom. Wow, what a plot for a ballad is shaping up!
Lord Protector: Give me your balalaika, I'm going to break it now!
Witness: It was my best lute!
Witness: Rest assured, now I will sing that the Lord Protector has problems with anger management, among other things!

Lord Protector: Well, well, the chief witness for the prosecution. Have you figured out what you're gonna lie to the judge yet? I did some research on her...
Lord Protector: They say she's completely unbiased and doesn't tolerate injustice. It seems to me that your plan is not so good.
Lord Protector: One last opportunity to end the adventure before you yourself become the defendant.
Villain: Obviously, you underestimate me!
Villain: You may have won now, but it won't help you in court.
Villain: You will be judged by the jury in the Council of Fatum. I hope they will choose the ultimate punishment.

Lord Protector: Madam Judge! I have many questions. What is this Council of Fatum, and do you really believe Frost?
Conscience: Trying to influence the judge, Lord Protector? I had a better opinion of you!
Lord Protector: It was me who had a better opinion of those who administer justice on Pangea!
Lord Protector: At least I deserve to know who will judge me! Who will be on the Council of Fatum?
Conscience: We have invited the rulers of the lands of Pangea, your vassals. Here is the list.
Lord Protector: They gathered all the people with whom I had disagreements in the past. It is clear that it will be a difficult trial for me.

Lord Protector: Listen, Apollo. When this masquerade is over, I will return to my duties as the Lord Protector and severely punish the conspirators.
Lord Protector: Think whose side you want to be on. The position of the bard in my castle is still vacant...
Apollo: Let's write it down — he offers bribes for assistance in court.
Lord Protector: Then you can also add that the Lord Protector is trying to get rid of witnesses!
Lord Protector: By the way, is that my magic lute?
Apollo: Yes, now the jury will believe every word I sing at the hearing. Get ready to say goodbye to your title!

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: All right. Jury, Madam Judge, let the court begin. I call Frost to the stand.
Lord Protector: Frost, tell the court your side of the story.
Liar: I came to the Lord Protector with a request to give me the Sphere of Winter.
Liar: Otherwise, I threatened to turn the hearts of all the people of Pangea to ice.
Liar: He told me that I wouldn't get the Sphere and that he didn't care about the people of Pangea.
Liar: Your Honor, some artifact was more important to the Lord Protector than Pangea!
Lord Protector: Frost, you will answer for this brazen lie!
Liar: Dear Council, I ask to be included in the witness protection program!

Judge: Lord Protector, control yourself! Threats only make your situation worse!
Judge: Another similar trick, and you will be held in contempt!
Lord Protector: It's your court that should be punished for disrespecting the truth! And anyway, on what grounds was I detained even before the trial?
Lord Protector: I haven't even seen the decree!
Judge: Lord Protector, calm down, you will still have a chance to speak.

Lord Protector: I call witness number two, who in reality has nothing to do with the case and is just looking for benefits...
Accomplice: Please don't insult me!
Accomplice: Your Honor, jury. I corroborate Frost's words — I overheard their conversation, and it was exactly as she says.
Lord Protector: It's a madhouse, not a court...

Lord Protector: Witness Frost, continue.
Conspirator: After my threat, the Lord Protector let me go and went about his business.
Conspirator: As you can see, he does not care at all about the fate of the people of Pangea! I urge you to strip him of his title and give him a life sentence.
Lord Protector: I choose the trial by combat!
Conspirator: Fool, your victory decides nothing! The jury will believe us, for we have a magic lute.
Conspirator: Your last word?
Lord Protector: You're finished.

Lord Protector: While the jury was deliberating, I broke the magic lute. At last, you can hear the truth.
Justia: It is too late. The Council has chosen the ultimate punishment and sentenced you to death!
Lord Protector: But... what about justice? I demand another hearing!
Justia: It's impossible. The decision has already been made.
Lord Protector: Then I will challenge the verdict!
Justia: The spell was broken. Good God, we could execute a completely innocent man.
Justia: Lord Protector, you are free to choose any punishment for us. We almost made an unforgivable mistake.
Lord Protector: Justia, we'll talk about that later. We must apprehend Frost and try her to the fullest extent of the law!
Justia: My inquisitors will get right on it!