Rat Race

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Rat Race is a Nature themed Global Event released on June 21, 2019.


  • Released: June 21, 2019
  • Rerun: September 25, 2020
  • Rerun: November 19, 2021
  • Rerun: January 6, 2023
  • Rerun: October 13, 2023

Flavor Text

October 13, 2023 Rerun

A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!

January 6, 2023 Rerun

A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!

November 19, 2021 Rerun

A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!

September 25, 2020 Rerun

You've got a traitor in your ranks, sir! He discovered all the dirty secrets Lord Protector ever had. We must find the traitor before he reveals these secrets to the world!

June 21, 2019 Release

You've got a traitor in your ranks, sir! He discovered all the dirty secrets Lord Protector ever had. We must find the traitor before he reveals these secrets to the world!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

January 6, 2023 Rerun

November 19, 2021 Rerun

September 25, 2020 Rerun

June 21, 2019 Release

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Tree: I know what you've done. You once told me that you'd do everything in your power to protect my forest realm... But you didn't keep your word.
Lord Protector: What happened?
Tree: Don't pretend that you don't know! The sacred grove is in danger of being destroyed because of you!

Lord Protector: I don't know what you mean, my friend. But if you stop blaming me and explain something, I promise I'll figure it out.

Viking: You offered to make me the Watch commander and then turned to my brother?
Viking: I saw your letter to my evil brother saying you made the wrong choice and calling me a coward!
Lord Protector: What letter? As for your brother, look, I can explain...
Viking: Enough. I don't believe a word you say. You no longer control the Watch.

Rat: My master... Is something wrong?
Lord Protector: Plenty of things are wrong, rat.
Rat: What do you mean, my master?
Lord Protector: Someone's spreading lies about me... The letters you lost caused me a ton of problems!
Rat: I'll try to find them and fix it.
Lord Protector: You better! You don't want to feel my wrath.

Silent Keeper
Silent Keeper: And you dare to call yourself Lord Protector of Pangea? Wait till the world finds out about your dishonesty!
Lord Protector: I've been accused of every mortal sin since this morning. Can you tell me what's going on?
Silent Keeper: Loggers began cutting down trees in the Enchanted Forest. When I questioned them, they all pointed to your collusion with the prince of Meilitae!
Lord Protector: Curiously. And the prince accused me of breaking our contract.
Silent Keeper: You don't even deny it. I appreciate your help in the past but I won't let anyone break the balance!
Lord Protector: I didn't want to fight you but I have other problems beside the sacred grove.

Eric the Grey
Lord Protector: Erik, look, I did write to your brother...
Erik the Grey: I don't want to hear your excuses. I won't let anyone call me a coward!
Erik the Grey: It's difficult to gain my respect, Lord Protector. It's so easy to lose it with one stroke of a pen.
Lord Protector: If I need to fight you to make you listen, then you leave me no choice!
Erik the Grey: The Watch has already abandoned its posts, and your victory means nothing.
Lord Protector: Someone is spreading lies about me, and my enemies are taking advantage of it.
Erik the Grey: Maybe people plot against you for a reason, and the truth about you might be surprising.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Did you find out who stole my mail?
Blockhead: No... But there came a letter from the thief.
Blockhead: He says that he will send out fake letters every hour so that all the allies will turn against you.

Lord Protector: I'm not happy with you! Find this egghead right now, or I'll kick your rat ass!

Smart Log
Lord Protector: Okay, I'm sick of you and your lectures. If you wanna kill me, come on, give it a try! But I didn't order the logging.
Smart Log: Stop trying to fool me. Everything forest dwellers are talking about is evil deeds.

Lord Protector: Enemies threaten our borders - you have to come back!
Merciless: You bring danger to your domain yourself. We will return when Pangea has a worthy ruler.

Lord Protector: So... Took me long enough to blow your cover.
Traitor: I'm not going to be your errand boy anymore. Soon Pangea will belong to us!
Lord Protector: You are not the first one to tell me that. You won't be the last.
Traitor: Oh, you underestimate my kind, human.

Lord Protector: Prince and I agreed that he would use my loggers for sanitary logging. Ever heard of one?
Groot: No. Trees are living organisms that regulate their own life cycle!
Lord Protector: Sure, some of the old stumps should have rested in peace long ago... They won't wizen, though.

Chapter 3

Watchman: I've said it all the last time we met!
Lord Protector: Before you hear more lies about me, I wrote to your brother when I did background checks on you.

Lord Protector: Standard procedure when hiring a new employee. I certainly didn't ask for his help or call you a coward.

Kendrig: You are so pathetic, Lord Protector. Trying to prevent the inevitable.
Lord Protector: Maybe I am pathetic, Kendrig.
Lord Protector: But it's you who's gonna be dead by the sunset.
Lord Protector: I already have experience with rats, I think I can handle this.
Kendrig: I declare myself the king of the Rat Republic, and next time I'll have an army behind my back!

Lord Protector: Don't you understand? The Rat King wants to drive a wedge between us!
Guardian: What are you taking me for? A fool?
Lord Protector: I'm about to.
Lord Protector: Look, unless we team up Pangea is doomed.
Guardian: Your reputation is ruined. But we don't seem to have a choice...
Guardian: And I hate rodents
Lord Protector: Thank you. I appreciate your help.

Commander: I spoke to my brother. He... Confirmed what you told me
Lord Protector: Your brother is a thug. I would never ask him for help.
Lord Protector: How could you leave Pangea in danger?
Commander: The Watch will fulfill its duties and protect the kingdom!
Commander: Usually I don't forgive betrayal. But your soul is still noble after all.
Commander: Consider this a misunderstanding. Let's kill the Rat!

Rat King
Rat King: So you got them back on your side. Good. More corpses mean more booty!
Lord Protector: You will pay for my damaged reputation!
Rat King: Rrrrrgh! Attack!
Rat King: So what are you gonna do? Kill me? Is that it?
Lord Protector: The darkest dungeon in the sixth sector is waiting for you. Go back to where you wanted to escape so badly.
Lord Protector: Besides your former master isn't very happy with you either.
Lord Protector: I hope he acts like a real rat and chooses the most disgusting punishment for you.
Rat King: Nooo! See you again, Lord Protector. There's no dungeon I can't get out of!