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Puppets is a Chaos themed Global Event released on September 13, 2019.


  • Released: September 13, 2019
  • Rerun: September 11, 2020
  • Rerun: April 9, 2021
  • Rerun: August 19, 2022

Flavor Text

August 19, 2022 Rerun

Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?

April 9, 2021 Rerun

Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?

September 11, 2020 Rerun

Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?

September 13, 2019 Release

A famous puppeteer Camus broke out of the dungeon and seeks revenge against Lilith, the love of your life. But why? You've never heard about this Camus... What secrets does Lilith have?

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

April 9, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Koschei the Immortal

September 11, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Koschei the Immortal

September 13, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Madam Lo'Trix

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Where am I? Everything looks so... unusual. A parallel dimension, perhaps?
Stranger: No, it's not. It's so funny to watch your pathetic attempts to figure out what's going on.
Lord Protector: Okay, never mind. I'll figure it out without you.
Stranger: The game budget is too low for that kind of adventure. See you, Lord Protector.

Lord Protector: I hope not

Lord Protector: My head still hurts like hell...
Guard: If I cut it off, it won't hurt anymore.
Lord Protector: I do not recall skeletons walking around my Battle Chamber without a leash.
Guard: I'm Lo'Trix's guard. She turned you into a doll, so now you're on her leash.

Puppet Girl
Lord Protector: Are you the puppet girl?
Puppet Girl: You should be dead by now... You're apparently way stronger than I anticipated. But still, I managed to turn you into a doll.
Lord Protector: What did you do to me? Poisoned with some toxin?
Puppet Girl: Toxins are so last month! Hypnosis is a new trend!

Lord Protector: Hey, you! I take it back. I have some questions for you.
Lord Protector: What about the rest of Pangea? What happened to them?
Mummy: You are all the mistress's puppets now. How does it feel to lose Pangea in one night?
Lord Protector: I've been through worse.

Lord Protector: Where is your mistress now? It's time to cut the strings.
Koschei: She has more important things to do. She'll play with you later.
Lord Protector: Like what?
Koschei: She went to look for Lilith. Didn't you know she created Lo'Trix?

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Your bag of bones blurted out that Lilith created you. What does it mean?
Hypnosia: The lady summoned me from another world. I have served her ever since. You don't seem to know anything about her...
Lord Protector: Our relationship is none of your business, and I'll talk to Lilith about it later.
Hypnosia: You will never see Lilith again. You don't deserve to be Lord Protector. She should rule Pangea.

Lord Protector: Fempower, huh? I'm sorry, but that's not part of my plan.

Business Partner
Lord Protector: Listen, I have a proposition for you.
Business Partner: Lo'Trix is dreaming about her reunion with Lilith. There will be no place for old supporters on new Pangea.
Lord Protector: How about a riot? You must know your mistress's weaknesses.
Business Partner: You're a fool if you think I'll betray her.
Lord Protector: Wrong answer.
Lord Protector: Think about it...
Lord Protector: I'm offering you a 4B/4B pyramid, gold, silk bandages, and whatever else you're interested in...

Pile of Bones
Lord Protector: Hey, mate. Have you seen Lilith? You know... The girl from the tutorial.
Pile of Bones: I think that's exactly where she's at.
Lord Protector: No, you don't get it. I need to talk to her. It's urgent.
Pile of Bones: Missing your girl? Sorry, can't help.

Psycho: Do you really think she'll help you? You never appreciated her, it's time to pay for it.
Psycho: You see, I care about Lilith, too.
Lord Protector: Such a pity you don't mean anything to her. She never talked about you.
Psycho: Believe me, she has something to hide.
Lord Protector: You just can't admit to that Lilith doesn't care about you. She will definitely not appreciate your efforts and send you back as soon as possible.
Psycho: We'll see.

Nilen: I was thinking about your offer...
Nilen: Lilith, the one she's trying so hard for, didn't appreciate being thrown in a dungeon.
Nilen: Even promises of endless loyalty and power over Pangaea did not improve her mood. So I began to doubt the mistress's success.
Lord Protector: What? Has she gone completely crazy with her obsession?
Lord Protector: Take me to her, we need to talk urgently.
Nilen: Too dangerous. But I have better news. In the dungeon, Lilith was screaming that she should have broken the Lo'Trix's dolls long ago.
Nilen: Well, the ones she always carries with her. This way she'll lose all her power, and the spell will be reversed...

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: C'mon, skinny. Let's be friends.
Thug: You're getting really bold.
Thug: I'll tell the mistress to pull the strings tighter.

Lord Protector: Tell her all you want. You don't have much time left anyway.

Lord Protector: Were you going to impress Lilith by putting her in a dungeon?
Lord Protector: Nice move. I'm telling that to you as а ladies man.
Manipulator: This is a temporary measure. Until I can convince her that I'm acting in her best interests.
Manipulator: I'm not going to waste any time talking to you. Nilen will take you away now.

Lord Protector: Haha, she said you're going to take care of me. By the way, welcome to the team.
Traitor: :It's time to stop these kiddy games.
Lord Protector: Okay, you win.

Last Supporter
Lord Protector: I killed my first skeleton when I was a kid.
Lord Protector: Let's see if I remember how to do it.
Last Supporter: And I've never killed a Lord Protector before.
Last Supporter: I'm looking forward to my first time.
Lord Protector: Get out of the way!
Lord Protector: Go to the cemetery where you belong.

: How did you get out? I asked Nilen... Oh, he is a traitor!
Lо'Trix: You lack charisma and the gift of persuasion. Ask Lilith for instance.
Lо'Trix: Shall I tell you about your beloved's past? Since she doesn't want to rule Pangea with me...
Lord Protector: I only care about the present. And in the present, I will do anything to stop you!
Lо'Trix: Oh, no, what have you done? You broke my dolls! I lost all my power!
Lord Protector: What a pity. But don't worry Lilith will make a nice dollhouse for you.