Pangea's Conjunction Day

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Pangea's Conjunction Day is a Global Event released on May 20, 2022.


  • Released: May 20, 2022
  • Rerun: May 26, 2023
  • Rerun: May 24, 2023

Flavor Text

May 24, 2023 Rerun

Conjunction Day is celebrated to honor the end of the War of Planes. It's a holiday of unity, a time when all battles must stop. Each plane thanks gods for the fact that the earth had not broken into even smaller pieces. However, some are waiting for this day to use the Renewal Portal, which only opens once a hundred years...

May 26, 2023 Rerun

Conjunction Day is celebrated to honor the end of the War of Planes. It's a holiday of unity, a time when all battles must stop. Each plane thanks gods for the fact that the earth had not broken into even smaller pieces. However, some are waiting for this day to use the Renewal Portal, which only opens once a hundred years...

May 20, 2022 Release

Conjunction Day is the most important and beloved holiday on Pangea. The planes are full of unity spirit, and the inhabitants become a little kinder. Loud toasts are heard all over the place, the atmosphere of celebration is in the air... And only on this day mysterious portals open. If one uses them for evil purposes, irreparable things will happen.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

May 24, 2023 Rerun