Nothing Lasts Forever

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Nothing Lasts Forever is a Chaos themed Global Event released on October 23, 2020.


  • Released: October 23, 2020

Flavor Text

October 23, 2020 Release

Halloween is coming, and every year on this night something strange and dangerous happens. Enemies of Lord Protector are trying to take over the throne, and the servants of chaos are trying to open the gates of the Lower Worlds. This year, several artifacts disappeared from the vault, and a mysterious hunter showed up on Pangaea. We need to find out more about this and prevent the threat.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

October 23, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Onmoraki

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: You were seen near the artifact vault last night. Tell me who your accomplice is and give me the necklaces before midnight.
Lord Protector: Otherwise, I'll have to send you on a rather unpleasant trip to the Lower Worlds...
Ghost: Tell me how to find Charon, and I'll point to the thief.
Lord Protector: Your Charon boat has long sailed. Moreover, it's not a negotiation.
Ghost: You won't tell me? Every time I want to resolve the issue peacefully but have to take arms anyway...
Ghost: Apep stole the necklaces.

Lord Protector: You could have told me right away and not wait for me to knock the soul out of you the second time.

Bag of Bones
Bag of Bones: Lord Protector! To what do I owe the visit?
Lord Protector: Since when did the undead become so polite? Don't bother, Hanako has already told me everything.
Bag of Bones: I was made a walking dead without my consent. Now on top of that, I have to suffer because of their reputation too...
Lord Protector: That's why you decided to steal my necklaces so you could become a noble dragon again instead of a flying bag of bones?
Lord Protector: I understand. Will you tell me where the necklaces are, or dragons do not give up without a fight?
Bag of Bones: The latter. And it is you who will become a bag of bones after that!
Bag of Bones: Onmoraki forced me to steal them...
Lord Protector: Who? Another walking dead nostalgic about his past life?
Bag of Bones: No. I'm sure you've heard of him, but under a different name.

Lord Protector: Apep said I know you. I went over all the thieves I know in mind but still don't remember you.
Unknown: Hint - a soul hunter. Killed hundreds of innocent people.
Unknown: Took a different name and got a second life, if you can call it life...Rings a bell now?
Lord Protector: So it's you?! You will pay for every innocent life you ruined!
Lord Protector: Damn demons. He disappeared as if the earth had swallowed him.
Lord Protector: I'm not done with you yet!

Messenger: You again? I told you Apep stole the necklaces. What else do you want from me?
Lord Protector: A ghost, a skeleton dragon, and a demonic soul hunter look for Charon on the eve of the most powerful night of the year.
Lord Protector: But it's not the two of you he's going to bring back to life, is it? Tell me why he really needs the necklaces.
Messenger: What Onmoraki will do to my soul if I tell you the truth is much worse than any of your threats.
Lord Protector: Well, we'll see!
Messenger: If you want answer, find out the story of his past life. That's all I can say...

Lord Protector: What for does this demon need necklaces? Who is he going to revive? They say it's related to his past life...
Apep: He didn't confess to me. I just follow his orders.
Lord Protector: In that case...Because of you, I have fewer artifacts now, so maybe you can fill them up. The dragon bone is highly valued.
Apep: He's looking for a way to bring his family back to life.
Apep: Charon will ferry them to the other side, and with the help of the necklaces, they will be able to live in the real world.

Chapter 2

Soul Hunter
Lord Protector: I know you want to save your family.
Lord Protector: But their transition will disrupt the balance between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Soul Hunter: My heart is in ashes. I don't care how many mortals die, but I will bring them back.
Lord Protector: But it's important to me, as the Lord Protector of Pangea. And I will do anything to stop you.

Soul Hunter: You won. But only until I find Charon...

Lord Protector: I see that the search for Charon has not been successful yet. Without him, it won't work out.
Seeker: Rest assured that we'll find a way to contact him
Lord Protector: I can even suggest one - you just have to die and he'll find you.
Lord Protector: I'm sorry, I forgot that you might have a problem with this...
Seeker: Enough talking! You won't interfere with our plans anymore!

Child of Chaos
Lord Protector: What did he promise you for your help?
Lord Protector: I am the most powerful man on Pangea. I don't think he can do what I can't.
Lord Protector: Think about which side you want to take.
Child of Chaos: I want Pangea to be in chaos. Clearly, we won't come to an agreement!

Madman: You can't win Hanako and Apep over to your side.
Madman: I promised them something you don't have the guts to do.
Lord Protector: Bringing chaos after breaking the balance is something that Charon will never do either.
Lord Protector: He is an unbiased conduit between worlds and he upholds the balance just as I do.
Madman: Charon and I are practically colleagues, we both work with souls. I think we'll find a common ground.
Madman: But with you, there are always difficulties. I don't like argumentative Lord Protectors!

Hanako: We found a way to talk to Charon. It's like you said: the transition will upset the balance, and he won't allow it.
Lord Protector: Well, you've wasted so much time. You could be dressing up for Halloween right now. So it's over?
Hanako: But you were right about one more thing. He is also completely impartial.
Hanako: Onmoraki asked if there was a way to "pay" for the transfer to restore the balance of souls. And there is such a way.
Hanako: All you have to do is give the soul of the most powerful man on Pangea in return. Isn't that you?
Lord Protector: You do know what happens to the ones who bring bad news, right?

Chapter 3

Teaser: You have time until midnight. Go see Lilith, sign some documents, give out orders.
Teaser: It's not every day that you leave Pangea without Lord Protector.

Lord Protector: I can assure you that Pangea will be fine, but I would worry about your future if I were you.

Diplomat: I told you I would find a way to bring their souls to the real world, wherever they were.
Diplomat: Charon was a nice guy, too.
Lord Protector: Yes, I've already been informed.
Diplomat: Sorry, nothing personal. He could ask for every soul but he said it's yours that will do.
Lord Protector: It is now. I will personally see that you get the most terrible tortures in the Lower worlds.
Lord Protector: And I'll have a conversation with Charon, of course.

Lady: Goodbye, Lord Protector. It was not a pleasure meeting you.
Lady: It's really time to get ready for Halloween.
Lord Protector: Wait, what was that you said about the past life of Onmoraki?
Lady: What difference does it make now? You'll be dead in an hour, take care of your life.
Lord Protector: You've ruined my life, and my soul won't rest if I don't at least ruin your holiday.

Lord Protector: Consider it my last wish.
Lord Protector: Who was the demon that Onmoraki had made a deal with in the past to get souls in exchange for his family's life?
Aide: His name is Death.
Lord Protector: This is an old friend of mine! Now I'll introduce you to death, too. Literally.

Onmoraki: You're early. But it's even better this way. There will be time for dying words.
Lord Protector: I didn't prepare them. Some other time.
Onmoraki: Want to die like a warrior? Admirable, but the outcome is already decided, and Charon will soon come for your soul.
Lord Protector: You're so obsessed with your family, but you didn't ask Charon the most important thing - if he could get them to cross.
Onmoraki: Of course, he can. Your soul is the price for this transition.
Lord Protector: Charon can't bring them because Death destroyed their souls. Ultimately.
Lord Protector: A deal with Death means that you will never see those for whom you make such sacrifices. You can trust me on this...
Onmoraki: I don't believe you! But I will find out the truth and take my revenge on both of you - on you and on Death!