New Order

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New Order is an Order themed Global Event released on May 10, 2019.


  • Released: May 10, 2019
  • Rerun: June 19, 2020

Flavor Text

June 19, 2020 Rerun

Lord Protector of Pangea has announced that citizens must wear a special protective amulet. However, this innovation was met with public discontent.

May 10, 2019 Release

After the last month's The Young Gods incident you've decided to establish a new order. This is the only way to protect Pangea from those who want to do it harm. But there are still a few who don't support you...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

June 19, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: All, Prince of Sands

May 10, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: All, Prince of Sands

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Your Highness, welcome to Pangea. If you want to stay here with us, I must ask you to wear this little amulet.
Amazon: I'm afraid I must decline.
Lord Protector: I can't just let you walk here without any protection. These are bad times...
Amazon: I have bad history with men telling me what to do.
Lord Protector: This is just a precaution... You don't want to fight me over this, do you?
Lord Protector: Please, listen. This is for your safety. You must wear this amulet...

Amazon: And I still say no.

Paladin: New rules, huh? What if I say no?
Lord Protector: Then I'll put you somewhere you can't escape from.
Lord Protector: Democracy is not an option anymore.

Paladin: Hey, friend. What's wrong with all these rules in here?
Lord Protector: It's for your own safety. Take this amulet.
Paladin: Is this what I think it is? GUARDS! ATTACK!

Savage Girl
Savage Girl: You can't put my people in chains.
Lord Protector: Look, there are forces out there, trying to destroy Pangea. I must protect people. It's what I do.
Savage Girl: I see through your scheme, Lord Protector... The Amazons will never be your slaves!
Lord Protector: What kind of scheme!

Lord Protector: You of all people should know: I don't like this either but the amulet is the only option.
Lord Protector: Haven't you heard what happened to Dondar?
Knight: It was destroyed. What does that have to do with anything?
Lord Protector: Dondar's ruler thought he'd protect everyone. But you can never be too careful.
Lord Protector: No matter what he did, he couldn't protect his people. He thought everything was under control.
Lord Protector: I don't think that everything is under control.
Knight: It's just easier for you, isn't it? But let me tell you, this stuff is dangerous. And I will fight you to keep it off my neck!
Lord Protector: You said that this amulet is not safe. Why?
Knight: Because it gives you full control of us. You restrict our freedom. There's got to be another solution.
Lord Protector: Sorry. There's none. This artifact is the only thing able to protect you against evil telepathic influence.
Knight: That's where I think you're wrong, Lord Protector.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: I've never seen you around here before. Who are you?
Dondarian: I am the prince of Dondar! But what does it matter?
Lord Protector: What are you looking for here? And why? Does Dondar need to be protected?

Dondarian: Yes. Protected from you!

Hothead: Prince is right. You are a threat to our society. You're a threat to everyone!
Lord Protector: I'm protecting this realm, goddamn it!

Lord Protector: So you are with All now. Do you honestly think that he's gonna fix everything that is wrong?
Disciple: Maybe gods are on his side. I won't let you ruin their plan!

Lord Protector: Look, I don't wanna fight with you. I know what happened to Dondar.
Lord Protector: My people are not safe here. We're constantly under attack.
Emir: And what makes you think that this amulet is going to help you? It was the reason why Dondar fell!
Lord Protector: You must be crazy...
Lord Protector: Rumor is, you want to talk to the Higher Council about me. Why?
Emir: Pangea deserves a Lord Protector better than you. Amulet of Tranquility is a forbidden item across Seven Realms.
Emir: I will report you to the Higher Council.

Henchman: Why can't you be like All? He possesses great wisdom. I wish all men were like him.
Lord Protector: He's nuts. He says that this amulet destroyed Dondar and now he wants to speak to the Higher Council.
Lord Protector: Someone has to stop him.

Chapter 3

Democrat: I can't let you stop All. If he makes a deal with the Higher Council, everything is going to be fine in Pangea!

Lord Protector: I know people like him. All he cares about is power. Now let me through!

Prince of Sands
Lord Protector: Prince! Stop! You can't become the Lord Protector!
Prince of Sands: Watch me!
Prince of Sands: The decision is made. I will stop this tyranny of yours!
Lord Protector: This is not tyranny! Wait! Let's talk about this!
Prince of Sands: I don't negotiate with tyrants!
Prince of Sands: What are you afraid of, Lord Protector? Are you afraid of seeing the truth about yourself?
Prince of Sands: Don't be afraid.
Prince of Sands: Soon the Higher Council won't need you any longer.

Diana: Prince is speaking to the Higher Council.
Lord Protector: And you're here to stop me if I decide to interrupt them, right?
Diana: You had your chance to fix everything.
Lord Protector: There's always a second chance!
Lord Protector: Something's wrong. I can sense it
Diana: No... Don't disturb them... No!
Lord Protector: I must.

Lord Protector: Tell me where All is and nobody will get hurt.
Titania: I won't let you kill him.
Lord Protector: You know what, Amazonian Queen?
Lord Protector: I liked you better when you hated men.
Titania: Prince of Sands will tear you apart. You'll see.

God of Dondar
God of Dondar: Ha ha ha. Fools! Now the power of the Higher Council belongs to me!
Lord Protector: I knew it! You used your telepathic abilities to brainwash these deities!
God of Dondar: First, I had to make them believe that you're not to be trusted. And I succeeded!
God of Dondar: That was easy. Now I will be the Lord Protector!
God of Dondar: Or better yet... I'll be the GOD!
Lord Protector: I eat gods for breakfast.
God of Dondar: Am I... Am I dying?
Lord Protector: You can't handle such power. Nobody can, except me.
God of Dondar: No... I can't die... I'm All, Prince of Sands, God of Dondar. I'm... I can't be dying!
Lord Protector: Look... I want to understand something... Why did the Amulet of Tranquility doom Dondar?
Lord Protector: So what did you want, Prince? You were looking for power, weren't you?
God of Dondar: Fine... I... I will tell you everything... Just promise me that you'll do everything in your power...
God of Dondar: To help Dondar... and my people.
Lord Protector: I promise. Now, please, tell me all about it.