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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Events/data/doc

local data = {
	["20240621"] = {
		["date"] = "June 21, 2024",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
		["gameimage"] = "The Grave Keeper.png",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero1"] = "Grim Warden",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gravekeeper",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero2"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero2"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero3"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero3"] = "Butcher",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20240607"] = {
		["date"] = "June 7, 2024",
		["name"] = "Maximum Security",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. The Lord Protector decided to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When he arrived in the dungeon he discovered that a riot was about to break out there…",
		["medal"] = "Oblivion",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Maximum Security announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Goliath",
		["epichero1"] = "Gargantos",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gargoyle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["epichero2"] = "The Colonist Invader",
		["rarehero2"] = "Visitor",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero3"] = "Old god's servant",
		["rarehero3"] = "Faceless",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20240524"] = {
		["date"] = "May 24, 2023",
		["name"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Conjunction Day is celebrated to honor the end of the War of Planes. It's a holiday of unity, a time when all battles must stop. Each plane thanks gods for the fact that the earth had not broken into even smaller pieces. However, some are waiting for this day to use the Renewal Portal, which only opens once a hundred years...",
		["medal"] = "Moon Stone",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero1"] = "Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero1"] = "Sage Disciple",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero2"] = "Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero2"] = "Moon Child",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Aharin Gods Will",
		["epichero3"] = "Iron Herald",
		["rarehero3"] = "Nephilim",
		["warlord"] = "Thorgrim",
	["20240510"] = {
		["date"] = "May 10, 2024",
		["name"] = "Horn of Plenty",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "On the eve of the harvest feast, the Lord Protector received disturbing news: the feast treats had been poisoned by an unknown contagion. Moreover, the castle keeper has discovered that someone has been spoiling the supplies little by little, and this year's bountiful harvest is dwindling by the day.",
		["medal"] = "Rich Harvest",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Horn of Plenty announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero1"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero1"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero2"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mosura Wind Breath",
		["epichero3"] = "Imago",
		["rarehero3"] = "Moth",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20240426"] = {
		["date"] = "April 26, 2024",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to find him!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero2"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Pyromancer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero3"] = "Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero3"] = "Demon Huntress",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20240412"] = {
		["date"] = "April 12, 2024",
		["name"] = "Cycle of Life",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...",
		["medal"] = "Eye for an Eye",
		["gameimage"] = "Cycle of Life.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cycle of Life announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Discordia",
		["epichero1"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero1"] = "Dark Witch",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero2"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero2"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ogrok, the Leader",
		["epichero3"] = "One-Eyed Ogre",
		["rarehero3"] = "Cyclop",
		["warlord"] = "Dark Reaper Morgoth",
	["20240329"] = {
		["date"] = "March 29, 2024",
		["name"] = "Lost Shards",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The rumor has it that someone has found the lost shards of the Rebirth Egg, a powerful artifact shattered during the War of Planes. Some of the shards are held by the Archdruid Order, and the druids have asked the Lord Protector to help them find the rest. If they fall into the wrong hands, there will be trouble…",
		["medal"] = "Rebirth Egg",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lost Shards announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Myrddin Caer",
		["epichero1"] = "Lord of the Forest",
		["rarehero1"] = "Woodland Hermit",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Cernun, Archdruid",
		["epichero2"] = "Keeper of the Grove",
		["rarehero2"] = "Druid",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Airavata Heaven's Fury",
		["epichero3"] = "Formidable Giant",
		["rarehero3"] = "Elephant",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20240315"] = {
		["date"] = "March 15, 2024",
		["name"] = "Spring Ritual",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Very soon Eostre, a goddess from the Higher World, will arrive in Pangea. Every year she performs a spring ritual to awaken nature. But this time strange things began to happen before her arrival...",
		["medal"] = "Enchanted Eggs",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Spring Ritual announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Yuri, Shadow Dagger",
		["epichero1"] = "Kunai Master",
		["rarehero1"] = "Kunoichi",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Blair",
		["epichero2"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero2"] = "Follower",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Eostre the Dawn Glow",
		["epichero3"] = "Sunrise Maiden",
		["rarehero3"] = "Herald of Spring",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20240301"] = {
		["date"] = "March 1, 2024",
		["name"] = "Crocodile Tears",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about, but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!",
		["medal"] = "End of an Era",
--		["gameimage"] = "Crocodile Tears.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Crocodile Tears announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero1"] = "Sporelok",
		["rarehero1"] = "Shroomkin",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero2"] = "Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero2"] = "Furious Sabertooth",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dandy Croc",
		["epichero3"] = "Thug Hunter",
		["rarehero3"] = "Toothy Thuggie",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20240216"] = {
		["date"] = "February 16, 2024",
		["name"] = "The Darkest Night",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.",
		["medal"] = "New Dawn",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Darkest Night announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Chuba Cabras",
		["epichero1"] = "Flesh Eater",
		["rarehero1"] = "Insatiable Beast",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero2"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero2"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero3"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero3"] = "Old bones",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20240202"] = {
		["date"] = "February 2, 2024",
		["name"] = "Lunar Festival",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is getting ready to celebrate the Lunar Festival – fireworks are cracking and holiday decorations are glowing everywhere. This time, the Lord Protector has paid special attention to the preparations and is ready to celebrate quietly for the first time in a while. Nothing foretold trouble until a winged shadow appeared over the castle...",
		["medal"] = "Magic Lantern",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lunar Festival announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Amaterasu, Eternal Sun",
		["epichero1"] = "Sayuki",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fan Dancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Griffius, the Celestial",
		["epichero2"] = "Winged Protector",
		["rarehero2"] = "Young Griffin",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Tai Ling Dragon Dance",
		["epichero3"] = "Wu Dan",
		["rarehero3"] = "Novice",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20240119"] = {
		["date"] = "January 19, 2024",
		["name"] = "Blessing of the Phoenix",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The bulls and demons have locked horns, ready to unleash a war of destruction on each other and threatening to envelop all  Pangea. It's sparked by an ancient  prophecy, each side interpreting it in their own way. How will this change the future of Pangea and the  Lord Protector himself?",
		["medal"] = "Balance Seal",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Ball'Zt, the Warden",
		["epichero1"] = "Beholder",
		["rarehero1"] = "Demon Orb",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "King Taurus",
		["epichero2"] = "Minotaur",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bully",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kai the Fiery Soul",
		["epichero3"] = "Herald of Fire",
		["rarehero3"] = "Phoenix",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20240105"] = {
		["date"] = "January 5, 2024",
		["name"] = "Light and Darkness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...",
		["medal"] = "Shards of Darkness",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Light and Darkness announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Death Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero2"] = "Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero2"] = "Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Arioch Nemesis Weapon",
		["epichero3"] = "Ruthless Executioner",
		["rarehero3"] = "Splintered Soul",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20231222"] = {
		["date"] = "December 22, 2023",
		["name"] = "Eternal Winter",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "On Pangea, Christmas preparations are in full swing. Markets are teeming with Christmas trees, decorations, and fireworks. It seems the Lord Protector is also consumed by the festive spirit. But as it tends to happen on the very Christmas eve, messengers bring dark news of risen frost walkers on Drottkvett...",
		["medal"] = "Christmas Star",
		["gameimage"] = "Eternal Winter.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Eternal Winter announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Vixen, The Storm Lord",
		["epichero1"] = "Warden of the North",
		["rarehero1"] = "Frozen Moor Guard",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Evil \"Santa\"",
		["epichero2"] = "Evil's Helper",
		["rarehero2"] = "Ding Viesel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Holda",
		["epichero3"] = "Winter Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "Iceborn",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20231208"] = {
		["date"] = "December 8, 2023",
		["name"] = "Full Sail",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The final preparations for the Summer Festival are completed. Everything that has been planned is ready, and the butler has finally arranged with the pyromancer for the fireworks after the sea parade. Now is a good time to go to the tavern for a mug or two because there is not much time left before the festival, and no more surprises are expected...",
		["medal"] = "Tailwind",
		["gameimage"] = "Full Sail.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Full Sail announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "All, Prince of Sands",
		["epichero1"] = "Free-folk Leader",
		["rarehero1"] = "Nomad",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Jaxy, the Thunderfist",
		["epichero2"] = "Champion of the Arena",
		["rarehero2"] = "The Undisputed",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grace of Rockfleet",
		["epichero3"] = "Red-haired Beast",
		["rarehero3"] = "Pirate",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20231124"] = {
		["date"] = "November 24, 2023",
		["name"] = "Crimson Harvest",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Sacred Thicket - Pangea's natural shrine - is in turmoil once again. Rivalry has been rekindled between the clan of native red pandas and the elves that migrated here back in the Plane Wars. Neither of them are willing to share the Thicket, endlessly scheming to drive their rival out. But the sacred land bleeds...",
		["medal"] = "Earth Rune",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Crimson Harvest announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Melia, Forest's Daughter",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Wild",
		["rarehero2"] = "Leaf Child",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Sly the Forest Guard",
		["epichero3"] = "Terror of the Jungle",
		["rarehero3"] = "Scout",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20231110"] = {
		["date"] = "November 10, 2023",
		["name"] = "Fempire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "A series of mysterious deaths shook Pangea. Rulers of several provinces have been poisoned with an unknown venom. Over the past few days, assassins have reached the Lord Protector's inner circle as well. Apparently, this is part of someone's insidious plan to gradually seize power...",
		["medal"] = "Crimson Fog",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fempire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero1"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero1"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero2"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero2"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Serket Sen Scorp",
		["epichero3"] = "The Scorpion Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "Ancient Scorpid",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20231027"] = {
		["date"] = "October 27, 2023",
		["name"] = "Night of Permissiveness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The entire Pangea is awake this night! As the sun sinks below the horizon, all kinds of evil creatures emerge. And tonight, those little rascals get to roam free — full of mischief, tricks, and playful wickedness. The Lord Protector is also no stranger to fun, so he decides to join the festivities. The demons and the undead are none too happy about it. Could it be that someone is plotting real evil on the sly?",
--		["medal"] = "?",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero1"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero1"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Onmoraki",
		["epichero2"] = "Demonic Shadow",
		["rarehero2"] = "Grim Harvester",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Arachne",
		["epichero3"] = "Black Widow",
		["rarehero3"] = "Weaver",
		["warlord"] = "Dark Reaper Morgoth",
	["20231013"] = {
		["date"] = "October 13, 2023",
		["name"] = "Rat Race",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!",
		["medal"] = "Eternal Light",
		["gameimage"] = "Rat Race.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Rat Race announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero1"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero1"] = "Viking",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero2"] = "Treebeard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Treant",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero3"] = "Angler Vole",
		["rarehero3"] = "Junk Rat",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20230929"] = {
		["date"] = "September 29, 2021",
		["name"] = "We Are Legion",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...",
		["medal"] = "First Trial",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "We Are Legion announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero1"] = "Winged Knight",
		["rarehero1"] = "Celestial Maiden",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Coba, Temple Keeper",
		["epichero2"] = "Stone Guardian",
		["rarehero2"] = "Rock",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Legion, God of War",
		["epichero3"] = "Harbringer of War",
		["rarehero3"] = "Immortal Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20230915"] = {
		["date"] = "September 15, 2023",
		["name"] = "Harvest Festival",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The Harvest Festival is a long-awaited event for anyone who wants to show off their vegetable achievements. Participants are eager for exciting competitions such as who can smash more eggplants or eat more pumpkin pies. But this year some of the dishes are tricky. Will the Lord Protector pass the main culinary test of his life?",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Enlil, wind of change",
		["epichero1"] = "Wind Warrior",
		["rarehero1"] = "Harpy",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero2"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero2"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
		["epichero3"] = "Desert Sentry",
		["rarehero3"] = "Wild Stalker",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20230901"] = {
		["date"] = "September 1, 2023",
		["name"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is in joyful rush as everyone prepares for the upcoming holidays. Everyone, including demons... Alarming news from the Lower world has surprisingly coincided with the disappearance of Villano, an alchemist who was conducting experiments with wildfire. The Lord Protector intends to find out what's happening, for he now needs no unpleasant surprises.",
		["medal"] = "Wildfire",
		["gameimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon! announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Axe",
		["epichero1"] = "Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero1"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Regardus Diplius",
		["epichero2"] = "Dark Mage",
		["rarehero2"] = "Child of Chaos",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Villano Mad Genius",
		["epichero3"] = "Apothecary",
		["rarehero3"] = "Alchemist",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20230818"] = {
		["date"] = "August 18, 2023",
		["name"] = "Love Hurts",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "This night Lilith was kidnapped again. Who is this mysterious enemy and what does they want? Rumor has it that they're somehow connected with the very creation of Pangea...",
		["medal"] = "Second Self",
		["gameimage"] = "Love Hurts.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Love Hurts announcement.png",
		["rarehero1"] = "Drow",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Huntress",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Ghosta",
		["rarehero2"] = "Berserk",
		["epichero2"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["rarehero3"] = "Thunder",
		["epichero3"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20230804"] = {
		["date"] = "August 4, 2023",
		["name"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Crystal Lagoon is usually peaceful: people come here to relax, lay down their swords and forget their troubles. But now disturbing events are shaking the region: young girls are disappearing. A strange game is being played, which involves ancient legends about a god who is reborn once every thousand years...",
		["medal"] = "Azure Crystal",
		["gameimage"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Morgan, the Sea Tusk",
		["epichero1"] = "Sharp Fin",
		["rarehero1"] = "Shark",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mizu, the Sea Foam",
		["epichero2"] = "Lake Pixy",
		["rarehero2"] = "The Aqua Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ondine the Foamborn",
		["epichero3"] = "Maid of the Sea",
		["rarehero3"] = "Mermaid",
		["warlord"] = "Dark Reaper Morgoth",
	["20220721"] = {
		["date"] = "July 21, 2022",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
		["gameimage"] = "The Grave Keeper.png",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero1"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero1"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero2"] = "Grim Warden",
		["rarehero2"] = "Gravekeeper",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero3"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero3"] = "Butcher",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20230707"] = {
		["date"] = "July 7, 2023",
		["name"] = "Horn of Plenty",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "On the eve of the harvest feast, the Lord Protector received disturbing news: the feast treats had been poisoned by an unknown contagion. Moreover, the castle keeper has discovered that someone has been spoiling the supplies little by little, and this year's bountiful harvest is dwindling by the day.",
		["medal"] = "Rich Harvest",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Horn of Plenty announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero1"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero1"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero2"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mosura Wind Breath",
		["epichero3"] = "Imago",
		["rarehero3"] = "Moth",
		["warlord"] = "Oiran the Red Moon",
	["20230623"] = {
		["date"] = "June 23, 2023",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to find him!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero1"] = "Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Demon Huntress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero2"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero3"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero3"] = "Pyromancer",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20230609"] = {
		["date"] = "June 9, 2023",
		["name"] = "Cycle of Life",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...",
		["medal"] = "Eye for an Eye",
		["gameimage"] = "Cycle of Life.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cycle of Life announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Discordia",
		["epichero1"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero1"] = "Dark Witch",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero2"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero2"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ogrok, the Leader",
		["epichero3"] = "One-Eyed Ogre",
		["rarehero3"] = "Cyclop",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20230526"] = {
		["date"] = "May 26, 2023",
		["name"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Conjunction Day is celebrated to honor the end of the War of Planes. It's a holiday of unity, a time when all battles must stop. Each plane thanks gods for the fact that the earth had not broken into even smaller pieces. However, some are waiting for this day to use the Renewal Portal, which only opens once a hundred years...",
		["medal"] = "Moon Stone",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero1"] = "Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero1"] = "Sage Disciple",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero2"] = "Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero2"] = "Moon Child",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Aharin Gods Will",
		["epichero3"] = "Iron Herald",
		["rarehero3"] = "Nephilim",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20230512"] = {
		["date"] = "May 12, 2023",
		["name"] = "Song of Justice",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?",
		["medal"] = "Justice for All",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Song of Justice announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apollo",
		["epichero1"] = "Bard",
		["rarehero1"] = "Minstrel",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Frost, the Snow Queen",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Snow",
		["rarehero2"] = "Snow Maiden",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Justia, Law Goddess",
		["epichero3"] = "Justice Inquisitor",
		["rarehero3"] = "Priestess of Equilibrium",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20230428"] = {
		["date"] = "April 28, 2023",
		["name"] = "Blood of Elves",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Have you heard the legend of Taeral Kelhorn, the elusive elven mercenary? Well, you'll meet him soon. Someone seems to have put a bounty on your head, Lord Protector. Keep your eyes peeled, since this meeting can be your last.",
		["medal"] = "Assassin's_Creed",
--		["gameimage"] = "Blood of Elves.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Blood of Elves announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Stormrage",
		["epichero1"] = "Soul Hunter",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bone Hunter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Dead Lord",
		["epichero2"] = "Living Dead",
		["rarehero2"] = "Undead",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Taeral Kelhorn",
		["epichero3"] = "Elwin Fierce",
		["rarehero3"] = "Elf Slayer",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20230414"] = {
		["date"] = "April 14, 2023",
		["name"] = "Lost Shards",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The rumor has it that someone has found the lost shards of the Rebirth Egg, a powerful artifact shattered during the War of Planes. Some of the shards are held by the Archdruid Order, and the druids have asked the Lord Protector to help them find the rest. If they fall into the wrong hands, there will be trouble…",
		["medal"] = "Rebirth Egg",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lost Shards announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Cernun, Archdruid",
		["epichero1"] = "Keeper of the Grove",
		["rarehero1"] = "Druid",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Myrddin Caer",
		["epichero2"] = "Lord of the Forest",
		["rarehero2"] = "Woodland Hermit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Airavata Heaven's Fury",
		["epichero3"] = "Formidable Giant",
		["rarehero3"] = "Elephant",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20230407"] = {
		["date"] = "April 7, 2023",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Aharin",
		["flavor"] = "Aharin was one of the first to set foot in the Middle World, ready to repel Fel with fire and sword. Feared by even the mightiest demons, he spared neither his enemies nor himself. Aharin knew no higher goal than his sacred duty to rid Pangea of Fel, no matter the cost.",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Lady Medusa",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Queen Ananta",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20230331"] = {
		["date"] = "March 31, 2023",
		["name"] = "Book of Time!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Every year the dark forces continue to surprise the Lord Protector. Demons try to escape the Lower World and local sorcerers summon unknown creatures. But the Lord Protector certainly didn't expect the demons to summon him this time!",
		["medal"] = "Dark Pages",
		["gameimage"] = "Happy Halloween.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Happy Halloween announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Super Mary",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Curl",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wonder Girl",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero2"] = "Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero2"] = "Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Gremory Night Child",
		["epichero3"] = "Caster of Shadows",
		["rarehero3"] = "Warlock",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20230317"] = {
		["date"] = "March 17, 2023",
		["name"] = "Crocodile Tears",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about, but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!",
		["medal"] = "End of an Era",
--		["gameimage"] = "Crocodile Tears.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Crocodile Tears announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Dandy Croc",
		["epichero1"] = "Thug Hunter",
		["rarehero1"] = "Toothy Thuggie",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero2"] = "Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero2"] = "Furious Sabertooth",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero3"] = "Sporelok",
		["rarehero3"] = "Shroomkin",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20230310"] = {
		["date"] = "March 10, 2023",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Erik",
		["flavor"] = "For many years Erik has yearned for endless seas and unknown lands. But when strange events begin to unfold on Drottkvett, he realizes he can't abandon his people. Will Erik yield power to his successor and sail his Drakkar to distant shores, or will he confirm the title of the greatest hero in his own land?",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Titania",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Triton, The Bottom Herald",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Coba, Temple Keeper",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20230303"] = {
		["date"] = "March 3, 2023",
		["name"] = "Blessing of the Phoenix",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The bulls and demons have locked horns, ready to unleash a war of destruction on each other and threatening to envelop all  Pangea. It's sparked by an ancient  prophecy, each side interpreting it in their own way. How will this change the future of Pangea and the  Lord Protector himself?",
		["medal"] = "Balance Seal",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "King Taurus",
		["epichero1"] = "Minotaur",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bully",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Ball'Zt, the Warden",
		["epichero2"] = "Beholder",
		["rarehero2"] = "Demon Orb",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Kai the Fiery Soul",
		["epichero3"] = "*Herald of Fire",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Phoenix",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20230217"] = {
		["date"] = "February 17, 2023",
		["name"] = "Spring Ritual",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Very soon Eostre, a goddess from the Higher World, will arrive in Pangea. Every year she performs a spring ritual to awaken nature. But this time strange things began to happen before her arrival...",
		["medal"] = "Enchanted Eggs",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Spring Ritual announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Blair",
		["epichero1"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero1"] = "Follower",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Yuri, Shadow Dagger",
		["epichero2"] = "Kunai Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Kunoichi",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Eostre the Dawn Glow",
		["epichero3"] = "Sunrise Maiden",
		["rarehero3"] = "Herald of Spring",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20230210"] = {
		["date"] = "February 10, 2023",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Hanako",
		["flavor"] = "Hanako's beloved had escaped, leaving her all alone. At first, she was crushed and heartbroken, but every passing moment only plunged her ever deeper into dark fury. Ending up in the Animus, Hanako remains clear to her task. She'll have to choose between the path of ruthless vengeance or mercy and forgiveness for the one who'd once held her heart, and wronged her so.",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Taeral Kelhorn",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Ondine the Foamborn",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Diana, Amazonian Queen",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20230203"] = {
		["date"] = "February 3, 2023",
		["name"] = "The Darkest Night",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.",
		["medal"] = "New Dawn",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Darkest Night announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero1"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero1"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Chuba Cabras",
		["epichero2"] = "Flesh Eater",
		["rarehero2"] = "Insatiable Beast",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero3"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero3"] = "Old bones",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20230120"] = {
		["date"] = "January 20, 2023",
		["name"] = "Lunar Festival",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is getting ready to celebrate the Lunar Festival – fireworks are cracking and holiday decorations are glowing everywhere. This time, the Lord Protector has paid special attention to the preparations and is ready to celebrate quietly for the first time in a while. Nothing foretold trouble until a winged shadow appeared over the castle...",
		["medal"] = "Magic Lantern",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lunar Festival announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Amaterasu, Eternal Sun",
		["epichero1"] = "Sayuki",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fan Dancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Griffius, the Celestial",
		["epichero2"] = "Winged Protector",
		["rarehero2"] = "Young Griffin",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Tai Ling Dragon Dance",
		["epichero3"] = "Wu Dan",
		["rarehero3"] = "Novice",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20230113"] = {
		["date"] = "January 13, 2023",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Aharin",
		["flavor"] = "Aharin was one of the first to set foot in the Middle World, ready to repel Fel with fire and sword. Feared by even the mightiest demons, he spared neither his enemies nor himself. Aharin knew no higher goal than his sacred duty to rid Pangea of Fel, no matter the cost.",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20230106"] = {
		["date"] = "January 6, 2023",
		["name"] = "Rat Race",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!",
		["medal"] = "Eternal Light",
		["gameimage"] = "Rat Race.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Rat Race announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero1"] = "Angler Vole",
		["rarehero1"] = "Junk Rat",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero2"] = "Treebeard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Treant",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero3"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero3"] = "Viking",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20221223"] = {
		["date"] = "December 23, 2022",
		["name"] = "Eternal Winter",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "On Pangea, Christmas preparations are in full swing. Markets are teeming with Christmas trees, decorations, and fireworks. It seems the Lord Protector is also consumed by the festive spirit. But as it tends to happen on the very Christmas eve, messengers bring dark news of risen frost walkers on Drottkvett...",
		["medal"] = "Christmas Star",
		["gameimage"] = "Eternal Winter.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Eternal Winter announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Vixen, The Storm Lord",
		["epichero1"] = "Warden of the North",
		["rarehero1"] = "Frozen Moor Guard",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Evil \"Santa\"",
		["epichero2"] = "Evil's Helper",
		["rarehero2"] = "Ding Viesel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Holda",
		["epichero3"] = "*Winter Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Iceborn",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20221216"] = {
		["date"] = "December 16, 2022",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["flavor"] = "TBA",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20221209"] = {
		["date"] = "December 9, 2022",
		["name"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is in joyful rush as everyone prepares for the upcoming holidays. Everyone, including demons... Alarming news from the Lower world has surprisingly coincided with the disappearance of Villano, an alchemist who was conducting experiments with wildfire. The Lord Protector intends to find out what's happening, for he now needs no unpleasant surprises.",
		["medal"] = "Wildfire",
		["gameimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon! announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Regardus Diplius",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Mage",
		["rarehero1"] = "Child of Chaos",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Axe",
		["epichero2"] = "Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero2"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Villano Mad Genius",
		["epichero3"] = "Apothecary",
		["rarehero3"] = "Alchemist",
		["warlord"] = "Jimmy Rockerboy",
	["20221125"] = {
		["date"] = "November 25, 2022",
		["name"] = "Crimson Harvest",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Sacred Thicket - Pangea's natural shrine - is in turmoil once again. Rivalry has been rekindled between the clan of native red pandas and the elves that migrated here back in the Plane Wars. Neither of them are willing to share the Thicket, endlessly scheming to drive their rival out. But the sacred land bleeds...",
		["medal"] = "Earth Rune",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Crimson Harvest announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Melia, Forest's Daughter",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Wild",
		["rarehero2"] = "Leaf Child",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Sly the Forest Guard",
		["epichero3"] = "*Terror of the Jungle",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Scout",
		["warlord"] = "Dark Reaper Morgoth",
	["20221118"] = {
		["date"] = "November 18, 2022",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Mjolnir",
		["flavor"] = "Stranded in the Animus, Mjolnir will find himself stripped of his magic power. In order to regain his might, the dwarf will have to face his pride and learn from those he'd once considered undeserving to be called proper mages.",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20221111"] = {
		["date"] = "November 11, 2022",
		["name"] = "Song of Justice",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?",
		["medal"] = "Justice for All",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Song of Justice announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Frost, the Snow Queen",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Snow",
		["rarehero1"] = "Snow Maiden",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Apollo",
		["epichero2"] = "Bard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Minstrel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Justia, Law Goddess",
		["epichero3"] = "Justice Inquisitor",
		["rarehero3"] = "Priestess of Equilibrium",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20221104"] = {
		["date"] = "November 4, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "I don't know how, but the Wardens tracked me down and charged me with the murder of Panaka, their captain. I've been framed! I know there's no escaping my past, but please, don't let me die for something I didn't do! ",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["epichero1"] = "The Colonist Invader",
		["rarehero1"] = "Visitor",
	["20221028"] = {
		["date"] = "October 28, 2022",
		["name"] = "Night of Permissiveness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The entire Pangea is awake this night! As the sun sinks below the horizon, all kinds of evil creatures emerge. And tonight, those little rascals get to roam free — full of mischief, tricks, and playful wickedness. The Lord Protector is also no stranger to fun, so he decides to join the festivities. The demons and the undead are none too happy about it. Could it be that someone is plotting real evil on the sly?",
--		["medal"] = "?",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Onmoraki",
		["epichero1"] = "Demonic Shadow",
		["rarehero1"] = "Grim Harvester",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero2"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero2"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Arachne",
		["epichero3"] = "*Black Widow",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Weaver",
		["warlord"] = "Anna the Abyss Queen",
	["20221021"] = {
		["date"] = "October 21, 2022",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Blair",
		["flavor"] = "On the eve of Pangea’s mightiest night, Blair will have to endure the trials of the Animus. It falls on her to recover the Tome of Time stolen by the demons to ensure that chaos triumphs on Halloween, as she is the only one capable of bringing the artifact under control. This will be her ultimate test: whether she’ll manage to turn the tide of time and fate or succumb to the temptation for power like before.",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20221014"] = {
		["date"] = "October 14, 2022",
		["name"] = "Book of Time!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The Lord Protector prepares for Halloween, because every year the dark forces continue to surprise him on the eve of the holiday. Demons try to escape from the Lower Worlds, and local sorcerers summon unknown creatures. But the Lord Protector certainly didn't expect the demons to summon him this time!",
		["medal"] = "Dark Pages",
		["gameimage"] = "Happy Halloween.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Happy Halloween announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero1"] = "Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero1"] = "Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Super Mary",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Curl",
		["rarehero2"] = "Wonder Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Gremory Night Child",
		["epichero3"] = "Caster of Shadows",
		["rarehero3"] = "Warlock",
		["warlord"] = "Oiran the Red Moon",
	["20221007"] = {
		["date"] = "October 7, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Diana, Amazonian Queen",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Shaman Samedi of the Jarawas tribe has cursed my people, turning them into stone! All because I refused to marry their war chief and humiliated him before his tribe, defeating him in an honest duel on his terms! I implore you, help us break the dark spell!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Diana, Amazonian Queen",
		["epichero1"] = "Defender of Tribe",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wild Huntress",
	["20220930"] = {
		["date"] = "September 30, 2022",
		["name"] = "Love Hurts",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Last night your beloved Lilith was again kidnapped by your mysterious enemy. Who is this person and what does he want from her? There are rumors it has something to do with the creation of Pangea...",
		["medal"] = "Second Self",
		["gameimage"] = "Love Hurts.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Love Hurts announcement.png",
		["rarehero1"] = "Berserk",
		["epichero1"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Drow",
		["epichero2"] = "Dark Huntress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Ghosta",
		["rarehero3"] = "Thunder",
		["epichero3"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["warlord"] = "Freebooter Dave",
	["20220923"] = {
		["date"] = "September 23, 2022",
		["name"] = "Animus",
		["type"] = "animus",
		["theme"] = "Aharin",
		["flavor"] = "Heroes find themselves stranded in an otherworldly place that bends and twists the very fabric of reality. Each of them will have to make choices that will determine not only their lives, but the destiny of all Pangea.",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
	["20220916"] = {
		["date"] = "September 16, 2022",
		["name"] = "Harvest Festival",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The Harvest Festival is a long-awaited event for anyone who wants to show off their vegetable achievements. Participants are eager for exciting competitions such as who can smash more eggplants or eat more pumpkin pies. But this year some of the dishes are tricky. Will the Lord Protector pass the main culinary test of his life?",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Enlil, wind of change",
		["epichero1"] = "Wind Warrior",
		["rarehero1"] = "Harpy",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero2"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero2"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Dhorin",
		["epichero3"] = "*Mountain guard",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Dwarf Berserker",
		["warlord"] = "Void, Soccer Referee",
	["20220909"] = {
		["date"] = "September 9, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Mr. Devil decided to take revenge on me because I refused to eliminate the priestesses' order to weaken the Church of Light. As soon as I refused to serve, I blacked out. Soon I woke up, but the darkness was still there. As I groped the stone walls, I realized that I had been walled up. Blasted demons! Please, get me out of here before the air runs out!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
		["epichero1"] = "Desert Sentry",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wild Stalker",
	["20220902"] = {
		["date"] = "September 2, 2022",
		["name"] = "Horn of Plenty",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "On the eve of the harvest feast, the Lord Protector received disturbing news: the feast treats had been poisoned by an unknown contagion. Moreover, the butler has discovered that someone has been spoiling the supplies little by little, and this year's bountiful harvest is dwindling by the day.",
		["medal"] = "Rich Harvest",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Horn of Plenty announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero1"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero2"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero2"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mosura Wind Breath",
		["epichero3"] = "Imago",
		["rarehero3"] = "Moth",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20220826"] = {
		["date"] = "August 26, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Shao Lin",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Reports of monks seemingly possessed by dark forces are spreading all over Pangea. The authorities link the last night's attack on a monastery with this event. The Empire issued a decree looking for adventurers willing to assist in subduing the monks and restoring the balance — will you answer to the call?",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Shao Lin",
		["epichero1"] = "Drunk Master",
		["rarehero1"] = "Monk",
	["20220819"] = {
		["date"] = "August 19, 2022",
		["name"] = "Puppets",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?",
		["medal"] = "Puppet Ruler",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Puppets announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero1"] = "Skeleton",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Leader Nilen",
		["epichero2"] = "Embalmed Priest",
		["rarehero2"] = "Mummy",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Madam Lo'Trix",
		["epichero3"] = "Shadow Manipulator",
		["rarehero3"] = "Puppet Mistress",
		["warlord"] = "Oiran the Red Moon",
	["20220812"] = {
		["date"] = "August 12, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Commerce is not as straightforward as most people would like it to be. Being a trader is tricky. Being a tricky trader is profitable. When you present a perfect offer, most won't be able to resist you — even if you have ulterior motives, such as, say, catching a rat into a mousetrap…",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero1"] = "Angler Vole",
		["rarehero1"] = "Junk Rat",
	["20220805"] = {
		["date"] = "August 5, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Crystal Lagoon is usually peaceful: people come here to relax, lay down their swords and forget their troubles. But now disturbing events are shaking the region: young girls are disappearing. A strange game is being played, which involves ancient legends about a god who is reborn once every thousand years...",
		["medal"] = "Azure Crystal",
		["gameimage"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Mysteries of the Crystal Lagoon announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Morgan, the Sea Tusk",
		["epichero1"] = "Sharp Fin",
		["rarehero1"] = "Shark",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mizu, the Sea Foam",
		["epichero2"] = "Lake Pixy",
		["rarehero2"] = "The Aqua Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Ondine the Foamborn",
		["epichero3"] = "*Maid of the Sea",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Mermaid",
		["warlord"] = "Jimmy Rockerboy",
	["20220729"] = {
		["date"] = "July 29, 2022",
		["name"] = "Full Sail",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The final preparations for the Summer Festival are completed. Everything that has been planned is ready, and the butler has finally arranged with the pyromancer for the fireworks after the sea parade. Now is a good time to go to the tavern for a mug or two because there is not much time left before the festival, and no more surprises are expected...",
		["medal"] = "Tailwind",
		["gameimage"] = "Full Sail.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Full Sail announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Jaxy, the Thunderfist",
		["epichero1"] = "Champion of the Arena",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "All, Prince of Sands",
		["rarehero1"] = "The Undisputed",
		["epichero2"] = "Free-folk Leader",
		["rarehero2"] = "Nomad",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grace of Rockfleet",
		["epichero3"] = "Red-haired Beast",
		["rarehero3"] = "Pirate",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20220722"] = {
		["date"] = "July 22, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Yorik, the Risen One",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "We, skeletons of Ash Wasteland, live in the afterlife thanks to the lich Mortimer. We thought he gave us a chance to start life anew... But he sends us out to kill against our will. All we want is peace! Release us from the lich's grasp. In return, I, Yorik, give you my word and swear to you that from now on our arrows will kill no one!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC Yorik the Risen One announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Yorik, the Risen One",
		["epichero1"] = "Dead Bowman",
		["rarehero1"] = "Talking Skull",
	["20220715"] = {
		["date"] = "July 15, 2022",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
		["gameimage"] = "The Grave Keeper.png",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero1"] = "Grim Warden",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gravekeeper",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero2"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero2"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero3"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero3"] = "Butcher",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20220708"] = {
		["date"] = "July 8, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Alexandria",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The soul hunter Onmoraki has lured me into a trap. To get my soul, Onmoraki’s henchmen bewitched me. I seemed to have heard a cry of an innocent maiden, so I rushed to help her. But when the spell wore out, a squad of demons was surrounding me. Forces are unequal, my light is about to fade!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC Alexandria announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Alexandria",
		["epichero1"] = "Battle Angel",
		["rarehero1"] = "Priestess",
	["20220701"] = {
		["date"] = "July 1, 2022",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to get him back!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero2"] = "Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Demon Huntress",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero3"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero3"] = "Pyromancer",
		["warlord"] = "King of the North",
	["20220624"] = {
		["date"] = "June 24, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Sheer-Shah",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The vile orcs we've been feuding over territory for years have caught us in a trap. The leader of the green-skinned lured us into the Dead Wind Gorge where my squad was ambushed. Now they're holding us in cages. I can't wait to get free and tear the orcs to shreds — I need your blade more than ever!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC Sheer-Shah announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero1"] = "Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero1"] = "Furious Sabertooth",
	["20220617"] = {
		["date"] = "June 17, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mighty Kong",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.",
		["medal"] = "Happily Ever After",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mighty Kong announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tengu, Ravencrest",
		["epichero2"] = "Karas",
		["rarehero2"] = "Forest Mage",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kong, Monkey King",
		["epichero3"] = "Ape Warlord",
		["rarehero3"] = "Young Primate",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20220603"] = {
		["date"] = "June 3, 2022",
		["name"] = "Light and Darkness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...",
		["medal"] = "Shards of Darkness",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Light and Darkness announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Death Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero2"] = "Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero2"] = "Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Arioch Nemesis Weapon",
		["epichero3"] = "Ruthless Executioner",
		["rarehero3"] = "Splintered Soul",
		["warlord"] = "Jimmy Rockerboy",
	["20220527"] = {
		["date"] = "May 27, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: D'Arc, Iron Maiden",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "For years, Order of the Priestesses of Light has served at the Source, guarding it from threats. The Source is the main artifact from which our sisters draw power.\n\nThe creatures of the Lower World have surrounded my sisters. I sense that their strength is running out, and I set out immediately. The Priestesses need all the help they can get, so don't let the Light fade!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC D'Arc, Iron Maiden announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "D'Arc, Iron Maiden",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Clair",
		["rarehero1"] = "Prophet",
	["20220520"] = {
		["date"] = "May 20, 2022",
		["name"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Conjunction Day is the most important and beloved holiday on Pangea. The planes are full of unity spirit, and the inhabitants become a little kinder. Loud toasts are heard all over the place, the atmosphere of celebration is in the air... And only on this day mysterious portals open. If one uses them for evil purposes, irreparable things will happen.",
		["medal"] = "Moon Stone",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Pangea's Conjunction Day announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero1"] = "Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Moon Child",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero2"] = "Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero2"] = "Sage Disciple",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Aharin Gods Will",
		["epichero3"] = "*Iron Herald",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Nephilim",
		["warlord"] = "Rajan Flaming",
	["20220506"] = {
		["date"] = "May 6, 2022",
		["name"] = "Blood of Elves",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Everyone on Pangea knows the legend of Taeral Kelhorn, the elusive elven mercenary. Well, it looks like he's reappeared and is hunting the Lord Protector. Taeral is very dangerous and this meeting may be the last for the Lord Protector.",
		["medal"] = "Assassin's_Creed",
--		["gameimage"] = "Blood of Elves.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Blood of Elves announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Stormrage",
		["epichero1"] = "Soul Hunter",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bone Hunter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Taeral Kelhorn",
		["epichero2"] = "Elwin Fierce",
		["rarehero2"] = "Elf Slayer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dead Lord",
		["epichero3"] = "Living Dead",
		["rarehero3"] = "Undead",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20220429"] = {
		["date"] = "April 29, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Draggara",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "We orcs have a passion for crushing and breaking everything around us — especially the bones of our enemies. This time, a vile warlock became our enemy. The scoundrel is obsessed with the idea of world domination and has planned to turn my people into obedient warriors. Without thinking twice, my squad set off to beat the sorcerer, but we were ambushed. The warlock summoned ancient demons from the Lower World for help. Our forces are about to run out, and the wayward orcs will become puppets in the hands of the monster. Hero, hurry up to save me — don't let the orcs fall!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC Draggara announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero1"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
	["20220422"] = {
		["date"] = "April 22, 2022",
		["name"] = "Spring Ritual",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Very soon Eostre, a goddess from the Higher Worlds, will arrive in Pangea. Every year she performs a spring ritual to awaken nature. But this time before she arrives strange things have started to happen...",
		["medal"] = "Enchanted Eggs",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Spring Ritual announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Blair",
		["epichero1"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero1"] = "Follower",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Yuri, Shadow Dagger",
		["epichero2"] = "Kunai Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Kunoichi",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Eostre the Dawn Glow",
		["epichero3"] = "Sunrise Maiden",
		["rarehero3"] = "Herald of Spring",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20220408"] = {
		["date"] = "April 8, 2022",
		["name"] = "Lost Shards",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The rumor has it that someone has found the lost shards of the Rebirth Egg, a powerful artifact shattered during the War of Planes. Some of the shards are held by the Archdruid Order, and the druids have asked the Lord Protector to help them find the rest. If they fall into the wrong hands, there will be trouble…",
		["medal"] = "Rebirth Egg",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lost Shards announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Cernun, Archdruid",
		["epichero1"] = "Keeper of the Grove",
		["rarehero1"] = "Druid",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Myrddin Caer",
		["epichero2"] = "Lord of the Forest",
		["rarehero2"] = "Woodland Hermit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Airavata Heaven's Fury",
		["epichero3"] = "*Formidable Giant",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Elephant",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20220401"] = {
		["date"] = "April 1, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mysterious Call: Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["type"] = "call",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Whoever you are, I call upon you to rescue me from my imprisonment and help me to enact the will of the Light!\n\nThe insidious Discordia has long been plotting, and she lured me into a trap from which I could not escape. Help me, together we can destroy the plans of the creatures of darkness from the Lower World and find a way out of this mess!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "MC Angelia the Lightbringer announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero1"] = "Winged Knight",
		["rarehero1"] = "Celestial Maiden",
	["20220325"] = {
		["date"] = "March 25, 2022",
		["name"] = "Maximum Security",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. The Lord Protector decided to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When he arrived in the dungeon he discovered that a riot was about to break out there…",
		["medal"] = "Oblivion",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Maximum Security announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Goliath",
		["epichero1"] = "Gargantos",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gargoyle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero2"] = "Old god's servant",
		["rarehero2"] = "Faceless",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["epichero3"] = "The Colonist Invader",
		["rarehero3"] = "Visitor",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20220311"] = {
		["date"] = "March 11, 2022",
		["name"] = "Leprechaun Tricks",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Every spring, the leprechauns hold a contest for the citizens of Pangea. These crafty tricksters prepare challenges and riddles for all who wish to try their luck. The final reward is always different, and this year the leprechauns have put something special on the line.",
		["medal"] = "Treasure Hunt",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Leprechaun Tricks announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tsukumogami",
		["epichero1"] = "Gnoll, the Blade Master",
		["rarehero1"] = "Samurai Dog",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Miss Lapin",
		["epichero2"] = "Lucky Rabbit",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bunny",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Void Jewel",
		["epichero3"] = "Void Rock",
		["rarehero3"] = "Void Stone",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20220225"] = {
		["date"] = "February 25, 2022",
		["name"] = "Mantis Plague",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Something terrible is happening in the swamps of Enchanted Forest! Lizards are going wild, scaring people off their grounds. Lord Protector, you need to intervene right away!",
		["medal"] = "Peace Talks",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "mantis Plague announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Hoodoo",
		["epichero1"] = "Cursed Shaman",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cultist",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Snake, the Lizard Prince",
		["epichero2"] = "The Killer Serpent",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lizardman",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Toxic Mantas",
		["epichero3"] = "Kamacuras",
		["rarehero3"] = "Mantis",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20220211"] = {
		["date"] = "February 11, 2022",
		["name"] = "The Darkest Night",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.",
		["medal"] = "New Dawn",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Darkest Night announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Chuba Cabras",
		["epichero1"] = "Flesh Eater",
		["rarehero1"] = "Insatiable Beast",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero2"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero2"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero3"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero3"] = "Old bones",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20220128"] = {
		["date"] = "January 28, 2022",
		["name"] = "Lunar Festival",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["rarehero1"] = "Young Griffin",
		["epichero1"] = "Winged Protector",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is getting ready to celebrate the Lunar Festival — fireworks are cracking and holiday decorations are glowing everywhere. This time, the Lord Protector has paid special attention to the preparations and is ready to celebrate quietly for the first time in a while. Nothing foretold trouble until a winged shadow appeared over the castle...",
		["medal"] = "Magic Lantern",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Lunar Festival announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Griffius, the Celestial",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Amaterasu, Eternal Sun",
		["epichero2"] = "Sayuki",
		["rarehero2"] = "Fan Dancer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Tai Ling Dragon Dance",
		["epichero3"] = "*Wu Dan",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Novice",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20220114"] = {
		["date"] = "January 14, 2022",
		["name"] = "Fempire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "A series of mysterious deaths shook Pangea. Rulers of several provinces have been poisoned with an unknown venom. Over the past few days, assassins have reached the Lord Protector's inner circle as well. Apparently, this is part of someone's insidious plan to gradually seize power...",
		["medal"] = "Crimson Fog",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fempire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero1"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero2"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Serket Sen Scorp",
		["epichero3"] = "The Scorpion Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "Ancient Scorpid",
		["warlord"] = "Rajan Flaming",
	["20211231"] = {
		["date"] = "December 31, 2021",
		["name"] = "Crocodile Tears",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Dandy Croc lost the only person he loved but an old witch told him that the Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life. Alas, it's not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!",
		["medal"] = "End of an Era",
--		["gameimage"] = "Crocodile Tears.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Crocodile Tears announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "El Mariachi",
		["epichero1"] = "El Cactus",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cactusito",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero2"] = "Sporelok",
		["rarehero2"] = "Shroomkin",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dandy Croc",
		["epichero3"] = "Thug Hunter",
		["rarehero3"] = "Toothy Thuggie",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211224"] = {
		["date"] = "December 24, 2021",
		["name"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Pangea is in joyful rush as everyone prepares for the upcoming holidays. Everyone, including demons... Alarming news from the Lower world has surprisingly coincided with the disappearance of Villano, an alchemist who was conducting experiments with wildfire. The Lord Protector intends to find out what's happening, for he now needs no unpleasant surprises.",
		["medal"] = "Wildfire",
		["gameimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon!.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Year of the Fire Demon! announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Regardus Diplius",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Mage",
		["rarehero1"] = "Child of Chaos",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Axe",
		["epichero2"] = "Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero2"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Villano Mad Genius",
		["epichero3"] = "*Apothecary",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Alchemist",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211217"] = {
		["date"] = "December 17, 2021",
		["name"] = "Christmas Miracle!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The Lord Protector has always a lot on his mind during the Christmas season. But this year, right on the eve of the holiday, a huge avalanche occured in the mountains. The natural disaster not only caused a lot of destruction, but also revived ancient legends.",
		["medal"] = "Living Legend",
--		["gameimage"] = "Christmas Miracle!.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Christmas Miracle! announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Ball'Zt, the Warden",
		["epichero1"] = "Beholder",
		["rarehero1"] = "Demon Orb",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero2"] = "Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero2"] = "Furious Sabertooth",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Arthur Frost Blade",
		["epichero3"] = "*Formidable Conqueror",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Paladin",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211203"] = {
		["date"] = "December 3, 2021",
		["name"] = "Cycle of Life",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...",
		["medal"] = "Eye for an Eye",
		["gameimage"] = "Cycle of Life.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cycle of Life announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero1"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero1"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Discordia",
		["epichero2"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Witch",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ogrok, the Leader",
		["epichero3"] = "One-Eyed Ogre",
		["rarehero3"] = "Cyclop",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211119"] = {
		["date"] = "November 19, 2021",
		["name"] = "Rat Race",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "A traitor was discovered in the ranks of the Lord Protector. They have learned much that Adam would have preferred to keep secret forever. It's essential to stop them before they share everything with all of Pangea!",
		["medal"] = "Eternal Light",
		["gameimage"] = "Rat Race.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Rat Race announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero1"] = "Treebeard",
		["rarehero1"] = "Treant",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero2"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero2"] = "Viking",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero3"] = "Angler Vole",
		["rarehero3"] = "Junk Rat",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211105"] = {
		["date"] = "November 5, 2021",
		["name"] = "Love Hurts",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["rarehero1"] = "Berserk",
		["epichero1"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["flavor"] = "This night Lilith was kidnapped again. Who is this mysterious enemy and what does they want? Rumor has it that they're somehow connected with the very creation of Pangea...",
		["medal"] = "Second Self",
		["gameimage"] = "Love Hurts.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Love Hurts announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Drow",
		["epichero2"] = "Dark Huntress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Ghosta",
		["rarehero3"] = "Thunder",
		["epichero3"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211022"] = {
		["date"] = "October 22, 2021",
		["name"] = "Happy Halloween!",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The Lord Protector prepares for Halloween, because every year the dark forces continue to surprise him on the eve of the holiday. Demons try to escape from the Lower Worlds, and local sorcerers summon unknown creatures. But the Lord Protector certainly didn't expect the demons to summon him this time!",
		["medal"] = "Dark Pages",
		["gameimage"] = "Happy Halloween.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Happy Halloween announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero1"] = "Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero1"] = "Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Super Mary",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Curl",
		["rarehero2"] = "Wonder Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Gremory Night Child",
		["epichero3"] = "*Caster of Shadows",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Warlock",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20211008"] = {
		["date"] = "October 8, 2021",
		["name"] = "Death From Above",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Another ancient prophecy appears to be true. The Celestials are coming to Pangea to correct all the wrong in the world. Or at least whatever they think is wrong...",
		["medal"] = "Celestial Light",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Death From Above announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Mr. Devil",
		["epichero1"] = "Soul Monger",
		["rarehero1"] = "Angry Imp",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Necro, Master Lich",
		["epichero2"] = "Lord of the Undead",
		["rarehero2"] = "Necromancer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero3"] = "Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero3"] = "Moon Child",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210924"] = {
		["date"] = "September 24, 2021",
		["name"] = "We Are Legion",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...",
		["medal"] = "First Trial",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "We Are Legion announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Legion, God of War",
		["epichero1"] = "Harbringer of War",
		["rarehero1"] = "Immortal Warrior",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero2"] = "Winged Knight",
		["rarehero2"] = "Celestial Maiden",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero3"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero3"] = "Untouchable",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210910"] = {
		["date"] = "September 10, 2021",
		["name"] = "Horn of Plenty",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "On the eve of the harvest feast, the Lord Protector received disturbing news: the feast treats had been poisoned by an unknown contagion. Moreover, the butler has discovered that someone has been spoiling the supplies little by little, and this year's bountiful harvest is dwindling by the day.",
		["medal"] = "Rich Harvest",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Horn of Plenty announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero1"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero1"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero2"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Mosura Wind Breath",
		["epichero3"] = "*Imago",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Moth",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20210827"] = {
		["date"] = "August 27, 2021",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero1"] = "Grim Warden",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gravekeeper",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero2"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero2"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero3"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero3"] = "Butcher",
		["warlord"] = "Harbinger of Darkness",
	["20210813"] = {
		["date"] = "August 13, 2021",
		["name"] = "Mighty Kong",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.",
		["medal"] = "Happily Ever After",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mighty Kong announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tengu, Ravencrest",
		["epichero2"] = "Karas",
		["rarehero2"] = "Forest Mage",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kong, Monkey King",
		["epichero3"] = "Ape Warlord",
		["rarehero3"] = "Young Primate",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20210730"] = {
		["date"] = "July 30, 2021",
		["name"] = "Full Sail",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The final preparations for the Summer Festival are completed. Everything that has been planned is ready, and the butler has finally arranged with the pyromancer for the fireworks after the sea parade. Now is a good time to go to the tavern for a mug or two because there is not much time left before the festival, and no more surprises are expected...",
		["medal"] = "Tailwind",
		["gameimage"] = "Full Sail.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Full Sail announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Jaxy, the Thunderfist",
		["epichero1"] = "Champion of the Arena",
		["rarehero1"] = "The Undisputed",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "All, Prince of Sands",
		["epichero2"] = "Free-folk Leader",
		["rarehero2"] = "Nomad",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Grace of Rockfleet",
		["epichero3"] = "*Red-haired Beast",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Pirate",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20210716"] = {
		["date"] = "July 16, 2021",
		["name"] = "Fempire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "A series of mysterious deaths has shocked Pangea. The rulers of several provinces were poisoned by an unknown substance. Over the past few days, the killers have also got to your inner circle. Obviously, this is part of someone's insidious plan to gradually seize power...",
		["medal"] = "Crimson Fog",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fempire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero1"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero2"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Serket Sen Scorp",
		["epichero3"] = "The Scorpion Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "Ancient Scorpid",
		["warlord"] = "Rajan Flaming",
	["20210702"] = {
		["date"] = "July 2, 2021",
		["name"] = "The Darkest Night",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The moon has never looked so beautiful. But don't let her deceive you, for soon Pangea will fall into chaos. If the evil creatures are strong enough to take over your home kingdom, soon there'll be nothing left.",
		["medal"] = "New Dawn",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Darkest Night announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Chuba Cabras",
		["epichero1"] = "Flesh Eater",
		["rarehero1"] = "Insatiable Beast",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero2"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero2"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero3"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero3"] = "Old bones",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20210618"] = {
		["date"] = "June 18, 2021",
		["name"] = "The Last Laugh",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Hello, Pangea! Here's Jester, and I'm ready to play a prank on you again! I have something special on the menu for you today. Well, let's see... Oh, yes! A crazy old man... and the girl with the fan. All right, I'll leave you to it. I've got important things to do myself! Have fun! Ha-ha-ha!",
		["medal"] = "Pick a Card",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Last Laugh announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Amaterasu, Eternal Sun",
		["epichero1"] = "Sayuki",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fan Dancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["epichero2"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["rarehero2"] = "Thunder",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Bravi, Deadly Blade",
		["epichero3"] = "Crazy Harlequin",
		["rarehero3"] = "Jester-Killer",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210604"] = {
		["date"] = "June 4, 2021",
		["name"] = "The Last Redemption",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Far from Pangea, in a world filled with peace and harmony, the Elder Gods reside. The Forgers of Existence and The Conductors of Eternal Life, they sleep and dream of a better tomorrow, and they are not to be disturbed.",
		["medal"] = "Second Chance",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Last Redemption announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Miss Lapin",
		["epichero1"] = "Lucky Rabbit",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bunny",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero2"] = "Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero2"] = "Sage Disciple",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ysh'Tmala, The Old God",
		["epichero3"] = "Terror From Below",
		["rarehero3"] = "Flesh Spawn",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210521"] = {
		["date"] = "May 21, 2021",
		["name"] = "Light and Darkness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...",
		["medal"] = "Shards of Darkness",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Light and Darkness announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Death Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero2"] = "Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero2"] = "Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Arioch Nemesis Weapon",
		["epichero3"] = "*Ruthless Executioner",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Splintered Soul",
		["warlord"] = "Jimmy Rockerboy",
	["20210507"] = {
		["date"] = "May 7, 2021",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, was slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting Announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero2"] = "Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Demon Huntress",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero3"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero3"] = "Pyromancer",
		["warlord"] = "King of the North",
	["20210423"] = {
		["date"] = "April 23, 2021",
		["name"] = "Festival of Fire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The fire starts slow at first, growing wilder and louder with every minute. While fire continues to rage, dozens of uncontrolled sparks set off sudden explosions in Pangea. You can hear someone crazy laugh, but its only problem you are facing. Your best alchemist is also out of his mind because he decided to begin a very dangerous experiment on Pangean citizens...",
		["medal"] = "Fire Tamer 2",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Festival of Fire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero1"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Shao Lin",
		["epichero2"] = "Drunk Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Monk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kung Fucius",
		["epichero3"] = "Bamboo Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "Panda Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210409"] = {
		["date"] = "April 9, 2021",
		["name"] = "Puppets",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?",
		["medal"] = "Puppet Ruler",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Puppets announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Madam Lo'Trix",
		["epichero1"] = "Shadow Manipulator",
		["rarehero1"] = "Puppet Mistress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Leader Nilen",
		["epichero2"] = "Embalmed Priest",
		["rarehero2"] = "Mummy",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero3"] = "Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero3"] = "Skeleton",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210326"] = {
		["date"] = "March 26, 2021",
		["name"] = "Spring Ritual",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Very soon Eostre, a goddess from the Higher Worlds, will arrive in Pangea. Every year she performs a spring ritual to awaken nature. But this time before she arrives strange things have started to happen...",
		["medal"] = "Enchanted Eggs",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Spring Ritual announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Blair",
		["epichero1"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero1"] = "Follower",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Yuri, Shadow Dagger",
		["epichero2"] = "Kunai Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Kunoichi",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Eostre the Dawn Glow",
		["epichero3"] = "*Sunrise Maiden",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Herald of Spring",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20210312"] = {
		["date"] = "March 12, 2021",
		["name"] = "Mantis Plague",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Something terrible is happening in the swaps of Enchanted Forest! Lizards are going wild, scaring people off their grounds. Lord Protector, you need to intervene right away!",
		["medal"] = "Peace Talks",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mantis Plague announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Hoodoo",
		["epichero1"] = "Cursed Shaman",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cultist",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Snake, the Lizard Prince",
		["epichero2"] = "The Killer Serpent",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lizardman",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Toxic Mantas",
		["epichero3"] = "Kamacuras",
		["rarehero3"] = "Mantis",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20210226"] = {
		["date"] = "February 26, 2021",
		["name"] = "Winter's End",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "On one of the last days of winter, the Lord Protector discovered a huge ice cube on the castle steps. One could see the outlines of some unknown creature through the thick layer of ice. What to do with this strange find? Who knows what kind of creature is inside...",
		["medal"] = "Toothy Grin of Winter",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Winter's End announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Melia, Forest's Daughter",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Wild",
		["rarehero1"] = "Leaf Child",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Iceberg",
		["epichero2"] = "Ice Clod",
		["rarehero2"] = "Piece of Ice",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Deep Maw",
		["epichero3"] = "Muddy Trog",
		["rarehero3"] = "Mor Lock",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210212"] = {
		["date"] = "February 12, 2021",
		["name"] = "Maximum Security",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. You have been assigned to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When you arrive, you discover that a riot is about to break out in the dungeon...",
		["medal"] = "Oblivion",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Maximum Security announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Goliath",
		["epichero1"] = "Gargantos",
		["rarehero1"] = "Gargoyle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero2"] = "Old god's servant",
		["rarehero2"] = "Faceless",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["epichero3"] = "The Colonist Invader",
		["rarehero3"] = "Visitor",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210129"] = {
		["date"] = "January 29, 2021",
		["name"] = "Song of Justice",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Order in this court! Today we are calling the case of the People of Pangea against the Lord Protector. Are both sides ready to begin?",
		["medal"] = "Justice for All",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Song of Justice announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Justia, Law Goddess",
		["epichero1"] = "Justice Inquisitor",
		["rarehero1"] = "Priestess of Equilibrium",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Frost, the Snow Queen",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Snow",
		["rarehero2"] = "Snow Maiden",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Apollo",
		["epichero3"] = "Bard",
		["rarehero3"] = "Minstrel",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210115"] = {
		["date"] = "January 15, 2021",
		["name"] = "Chains of Armadillo",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Lord Protector was studying the ancient diary of the late Sir Jasper Macendale who devoted his life to magic. After running his finger along one of the runes that emitted a soft glow, he woke up in a completely different world...",
		["medal"] = "Rune of the Mirror World",
--		["gameimage"] = "Chains of Armadillo.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Chains of Armadillo announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero1"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
		["epichero2"] = "Desert Sentry",
		["rarehero2"] = "Wild Stalker",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Triton, The Bottom Herald",
		["epichero3"] = "Trident Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "Sea Guardian",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20210101"] = {
		["date"] = "January 1, 2021",
		["name"] = "Blood of Elves",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Have you ever heard the legend of Taeral Kelhorn, the elusive elven mercenary? Well, you'll meet him soon. Someone seems to have put a bounty on your head, Lord Protector. Keep your eyes peeled, since this meeting can be your last.",
		["medal"] = "Assassin's Creed",
--		["gameimage"] = "Blood of Elves.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Blood of Elves announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Taeral Kelhorn",
		["epichero1"] = "Elwin Fierce",
		["rarehero1"] = "Elf Slayer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Stormrage",
		["epichero2"] = "Soul Hunter",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bone Hunter",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dead Lord",
		["epichero3"] = "Living Dead",
		["rarehero3"] = "Undead",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20201218"] = {
		["date"] = "December 18, 2020",
		["name"] = "Fire Games",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Lord Protector, the holiday is in danger! Madam Agony has broken free from the dungeon again and she intends to take her revenge not only on you but on all the citizens of Pangea by taking away the New Year from them!",
		["medal"] = "Fire Tamer",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fire Games announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero2"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero2"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Vixen, The Storm Lord",
		["epichero3"] = "*Warden of the North",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Frozen Moor Guard",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20201204"] = {
		["date"] = "December 4, 2020",
		["name"] = "We Are Legion",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, your return to Pangea was quite a difficult one. No one expected such a cold welcome. I decided to remind you how this story began...",
		["medal"] = "First Trial",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "We Are Legion announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero1"] = "Winged Knight",
		["rarehero1"] = "Celestial Maiden",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Legion, God of War",
		["epichero2"] = "Harbringer of War",
		["rarehero2"] = "Immortal Warrior",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero3"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero3"] = "Untouchable",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20201120"] = {
		["date"] = "November 20, 2020",
		["name"] = "Past Lives",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "A great event awaits Pangea. Glorious Prince Wachita of Higher Worlds himself is arriving to pay his respects to the Lord Protector. Unfortunately, two of your most notorious villains decided to come back too.",
		["medal"] = "White Stripes",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Past Lives announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero1"] = "Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero1"] = "Furious Sabertooth",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Coba, Temple Keeper",
		["epichero2"] = "Stone Guardian",
		["rarehero2"] = "Rock",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mizu, the Sea Foam",
		["epichero3"] = "Lake Pixy",
		["rarehero3"] = "The Aqua Spirit",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20201106"] = {
		["date"] = "November 6, 2020",
		["name"] = "Fempire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "A series of mysterious deaths shocked Pangea. The rulers of several provinces were poisoned by an unknown substance. Over the past few days, the killers have also got to your inner circle. Obviously, this is part of someone's insidious plan to gradually seize power...",
		["medal"] = "Crimson Fog",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fempire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero1"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero2"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Serket Sen Scorp",
		["epichero3"] = "The Scorpion Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "Ancient Scorpid",
		["warlord"] = "Rajan Flaming",
	["20201023"] = {
		["date"] = "October 23, 2020",
		["name"] = "Nothing Lasts Forever",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Halloween is coming, and every year on this night something strange and dangerous happens. Enemies of Lord Protector are trying to take over the throne, and the servants of chaos are trying to open the gates of the Lower Worlds. This year, several artifacts disappeared from the vault, and a mysterious hunter showed up on Pangaea. We need to find out more about this and prevent the threat.",
		["medal"] = "Moonstone",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Nothing Lasts Forever announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Death Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero2"] = "Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero2"] = "Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Onmoraki",
		["epichero3"] = "*Demonic Shadow",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Grim Harvester",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20201009"] = {
		["date"] = "October 9, 2020",
		["name"] = "Love Hurts",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Last night your beloved Lilith was again kidnapped by your mysterious enemy. Who is this person and what does he want from her? There are rumors it has something to do with the creation of Pangea...",
		["medal"] = "Second Self",
		["gameimage"] = "Love Hurts.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Love Hurts announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Ghosta",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Huntress",
		["rarehero1"] = "Drow",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["epichero2"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["rarehero2"] = "Berserk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["epichero3"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["rarehero3"] = "Thunder",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200925"] = {
		["date"] = "September 25, 2020",
		["name"] = "Rat Race",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "You've got a traitor in your ranks, sir! He discovered all the dirty secrets Lord Protector ever had. We must find the traitor before he reveals these secrets to the world!",
		["medal"] = "Eternal Light",
		["gameimage"] = "Rat Race.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Rat Race announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero1"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero1"] = "Viking",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero2"] = "Treebeard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Treant",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero3"] = "Angler Vole",
		["rarehero3"] = "Junk Rat",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200911"] = {
		["date"] = "September 11, 2020",
		["name"] = "Puppets",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Madam Lo'Trix has escaped from the dungeon and is going to implement her grand plans that somehow involve Lilith. You've never heard of Lo'Trix before. Does it mean Lilith have secrets from you?",
		["medal"] = "Puppet Ruler",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Puppets announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Madam Lo'Trix",
		["epichero1"] = "Shadow Manipulator",
		["rarehero1"] = "Puppet Mistress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Leader Nilen",
		["epichero2"] = "Embalmed Priest",
		["rarehero2"] = "Mummy",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero3"] = "Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero3"] = "Skeleton",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200828"] = {
		["date"] = "August 28, 2020",
		["name"] = "Festival of Fire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The fire starts slow at first, growing wilder and louder with every minute. While fire continues to rage, dozens of uncontrolled sparks set off sudden explosions in Pangea. You can hear someone crazy laugh, but its only problem you are facing. Your best alchemist is also out of his mind because he decided to begin a very dangerous experiment on Pangean citizens...",
		["medal"] = "Fire Tamer 2",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Festival of Fire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero1"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Shao Lin",
		["epichero2"] = "Drunk Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Monk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kung Fucius ",
		["epichero3"] = "Bamboo Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "Panda Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200814"] = {
		["date"] = "August 14, 2020",
		["name"] = "Fist of Fury",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, let me tell you the story of Princess Libertine, a former champion of Fist of Fury tournament. Sometime ago she won the tournament and felt that since she is the strongest of all, she must take all the power in her hands. After her great plan had failed, she went underground. It's been many years since anyone heard about her, but rumors say that this year she is back to take revenge.",
		["medal"] = "Fist of Fury Cup",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fist of Fury announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Jaxy, the Thunderfist",
		["epichero1"] = "Champion of the Arena",
		["rarehero1"] = "The Undisputed",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "D'Arc, Iron Maiden",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Clair",
		["rarehero2"] = "Prophet",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Blair",
		["epichero3"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero3"] = "Follower",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200731"] = {
		["date"] = "July 31, 2020",
		["name"] = "Mighty Kong",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.",
		["medal"] = "Happily Ever After",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mighty Kong announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tengu, Ravencrest",
		["epichero2"] = "Karas",
		["rarehero2"] = "Forest Mage",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Kong, Monkey King",
		["epichero3"] = "Ape Warlord",
		["rarehero3"] = "Young Primate",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20200717"] = {
		["date"] = "July 17, 2020",
		["name"] = "Cycle of Life",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "From the deepest depths of the Lower Worlds a new menace arises. Meet the cyclops, the most fearsome creatures of Pangea! Their only purpose is to spread death and destruction, taking no prisoners. And it seems they've made a pact with some of your old foes!",
		["medal"] = "Eye for an Eye",
		["gameimage"] = "Cycle of Life.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cycle of Life announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero1"] = "Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero1"] = "Scarecrow",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Discordia",
		["epichero2"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Witch",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ogrok, the Leader",
		["epichero3"] = "One-Eyed Ogre",
		["rarehero3"] = "Cyclop",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200703"] = {
		["date"] = "July 3, 2020",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero1"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero1"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero2"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero2"] = "Butcher",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero3"] = "Grim Warden",
		["rarehero3"] = "Gravekeeper",
		["warlord"] = "Sir Biscuit",
	["20200619"] = {
		["date"] = "June 19, 2020",
		["name"] = "New Order",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Lord Protector of Pangea has announced that citizens must wear a special protective amulet. However, this innovation was met with public discontent.",
		["medal"] = "Soul of the New God",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "New Order announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Diana, Amazonian Queen",
		["epichero1"] = "Defender of Tribe",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wild Huntress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Titania",
		["epichero2"] = "Scarlet Warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Valkyrie",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "All, Prince of Sands",
		["epichero3"] = "Free-folk Leader",
		["rarehero3"] = "Nomad",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200605"] = {
		["date"] = "June 5, 2020",
		["name"] = "Crocodile Tears",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Hoth Croc lost the only person he ever cared about. He believes that the Lord Protector is capable of bringing her back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to a furious crocodile cannibal!",
		["medal"] = "End of an Era",
--		["gameimage"] = "Crocodile Tears.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Crocodile Tears announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "El Mariachi",
		["epichero1"] = "El Cactus",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cactusito",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero2"] = "Sporelok",
		["rarehero2"] = "Shroomkin",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Dandy Croc",
		["epichero3"] = "Thug Hunter",
		["rarehero3"] = "Toothy Thuggie",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200522"] = {
		["date"] = "May 22, 2020",
		["name"] = "The Badlands",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Two days ago, some mysterious forces launched a surprise attack on the Battle Chamber. Most of the warriors got sucked into some kind of a wormhole, and it is believed that the Lord Protector was among them...",
		["medal"] = "Long Way Home",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Badlands announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Axe",
		["epichero1"] = "Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero1"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Yorik, the Risen One",
		["epichero2"] = "Dead Bowman",
		["rarehero2"] = "Talking Skull",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ball'Zt, the Warden",
		["epichero3"] = "Beholder",
		["rarehero3"] = "Demon Orb",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200508"] = {
		["date"] = "May 8, 2020",
		["name"] = "The Last Redemption",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Far from Pangea, in a world filled with peace and harmony, the Elder Gods reside. The Forgers of Existence and The Conductors of Eternal Life, they sleep and dream of a better tomorrow, and they are not to be disturbed.",
		["medal"] = "Second Chance",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Last Redemption announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Miss Lapin",
		["epichero1"] = "Lucky Rabbit",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bunny",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero2"] = "Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero2"] = "Sage Disciple",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Ysh'Tmala, The Old God",
		["epichero3"] = "Terror From Below",
		["rarehero3"] = "Flesh Spawn",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200424"] = {
		["date"] = "April 24, 2020",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. An orc group guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting Announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero2"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Pyromancer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero3"] = "Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero3"] = "Demon Huntress",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200410"] = {
		["date"] = "April 10, 2020",
		["name"] = "Mister Easter",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "H-h-happy h-h-holidays, P-pangea! M-my name is M-mister Easter and I’m here t-to b-bring you nice b-big p-presents! As you may know, I hid them in the w-woods, and I h-hope you’ll find them fast or your k-kingdom is d-doomed!",
		["medal"] = "R-Rabbits",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mister Easter announcement.jpg",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Maeve",
		["epichero1"] = "Song of Forest",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Spirit",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Cernun, Archdruid",
		["epichero2"] = "Keeper of the Grove",
		["rarehero2"] = "Druid",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Myrddin Caer",
		["epichero3"] = "*Lord of the Forest",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Woodland Hermit",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200327"] = {
		["date"] = "March 27, 2020",
		["name"] = "Death From Above",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Another ancient prophecy appears to be true. The Celestials are coming to Pangea to correct all the wrongs in the world. Or at least whatever they think is wrong...",
		["medal"] = "Celestial Light",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Death From Above announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Necro, Master Lich",
		["epichero1"] = "Lord of the Undead",
		["rarehero1"] = "Necromancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mr. Devil",
		["epichero2"] = "Soul Monger",
		["rarehero2"] = "Angry Imp",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero3"] = "Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero3"] = "Moon Child",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200313"] = {
		["date"] = "March 13, 2020",
		["name"] = "Wizard Patrick",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, we've received a report from a rural village of Alvor. Some drunk satire demands your presence immediately, sir! He wants to have a beer with you! By the rules of our kingdom, you must accept his challenge! If you refuse, the consequences can be vile for today is Wizard Patrick's Day!",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Wizard Patrick announcement.jpg",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero1"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero1"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero2"] = "Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero2"] = "Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Tsukumogami",
		["epichero3"] = "Gnoll, the Blade Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "Samurai Dog",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200228"] = {
		["date"] = "February 28, 2020",
		["name"] = "Winter's End",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "The snow melted away when spring finally came. Lord Protector of Pangea began janitorial work all across the land. During this, he found a strange creature encased in suspended animation in an iceberg up to the North. Is it a good idea to revive him now?",
		["medal"] = "Toothy Grin of Winter",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Winter's End announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Melia, Forest's Daughter",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Wild",
		["rarehero1"] = "Leaf Child",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Iceberg",
		["epichero2"] = "Ice Clod",
		["rarehero2"] = "Piece of Ice",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Deep Maw",
		["epichero3"] = "*Muddy Trog",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Mor Lock",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200214"] = {
		["date"] = "February 14, 2020",
		["name"] = "Deadly Valentine",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Tomorrow is The Lover's Day. It's already been a year, a year filled with grief and sorrow. Lord Protector of Pangea stays firm. He won't allow anything to spoil such a wonderful celebration. This is what Pangea deserves, right?",
		["medal"] = "Guilty Pleasure",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Deadly Valentine announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Alexandria",
		["epichero1"] = "Battle Angel",
		["rarehero1"] = "Priestess",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Super Mary",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Curl",
		["rarehero2"] = "Wonder Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Morgen Von Stern",
		["epichero3"] = "*Lord Punisher",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Crusader",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200131"] = {
		["date"] = "January 31, 2020",
		["name"] = "Mantis Plague",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Something terrible is happening in the swamps of Enchanted Forest! Lizards are going wild, scaring people off their grounds. If you don't stop it, many fishermen will lose their jobs!",
		["medal"] = "Peace Talks",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mantis Plague announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Hoodoo",
		["epichero1"] = "Cursed Shaman",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cultist",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Snake, the Lizard Prince",
		["epichero2"] = "The Killer Serpent",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lizardman",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Toxic Mantas",
		["epichero3"] = "*Kamacuras",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Mantis",
		["warlord"] = "Og'ord Crusher",
	["20200117"] = {
		["date"] = "January 17, 2020",
		["name"] = "Blood of Elves",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Have you ever heard the tale of Taeral Kelhorn, the deadliest Elven assassin from the Higher Worlds? Well, you should because it seems that someone has put a bounty on your head, Lord Protector. Watch out and be prepared.",
		["medal"] = "Assassin's Creed",
--		["gameimage"] = "Blood of Elves.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Blood of Elves announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Dead Lord",
		["epichero1"] = "Living Dead",
		["rarehero1"] = "Undead",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Stormrage",
		["epichero2"] = "Soul Hunter",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bone Hunter",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Taeral Kelhorn",
		["epichero3"] = "*Elwin Fierce",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Elf Slayer",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20200103"] = {
		["date"] = "January 3, 2020",
		["name"] = "The Last Laugh",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Hello, Pangea! Here's Jester, and I'm ready to play a prank on you again! I have something special on the menu for you today. Well, let's see... Oh, yes! A crazy old man... and the girl with the fan. All right, I'll leave you to it. I've got important things to do myself! Have fun! Ha-ha-ha!",
		["medal"] = "Pick a Card",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Last Laugh announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Bravi, Deadly Blade",
		["epichero1"] = "Crazy Harlequin",
		["rarehero1"] = "Jester-Killer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["epichero2"] = "Keeper of Storm",
		["rarehero2"] = "Thunder",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Amaterasu, Eternal Sun",
		["epichero3"] = "*Sayuki",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Fan Dancer",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20191220"] = {
		["date"] = "December 20, 2019",
		["name"] = "Evil Christmas",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "It's the Christmas season! Santa Claus brings presents and joy to kids all around the globe! But our Santa, well, this year he made a promise. He said he wouldn't kill anybody after the New Year's Eve... That's why he's gonna do his best to kill as many people as possible BEFORE MIDNIGHT!",
		["medal"] = "Lucky Paw",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Evil Christmas announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Evil \"Santa\"",
		["epichero1"] = "Evil's Helper",
		["rarehero1"] = "Ding Viesel",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero2"] = "Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero2"] = "Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Jörmun Grand",
		["epichero3"] = "*Ice Big",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Jötunn",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20191206"] = {
		["date"] = "December 6, 2019",
		["name"] = "Maximum Security",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Welcome to the Oblivion Maximum Security Dungeon. There are currently 1,606 detainees held in here. The O.M.S.D. is considered to be the most secured prison for extraterrestrial criminals. Lower World outlaws, space mutants, different... Wait. You hear that? WE GOT A BREACH! Lord Protector, we might require your assistance on this...",
		["medal"] = "Oblivion",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Maximum Security announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero1"] = "Old god's servant",
		["rarehero1"] = "Faceless",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Goliath",
		["epichero2"] = "Gargantos",
		["rarehero2"] = "Gargoyle",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Dominus, the Swarm King",
		["epichero3"] = "*The Colonist Invader",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Visitor",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20191122"] = {
		["date"] = "November 22, 2019",
		["name"] = "Chains of Armadillo",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "While decoding an ancient rune found in the attic of late sir Jesper Macendale, Lord Protector was exposed to an old curse and woke up in a different world...",
		["medal"] = "Rune of the Mirror World",
--		["gameimage"] = "Chains of Armadillo.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Chains of Armadillo announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero1"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Triton, The Bottom Herald",
		["epichero2"] = "Trident Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Sea Guardian",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Cabas, Wasteland Lord",
		["epichero3"] = "*Desert Sentry",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Wild Stalker",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20191108"] = {
		["date"] = "November 8, 2019",
		["name"] = "Song of Justice",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the jury. The defendant has been charged with the most vicious crime of all, neglecting his responsibilities as the Lord Protector of Pangea. The evidence I present to you will only prove that the defendant is guilty as charged. The prosecution now will call its witnesses...",
		["medal"] = "Justice for All",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Song of Justice announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apollo",
		["epichero1"] = "Bard",
		["rarehero1"] = "Minstrel",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Frost, the Snow Queen",
		["epichero2"] = "Lady Snow",
		["rarehero2"] = "Snow Maiden",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Justia, Law Goddess",
		["epichero3"] = "*Justice Inquisitor",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Priestess of Equilibrium",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20191025"] = {
		["date"] = "October 25, 2019",
		["name"] = "The Darkest Night",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The moon has never looked as beautiful as she is tonight. But don't underestimate her power, for Pangea will soon succumb to chaos. you don't stop evil creatures taking over your homeland, soon there'll be nothing left.",
		["medal"] = "New Dawn",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Darkest Night announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero1"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero1"] = "Old bones",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Madam Agony",
		["epichero2"] = "Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero2"] = "Igneous Girl",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Chuba Cabras",
		["epichero3"] = "*Flesh Eater",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Insatiable Beast",
		["warlord"] = "Spider Queen",
	["20191011"] = {
		["date"] = "October 11, 2019",
		["name"] = "Past Lives",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Life is both black and white. Glorious and pride, Prince Wachita of Higher Worlds will arrive at Pangea tomorrow in order to pay his respects to you, the Lord Protector. You. It's very unfortunate that two of your most notorious villains decided to come back at the same time.",
		["medal"] = "White Stripes",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Past Lives announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Coba, Temple Keeper",
		["epichero1"] = "Stone Guardian",
		["rarehero1"] = "Rock",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mizu, the Sea Foam",
		["epichero2"] = "Lake Pixy",
		["rarehero2"] = "The Aqua Spirit",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Sheer-Shah",
		["epichero3"] = "*Fierce Rakshesh",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Furious Sabertooth",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190927"] = {
		["date"] = "September 27, 2019",
		["name"] = "Aqua Wars",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Bensalem, the underwater kingdom, is once again in danger. Looks like King Kostner's step-sister is plotting a coup d'etat down there. You must investigate. Who knows what Pangea will look like once Bensalem goes rouge!",
		["medal"] = "Life is Liquid",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Aqua Wars announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Lady Medusa",
		["epichero1"] = "Insidious Gorgon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Clever Viper",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Morgan, the Sea Tusk",
		["epichero2"] = "Sharp Fin",
		["rarehero2"] = "Shark",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Yuri, Shadow Dagger",
		["epichero3"] = "*Kunai Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Kunoichi",
		["warlord"] = "",

	["20190913"] = {
		["date"] = "September 13, 2019",
		["name"] = "Puppets",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "A famous puppeteer Camus broke out of the dungeon and seeks revenge against Lilith, the love of your life. But why? You've never heard about this Camus... What secrets does Lilith have?",
		["medal"] = "Puppet Ruler",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Puppets announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero1"] = "Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero1"] = "Death Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Chernomor",
		["epichero2"] = "Dark Knight",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Warrior",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Madam Lo'Trix",
		["epichero3"] = "*Shadow Manipulator",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Puppet Mistress",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190830"] = {
		["date"] = "August 30, 2019",
		["name"] = "Fempire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Okay, ladies. Here's what we gonna do. It's time to show the world what we three are capable of! First, we hit some bars, meet up with our comrades... And then we paint Pangea red. Red is for blood if you catch my meaning.",
		["medal"] = "Crimson Fog",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Fempire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero1"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero2"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Serket Sen Scorp",
		["epichero3"] = "*The Scorpion Queen",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Ancient Scorpid",
		["warlord"] = "Rajan Flaming",
	["20190816"] = {
		["date"] = "August 16, 2019",
		["name"] = "We Are Legion",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, Legion is here and he's coming for your soul! Brace yourself, because taking him back to the Lower Worlds won't be an easy task!",
		["medal"] = "First Trial",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "We Are Legion announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero1"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero1"] = "Untouchable",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero2"] = "Winged Knight",
		["rarehero2"] = "Celestial Maiden",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Legion, God of War",
		["epichero3"] = "*Harbringer of War",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Immortal Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190802"] = {
		["date"] = "August 2, 2019",
		["name"] = "Crocodile Tears",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious cannibal!",
		["medal"] = "End of an Era",
--		["gameimage"] = "Crocodile Tears.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Crocodile Tears announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "El Mariachi",
		["epichero1"] = "El Cactus",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cactusito",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero2"] = "Sporelok",
		["rarehero2"] = "Shroomkin",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Dandy Croc",
		["epichero3"] = "*Thug Hunter",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Toothy Thuggie",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190719"] = {
		["date"] = "July 19, 2019",
		["name"] = "Death From Above",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Another ancient prophecy appears to be true. The Celestials are coming to Pangea to correct all the wrongs in the world. Or at least whatever they think is wrong...",
		["medal"] = "Celestial Light",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Death From Above announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Necro, Master Lich",
		["epichero1"] = "Lord of the Undead",
		["rarehero1"] = "Necromancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mr. Devil",
		["epichero2"] = "Soul Monger",
		["rarehero2"] = "Angry Imp",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Shadow Shaa-Moona",
		["epichero3"] = "*Half Moon Priestess",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Moon Child",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190705"] = {
		["date"] = "July 5, 2019",
		["name"] = "The Grave Keeper",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "You were always interested in the afterlife. A local grave keeper promised to tell you something interesting about your deceased friend Corbeau if you come to the graveyard today...",
		["medal"] = "One Foot in the Grave",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Grave Keeper announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Poison Flos",
		["epichero1"] = "Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero1"] = "Planty",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mr. Flap",
		["epichero2"] = "Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero2"] = "Butcher",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Charon, Soul Catcher",
		["epichero3"] = "*Grim Warden",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Gravekeeper",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190621"] = {
		["date"] = "June 21, 2019",
		["name"] = "Rat Race",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "You've got a traitor in your ranks, sir! He discovered all the dirty secrets Lord Protector ever had. We must find the traitor before he reveals these secrets to the world!",
		["medal"] = "Eternal Light",
		["gameimage"] = "Rat Race.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Rat Race announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero1"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero1"] = "Viking",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero2"] = "Treebeard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Treant",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Scrap, the King of Garbage",
		["epichero3"] = "*Angler Vole",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Junk Rat",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190607"] = {
		["date"] = "June 7, 2019",
		["name"] = "Birthday Chaos",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "",
		["medal"] = "Toxic_Fire",
--		["gameimage"] = "Birthday Chaos.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Birthday Chaos announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero1"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero2"] = "Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Skeleton",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Freddy, Lord of Terror",
		["epichero3"] = "*Doctor Fear",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Scarecrow",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190524"] = {
		["date"] = "May 24, 2019",
		["name"] = "Mighty Kong",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Honourable Sir Westwick has come to propose the most beautiful lady of Pangea. What he doesn't know is that there is another candidate for her heart... And he's a big one.",
		["medal"] = "Happily Ever After",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Mighty Kong announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Queen Ananta",
		["epichero1"] = "High Naga",
		["rarehero1"] = "Naga",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Tengu, Ravencrest",
		["epichero2"] = "Karas",
		["rarehero2"] = "Forest Mage",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Kong, Monkey King",
		["epichero3"] = "*Ape Warlord",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Young Primate",
		["warlord"] = "White Shaman",
	["20190510"] = {
		["date"] = "May 10, 2019",
		["name"] = "New Order",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "After the last month's The Young Gods incident you've decided to establish a new order. This is the only way to protect Pangea from those who want to do it harm. But there are still a few who don't support you...",
		["medal"] = "Soul of the New God",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "New Order announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Diana, Amazonian Queen",
		["epichero1"] = "Defender of Tribe",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wild Huntress",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Titania",
		["epichero2"] = "Scarlet Warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Valkyrie",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*All, Prince of Sands",
		["epichero3"] = "*Free-folk Leader",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Nomad",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190426"] = {
		["date"] = "April 26, 2019",
		["name"] = "The Last Redemption",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, let me remind you that today we celebrate the resurrection of the Old Gods. I must say, I see some familiar faces outside your castle. They are rioting, sir.",
		["medal"] = "Second Chance",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Last Redemption announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Miss Lapin",
		["epichero1"] = "Lucky Rabbit",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bunny",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Ysh'Tmala, The Old God",
		["epichero2"] = "Terror From Below",
		["rarehero2"] = "Flesh Spawn",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Tortulus, the Wise One",
		["epichero3"] = "*Turtle Teacher",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Sage Disciple",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190412"] = {
		["date"] = "April 12, 2019",
		["name"] = "The Badlands",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "The first space station Protector One has been successfully launched into low-orbit to help you monitor all the activities on Pangea. Some of your old foes are planning to respond by building an artifact capable of shooting that space station down! You've invested so much into this project, sir. You can't allow them to do this!",
		["medal"] = "Long Way Home",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Badlands announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Axe",
		["epichero1"] = "Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero1"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Yorik, the Risen One",
		["epichero2"] = "Dead Bowman",
		["rarehero2"] = "Talking Skull",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Ball'Zt, the Warden",
		["epichero3"] = "*Beholder",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Demon Orb",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190329"] = {
		["date"] = "March 29, 2019",
		["name"] = "Demon Hunting",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. An orc group guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!",
		["medal"] = "Pride of Jezelbach",
		["gameimage"] = "Demon Hunting.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Demon Hunting Announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero1"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero1"] = "Crafter",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero2"] = "Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Pyromancer",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Mina Hellsing",
		["epichero3"] = "*Evil Slayer",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Demon Huntress",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190315"] = {
		["date"] = "March 15, 2019",
		["name"] = "Wizard Patrick",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, we've received a report from a rural village of Alvor. Some drunk satire demands your presence immediately, sir! He wants to have a beer with you! By the rules of our kingdom, you must accept his challenge! If you refuse, the consequences can be vile for today is Wizard Patrick's Day!",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Wizard Patrick announcement.jpg",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero1"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero1"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero2"] = "Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero2"] = "Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Tsukumogami",
		["epichero3"] = "*Gnoll, the Blade Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Samurai Dog",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190301"] = {
		["date"] = "March 1, 2019",
		["name"] = "Cycle of Life",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "From the deepest depths of the Lower Worlds a new menace arises. Meet the cyclops, the most fearsome creatures of Pangea! Their only purpose is to spread death and destruction, taking no prisoners. And it seems they've made a pact with some of your old foes!",
		["medal"] = "Eye for an Eye",
   		["gameimage"] = "Cycle of Life.png",
   		["socialimage"] = "Cycle of Life announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero1"] = "Old god's servant",
		["rarehero1"] = "Faceless",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Discordia",
		["epichero2"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dark Witch",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Ogrok, the Leader",
		["epichero3"] = "*One-Eyed Ogre",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Cyclop",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190215"] = {
		["date"] = "February 15, 2019",
		["name"] = "Love Hurts",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The Lover's Day is full of surprises. Especially, when your lady friend Lilith is kidnapped by a mysterious man-bird. Who is this person? What does he want from Lilith? There are rumors that once he was a human and had some connection to Lilith...",
		["medal"] = "Second Self",
		["gameimage"] = "Love Hurts.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Love Hurts announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Ghosta",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Huntress",
		["rarehero1"] = "Drow",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["epichero2"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["rarehero2"] = "Berserk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Griffius, the Celestial",
		["epichero3"] = "*Winged Protector",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Young Griffin",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190201"] = {
		["date"] = "February 1, 2019",
		["name"] = "Year of the Pig",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero1"] = "Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero1"] = "Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Shao Lin",
		["epichero2"] = "Drunk Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "Monk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Kung Fucius",
		["epichero3"] = "*Bamboo Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Panda Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20190118"] = {
		["date"] = "January 18, 2019",
		["name"] = "Great Pangean Fire",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "",
		["medal"] = "Heart of Tritium",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Great Pangean Fire announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero1"] = "Windsong",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Elf",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero2"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero2"] = "Untouchable",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Madam Agony",
		["epichero3"] = "*Flamy Helly",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Igneous Girl",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181224"] = {
		["date"] = "December 24, 2018",
		["name"] = "XMas in the Dungeon",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Too bad you're gonna spend the next couple of weeks in The Winter Dungeon! But don't you worry, here's your present! Survive the next 3 days fighting for your life in here and you'll get a full pardon from His Highness King Winter. Oh, I so envy you! What a happy holiday awaits you!",
		["medal"] = "Cold Dinner",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "XMas in the Dungeon announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Iceberg",
		["epichero1"] = "Ice Clod",
		["rarehero1"] = "Piece of Ice",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Evil \"Santa\"",
		["epichero2"] = "Evil's Helper",
		["rarehero2"] = "Ding Viesel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Frost, the Snow Queen",
		["epichero3"] = "*Lady Snow",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Snow Maiden",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181214"] = {
		["date"] = "December 14, 2018",
		["name"] = "Island of the Dead",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Hahaha, greetings, Demiurge! Don't you recognize me? Well, you will! Welcome to your personal hell! All the lives you've destroyed are waiting for you in here and there's nothing you can do to stop them from getting to you! Most of them were reborn as power vampires while others made a pact with the Devil himself. They are gonna get you. And if they don't, I'll make sure that you won't escape anywhere! Enjoy your time!",
		["medal"] = "Silicon Chip",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Island of the Dead announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Mr. Devil",
		["epichero1"] = "Soul Monger",
		["rarehero1"] = "Angry Imp",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Count Vlad",
		["epichero2"] = "Blood Lord",
		["rarehero2"] = "Chiropteran",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Mr. Flap",
		["epichero3"] = "*Demon the Ripper",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Butcher",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181130"] = {
		["date"] = "November 30, 2018",
		["name"] = "Night of the Lizards",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, King Kostner of Bensalem called. Reports say that some of his royal lizards have combined their forces with some underground reptilians and together they plan to conquer Pangea in order to submerge the kingdom under the water! Pangea and Bensalem are now at peace. Kostner has promised us that if we manage to defeat these rogue troops, he will prosecute them on a fair trial.",
		["medal"] = "Her Emerald Scale",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Night of the Lizards announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Anak, Princess Dragon",
		["epichero1"] = "Wyvern",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wind Snake",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Matriarch Eona",
		["epichero2"] = "Emerald Dragon",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dream Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Snake, the Lizard Prince",
		["epichero3"] = "*The Killer Serpent",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Lizardman",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181116"] = {
		["date"] = "November 16, 2018",
		["name"] = "Metal Fist of Fury",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, allow me to tell you the story of Princess Libertine, a former champion of Metal Fist of Fury. A few years ago she won the Tournament and felt that since she is the strongest of all, she must take all the power in her hands. As far as I can tell, the Royal Guard might require your help",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Metal Fist of Fury announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Super Mary",
		["epichero1"] = "Lady Curl",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wonder Girl",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Miss Lapin",
		["epichero2"] = "Lucky Rabbit",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bunny",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Jaxy, the Thunderfist",
		["epichero3"] = "*Champion of the Arena",
		["rarehero3"] = "*The Undisputed",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181031"] = {
		["date"] = "October 31, 2018",
		["name"] = "Halloween: The Demon's Quest",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Greetings, MORTAL. Have you noticed that everything's been changed since your last visit here? The collision of two worlds shall destroy the reality as you know it! The demon who'd been stuck in the Tartarus for quite some time now shall be free at last!",
		["medal"] = "Pentagram",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Halloween The Demon's Quest announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Leader Nilen",
		["epichero1"] = "Embalmed Priest",
		["rarehero1"] = "Mummy",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero2"] = "Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero2"] = "Old bones",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Necro, Master Lich",
		["epichero3"] = "*Lord of the Undead",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Necromancer",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181019"] = {
		["date"] = "October 19, 2018",
		["name"] = "Plants and Roses",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "nature",
		["flavor"] = "Finally, after years of research, Maeve created something fabulous, a love potion that actually works! Unfortunately, this potion of hers has grave side effects such as physical mutation. If you don't stop her, the Realm will collapse into chaos!",
		["medal"] = "Jungle Calls!",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Plants and Roses announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Maeve",
		["epichero1"] = "*Song of Forest",
		["rarehero1"] = "Wood Spirit",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Bastet",
		["epichero2"] = "Predator",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Scratchy",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Poison Flos",
		["epichero3"] = "*Ogre Plant",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Planty",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20181005"] = {
		["date"] = "October 5, 2018",
		["name"] = "A Knight's Tale",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "We've received an invitation to the All-Knight Tournament from Sire Lancelot. He asked you to meet him outside of Huckleberry Town. I strongly recommend you to bring your mightiest warriors with you. Who knows what awaits you there...",
		["medal"] = "Knighthood",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "A Knight's Tale announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Sir Lancelot",
		["epichero1"] = "*Knight",
		["rarehero1"] = "Squire",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Blair",
		["epichero2"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero2"] = "Follower",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Shao Lin",
		["epichero3"] = "*Drunk Master",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Monk",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180921"] = {
		["date"] = "September 21, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Eye of Chaos",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, someone stole the infamous Eye of Chaos and framed Lady Lilith! It is known that in order to use this orb, you'd need some decent skills in necromancy..",
		["medal"] = "Eye of Chaos",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Eye of Chaos announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Regardus Diplius",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Mage",
		["rarehero1"] = "Child of Chaos",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Dead Lord",
		["epichero2"] = "Living Dead",
		["rarehero2"] = "Undead",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Lady Medusa",
		["epichero3"] = "*Insidious Gorgon",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Clever Viper",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180907"] = {
		["date"] = "September 7, 2018",
		["name"] = "Into the Labyrinth",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "The Labyrinth. What a strange place filled with nothing but pain and everlasting redemption. Who or what brought us here? That's the question we are forced to ask ourselves...",
		["medal"] = "Bull's Eye",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Into the Labyrinth announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "King Taurus",
		["epichero1"] = "Minotaur",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bully",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Cernun, Archdruid",
		["epichero2"] = "*Keeper of the Grove",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Druid",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Melia, Forest's Daughter",
		["epichero3"] = "Lady Wild",
		["rarehero3"] = "Leaf Child",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180824"] = {
		["date"] = "August 24, 2018",
		["name"] = "For the Love of Art",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, the royal minstrels are missing. Lady Lilith believes they were kidnapped. Chauss the Red Poet is asking you to use him as bait!",
		["medal"] = "Fifty Years of Poetry",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "For the Love of Art announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Prince",
		["epichero1"] = "Swordmaster",
		["rarehero1"] = "Soulblade",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Apollo",
		["epichero2"] = "Bard",
		["rarehero2"] = "Minstrel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Angelia the Lightbringer",
		["epichero3"] = "*Winged Knight",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Celestial Maiden",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180810"] = {
		["date"] = "August 10, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Dark Knight Returns",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Sir, welcome back! The reports say that the insidious Dark Knight has deployed his loyal servants for the Castle. Stay on guard. Who knows what these freaks have prepared for you?",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Dark Knight Returns announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Chernomor",
		["epichero1"] = "Dark Knight",
		["rarehero1"] = "Dark Warrior",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Stormrage",
		["epichero2"] = "Soul Hunter ",
		["rarehero2"] = "Bone Hunter",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Discordia",
		["epichero3"] = "Void Juggler",
		["rarehero3"] = "Dark Witch",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180727"] = {
		["date"] = "July 27, 2018",
		["name"] = "Water World",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "We've received a distress call from Bensalem, the underwater kingdom. A coup d'etat is on its way! We must investigate what exactly is going on over there. This is a reconnaissance mission, do NOT put up a fight EVEN if you are FORCED to!",
		["medal"] = "Trident of Wholeness",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Water World announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Mizu, the Sea Foam",
		["epichero1"] = "*Lake Pixy",
		["rarehero1"] = "*The Aqua Spirit",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Triton, The Bottom Herald",
		["epichero2"] = "*Trident Master",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Sea Guardian",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Morgan, the Sea Tusk",
		["epichero3"] = "*Sharp Fin",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Shark",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180713"] = {
		["date"] = "July 13, 2018",
		["name"] = "Cross It Off",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "When there is a need to convey the message to the princess of neighboring lands, our hero easily accepts. After all, this work is well paid. But the authority in the country was seized by bloodthirsty fanatics.",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "Cross It Off.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cross It Off announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Athena",
		["epichero1"] = "Ayfe the Arrow",
		["rarehero1"] = "Bowmaster",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Alexandria",
		["epichero2"] = "*Battle Angel",
		["rarehero2"] = "Priestess",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*D'Arc, Iron Maiden",
		["epichero3"] = "Lady Clair",
		["rarehero3"] = "Prophet",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180629"] = {
		["date"] = "June 29, 2018",
		["name"] = "Intrigues of the Dead",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "When the guild affairs go bad and no tricks can help, there is only one way out - to talk to the dead. However, the members of the Ancient Guild will not spill their secrets so simply ...",
		["medal"] = "Demon Eye",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Hanako Lady Banshee",
		["epichero1"] = "*Moody Ghost",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Friendly Spirit",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Yorik, the Risen One",
		["epichero2"] = "*Dead Bowman",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Talking Skull",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Apep, Aspect of Chaos",
		["epichero3"] = "*Bone Dragon",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Death Whelpling",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180615"] = {
		["date"] = "June 15, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Lost Heart",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "A little girl Vivian lost in a wild forest. Who can fit better than you to be her savior? Unfortunately, the task is getting worse when you arrive at the place...",
		["medal"] = "Forest's Heart",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Lost Heart announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "El Mariachi",
		["epichero1"] = "El Cactus",
		["rarehero1"] = "Cactusito",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Marquis de Sat",
		["epichero2"] = "Argios",
		["rarehero2"] = "Satyr",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Erik the Grey",
		["epichero3"] = "Olaf the Red",
		["rarehero3"] = "Viking",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180601"] = {
		["date"] = "June 1, 2018",
		["name"] = "Cataclysm",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"]  = "The Pangea world is in the epicenter of the cataclysm. Nature herself changed the normal passing of time putting inhabitants to the brink of extinction. Could heroes save the world or it will fall in front of them?",
		["medal"] = "Shield of Valor",
--		["gameimage"] = "Cataclysm.png",
		["socialimage"] = "Cataclysm announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Bravi, Deadly Blade",
		["epichero1"] = "*Crazy Harlequin",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Jester-Killer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Diana, Amazonian Queen",
		["epichero2"] = "*Defender of Tribe",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Wild Huntress",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Mjolnir, Lightning God",
		["epichero3"] = "*Keeper of Storm",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Thunder",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180518"] = {
		["date"] = "May 18, 2018",
		["name"] = "Monster Hunt",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Monsters of Pangea world make a tournament each year for the monsters only and don't invite heroes. It's time to set the justice and start the Monster Hunt!",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Monster Hunt announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Axe",
		["epichero1"] = "*Chieftain Orc",
		["rarehero1"] = "Orc Master",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero2"] = "Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "Skeleton",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Goliath",
		["epichero3"] = "Gargantos",
		["rarehero3"] = "Gargoyle",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180504"] = {
		["date"] = "May 4, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Lost Temple",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "Legends say there is the Lost Temple hidden from human eyes and filled with untold treasures. Many heroes have tried to find it for centuries. Can you get the treasures and escape deadly traps on your way to them?",
		["medal"] = "Cursed Amulet",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Lost Temple announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Hoodoo",
		["epichero1"] = "*Cursed Shaman",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Cultist",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Coba, Temple Keeper",
		["epichero2"] = "*Stone Guardian",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Rock",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Tani Windrunner",
		["epichero3"] = "*Windsong",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Wood Elf",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180420"] = {
		["date"] = "April 20, 2018",
		["name"] = "Guilds and Betrayers",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order ",
		["flavor"] = "",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Aphrodite",
		["epichero1"] = "Love Goddess",
		["rarehero1"] = "Love Mage",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero2"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero2"] = "Untouchable",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Titania",
		["epichero3"] = "Scarlet Warrior",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Valkyrie",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180406"] = {
		["date"] = "April 6, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Maw of Madness",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "Do you hear a whisper of the maw? A voice is calling you! It is a fortuity that let the gate open and awoke the ancient evil! Can you resist the madness or will it devour you?",
		["medal"] = "Trace of Madness",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Maw of Madness announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*TNT, Crazy Demolitionist",
		["epichero1"] = "*Mr. Boom",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Fireworker",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*General Zor'Ma",
		["epichero2"] = "*Old god's servant",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Faceless",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Ysh'Tmala, the Old God",
		["epichero3"] = "*Terror from Below",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Flesh Spawn",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180323"] = {
		["date"] = "March 23, 2018",
		["name"] = "The Rescue Mission",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "The greatest heroes from all parts of Pangea arrived to participate in the main tournament of the world. Fire mages left the Tower of Flame, engineer gnomes’ workshops stopped their work. The world is like a storm waiting to break, everyone is waiting for the new champion. But suddenly the strongest pretenders have started disappearing. Can you reveal the secret organization and their unfair game?",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "The Rescue Mission announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Strik, The Fiery Heart",
		["epichero1"] = "*Flame Juggler",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Pyromancer",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Fury, the great warrior",
		["epichero2"] = "Cruel Gladiator",
		["rarehero2"] = "Berserk",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*High Tinker Gear",
		["epichero3"] = "Engineer",
		["rarehero3"] = "Crafter",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180309"] = {
		["date"] = "March 9, 2018",
		["name"] = "Coven of Reborn",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "Annual witch sabbath of the Pangea world is put at risk. Can you expose a conspiracy, defeat Archwitch and save the world from the impending death?",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Red Woman",
		["epichero1"] = "Archwitch",
		["rarehero1"] = "Dark Acolyte",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Draggara",
		["epichero2"] = "Wild Tamer",
		["rarehero2"] = "Lady of the Warriors",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Blair",
		["epichero3"] = "Adherent",
		["rarehero3"] = "Follower",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180214"] = {
		["date"] = "February 14, 2018",
		["name"] = "Love is in the Air",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed ",
		["flavor"] = "Breathtaking story about heroes, betrayal and, of course, the endless love",
		["medal"] = "Burning Heart",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "Love is in the Air announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox",
		["epichero1"] = "*Lolli Pop",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Baby rattle",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Grand Ma, Reaper",
		["epichero2"] = "*Harbinger of Death",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Old bones",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Super Mary",
		["epichero3"] = "*Lady Curl",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Wonder Girl",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20180119"] = {
		["date"] = "January 19, 2018",
		["name"] = "Guardians of Forest",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature ",
		["flavor"] = "Evil Santa defeated, and winter gradually leaves the Pangea world. Nature is being filled with life. But brave heroes are hearing the rumors that strange force is hiding in the deep forest.",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Loath, Spore Loser",
		["epichero1"] = "*Sporelok",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Shroomkin",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Groot, Silent Guardian",
		["epichero2"] = "*Treebeard",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Treant",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Tengu, Ravencrest",
		["epichero3"] = "Karas",
		["rarehero3"] = "Forest Mage",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["20171222"] = {
		["date"] = "December 22, 2017",
		["name"] = "XMAS",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Order",
		["flavor"] = "",
		["medal"] = "Mad Christmas",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
		["socialimage"] = "XMAS announcement.png",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Iceberg",
		["epichero1"] = "*Ice Clod",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Piece of Ice",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Evil \"Santa\"",
		["epichero2"] = "*Evil's Helper",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Ding Viesel",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Ghosta",
		["epichero3"] = "*Dark Huntress",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Drow",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["201702"] = {
		["date"] = "? 2017",
		["name"] = "Pumpkin Party",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Chaos",
		["flavor"] = "",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Leader Nilen",
		["epichero1"] = "*Embalmed Priest",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Mummy",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Koschei the Immortal",
		["epichero2"] = "*Bone Warrior",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Skeleton",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Chernomor",
		["epichero3"] = "*Dark Knight",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Dark Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["201701"] = {
		["date"] = "? 2017",
		["name"] = "Learn to Fly",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Nature",
		["flavor"] = "",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "*Enlil, Wind of Change",
		["epichero1"] = "*Wind Warrior",
		["rarehero1"] = "*Harpy",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "*Matriarch Eona",
		["epichero2"] = "*Emerald Dragon",
		["rarehero2"] = "*Dream Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "*Anak, Princess Dragon",
		["epichero3"] = "*Wyvern",
		["rarehero3"] = "*Wind Snake",
		["warlord"] = "",
	["0"] = {
		["date"] = "[[League|League 22]]",
		["name"] = "First Blood",
		["type"] = "global",
		["theme"] = "Mixed",
		["flavor"] = "",
--		["medal"] = "",
--		["gameimage"] = "",
--		["socialimage"] = "",
		["legendaryhero1"] = "Hanzo Sama",
		["epichero1"] = "Ronin",
		["rarehero1"] = "Untouchable",
		["legendaryhero2"] = "Matriarch Eona",
		["epichero2"] = "Emerald Dragon",
		["rarehero2"] = "Dream Whelpling",
		["legendaryhero3"] = "Chernomor",
		["epichero3"] = "Dark Knight",
		["rarehero3"] = "Dark Warrior",
		["warlord"] = "",

return data