Mister Easter

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Mister Easter is a Nature themed Global Event released on April 10, 2020.


  • Released: April 10, 2020

Flavor Text

April 10, 2020 Release

H-h-happy h-h-holidays, P-pangea! M-my name is M-mister Easter and I’m here t-to b-bring you nice b-big p-presents! As you may know, I hid them in the w-woods, and I h-hope you’ll find them fast or your k-kingdom is d-doomed!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

April 10, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Myrddin Caer

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Hello there. Cernun, am I right?
Druid: Halt! You're trespassing, stranger.
Lord Protector: I'm sorry. I'm looking for something.
Druid: And you want us to let you through. Not going to happen.
Lord Protector: Hey, I thought druids were against violence.
Druid: Times change. Okay, we'll let you through. But remember...
Druid: Stay out of trouble.

Lord Protector: Troubles have a tendency of following me wherever I go, you know...

Lord Protector: Oh. Hey there. I'm looking for something.
Shaman: You won't find anything here.
Lord Protector: Yeah, okay. I'm just gonna take a quick look around this place and...
Shaman: I know what you're looking for. The Egg.
Shaman: If the spell works, there won't be any human left to spoil the Nature.
Shaman: And I'll enjoy watching you all die.
Lord Protector: You look human. Why do you want us dead?
Shaman: Your species are no longer a part of my DNA. Nature gives me power.
Shaman: Which makes me immortal, by the way.
Lord Protector: And crazy, I guess.

Rabbit: N-no! T-too s-soon.
Lord Protector: What? You didn't expect me here?
Rabbit: S-stay away... I know paw-fu.
Lord Protector: Prove it.
Lord Protector: Yeah, you need more training, kid. Now tell me...
Lord Protector: Where is The Egg?
Rabbit: Oh n-no... M-my heart! I'm going to... Going to...
Lord Protector: No! Don't faint! Don't!

Druid: I told you to stay out of trouble.
Lord Protector: And I told you that it's never easy with me.
Druid: We can't let you go. Not until you tell us what happened to that shaman lady...
Lord Protector: Oh... It's nothing, really. Just... Okay, I see. You're not letting me go by, right?
Druid: You come here like you're some kind of a king. But you're not.
Druid: You can't protect these lands.
Lord Protector: I would argue with you but I must go..

Shaman: What did I tell you? I'm immortal!
Lord Protector: Good for you, lady.
Shaman: I won't let you catch the rabbit. Because if you do...
Lord Protector: Yeah, yeah. Let's fight already.
Lord Protector: I still need to find The Egg. Where could it be...?

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Why do you want to kill us all?
Rabbit: M-me? I d-don't. I want you to f-find The Egg.
Lord Protector: Why?
Rabbit: The Eradication s-starts only if anyone f-finds The Egg. Th-that's the whole point.
Lord Protector: I can't let anyone else find it. And you're going to help me.
Rabbit: I d-don't think so!
Lord Protector: Now let me get this straight... You want me to find The Egg.
Rabbit: Yes-yes, f-find The Egg. The one who finds it... Will start the Eradication!

Lord Protector: I don't believe you.

Lord Protector: I'm here with a peaceful offer. Leave these grounds. Protect your kind.
Druid: Ha. You're taking us for fools? We're not leaving. This is our land.
Lord Protector: I wasn't asking.

Lord Protector: I know this could sound crazy but... I need you to leave.
Shaman: Right. Your arrogance knows no limits, humans.
Lord Protector: I'm asking you to leave... To protect you.
Shaman: Sorry, dear. You've never been that kind to Nature. Why start now?
Lord Protector: I SAID LEAVE!
Shaman: Okay, fine! We're leaving, all right?

Rabbit: You m-made them l-leave. Smart m-move. But who's going t-to save them f-from you now...
Lord Protector: This world doesn't need to be protected from me.
Rabbit: Why are you s-so sure of that?
Lord Protector: Because your dark magic has no effect on me.
Rabbit: H-here, t-take this. This is w-what you want.
Lord Protector: The Egg... Finally.
Rabbit: Pangea will f-fall... And my m-master will return.
Lord Protector: Your master? Another filthy demon?
Rabbit: N-no. He's not. He will b-beat you.
Rabbit: And w-when he d-does, your title will b-belong to him... Once again.

Lord Protector: Cernun... I need your help.
Druid: You've forced us to leave our land. Made us feel miserable. What else do you need?
Lord Protector: I...
Druid: Just shut up. My brothers and sisters want to see you dead. DEAD!
Lord Protector: Look, I'm sorry. I just want to ask you for one small thing...
Druid: Which is?
Lord Protector: Promise me that... If I go crazy... You'll find a way to stop me.
Lord Protector: Even if it means... Killing me.
Druid: That's what we've been trying to achieve the entire morning.
Lord Protector: I'm not kidding. Gather your best warriors... And stay alert.
Lord Protector: Because the next time we see each other... I may lose control of my actions.

Chapter 3

Shaman: You look pale, human. What's wrong?
Lord Protector: I... I'm fine. But The Egg... It makes me... Hear things.
Shaman: Oh, so now you're losing your mind?
Lord Protector: I... I'm not, I'm just... Arrrgh.
Shaman: Sorry, what?
Lord Protector: DiE yOu fOrEsT sKuNk!
Lord Protector: No... What have I done?
Shaman: You... You're evil.
Lord Protector: No, no, no... I was supposed to protect Pangea...
Lord Protector: aRe yOu?
Shaman: Who're you talking too? Spirits of the Woods! Man, you're scaring me!
Lord Protector: hAhAhA. YeS, yOu mAy fEeL bAd aBoUt aLl ThIs bLoOd aNd mUrDeR... bUt...
Lord Protector: ThEsE pEoPlE dOn'T dEsErVe sAlVaTiOn. DeEp doWn... YOu knOw thAt I'm tElliNg tHe tRuTh.
Lord Protector: No. You're wrong. I must protect them... Save them. From myself.
Lord Protector: ThEn gO. TRy yOuR lUcK. AnD wHeN yOu fAiL... I'lL bE thErE lAuGhInG. hAhAhAhA!

Shaman: Will someone please explain me what the hell is going on?!

Rabbit: F-feel d-different yet? That's okay... Soon you won't be able to resist it.
Lord Protector: hAhAhAhA!
Rabbit: ...I s-see. So it b-begins.
Lord Protector: oH yEs iT dOeS!
Rabbit: Merlin shall r-return.
Lord Protector: nObOdY iS goNnA sAvE yOu liTTlE buNNy!
Rabbit: He's c-coming... He is almost here.

Lord Protector: What am I doing... I used to protect this place...
Lord Protector: ThIs iS yOuR dEsTiNy.
Lord Protector: No. It's not... I'm here for peace.
Lord Protector: PeAcE wAs NeVeR aN OpTiOn.
Druid: So it's true... You went insane.
Lord Protector: No, I did not!
Lord Protector: Of cOuRsE I DiD!
Druid: Well... I did what you told me. And I'm ready to face you. Attack!
Druid: No... I need to stop you.
Lord Protector: YoU hAd yOuR cHaNcE, pAThETiC FoOL!
Druid: Wait... There must be a way...
Druid: Spirits of the Dream Plane... Give me strenght... Heal this fractured mind...
Lord Protector: nO yOu aRe nOt gOnNa sToP mE! tHiS iS mY dEsTiNy! tHiS iS...
Druid: Begone!
Lord Protector: AaAaAaAaaaah... I... I feel much better now. So... Where am I? What is it? Did I hurt you?
Druid: Never thought I'd be happy about bringing you back. By the way, The Egg has been succesfully... Eradicated.
Lord Protector: Good... That's great... But you're injured. You need help.
Druid: No, I don't. Go and do your job, Lord Protector!

Shaman: I knew that I couldn't trust you. You are crazy!
Lord Protector: I'm sorry.
Shaman: Sorry's not gonna save you!
Shaman: Thank goodness Merlin is back. He's gonna beat your butt!
Lord Protector: Merlin's back? Guess that prophecy was true.
Shaman: You're soooooo dead.
Lord Protector: Shut up, lady. I don't have time for this.

Rabbit: How could you let this happen? Just look at this place... When I was the Lord Protector, everything was so much better.
Lord Protector: No, it wasn't. Your reign was the reason why Pangea is in ruins now.
Rabbit: Not my fault. I died. But now I'm back. And I'm going to make this all right.
Lord Protector: You possess another man's body. Technically it means that you're not alive.
Rabbit: I came back to save Pangea from you. So that's what I'm going to do.
Lord Protector: Your time is past, Merlin. Return to the afterlife.
Rabbit: No. I was supposed to save Pangea... That was my destiny.
Lord Protector: Why is everything so obsessed with destiny nowadays?
Lord Protector: C'mon, leave!
Rabbit: Noooooooooooooooo!
Rabbit: W-wait... Wh-what's going on?
Lord Protector: Nothing, little rabbit. It's over.
Rabbit: P-Pangea is safe?
Lord Protector: She is. Now put your hands over your head!