Mighty Kong

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Mighty Kong is a Nature themed Global Event released on May 24, 2019.


  • Released: May 24, 2019
  • Rerun: July 31, 2020
  • Rerun: August 13, 2021
  • Rerun: June 17, 2022

Flavor Text

June 17, 2022 Rerun

The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.

August 13, 2021 Rerun

The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.

July 31, 2020 Rerun

The Honourable Sir Westwick intends to propose to the most beautiful lady of Pangea. But there is another candidate for her heart... And he is a big one.

May 24, 2019 Release

The Honourable Sir Westwick has come to propose the most beautiful lady of Pangea. What he doesn't know is that there is another candidate for her heart... And he's a big one.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Crow Guard
Lord Protector: Excuse me, we are looking for Lady Shaw! Any chance you know where to find her?
Crow Guard: Trespassers!
Lord Protector: You know, fellas... I kinda knew this was gonna happen! But we can figure it all out peacefully.
Lord Protector: Okay, I'll repeat my question. We are looking for Lady Shaw...
Crow Guard: It's not worth it. Turn back while you still can.

Lord Protector: You won't scare me off.

Archer: This is a restricted area. You're entering the King's domain.
Lord Protector: The King? As far as I remember, Lord Protector aka me is in charge here.
Archer: Not anymore. You'll have to make some room.
Lord Protector: We'll see!

Gorilla Man
Gorilla Man: Hold on!
Lord Protector: What is it, a planet of apes? Where did YOU come from?
Gorilla Man: We've always been here, human.
Lord Protector: So... You want to conquer Pangea too? I lost count of the pretenders.
Gorilla Man: Not Pangea, just Lady Shaw.

Sentinel: This is the last warning. Turn back immediately or we'll have no choice but to use force.
Lord Protector: We are not going anywhere without Lady Shaw! Tell us where she is!
Sentinel: She's safe. That's all you need to know.
Lord Protector: Sorry but it's just not enough.
Lord Protector: She'll be safe only when I escort her back to Sir Westwick.
Sentinel: Look around, Lord Protector. The Enchanted Forest looks more like my planet now...

Elf Lady
Elf Lady: So you're Westwick's errand boy now, huh.
Lord Protector: Enough joking. I'm serious. Where is Lady Shaw?
Elf Lady: Ah, you know... Getting ready for the wedding.
Elf Lady: You are not invited, by the way.
Lord Protector: Her wedding with Kong doesn't really fit my plans.
Elf Lady: Oh, it's going to be a wonderful ceremony! If she stops crying...
Lord Protector: Crying?
Elf Lady: They say Kong threatened to kill her if she doesn't agree to the wedding...

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: I need to speak to your king. Immediately.
Sapiens: Not possible. The king is very busy. Are you on the guest list?
Lord Protector: I'm afraid not. But I'm Lord Protector of Pangea. The king will make an exception.

Sapiens: Will he?

Lord Protector: So you kidnapped the woman for this brainless ape. Why would you do something like that?
Captor: Because it was the only way to save the Enchanted Forest.
Lord Protector: How come?
Captor: Kong came here a few moons ago. He said he would kill us all. So we had to make a deal.
Captor: We give him a girl of his choosing. He lets us live.
Lord Protector: And he chose Lady Shaw... Seems that he does have a brain after all.

Lydia: You again? Just face the fact that you can't stop the wedding.
Lord Protector: I have a proposal to discuss. Will Kong meet with me in this case?
Lydia: I can deliver the message. It might not be worth his attention.
Lord Protector: The proposal is... He gets the hell out of Pangea before I destroy him and his pathetic mob!
Lydia: Let him through. Kong will deal with it himself.
Lord Protector: Threats always work.

Lord Protector: Where is Lady Shaw, gorilla?
King: Ah, a woman of my dreams. She is so tender, so beautiful. We can finally be together.
Lord Protector: And if that's not what she wants?
King: It only matters what I want.
Lord Protector: Maybe in the Higher Worlds, but you're on Pangea now...
King: Look around, Lord Protector. The Enchanted Forest looks more like my planet now...
Lord Protector: Let her go or your "planet" will soon no longer exist.
King: You are in no position to demand anything. This is not your battle.

Butler: See? I told you, this was a bad idea. You must leave. Tell Westwick that Lady Shaw now belongs to Kong.
Lord Protector: I don't give up that easy.
Butler: You have no choice.
Lord Protector: Okay. I'll leave this place if Kong agrees to face me and my army at the ceremony.
Butler: Deal.

Chapter 3

Lia: You're risking your army because of this Westwick?

Lord Protector: I am sure, it's not gonna get to it.

Groom: Back so soon, Lord Protector? I'm afraid the ceremony hasn't begun yet!
Lord Protector: Why do you need this girl? Tell me the truth!
Groom: The truth? You don't deserve it.
Lord Protector: They say it's not about love at all, and you need Lady Shaw for some kind of ritual.
Groom: Once I was just like you. A king, with no kingdom, though. But an old witch put a spell on me. I'll never have the throne until I break it.
Groom: But there is a prophecy. If I marry a woman I love before the red moon rises in the Higher Worlds, I shall return to my normal state.
Groom: That's why the ceremony will start no matter what.

Gatekeeper: Welcome to the ceremony, sir. Please, show me your invitation.
Lord Protector: An army behind my back is my invitation.

Lord Protector: So you are a bridesmaid now?
Lor'Yetel: Are you laughing at me?
Lord Protector: No. You actually look pretty well.
Lord Protector: There is something I need you to do. Get me to Lady Shaw, and no one will get hurt.
Lor'Yetel: Kong is already waiting for you, and Lady Shaw...
Lor'Yetel: She doesn't want to see anyone.
Lord Protector: You bet she doesn't! But that's okay, she won't have to marry this beast!

Lord Protector: Are you ready, Kong?
Kong: I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Of course, I am.
Lord Protector: Then let's end this.
Kong: I didn't think it's so easy to fool Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: What do you mean?
Kong: Lady Shaw... She fled to the Enchanted Forest trying to get away from this monster, Sir Westwick.
Kong: She asked me to protect her. Said she'd rather die than come back to him.
Kong: It's not me you need to beware. I am not interested in Pangea's throne unlike him. He was hoping to get rid of you by sending you to confront me.
Lord Protector: Why would I believe you? But if that's true, I'll unleash hell on him.