Maximum Security

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Maximum Security is a Chaos themed Global Event released on December 6, 2019.


  • Released: December 6, 2019
  • Rerun: February 12, 2021
  • Rerun: March 25, 2022
  • Rerun: June 7, 2024

Flavor Text

June 7, 2024 Rerun

It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. The Lord Protector decided to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When he arrived in the dungeon he discovered that a riot was about to break out there…

March 25, 2022 Rerun

It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. The Lord Protector decided to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When he arrived in the dungeon he discovered that a riot was about to break out there…

February 12, 2021 Rerun

It has become known that another conspiracy is about to start on Pangea. You have been assigned to interrogate a four-armed criminal from another world. When you arrive, you discover that a riot is about to break out in the dungeon...

December 6, 2019 Release

Welcome to the Oblivion Maximum Security Dungeon. There are currently 1,606 detainees held in here. The O.M.S.D. is considered to be the most secured prison for extraterrestrial criminals. Lower World outlaws, space mutants, different... Wait. You hear that? WE GOT A BREACH! Lord Protector, we might require your assistance on this...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

March 25, 2022 Rerun

February 12, 2021 Rerun

December 6, 2019 Release

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Don't move a muscle! You do have muscles, right?
Stone: That's some insight. I'm made of stone, but that won't stop me from stretching my arms by crushing your ribs.
Lord Protector: You're a fugitive. I need to bring you back to the Oblivion.
Stone: Oblivion is what's coming to you!

Lord Protector: One down. Many more to go. Better roll up my sleeves.

Lord Protector: The rebellious general Zor'Ma. I've heard of you.
General: Who'd have thought? I'm famous.
Lord Protector: General, you are expected back at the Oblivion.
General: I'm not coming back. I've done my time, Lord Protector. Don't even waste your time!
Lord Protector: It's a pity I have a different opinion on this matter. It seems you were sentenced to life...
General: Activate transfiguration mode.
Lord Protector: What? Who are you talking to?
General: Just looking for a suitable body to clone. See you.

Alien: New land, clean air, lots of water. That's good enough for us.
Lord Protector: Us?
Alien: Naturally, natives are so annoying. But it's going to change soon.
Alien: When they become part of us. I guess I'll start with that annoying little man.
Alien: You can't defeat all of us.
Lord Protector: All of "you"? What's that supposed to mean?
Alien: You'll see.

Titan: Time to rebuild what was lost a long time ago.
Titan: There are too many "builders" of new worlds now.
Titan: This land belonged to my ancestors — the Stone Titans. Of course, its former glory cannot be returned...
Titan: But now I have allies. And no one can stop us!
Lord Protector: Who are you? And who are these Titans?
Titan: When you left, Pangea collapsed. My ancestors made it a place worth living in.
Lord Protector: When I got back, I saw Pangea in ruins. Your doing?
Lord Protector: So I definitely don't like your renovation plan.

Lord Protector: General?
Zor'Ma: Lord Protector... Always a pleasure to kick your ass!
Zor'Ma: I didn't finish the assimilation process last time, but the gargoyle held you up.
Lord Protector: I think I'm starting to get the picture. It's time to disband your little gang of conspirators.
Zor'Ma: You can't beat me. My lab is full of clones. And you don't even know about the Swarm...
Lord Protector: Then I will find it and destroy it. Along with the Swarm.

Chapter 2

Mutant: We have such big plans for this place.
Lord Protector: Sorry, but I'm going to disappoint you — stay away from Pangea!
Mutant: An excellent specimen. Courageous, militant. The assimilation procedure has already begun, and I am satisfied with the choice of my allies.
Lord Protector: Assimilation again. Can someone explain to me what this is?
Mutant: Pretty soon there will be no need in explanation. In the meantime, duty calls, Lord Protector.

Mutant: I freed another batch of dungeon prisoners. Someone has to bring them back, isn't that right?

Lord Protector: As far as I understand, you have been thoroughly brainwashed...
Prisoner: And as far as I understand, you're here to put me back in jail! It's not going to work!
Lord Protector: Let's make a deal — information in exchange for a review of the sentence. Otherwise, death!
Prisoner: They promised us that some General would soon set us all free. And that we had acquired some very powerful allies...
Lord Protector: Well, that's better than nothing. For now, go to the dungeon until the trial.

Clone: I see you've made inquiries. Take another look at it, Lord Protector.
Clone: I was fighting for the future. For survival. But they locked me in a cage.
Clone: And destroyed my civilization! I had no choice but to find a new master and start all over again.
Lord Protector: General, I can't leave you free. And your operation is doomed to fail.
Clone: Preparing a new clone.
Clone: oPeRaTiOn SuCcEsSfUl
Clone: Lord Protector, while you're here talking to me, my clones are having a riot in the Oblivion.
Clone: Or is it me having a riot and you're fighting a clone...
Lord Protector: Never mind. I'll get to the original.

Telepath: Assimilation is going well. No one can stop the Swarm now.
Lord Protector: I've already ruined some of your plans. I wouldn't call that a success.
Telepath: You can't defeat what you don't understand, human.
Lord Protector: I won. Now let me take you back to the Oblivion dungeon.
Telepath: You won't do this.
Lord Protector: How so?
Telepath: Because you're already a part of us. Welcome to the Swarm, human.
Lord Protector: I... No... I can't! I... I can't let you go free.
Telepath: You can't disobey the Swarm. Not anymore. Release me!
Lord Protector: Yes, master. You can go now.

Lord Protector: What happened to me? Why did I let the four-armed one go?
Goliath: If you told me about his plans, then you can oppose his will.
Goliath: He tried his mind tricks on me. They didn't work out.
Lord Protector: What did you do to protect yourself?
Goliath: I'm not telling you anything! You've learned enough from me already.
Lord Protector: Once again, how do I protect myself from Dominus' telepathy?
Goliath: Use a potion. I have it on me. This may help. But only temporarily.
Lord Protector: I need to find a permanent solution.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: General, Dominus is using you.
Lord Protector: You rioted in the Oblivion to get my attention. You set up escapes, you create clones for the Swarm...
Lord Protector: But then Dominus will just get rid of you when you're not needed. No one needs competitors, trust me.
Fool: You underestimate me, Lord Protector, and you will pay for it!
Fool: If you somehow got free from the grasp of the Swarm, then you're useless to us.

Fool: I hope the master won't be too upset about your death. Especially since Pangea is already half ours anyway.

Manipulator: An excellent specimen, but so stubborn. I'm surprised you got the potion, I must say.
Manipulator: But that's all the better. We have already assimilated all the prisoners of the Oblivion and created clones of their bodies.
Manipulator: No one can handle such an army.
Lord Protector: I'm going to try it anyway. And I'll start with its commander!
Manipulator: Your will is still weak. You have raised your weapon at me, but you cannot kill me.
Manipulator: Accept the inevitable. In the meantime, I'll go deal with the General. His task is complete.

Lord Protector: Your potion works. But I need more...
Lord Protector: I no longer have the strength to resist...
Traitor: What about the Stone Titans and promises of a bright future? Are you ready to just yield to the Swarm?
Traitor: Fight, softie!
Traitor: I... finally see what the Swarm wants. It... Scares me.
Lord Protector: Someday I'll fight you for the right to rule Pangea, but right now it's more important to defeat the Swarm.
Traitor: I will prepare as much potion as necessary.

The Stubborn One
The Stubborn One: You were right about Dominus. He had already mortally wounded me...
The Stubborn One: But if I failed to seize power, then no one else will succeed!
Lord Protector: Come to your senses, you can still be saved...
The Stubborn One: And then you'll send me back to the Oblivion for inciting a riot? No way!
Lord Protector: Well, you've made your choice. Now it's time to cut the head of the Swarm.

Dominus: Pangea belongs to us now, human. You are too late.
: If I kill you, your tyranny will end today.
Dominus: Don't you realize that the Swarm is infinite now? Someone else will replace me.
: You know, I have a backup plan, too.
Dominus: No... What have you done, I can't control the clones anymore...
Lord Protector: I told you about the backup plan. Goliath came to his senses, and with the help of the potion we put everything back the way it was.
Dominus: Damn! I shouldn't have got him involved. These Titans always have a few tricks up their sleeve.
Lord Protector: Reasonable, but not timely. Goodbye, Dominus.
Lord Protector: Computer, prepare a new body for General Zor'Ma.
Lord Protector: I, in turn, need someone to catch and bring all the escaped criminals back to the Oblivion.
Dominus: oPeRaTiOn sUCcEsSfUl bzzz mInD tRaNsFeR sUcCeSsFuL