Love Hurts

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Love Hurts is an Order themed Global Event released on February 15, 2019.


  • Released: February 15, 2019
  • Rerun: October 9, 2020
  • Rerun: November 5, 2021
  • Rerun: September 30, 2022
  • Rerun: August 18, 2023

Flavor Text

August 18, 2023 Rerun

This night Lilith was kidnapped again. Who is this mysterious enemy and what does they want? Rumor has it that they're somehow connected with the very creation of Pangea...

September 30, 2022 Rerun

Last night your beloved Lilith was again kidnapped by your mysterious enemy. Who is this person and what does he want from her? There are rumors it has something to do with the creation of Pangea...

November 5, 2021 Rerun

This night Lilith was kidnapped again. Who is this mysterious enemy and what does they want? Rumor has it that they're somehow connected with the very creation of Pangea...

October 9, 2020 Rerun

Last night your beloved Lilith was again kidnapped by your mysterious enemy. Who is this person and what does he want from her? There are rumors it has something to do with the creation of Pangea...

February 15, 2019 Release

The Lover's Day is full of surprises. Especially, when your lady friend Lilith is kidnapped by a mysterious man-bird. Who is this person? What does he want from Lilith? There are rumors that once he was a human and had some connection to Lilith...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

November 5, 2021 Rerun

October 9, 2020 Rerun

February 15, 2019 Release

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Lilith's gone. Tell me where you've taken her.
Kidnapper: No way. Such a weakling will never find her!
Lord Protector: Weakling? We'll see what you say after I beat the truth out of you!
Kidnapper: Okay, fine! I'll talk! Look, I didn't touch her!

Kidnapper: It was Ghosta, ask her. If you're able to catch her.

Hunter: Lord Protector! What a surprise. Lost your Lilith?
Lord Protector: I'll find her soon. You were easy to find, for one.
Hunter: Because I let you find me, silly.
Lord Protector: What do they call you? Shadowhunter? Tell me where Lilith is if you don't want to turn into a disembodied shadow yourself!

Former Ally
Former Ally: I knew we would meet again.
Lord Protector: Do we know each other? Truth be told, my memory is still quite a mess.
Former Ally: Of course, we do. We've done great things together, but your pride has ruined everything.
Lord Protector: It's just easier to do great things alone. So that no one can claim my fame or my woman afterward.
Lord Protector: I should have killed you in the past. But never mind, I'll do it now.
Former Ally: If you kill me now, you'll never know what the prophecy says, or find Lilith.
Lord Protector: It feels like the oracles didn't have a life of their own - seems like all prophecies are about me.
Lord Protector: Don't worry about me. I won't have any problems finding Lilith. Your lapdogs are quite talkative.

Thug: I didn't expect to see you after you met Ghosta.
Lord Protector: She sent me to a crazy old man.
Lord Protector: Talking to him is a waste of time. You're a more straightforward guy.
Thug: He needs Lilith for the prophecy. That's all I know, I swear!
Lord Protector: Tell me something I don't already know.

Lord Protector: Mjolnir recruited a bunch of blockheads. Even my sword says more than that one.
Ghosta: I thought you and Fury would find common ground. After all, you have the same level of intelligence.
Ghosta: If you beat me, I'll give you a hint.
Ghosta: Mjolnir doesn't need the second Adam.
Lord Protector: The Second Adam? But there is no one like me!

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: The Second Adam? What kind of nonsense is this?
Madman: Did Ghosta tell you? Or is your memory coming back?
Madman: To be honest, I would get rid of the first one too. But first I need to deal with the unnecessary entities.

Lord Protector: Now I'll show you who is really unnecessary on Pangea.

Lord Protector: So, tell me more about this Mjolnir. Who is he?
Blockhead: You think I'll just tell everything to you?
Lord Protector: I'll have to make you talk.
Blockhead: He... He's a god.
Lord Protector: A god of what?
Blockhead: Of everything! He created the first people and stuff like that...

Hater: When you get a glimmer of understanding on your face, it looks strange.
Lord Protector: Did Mjolnir create me and Lilith?
Hater: As well as the second Adam who was much better than you...
Lord Protector: I'd argue with you but there is no accounting for taste. Let's just fight over it.

Lunatic: Don't worry, you and Lilith will be reunited soon. But not for long.
Lord Protector: That's right, someone always wants to kill the Heart of Pangea. But you will be the last person to threaten her!
Lunatic: Lilith is not only the Heart of Pangea but also the heart of Adam. The real one.
Lunatic: To find out which one of you is the real one, I will open a time rift, release the second Adam, and then kill Lilith in front of you...
Lunatic: I have to go. I need to prepare everything for Adam's transition...
Lord Protector: What? No! Don't you dare touch Lilith!

Lord Protector: Tell me where Mjolnir went and where he holds Lilith. Last time I ask!
Fury: You can't save her anyway. And I don't want to suffer Mjolnir's wrath.
Lord Protector: You're afraid of him? He's been doing nothing but reading horoscopes and prophecies lately...
Fury: I'd be afraid too if I were you.
Lord Protector: I a only afraid that I will be disappointed fighting with you!

Chapter 3

Avenger: Soon your beloved Lilith will die. It breaks your heart just to think about it, doesn't it?
Avenger: I know what I'm talking about. While you were dealing with your personality crisis, the Dark Elves were being slain all over Pangea.

Lord Protector: Join the line of those who want to get back at me.

Do-gooder: Come to the Battle Chamber in an hour. Your beloved and your other self will be waiting for you there.
Lord Protector: Sure, I'll be there. What was the prophecy about?
Do-gooder: Pangea will find the true ruler today. My role is to help with this.
Do-gooder: Do you think I'm the villain who wants to kill Lilith? No, I'm doing this for the greater good.
Lord Protector: For the greater good, I need to rid Pangea of people like you!

Squirt: Should I kill you now and become famous for liberating Pangea from an impostor?
Lord Protector: You can try killing the second Adam sometime in your next life!

The Arrogant
Lord Protector: Come to say goodbye?
The Arrogant: No, I came to warn you that Mjolnir is deceiving you. Lilith is only bait for you, and the second Adam.
The Arrogant: What the prophecy really says is that today the ruler of Pangea should gain unprecedented power.
The Arrogant: Mjolnir wants to get rid of all legitimate contenders to the throne at once and arrange a coronation in the Battle Chamber.
Lord Protector: Why are you telling me this?
The Arrogant: Because revenge will only be sweet if I defeat you in a fair fight!

Mjolnir: Kiss Lilith goodbye. This is the last time you'll see her.
Mjolnir: The people of Pangea deserve the truth. What if they were ruled by a doppelganger all this time?
Lord Protector: And the real Adam is, of course, you. I didn't know I had so many imitators.
Lord Protector: Ghosta told me everything. I'm sorry, but the throne of Pangea belongs to me.
Lord Protector: Why do you need all these titles? You are the Creator of the world. I do not understand...
lMjolnir: You and the second Adam were actually created by a much more powerful force...I was just a guide.
Lord Protector: You're not the first to be ruined by a lust for power. Goodbye.
Lord Protector: What was that? Was it just me, or was there a familiar face in a glimmer of light?