Light and Darkness

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Light and Darkness is a Chaos themed Global Event released on May 21, 2021.


  • Released: May 21, 2021
  • Rerun: June 3, 2022
  • Rerun: January 5, 2024

Flavor Text

January 5, 2024 Rerun

A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...

June 3, 2022 Rerun

A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...

May 21, 2021 Release

A celebration of the creation of Pangea is coming. Many citizens, gods, and even demons from the Lower World will be present there. During this event, unity is honored, and all are obligated to observe neutrality, putting aside old grudges. The Lord Protector hopes nothing will prevent him from holding this great celebration...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

Event Story

Preparations for the event are in full swing, but suddenly strange guests show up at the castle, hinting that the feast could turn into a bloodbath. We must immediately find out who is plotting to sabotage it. The last thing we need is a repeat of the last year's nightmare...

Ghost Ghost: Lord Protector, I see you've been working hard to arrange everything in the best possible way.
Ghost: It will be a pity to see your efforts wasted and the celebration ruined...
Lord Protector: You make a good point.
Lord Protector: But even as a busy man, I will find the time to discourage you from ruining people's celebration!

After Victory
Ghost: Who says it's me? You never listen to a word I say, and then you grab your sword.
Lord Protector: I've been on edge lately with this celebration... Are you going to tell me everything, or should I get the information out of you myself?
Ghost: You'll find everything out in due time.

Bag of Bones Bag of Bones: Lord Protector, I know you're busy preparing for the celebration, but that's exactly what I came to warn you about.
Bag of Bones: If I were you, I'd improve security. I'd call in all the guardsmen, set up catapults and ballistas. Secure the entrances and exits...
Lord Protector: I surely appreciate your coming here to do your civic duty and snitch on someone.
Lord Protector: But keep in mind, if you have anything to do with any of this... the punishment will not be any less severe! After Victory
Bag of Bones: Lord Protector, you clearly have some trust issues. I just came to tell you what I know, out of old friendship.
Bag of Bones: Besides, you remember what happened last year, don't you?
Lord Protector: I hope it never happens again...

Instigator Lord Protector: Oh no... Don't tell me you're thinking of getting revenge because of what happened last year.
Instigator: That's exactly what I'm going to do. The timing couldn't be better — all of my sister's killers are back together again.
Instigator: They will answer for what they did to us!
Lord Protector: I'm afraid you'll have to change your plans.
Lord Protector: You see, I won't let my reputation as the best event planner be tarnished! After Victory
Instigator: Back then the gods and demons first teamed up to kill me and my sister. That's how much they feared our power!
Instigator: I hope now they will be afraid that this Pangea's birthday will be the day of their doom!
Lord Protector: Yeah, I only think you'll have a hard time bringing your plans to life while in the dungeon!

Messenger Messenger: I heard you threw Arioch into the dungeon.
Lord Protector: Yeah, well, you know, I prefer to be proactive.
Lord Protector: Let him take his revenge at another celebration.
Messenger: You've always boasted about doing the right thing. But Asha died for nothing and none of her killers were punished!
Messenger: I had a higher opinion of you! After Victory
Lord Protector: Last year at this time I was on a well-deserved vacation! And, let's just say, I'm not really familiar with the details of what happened...
Lord Protector: But I'll find everything out!

Apep Apep: My advice about security still stands. I'd bring in the army, too.
Apep: Because your guards are pretty bad. I mean, the dungeons, they're easy to get into and easy to get out of.
Lord Protector: Are you telling me you set Arioch free? You take too many liberties, counselor. After Victory
Apep: Lord Protector, I'd love to talk, but Arioch and I have a bloodbath to plan.
Apep: I'll see you later!

Last year the gods and demons really forgot about old grudges during the celebration. After all, they joined forces to kill the powerful twins who were a threat to all of Pangea. However, even that wasn't enough to destroy them both - Arioch managed to survive. Apparently, he now intends to turn the day of Pangea's creation into the day of its destruction...


Avenger: Hanako told me that you don't even know what happened. Let me tell you and make you a very favorable offer.
Lord Protector: She misinformed you! Of course I know what happened! It's just that some, ahem, details escaped me.
Avenger: The gods and demons were so afraid of our power that they decided to team up and kill us.
Avenger: And all because of a prophecy whose contents I don't even know!
Avenger: They failed to kill us both, but they got to Asha.
Avenger: Help me bring her back to life and punish those responsible. Just think, you will remain the only authority on Pangea.
Lord Protector: How dare you suggest that the Lord Protector would do such a despicable thing!

Negotiator Lord Protector: Did you seriously think the Lord PROTECTOR would agree to a mass execution?
Negotiator: We thought it was enough to make you an offer you couldn't refuse...
Lord Protector: You were wrong! After Victory
Lord Protector: But I thought about what you said, and I offer a compromise.
Lord Protector: I will help you find out what was in the prophecy and punish the one who gave the order. But it will be a fair trial!

Truthlover Lord Protector: Have you come to tell me about Arioch's decision?
Truthlover: Something like that... But then I realized that my conscience would not allow it.
Lord Protector: I don't remember you having one when you were alive, let alone now. Stop giving me the runaround! After Victory
Truthlover: He will pretend to agree, but the truth is that Arioch did not believe in a fair trial even for a moment.
Truthlover: First he'll eliminate you, and then he'll take care of everyone else.

Brother Lord Protector: I knew you couldn't trust demons. And I even wanted to help you...
Lord Protector: But your little sidekicks have revealed your true plans.
Brother: What do you mean? I agreed to your offer!
Lord Protector: Of course you did! After Victory
Brother: I'm telling the truth. After I placed my sister's soul in my weapon, she changed me very much.
Brother: She used to be the light and I was the darkness. But now it's all mixed up.
Brother: All I really want is to bring her back to life and punish the one who ordered our murder.
Lord Protector: Hmm, so you're not going to cause bloodshed at the celebration?
Brother: Revenge clouded my mind, but Asha brought me back to reality, as she always did.

Hanako Lord Protector: Hanako, don't tell me that he agreed. I know that Arioch wants to kill me!
Hanako: No, he only wants to find the person responsible for his sister's death!
Lord Protector: Yeah, and I think you know who the guilty one is! After Victory
Hanako: Lord Protector, I think you have lost your mind. I just want to help get justice!
Lord Protector: I know. I'm just making sure which one of you two is the traitor. How did Apep join you in the first place?
Hanako: I don't remember, but he was very insistent that we carry out the original plan exactly at the celebration.
Lord Protector: And he revealed your plan to me and offered to reinforce the guards, pretending to be my "old friend." I think it's time to find out who else he's friends with.

It was possible to avoid bloodshed at the celebration, but the Lord Protector promised Arioch to find the one guilty of his sister's death. The main thing now is not to get killed in the process, because very important people are involved in this dark affair, and no one wants the world to know the truth...

Traitor Lord Protector: Look, I can understand why Arioch wants revenge. What happened to his sister is terrible.
Lord Protector: But the others? Why did everyone decide to kill the twins back then? What was so wrong with that prophecy?
Traitor: That's what I told you!

After Victory
Lord Protector: Why have you become so taciturn?
Traitor: ou've started to pry into the business that doesn't concern you! If you had listened to my advice, everything would have been fine!

Madman Lord Protector: Hey, I don't like the look on your face. I thought we agreed there'd be no carnage on my watch!
Madman: Apep told me you were the one who scared everybody with the prophecy!
Madman: That my sister and I would be the death of Pangea. And then you offered to help find the guilty one!
Madman: You will answer for this!
Lord Protector: Apep's a liar, how can you even believe him? I was just about to tell you... u-u-u. After Victory
Lord Protector: Listen! Apep's been playing his game from the start. He lied to you and to me.
Lord Protector: I sent Hanako to the Lower Worlds to find out what had really happened a year ago.

Spy Lord Protector: What did you find out?
Spy: Lord Protector, how convenient it must be to have servants who do all your dirty work for you!
Lord Protector: Get to the point, Hanako...
Spy: You know that I hate going down to the Lower Worlds. I have a right to at least express my displeasure!
Spy: It was very well explained to me that it's not worth bringing up the past. It's a good thing I can't die a second time. After Victory
Lord Protector: Calmed down now?
Spy: But I did learn something. It was Apep who told Regardus that there was a prophecy about twins.
Spy: It said they would change Pangea forever...

Guilty One Lord Protector: You don't have to pretend anymore.
Lord Protector: It's your fault the hunt for the twins started.
Guilty One: My fault? You should be thanking me! Gods and demons united for the first time in history.
Guilty One: Besides, it was an epic battle. Too bad it didn't end in chaos like I planned... After Victory
Guilty One: You could take my soul... but then no one would know what the prophecy was really about.
Guilty One: Neither the demons nor the gods would ever admit their mistake. I'm surprised they haven't sent an assassin after you.
Lord Protector: Don't worry about me. I'll let Arioch deal with you himself.

Arioch Lord Protector: Like I said, you should blame Apep for what happened.
Arioch: I know, Hanako told me too. But you let all this happen...
Arioch: You couldn't have been unaware that such a conspiracy was being prepared! After Victory
Lord Protector: There's a lot of anger inside of you, and I can understand that you blame me.
Lord Protector: But I swear I didn't know what the celebration would turn into.
Lord Protector: I beat the truth out of Apep, and...
Arioch: And now you will help me punish Regardus and the man who led the gods into battle!
Lord Protector: I promise to help you in this, and you promise to listen to your sister more often and not to kill half of Pangea while hunting down the guilty ones...