Hero Descriptions

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ID Name Image Rarity Faction Gender Type Description
124 Adherent Adherent.png "A hat, a book and a pumpkin...? Damn, I forgot a pumpkin!"
389 Aharin Gods Will Aharin Gods Will.png My will is the will of the gods themselves. Accept it or be destroyed!
386 Airavata Heaven's Fury Airavata Heaven's Fury.png When I come down from heaven, the world won't be the same!
382 Alchemist Alchemist.png On the way to greatness, one can’t do without victims of experiments.
113 Alexandria Alexandria.png "Power of Earth and Heaven gather together to unleash the Life."
285 All, Prince of Sands All, Prince of Sands.png "We are nothing but sand by the shore. Our life slips through our fingers."
337 Amaterasu, Eternal Sun Amaterasu, Eternal Sun.png "My mission is to protect Pangea from the fallen gods. Are you one of them?"
138 Anak, Princess Dragon Anak, Princess Dragon.png "Don't mess with The Green April bow!"
311 Ancient Scorpid Ancient Scorpid.png "(Speaks ancient)"
226 Angelia the Lightbringer Angelia the Lightbringer.png "May the cleansing light be poured on you!"
295 Angler Vole Angler Vole.png "Pathetic worm! Know your place, weakling!"
91 Angry Imp Angry Imp.png "I've ordered hot chicken wings! Who do I need to kill for you to bring me my dish?"
289 Ape Warlord Ape Warlord.png "We fight for freedom. Just like the rest of people."
205 Apep, Aspect of Chaos Apep, Aspect of Chaos.png "I am death!"
86 Aphrodite Aphrodite.png "Take my generous gifts! Power is my friends, death is my enemies!"
229 Apollo Apollo.png "Soon you'll learn what the real music means!"
381 Apothecary Apothecary.png “Don’t make me angry. One wrong ingredient and your elixir will be a poison. "
93 Apprentice Apprentice.png "One day il become a battle angel!"
398 Arachne Arachne.png Don't try to outrun the inevitable. One bite and all your suffering will be over...
7 Archer Archer.png "Just close your eyes and accept your destiny. I am the best archer in the Empire!"
50 Archwitch Archwitch.png "Go on, immortals, drink blood! This feast is on me!"
63 Argios Argios.png "I had so much more fun with Dionysus. Well, let's try to have some of it in here as well!"
364 Arioch Nemesis Weapon Arioch Nemesis Weapon.png Revenge is the only thing that keeps me alive.
377 Arthur Frost Blade Arthur Frost Blade.png How do I find villains? My blade smells the ice in their hearts.
37 Athena Athena.png "Today will be a very nice hunt. For me and my girls!"
42 Axe Axe.png "Axe brings the axe!"
59 Ayfe the Arrow Ayfe the Arrow.png "Nothing inspires me more than strong shields and brave friends!"
165 Baby rattle Baby rattle.png "Baby rattle isn't a toy, but a powerful weapon!"
279 Ball'Zt, the Warden Ball'Zt, the Warden.png "You can't kill us all! In the name of Ysh'Tmala!"
265 Bamboo Master Bamboo Master.png "Give me my bamboo or I'll eat your guts!"
23 Bard Bard.png "Wherever you are, the Song of Light will fill your heart with courage!"
36 Bastet Bastet.png "So what if they catch me? You can always begin a new life, for I have nine of them!"
215 Battle Angel Battle Angel.png "Gods blessed me with magic! If this magic is about killing, SO BE IT!"
280 Beholder Beholder.png "Guess who's gonna be the first to die?"
128 Berserk Berserk.png "I live only when i fight!"
64 Big Toad Big Toad.png "Watch out! I am scary deadly battle toad! At least i have some spikes."
399 Black Widow Black Widow.png I am full of sorrow... that not all my spiderlings got to feast on my enemies!
123 Blair Blair.png "Pumpkin-Pumpkin-Pumpkin!"
19 Blood Cult Adept Blood Cult Adept.png Two liters of blood for the price of one!
45 Blood Lord Blood Lord.png "You are a mortal one. It is your weakness. And my strength."
206 Bone Dragon Bone Dragon.png "Death is coming!"
84 Bone Hunter Bone Hunter.png "My death is not the end. There is death to all my enemies after that."
136 Bone Warrior Bone Warrior.png "It's not known how all these bones stick together."
85 Bowmaster Bowmaster.png "I shall protect you to the lat breath, my Lord!"
196 Bravi, Deadly Blade Bravi, Deadly Blade.png "Under the circumstances don't say you didn't get his joke."
107 Bully Bully.png "Ya-hoo! Who is the bravest? Come here!"
97 Bunny Bunny.png "Oh my sweet paws! Oh, something's coming!"
257 Butcher Butcher.png "I don't care whose meat I chop!"
328 Cabas, Wasteland Lord Cabas, Wasteland Lord.png What's better than water? Gasoline!
101 Cactusito Cactusito.png "I see it's quite tough in here, amigos.It's time for some spikes! "
44 Caesar's Head Caesar's Head.png "Fossilized ancient Warlord. Brings luck and confidence."
375 Caster of Shadows Caster of Shadows.png I will help you relieve... the darkest moments of your past.
10 Cat Lady Cat Lady.png "Cat, an entity unto herself."
228 Celestial Maiden Celestial Maiden.png Beware my spirit!
231 Cernun, Archdruid Cernun, Archdruid.png "Matriarch Eona protects us from nightmares. Our solemn duty is to protect her!"
250 Champion of the Arena Champion of the Arena.png "Tournaments are for pussies. Where are you, a worthy opponent?"
297 Charon, Soul Catcher Charon, Soul Catcher.png "Where do you want to go? Up? Or down? I hope it's down!"
129 Chernomor Chernomor.png "I am the most faithful servant of darkness!"
195 Chieftain Orc Chieftain Orc.png "Your hits just make me angry. ANGRY! GRRR!"
18 Child of Chaos Child of Chaos.png "Only fear of my enemies can feed the void inside me. Aren't you scared? You should be..."
15 Chiropteran Chiropteran.png "Your death is my only way to stay alive. Nothing personal, friend..."
322 Chuba Cabras Chuba Cabras.png "You still haven't learned how to cook... What a terrible service!"
236 Clever Viper Clever Viper.png "Have you heard a story about the original sin? Snakes can do better than this..."
189 Coba, Temple Keeper Coba, Temple Keeper.png An ancient embodiment of the chaotic and nature forces that shaped the terrain of Pangea world.
35 Count Vlad Count Vlad.png " After a millennia of sleeping, I want one thing only: blood of my enemies!"
81 Crafter Crafter.png "Best joy for me is to craft something. And to fight someone!"
197 Crazy Harlequin Crazy Harlequin.png "I am deadly witty! Ha-ha-ha"
127 Cruel Gladiator Cruel Gladiator.png "Commodus, you will pay for everything!"
348 Crusader Crusader.png "IN NOMINE ATRIUM!"
194 Cultist Cultist.png "Curse you!"
47 Cursed Oak Cursed Oak.png "A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the sweet earth's flowing breast"
193 Cursed Shaman Cursed Shaman.png "Spirits say get started."
272 Cyclop Cyclop.png "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
214 D'Arc, Iron Maiden D'Arc, Iron Maiden.png "Truth, Honor, Virtue!"
303 Dandy Croc Dandy Croc.png "If you live near the swamp, you know everything about survival."
312 Dark Acolyte Dark Acolyte.png "Do you wish for immortality? Spill your blood!"
154 Dark Huntress Dark Huntress.png "I walk alone, but the shadows are company enough!"
130 Dark Knight Dark Knight.png "Darkness will swallow you! If i don't kill you first."
90 Dark Mage Dark Mage.png "I give dead souls a second chance. to incinerate our enemies!"
77 Dark Tree Dark Tree.png "A tree whose hungry mouth is prest against the sweet earth's flowing breast."
131 Dark Warrior Dark Warrior.png "Darkness generously rewards its servants."
73 Dark Witch Dark Witch.png "Everyone has a small part of Chaos inside. Don't turn your back on it."
209 Dead Bowman Dead Bowman.png "You shouldn't have to dig me..."
32 Dead Lord Dead Lord.png "There must always be a King"
207 Death Whelpling Death Whelpling.png "In on wings of death!"
349 Deep Maw Deep Maw.png "I have spent centuries waiting for the retribution. You surface dwellers won't get away from me!"
203 Defender of Tribe Defender of Tribe.png "Only the bravest ones head towards their enemy without fear"
278 Demon Huntress Demon Huntress.png "I kill the likes of you before breakfast!"
281 Demon Orb Demon Orb.png "Death will catch up with every single one of us."
256 Demon the Ripper Demon the Ripper.png "They call me Demon the Ripper, but I'm a mere scientist..."
356 Demonic Shadow Demonic Shadow.png "Do you know what day it is? The day you die."
329 Desert Sentry Desert Sentry.png I never run from scavengers. They run from me.
395 Dhorin Dhorin.png “I was born to crush and destroy. I am a rock that no one can overcome!”
202 Diana, Amazonian Queen Diana, Amazonian Queen.png "She has amazing instincts, keen spear, and sharp tongue."
152 Ding Viesel Ding Viesel.png "Jingle bells, jingle bells..."
225 Discordia Discordia.png "Together we'll be able to transform this hellhole into a true paradise!"
292 Doctor Fear Doctor Fear.png "Breathe in the smell of fear! Let the terror turn you inside out!"
331 Dominus, the Swarm King Dominus, the Swarm King.png Be one of the Swarm. You have no choice.
122 Draggara Draggara.png "You will never see me coming!"
143 Dream Whelpling Dream Whelpling.png "Do I look cute? Rest assured, looks can be deceiving..."
155 Drow Drow.png "The winter is so cold this time. I should've sat it out it under the ground."
233 Druid Druid.png "The secrets of nature are revealed to me!"
239 Drunk Master Drunk Master.png "It is not a drink that makes you drunk. It's a man who gets drunk himself"
13 Dryad Dryad.png "I am the keeper of life. So i decide who deserves it and who does not."
397 Dwarf Berserker Dwarf Berserker.png "Unlike ordinary dwarves, I collect the bones of my enemies — not gold!"
100 El Cactus El Cactus.png "You'd better not touch me, amigos. I gonna make some tequila out of you!"
99 El Mariachi El Mariachi.png "Hello amigos, I am going to shoot some fireworks! Let's party hard!"
388 Elephant Elephant.png Stay out of my way, or I will trample you!
342 Elf Slayer Elf Slayer.png [speaks Elven]
341 Elwin Fierce Elwin Fierce.png Home is where your heart at.
133 Embalmed Priest Embalmed Priest.png "I watched my Gods of Light die. Now yours are gonna die too!"
142 Emerald Dragon Emerald Dragon.png "Dreams are more real than we think."
53 Engineer Engineer.png "All right, let's fix all these mechanisms!"
144 Enlil, wind of change Enlil, wind of change.png "Your pride has defeated you. Then let the earth and sky be divided forever."
361 Eostre the Dawn Glow Eostre the Dawn Glow.png "Don't confuse the bloody haze of battle with the soft glow of dawn!"
33 Erik the Grey Erik the Grey.png "We shall meet in Valhalla! And there I shall defeat you once more."
150 Evil "Santa" Evil "Santa".png "I always will be the original Evil! You wanna argue with that? Heh-heh-heh!"
277 Evil Slayer Evil Slayer.png "Killing monsters brings me peace"
151 Evil's Helper Evil's Helper.png "I'll help Evil to make this Christmas unforgetable!"
181 Faceless Faceless.png "Are wings a rudiment or the next evolution step?"
339 Fan Dancer Fan Dancer.png "Let's dance! This will be your last one!"
320 Fierce Rakshesh Fierce Rakshesh.png People don't seem to look me in the eye here.
178 Fireworker Fireworker.png "Baby, you're firework!"
30 First Aid First Aid.png "Clean bandages, fresh water, spare limbs. - sign at the entrance."
173 Flame Juggler Flame Juggler.png "Flame Juggling is so awesome!"
262 Flamy Helly Flamy Helly.png "Have you seen the fire? You will!"
323 Flesh Eater Flesh Eater.png "Tonight I shall feast on your corpse!"
184 Flesh Spawn Flesh Spawn.png "Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator!"
125 Follower Follower.png "I shall become the best student in the Enchantress Academy!"
76 Forest Mage Forest Mage.png "I mix the ingredients in the cauldron of Life to get eternal knowledge."
378 Formidable Conqueror Formidable Conqueror.png After years of confinement even the end of the world is not the limit.
387 Formidable Giant Formidable Giant.png If even small creatures can make history, what can a huge elephant do?
291 Freddy, Lord of Terror Freddy, Lord of Terror.png "Soon everybody will learn that fearless people do not exist!"
286 Free-folk Leader Free-folk Leader.png "We've been training our whole lives. Survived a lot. You won't break us!"
213 Friendly Spirit Friendly Spirit.png "If I were alive, would you go to Halloween dance with me?"
258 Frost, the Snow Queen Frost, the Snow Queen.png "What is it, lover? Are you cold? That's because your heart is still warm!"
360 Frozen Moor Guard Frozen Moor Guard.png You can't hide in these endless icy expanses
321 Furious Sabertooth Furious Sabertooth.png Let's see what you are made of!
126 Fury, the great warrior Fury, the great warrior.png "1, 2, 3, 4 - and you've dealt the biggest damage!"
56 Gargantos Gargantos.png "Aha-ha-ha! there are so many of you. well, it means more fun!"
14 Gargoyle Gargoyle.png "Run away as fast as you can, peasants! Am I not ugly enough?"
179 General Zor'Ma General Zor'Ma.png "I am just the harbinger of your end."
153 Ghosta Ghosta.png "New bounty, new target. Even Evil will be defeated"
274 Gnoll, the Blade Master Gnoll, the Blade Master.png "You can not hide from yourself."
65 Gnome Gnome.png "It seems like this is a job for a true master!"
38 Goliath Goliath.png "Bam-ba-di-bam. Oh, it seems like monster is going to have lunch!"
368 Grace of Rockfleet Grace of Rockfleet.png "Tremble before the queen of pirates... well, future queen."
166 Grand Ma, Reaper Grand Ma, Reaper.png "Grandma knows best."
299 Gravekeeper Gravekeeper.png "You are right on time for your own funeral!"
374 Gremory Night Child Gremory Night Child.png Don't think you can hide your secrets. I have everything written down.
267 Griffius, the Celestial Griffius, the Celestial.png "I shall forever keep my secret from those who crawl upon the face of Pangea!"
357 Grim Harvester Grim Harvester.png "Souls are ephemeral substances, so I don't feel guilty when I steal them."
298 Grim Warden Grim Warden.png "I see you miss your relatives... Let's visit your granny!"
157 Groot, Silent Guardian Groot, Silent Guardian.png "I am... (hush)"
301 Half Moon Priestess Half Moon Priestess.png "What? Werewolves? Never heard of them."
211 Hanako Lady Banshee Hanako Lady Banshee.png "My Horo-Horo will show you what fear is!"
112 Hanzo Sama Hanzo Sama.png Silence is power. *arrogant silence*
167 Harbinger of Death Harbinger of Death.png "Can you see me? Well, too bad for you."
307 Harbringer of War Harbringer of War.png "I'm used to pain. Let's see if you love it."
146 Harpy Harpy.png "Seeking for the wind will find a storm"
98 Hell Gate Hell Gate.png "The tongues of the flame and exhausting cries from the outside. It looks umstable."
408 Herald of Fire Herald of Fire.png I've achieved balance, and so has my blade. We can teach you a lesson or two!
363 Herald of Spring Herald of Spring.png Spring always follows winter, and light comes after darkness.
109 High Naga High Naga.png "Sometimes the snake inside me wins. And when she wins, I win."
175 High Tinker Gear High Tinker Gear.png "I always keep my Tesla X to myself."
404 Holda Holda.png Feel the wind's bite? That means winter is coming, and I am its herald!
192 Hoodoo Hoodoo.png "Lift corruption by a nickname, curse enemies in PVP."
335 Ice Big Ice Big.png "Christmas? What else have these aesir made up?"
148 Ice Clod Ice Clod.png "Cold? I don't feel cold"
147 Iceberg Iceberg.png "The reason why a shipwreck happened, why two lovers were separated forever."
406 Iceborn Iceborn.png Ice was my cradle but it will be your tomb!
29 Idol Idol.png "Fossilized ancient Warlord. Brings luck and confidence."
263 Igneous Girl Igneous Girl.png "Don't ask me to cool off!"
372 Imago Imago.png Rebirth is wonderful, but I choose eternal life instead.
308 Immortal Warrior Immortal Warrior.png "Solitude is not a curse when there is a legion of you."
324 Insatiable Beast Insatiable Beast.png "You people are no joy to look at neither... But you're so tasty!"
235 Insidious Gorgon Insidious Gorgon.png "Crawl where they don't expect you; shoot where they are defenseless."
390 Iron Herald Iron Herald.png “Whether I bring good or evil news… My soul is impartial, so is my blade!”
249 Jaxy, the Thunderfist Jaxy, the Thunderfist.png "Nothing is impossible. You just don't want it enough"
198 Jester-Killer Jester-Killer.png "What do you think: is it mask or my nose?"
296 Junk Rat Junk Rat.png "sniff"
325 Justia, Law Goddess Justia, Law Goddess.png Justice is never blind. You are the blind ones!
326 Justice Inquisitor Justice Inquisitor.png By the order of the Court of Doom, you will come with me!
334 Jörmun Grand Jörmun Grand.png "Time for Ragnarök!"
336 Jötunn Jötunn.png "We are Jötnar. We don't get cold."
407 Kai the Fiery Soul Kai the Fiery Soul.png I've risen from the ashes to unleash the fury of the flames upon my enemies!
344 Kamacuras Kamacuras.png "I can never satiate my hunger."
24 Karas Karas.png "The Life Force is with me! Who is stupid enough to stand in the way of the Nature?"
200 Keeper of Storm Keeper of Storm.png "Heavens will be cast open..."
232 Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove.png "The Nature itself has chosen me as its keeper! I have no right to let it down!"
105 King Taurus King Taurus.png "I will make everyone bow before the king of the Sacred Labyrinth."
237 Knight Knight.png "Humble Knights are a rare thing. Well, here I am."
288 Kong, Monkey King Kong, Monkey King.png "I know what you're thinking. You're scared and waiting for your demise."
135 Koschei the Immortal Koschei the Immortal.png "Did you come to find my needle? You won't!"
317 Kunai Master Kunai Master.png "I'm no coward. I would never jump into fight hiding behind my ally's back!"
264 Kung Fucius Kung Fucius.png "You can't kill a panda. I'm a member of endangered species!"
318 Kunoichi Kunoichi.png "Stay low. Stay quiet."
43 Lady Clair Lady Clair.png "I am no one without my brothers-in-arms. But with them I'm unbeatable!"
170 Lady Curl Lady Curl.png "I'll entangle you with my curls and I'll hold you very, very tight!"
234 Lady Medusa Lady Medusa.png "Look into my eyes. Why do you fight? Lay down your arms, warrior!"
259 Lady Snow Lady Snow.png No one can hear your scream in a snowstorm.
46 Lady Wild Lady Wild.png "To victory, my wards, my lovely friends. I take care of everything else!"
121 Lady of the Warriors Lady of the Warriors.png You have two choices: kneel down and join me, or die in battle!
217 Lake Pixy Lake Pixy.png "If it's our fate to die for freedom, so be it!, First line, form it up!"
132 Leader Nilen Leader Nilen.png "The Sun shall be Eternal!"
66 Leaf Child Leaf Child.png "Let the force of Nature create Life from the chaos of the world!"
306 Legion, God of War Legion, God of War.png "There'll be a day when we die. A day when we take your soul with us."
40 Life Palace Life Palace.png "Clean bandages, fresh water, spare limbs. - sign at the entrance."
119 Living Dead Living Dead.png "What is dead may never die! Yeah, even zombies watch that show"
254 Lizardman Lizardman.png "Hsssss....People ssssssmell tasssssty!"
160 Loath, Spore Loser Loath, Spore Loser.png "Loath's body is covered with small pds that spread blighted fungal spores."
164 Lolli Pop Lolli Pop.png "Do you want to take a candy? Try it!"
347 Lord Punisher Lord Punisher.png "Never give up. Never surrender."
52 Lord Toad Lord Toad.png "Be careful touching me. You may get spikes. Or warts."
353 Lord of the Forest Lord of the Forest.png "Is it me or this world doesn't believe in magic?"
247 Lord of the Undead Lord of the Undead.png "I wonder if Grand Ma Reaper's gonna reciprocate my love"
87 Love Goddess Love Goddess.png "Hey, my friends, I'm here! Want some incredible power?"
89 Love Lady Love Lady.png "Please, wait for a little, and you will see something interesting!"
88 Love Mage Love Mage.png "Why don't you attack them? let me inspire you a little bit!"
51 Luck Idol Luck Idol.png "Ancient Totem. Contains souls of Ancient Druids" - the inscription.
96 Lucky Rabbit Lucky Rabbit.png "Do you know that bunnies need to move 4 hrs a day?"
82 Lumberjack Lumberjack.png "I was born in woods, humans make me feel insecure. It is nature that makes me strong!"
261 Madam Agony Madam Agony.png "In the face of agony there are no heroes!"
313 Madam Lo'Trix Madam Lo'Trix.png "You cannot escape the Underworld."
103 Maeve Maeve.png "Touch an inexhaustible well, an infinite source of power called nature!"
393 Maid of the Sea Maid of the Sea.png “My beauty has killed many sailors. Just like my cunning…”
345 Mantis Mantis.png "Flesh. Yummy!"
102 Marquis de Sat Marquis de Sat.png "I'm sorry, I've just come from a feast. And for me the fun is not over!"
141 Matriarch Eona Matriarch Eona.png "In my dreams, I am in hell. That's the price for Pangea's peaceful dreams..."
230 Melia, Forest's Daughter Melia, Forest's Daughter.png "I'm not the Original Dryad, but the forces of nature are on my side!"
394 Mermaid Mermaid.png "Don't you want to take a walk with me? Over the sea bottom…”
163 Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox.png "Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice"
276 Mina Hellsing Mina Hellsing.png "I always follow the Code. That's what make me strong."
106 Minotaur Minotaur.png "I hate only two things: Argonauts and when my friends are hurt"
80 Minstrel Minstrel.png "Fight more, heroes! I need something I could write a ballad of!"
95 Miss Lapin Miss Lapin.png "Why are you moving like you're frozen? Am I THAT cute?"
216 Mizu, the Sea Foam Mizu, the Sea Foam.png "I bring freedom to people. Fight for me!"
199 Mjolnir, Lightning God Mjolnir, Lightning God.png "Those who attract to the attention of Gods, are made insane."
240 Monk Monk.png "With a jar like this, the whole sky is mine"
212 Moody Ghost Moody Ghost.png "Wah-wah, you just have to die!"
302 Moon Child Moon Child.png "We are the Moon Children. We do as she says."
351 Mor Lock Mor Lock.png "Huge claws and 100 teeth can inflict terrible damage! To you!"
219 Morgan, the Sea Tusk Morgan, the Sea Tusk.png "Yo-ho-ho! And 3 thousand sharks are down my throat!"
346 Morgen Von Stern Morgen Von Stern.png "I'm tired of serving those who don't give a damn about justice."
371 Mosura Wind Breath Mosura Wind Breath.png I value human lives very much because by taking them I prolong my own.
373 Moth Moth.png A flap of a butterfly's wing can cause a tsunami somewhere in the world.
22 Mother Owl Mother Owl.png "Who woke me up? I may be a blind old lady, but im still pretty dangerous."
396 Mountain guard Mountain guard.png "My hammer and I are kind. I love my friends, the hammer loves my enemies!"
177 Mr. Boom Mr. Boom.png "Art is an explosion!"
20 Mr. Devil Mr. Devil.png "Since the dawn of the time they've been singing songs in my name. I am a freaking rock star! A morning star!"
255 Mr. Flap Mr. Flap.png "No, no and no! You deserve better eyes than these!"
8 Mr. Toad Mr. Toad.png "What was that? Did you hit me or was it a mosquito? Aik! I wish it was a mosquito."
350 Muddy Trog Muddy Trog.png "This is not an accent. Have you seen my teeth?"
134 Mummy Mummy.png "Wanna know who you really were in your past life? No one special!"
352 Myrddin Caer Myrddin Caer.png "Follow the white rabbit. The white one!"
110 Naga Naga.png "Ssstay away! if you have a body, you can be poisoned!"
246 Necro, Master Lich Necro, Master Lich.png "There's no place on Earth where you can hide!"
248 Necromancer Necromancer.png "The Council of Magic thinks that necromancy. Fools scared of real power..."
391 Nephilim Nephilim.png “To destroy demons is my job. To eradicate evil is my love!”
287 Nomad Nomad.png "What is the purpose of life? Maybe one day I shall meet it."
385 Novice Novice.png Even a tall mountain can't cover the sun.
242 Ogre Plant Ogre Plant.png "You will be good manuring."
270 Ogrok, the Leader Ogrok, the Leader.png "Once a slave, always a slave!"
57 Olaf the Red Olaf the Red.png "Look forward. There are good battles. There is Valhalla!"
168 Old bones Old bones.png "Name? Looks like it's on the list. My condolences."
180 Old god's servant Old god's servant.png "He is coming to take what belongs to him."
392 Ondine the Foamborn Ondine the Foamborn.png "Foam covers everything... Even the bodies of my enemies!"
271 One-Eyed Ogre One-Eyed Ogre.png Your slaves must have enough time to rest. The exhausted ones are not too nutritious.
355 Onmoraki Onmoraki.png "My heart knows no mercy. It drowned in infinite sorrow long ago."
78 Orc Master Orc Master.png "Wanna know how to fight as fast as I am? Ha, only on my deathbed shall I tell you!"
367 Owl Owl.png Fools! You should’ve run, but it's too late. Now I will teach you wisdom...
379 Paladin Paladin.png Honor and nobleness are no empty words to me.
266 Panda Warrior Panda Warrior.png "For the Panda Lord!"
67 Pharaon Pharaon.png "Fossilized ancient Warlord. Brings luck and confidence."
409 Phoenix Phoenix.png The flame of my heart will turn anyone to ashes...without a chance of rebirth!
149 Piece of Ice Piece of Ice.png "Let It Snow! Let It Snow!...la la la"
71 Pilgrim Pilgrim.png "People say I bring luck to the brave hearts. Shall we prove it?"
370 Pirate Pirate.png Don't you dare say that a woman aboard is trouble!
243 Planty Planty.png "Nope,mnh-mnh, that's not a root under your feet."
241 Poison Flos Poison Flos.png "Proper nutrition? Hell no, I won't survive with photosynthesis only!"
94 Predator Predator.png "These paws can pick any lock! "
6 Priestess Priestess.png "Tank, DD, heal... What would you do without me?"
327 Priestess of Equilibrium Priestess of Equilibrium.png What do you say if we even our odds?
21 Prince Prince.png "I don't need any help. Me and my bodyguards can deal with anything"
39 Prince Nod Prince Nod.png "Last one who stole my mosquito was drowned in the swamp. Aik!"
3 Prophet Prophet.png "Gods talk to me. they say i am chosen to manifest their will onto this world."
315 Puppet Mistress Puppet Mistress.png "By a sheer power of will, I can make you laugh. Or cry..."
174 Pyromancer Pyromancer.png "And we're gonna let it burn burn burn burn!"
108 Queen Ananta Queen Ananta.png "Endless sands, where I am the queen, teach us to be patient."
74 Raven Raven.png "The cognition of Life is difficult and takes a lot of time. But it is worth it."
16 Red Orc Red Orc.png "A-ha-ha! They're so cute! Are they really my enemies? WELL I'LL TAKE TWO!"
120 Red Woman Red Woman.png "Bloody god ordered me to carry his will. he wants you to feast!"
369 Red-haired Beast Red-haired Beast.png Want me to teach you how to dance a jig? It'll come in handy on the gallows.
104 Regardus Diplius Regardus Diplius.png "My power is inexhaustible. I am more than child of Chaos. I am CHAOS itself!"
191 Rock Rock.png Rockfall ahead!
54 Ronin Ronin.png "Everyone who has a code inside him shall never be defeated."
365 Ruthless Executioner Ruthless Executioner.png How can I believe in justice when no one has given me that honor?
284 Sage Disciple Sage Disciple.png "I won't fail you my master!"
275 Samurai Dog Samurai Dog.png "The true strength of a warrior becomes apparent during difficult times."
70 Satyr Satyr.png "Don't touch me, there is an army behind me! Well... there should be right about now!"
338 Sayuki Sayuki.png "Who am I? Such tween minds won't understand!"
293 Scarecrow Scarecrow.png "I'll see you in your nightmares!"
58 Scarlet Warrior Scarlet Warrior.png "Do you see that guy behind the others? Shoot him in the eye, I'll cover you"
403 Scout Scout.png You will face the tempest under the flurry of my paws!
294 Scrap, the King of Garbage Scrap, the King of Garbage.png "You really think we came unprepared? You underestimate us!"
244 Scratchy Scratchy.png "My long claws are not just for a show-off!"
224 Sea Guardian Sea Guardian.png "I almost died the last time I was in the surface world."
309 Serket Sen Scorp Serket Sen Scorp.png "It takes a minute to fix injustice, but it takes eternity to fix all the evil."
2 Servant Servant.png "I've been dreaming of becoming a knight since I was a child. The proof is coming!"
314 Shadow Manipulator Shadow Manipulator.png "To me, you're just another puppet. That can be easily broken..."
300 Shadow Shaa-Moona Shadow Shaa-Moona.png "Have you heard about the Great Flood? It was only the Revitalization, one of the many."
72 Shaman Shaman.png "I'm just starting up, but I've already learned a powerful spell!"
238 Shao Lin Shao Lin.png "Although, I can barely stand, the true force is inside me!"
221 Shark Shark.png "Glug! Glug! Gluuuuuugh! Glg!"
220 Sharp Fin Sharp Fin.png "It's time for you, matey, to walk the plank, you ugly landlubber!"
319 Sheer-Shah Sheer-Shah.png A funny thing about the past. If you have none, it won't catch up with you.
5 Shinobi Shinobi.png "Don't look at the dagger. My real weapon is my mind and your fear."
162 Shroomkin Shroomkin.png "Do you like my hat? It protects my eyes from the sun."
116 Singer Singer.png "Come on, heroes! Adventures are calling. Wait, what is it, blood?!"
34 Sir Lancelot Sir Lancelot.png "I like two things: good feasts and good fights. And today I've already had a feast!"
137 Skeleton Skeleton.png "Knock of bones foreshadow nothing good."
401 Sly the Forest Guard Sly the Forest Guard.png I'm no pet — touch me and you lose a finger. I am Fury itself, I am Nature's Wrath!
252 Snake, the Lizard Prince Snake, the Lizard Prince.png "My ancestors were magnificent dragons! Now your life is at the end of my sword!"
260 Snow Maiden Snow Maiden.png Heart of Snow
245 Song of Forest Song of Forest.png "Sha la la la, fa la la la, da da da DIE!"
28 Soul Hunter Soul Hunter.png "No one can challenge the Void. Whatever you do, the Void will devour you all."
48 Soul Monger Soul Monger.png "Those damn bookkeepers! I need 17 souls not 14!"
79 Soulblade Soulblade.png "Free up more space. Today i am with the lady... Deadly beautiful lady!"
366 Splintered Soul Splintered Soul.png Only twins know what it's really like to lose their half.
161 Sporelok Sporelok.png "Bright coloring means danger."
111 Squire Squire.png "I graduated from the knight school. block, block, hit, block, hit!"
190 Stone Guardian Stone Guardian.png Even the mountain falls...
115 Stormrage Stormrage.png "Everyone thinks of death as if it is far away. Death is right before you!"
172 Strik, The Fiery Heart Strik, The Fiery Heart.png "I am the master of flaming - Stryk! Oops, Strik!"
362 Sunrise Maiden Sunrise Maiden.png Night is darkest before dawn, that's why eachone is so happy to see me.
169 Super Mary Super Mary.png League of Pangea Saviors, go!
49 Swordmaster Swordmaster.png " best defence is the attack! Especially, if you are defended well."
176 TNT, Crazy Demolitionist TNT, Crazy Demolitionist.png "Explosives are only as dangerous as the person who builds them. Uh oh!"
340 Taeral Kelhorn Taeral Kelhorn.png No more hiding among humans. We're here to take what's ours!
383 Tai Ling Dragon Dance Tai Ling Dragon Dance.png Don't wake the sleeping dragon!
210 Talking Skull Talking Skull.png "Alas, poor I!"
186 Tani Windrunner Tani Windrunner.png "I once shot an ant off a worm's backside, but only aimed to wound."
156 Tengu, Ravencrest Tengu, Ravencrest.png "She betrayed me, betrayed us... I shall become her penance."
60 Tent of Life Tent of Life.png "Clean bandages, fresh water, spare limbs. - sign at the entrance."
183 Terror From Below Terror From Below.png "Do you think we were born in depths? Fools!"
402 Terror of the Jungle Terror of the Jungle.png Tails be trailin', I ain't got long a lifespan anyway. Let the hunt begin!
27 Tesla Tower Tesla Tower.png "Attention! Can perplex your enemies! - user manual page 1."
118 Tesla X Tesla X.png "'Attention! Can perplex your enemies!' - user manual, page 1."
218 The Aqua Spirit The Aqua Spirit.png "It seems like it is going to rain..."
332 The Colonist Invader The Colonist Invader.png We shall live for a million years. Together.
253 The Killer Serpent The Killer Serpent.png "The Lizard Price's venom helps digestion."
310 The Scorpion Queen The Scorpion Queen.png " Pharaohs were afraid of me. You should be too."
251 The Undisputed The Undisputed.png "New day is a new challenge. I can't live without a good fight"
304 Thug Hunter Thug Hunter.png "I love a good meal. Especially if it's made of meat and bones!"
201 Thunder Thunder.png "Do you hear thunder?"
114 Titania Titania.png "War is neithert in cold steel nor in the battle cries. It is inside me!"
305 Toothy Thuggie Toothy Thuggie.png "Tick! Tock! Looks like I ate a pirate!"
282 Tortulus, the Wise One Tortulus, the Wise One.png "Death of some gives eternal life to others."
9 Totem Totem.png "Ancient Totem. Contains souls of Ancient Druids - the inscription"
343 Toxic Mantas Toxic Mantas.png "Let's make a deal! You disappear and I won't bite your head off."
159 Treant Treant.png "A century! I am still a teenager!"
31 Tree Tree.png "A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the sweet earth's flowing breast"
158 Treebeard Treebeard.png "Lumberjacks? Ha, their axes cannot handle me!"
223 Trident Master Trident Master.png "Fear not the knife, but fear the fork.tab you once, you got 3 holes!"
222 Triton, The Bottom Herald Triton, The Bottom Herald.png "The surface dwellers do not deserve no second chances. Just like my father never had one."
273 Tsukumogami Tsukumogami.png "Only those are brave know where it is time to live and where it is time to die."
283 Turtle Teacher Turtle Teacher.png "If you don't know how to win, sleep!"
17 Undead Undead.png "I was King and I would still be one, were it not for a mishap."
92 Untouchable Untouchable.png "It's almost impossible to kill me with a conventional weapon."
185 Valkyrie Valkyrie.png "If they want war, then we shall give it to them!"
68 Vampire Vampire.png "I just woke up from hundred years of sleep. I want blood!"
41 Vanakauri Vanakauri.png "Ancient Totem. Contains souls of Ancient Druids. - the inscription"
11 Viking Viking.png "Don't give up, my friends. Let's make a goood brawl! Woo-hoo!"
380 Villano Mad Genius Villano Mad Genius.png I can turn any metal into gold or turn your life into a nightmare.
333 Visitor Visitor.png You are subject to assimilation.
358 Vixen, The Storm Lord Vixen, The Storm Lord.png Legend says the sky will darken at noon and eternal winter will fall on Pangea.
62 Void Jewel Void Jewel.png The stone glows otherworldly. It does not bode well for everyone.
25 Void Juggler Void Juggler.png "Join us! The power of the Dark Sun will reveal the darkest corners of your soul."
61 Void Rock Void Rock.png "The stone glows otherworldly. It does not bode well for everyone."
69 Void Stone Void Stone.png "The stone glows otherwordly. It does not bode well for everyone."
117 Voltage Tower Voltage Tower.png "Attention! can perplex your enemies! - user manual"
359 Warden of the North Warden of the North.png See the ice splinters in the staff? These are the hearts of my enemies.
376 Warlock Warlock.png Even in chaos, there is order.
75 Warrior Warrior.png "Brave heart and strong armor! The second one is as important as the first."
4 Warrioress Warrioress.png "Go ahead to battle, my brothers-in-arms. And may the gods help us!"
400 Weaver Weaver.png I am not only a weaver of web and fate, but also intrigue!
204 Wild Huntress Wild Huntress.png "Let the hunt begin!"
330 Wild Stalker Wild Stalker.png Hurm...
26 Wild Tamer Wild Tamer.png I have never met a rival whose will I could not subdue!
140 Wind Snake Wind Snake.png "Fly as a butterfly, shoot as a bee"
145 Wind Warrior Wind Warrior.png Even a mighty tree won't stand in Storm!
187 Windsong Windsong.png "A wind of change is blowing!"
227 Winged Knight Winged Knight.png May the heavens open above my enemies!
268 Winged Protector Winged Protector.png "My new wings shall be made of your bones, mortal!"
405 Winter Queen Winter Queen.png My single touch can turn your blood to ice!
55 Wise Owl Wise Owl.png "Have they decided to beat a lady? All right, I'll calm them down."
83 Witch Witch.png "Rising the dead is difficult art of magic. But I already know a thing or two!"
171 Wonder Girl Wonder Girl.png "They call me Wonder. Is it the only name that suits me?"
188 Wood Elf Wood Elf.png "The markswoman of the wood."
12 Wood Spirit Wood Spirit.png "Forest gives me herbs, lakes give me water. I give you a chance to survive."
354 Woodland Hermit Woodland Hermit.png "D-don't b-be afraid... I know for sure you are n-not a d-demon."
384 Wu Dan Wu Dan.png The ancients don't see today's moon, but today's moon once shone on the ancients.
139 Wyvern Wyvern.png "Humans make my skin crawl..."
208 Yorik, the Risen One Yorik, the Risen One.png "Not one now, to mock your own grinning?"
269 Young Griffin Young Griffin.png "Don't you feel my rage?"
290 Young Primate Young Primate.png "...A banana? Who do take me for, human?"
182 Ysh'Tmala, The Old God Ysh'Tmala, The Old God.png "I waited and I saw the dreams of the world falling into the Maw of Madness"
316 Yuri, Shadow Dagger Yuri, Shadow Dagger.png "Can you see me? What about now?"