Fist of Fury

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Fist of Fury is an Order themed Global Event released on August 14, 2020.


  • Released: August 14, 2020

Flavor Text

August 14, 2020 Release

Sir, let me tell you the story of Princess Libertine, a former champion of Fist of Fury tournament. Sometime ago she won the tournament and felt that since she is the strongest of all, she must take all the power in her hands. After her great plan had failed, she went underground. It's been many years since anyone heard about her, but rumors say that this year she is back to take revenge.

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

August 14, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Blair

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lil Witch
Lord Protector: Are you lost, little one? This is a fighting tournament. Rated R for blood and gore...
Lil Witch: I'm gonna kick your ass anyway! I am here to win!
Lord Protector: I thought you, witches, only read ancient volumes and cook weird potions.
Lil Witch: Ingredients are getting more and more expensive every day...
Lil Witch: But when I win this tournament, I'm going to be rich!
Lord Protector: Good girl. Doing all this, so you could help others...

Lil Witch: Screw them! I only care about money! Now shut up and fight!

Avenger: I thought that the first round is gonna be easy but not that easy. I'm gonna be done with you in a couple of seconds.
Lord Protector: So much arrogance. It's just that Lord Protector is not someone you can effortlessly beat.
Avenger: Who? Lord Protector?
Lord Protector: Yep.
Avenger: And what do you protect?
Lord Protector: Uh...Pangea?
Avenger: Yeah, right. Where were you the night my parents were murdered?
Lord Protector: I...I was away
Avenger: You could've saved them in a blink of an eye. But you didn't. For that, you're going to die.

Warrior: Welcome to your final battle.
Lord Protector: Cool. What's your story?
Warrior: My story? I don't have time for them!
Lord Protector: Why not? I'm Lord Protector. You can tell me a sob story about why you hate me.
Warrior: I'm not some sore loser, "Lord Protector".
Warrior: I'm gonna be a champion!

Healer Janet
Lord Protector: You already knocked your cauldron over somebody's head?
Healer Janet: Laugh all you want. You can't stop me!

Powerlady: Spare your lousy excuses!
Powerlady: I've been training for years to avenge my parents. You're on my list too...
Lord Protector: We don't have to fight, lady. Plus, we have a much more dangerous enemy here...
Powerlady: No, you're the reason my parents are dead!

Chapter 2

Top Pick
Top Pick: You've been getting on my nerves, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: It's my job, what can I say.
Top Pick: I'll gladly help you out here. There is a much better candidate for your job...

Lord Protector: Really?

Lord Protector: Kid, just leave. You won't stand a chance against me.
Kiddo: Watch me!
Lord Protector: You have a long life ahead of you. Don't waste it.
Kiddo: Yeah. I'm gonna waste yours instead.

Lord Protector: Still blaming me for your parents?
Advocator: What do you think?
Lord Protector: Well, I didn't kill them.
Advocator: You could be there to save them. But you chose not to... So this is all your fault!

Braggart: You look tired already.
Lord Protector: Not at all. You won't scare me with your pathetic threats.
Braggart: We'll see what you say after this round.
Braggart: If you're gonna be able to talk at all...

Lord Protector: Look, kid, if you need money, I can lend you some.
Lord Protector: Just fill out a form and contact Battle Chamber.
Sabrine: Borrow money from Lord Protector? Thanks, but no.
Lord Protector: Then I have another offer. Tell me what you know about Libertine and you can keep the money.
Sabrine: Princess is participating in the tournament under a fake identity and wants to take over Pangea again.
Sabrine: It's been many years since the last tournament, no one knows what she looks like now.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Face the facts, lady. I'm not a murderer.
Lord Protector: I couldn't protect your parents, that's true, but now the lives of all Pangean citizens are at stake.
Saint: Revenge is the only thing that matters to me right now.
Lord Protector: Look, Libertine will stop at nothing until she usurps the power.
Lord Protector: I am not sure about the way she looks now, but she is extremely dangerous.
Saint: You...You're asking me for help? Me?
Lord Protector: ...Yes. We'll cross our swords again after the tournament if you insist.

Saint: Well, I know who Princess Libertine is.

Lord Protector: Greetings, Princess.
Undisputed: You finally figured it out, such a pity it won't help you.
Undisputed: After this tournament, I'm taking control of Pangea. There's nothing you can do.
Lord Protector: Except stopping you right here and right now.
Lord Protector: So much for the Undisputed champion.
Undisputed: This is not over, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: It is. You've lost.
Undisputed: You can finish me off. But then you won't be able to save that little witch...
Lord Protector: What's wrong with her?
Undisputed: Go find out yourself. Ha ha ha.

Super Witch
Lord Protector: I won't make the same mistake twice. I won't let innocent people die... Not anymore.
Super Witch: Who are you calling innocent?
Lord Protector: Oh, you are okay... But I thought you are in danger... Libertine lied to me to save herself.
Super Witch: And you fell for it. You are kind of stupid for Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: Look, kid. I know there's a lot of potential in you. So I offer peace.
Lord Protector: Let's unite our forces and beat the hell out of that Libertine.
Super Witch: I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?
Lord Protector: Exactly, you are either with me or against me.

Lord Protector: Hey, I'm back. We need to go after Libertine. Now.
D'Ark: She told me all about you... About your lies... Your masterplan.
Lord Protector: She has already tried to turn everyone against me, but don't forget who the evil one here.
D'Ark: You're saying Libertine fooled me? She won't get away with it!
Lord Protector: I promise I'll help you avenge your parents but I need your help now!
Lord Protector: Let's find her until it's too late.

Libertine: Welcome to the grand finale! I see you got yourself a couple of cheerleaders.
Libertine: How about just you and me?
Lord Protector: Your tricks are too obvious to fall for them twice.
Libertine: No problem then!
Libertine: I can deal with all of you at once!
Libertine: It wasn't supposed to end like that!
Lord Protector: Just admit you aren't cut out for this. Go back to where you spent the last couple of years.
Libertine: There was a prophecy... About me becoming the next Lady Protector of Pangea.
Lord Protector: Change your astrologist... or get a shrink.