Fire Games

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Fire Games is a Global Event released on December 18, 2020.


  • Released: December 18, 2020

Flavor Text

December 18, 2020 Release

Lord Protector, the holiday is in danger! Madam Agony has broken free from the dungeon again and she intends to take her revenge not only on you but on all the citizens of Pangea by taking away the New Year from them!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

December 18, 2020 Release

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Gear?! I haven't heard of you in a while. What do you want?
Avenger: I've come to tell you that I have a surprise for you. You'll finally see my inventions in action.
Lord Protector: What do you mean?
Avenger: Soon my present will be seen even from the high windows of your castle.
Lord Protector: I should've thrown you into the dungeon the moment I learned about your experiments.
Lord Protector: Well, I won't make that mistake twice!

Demoness: The Mistress sends you heartfelt congratulations on the coming New Year and hopes that you will enjoy her surprise.
Lord Protector: Another one? She'll have to join the line of those who want to spoil the holiday for me.
Lord Protector: If Madam Agony wants to burn Pangea again, then games with matches will have to be postponed.
Demoness: It's too late, Lord Protector. The game has already begun!
Lord Protector: Every year is the same...

Lord Protector: Hey, butler! I have to figure out what this Madam is plotting. I asked for no more visits toda...
Envoy: Lord Protector, there's something unimaginable happening in the north! Our house is in danger! You have to help us!
Lord Protector: I'm a little busy now. Please fill out the form that the butler will give you. Troops will be sent to you within 24 hours.
Envoy: I didn't believe the rumors about your arrogance. I didn't listen when they said that you don't care about the troubles of the citizens...
Envoy: Pangea doesn't deserve such a Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: Helping citizens is exactly what I do every day. And do you know why I manage to solve all the problems?
Lord Protector: Because I can delegate duties! Alright, what is it?
Envoy: Some demoness and a crazy tinker set the spruce woods on fire!
Envoy: Now no one will get a Christmas tree for the New Year, and deer won't be able to help Santa deliver presents!
Lord Protector: Damn! So that's what their plan was...

Lord Protector: How did you manage to get out? I ordered to throw you into the dungeon!
Traitor: I can create an ideal trap that you'll never get out of. Do you think that some dungeon is going to stop me?
Lord Protector: Wasn't it you who helped Madam Agony break free? It seems you've worked well together.
Traitor: Somone has finally appreciated my work.
Lord Protector: Working with demons? It appears you've lost the remainder of your dignity.
Traitor: Remainder? I won't let anyone speak to me like that!

Madam Agony
Madam Agony: I'm glad to see you, Lord Protector! But I have to admit that I'm mad at you because I had to spend so much time in the dungeon.
Madam Agony: Is that what they do to friends?
Lord Protector: If I often play a game with you called "Save Pangea from the fire", it doesn't mean that we're friends.
Lord Protector: It means that you're immortal and that your hobbies stay the same through the years.
Madam Agony: I expected a warmer welcome!
Madam Agony: Alright-alright. You're clearly a better swordsman. Bu this time around I prepared better than usual.
Lord Protector: Do you mean your accomplice Gear? I wouldn't count on him. His relationship with his superiors leave much to be desired.
Madam Agony: I think we're on good terms. Maybe the problem was you.
Madam Agony: While you are talking a great part of the spruce woods has already burned. And a lot of deer got hurt, too. It seems that no one will get presents on Pangea!

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: I need to speak with Vixen, your ruler. Where can I find him?
Guardian: Strangers are not welcome here!
Lord Protector: Hey, wait a minute. I...
Guardian: Enough talking! Vixen won't have anyone interfere with the business of the north!
Lord Protector: I wanted to say that I've come in peace. We can only deal with the fire together.
Guardian: Alright. Let him sort things out with you himself.

Madman: Did you just see the sky light with fire? These are my catapults!
Lord Protector: No, I definitely should've thrown you into the dungeon. Your ideas are dangerous for the society!
Madman: You could've used these ideas to conquer all the planes and establish peace there!
Lord Protector: And these are the words of a man who helps Madam Agony wreak havoc. It's time to stop it!

Instigator: I love watching you when you're powerless! Even agony torments are not so terrible.
Lord Protector: You won't be enjoying Gear's fireworks for long.
Lord Protector: I'm already on my way to Vixen. We'll be able to stop the fire together.
Instigator: In that case I'll have to interfere!

Lord Protector: Vixen! How many winters have passed since... Do you even have summer here? Alright, I'm here on business.
Lord Protector: Madam Agony is turning your woods into firebrands and spoils the holiday for Pangea. We need to put an end to it!
Renegade: Lord Protector, why do you think I need your help? You're thinking only about your reputation, as usual.
Renegade: If it weren't for the New Year, you wouldn't even lift a finger!
Renegade: Get out! I'll deal with it without you!
Lord Protector: We had disagreements in the past, but we have to unite for the sake of the woods. And yes, it would be great to save the holiday, too!
Renegade: Don't worry. I'll save it without you. In fact, Madam Agony, Gear, and I have plotted against you.
Renegade: You hurry to save the woods from the fire, Gear places a trap there, and you die...
Renegade: I save the woods and the holiday, and swimming in the love of the people, I become the Lord Protector. How do you like this plan?

Tinker Gear
Lord Protector: I surely suspected that you don't like me very much. But I couldn't have thought that you're so petty and vindictive...
Tinker Gear: It wouldn't hurt you to feel like an exile. I'm already anticipating the moment when the entire Pangea learns how helpless you are!
Lord Protector: It won't happen if you don't do your part with the trap!
Tinker Gear: What trap? My part of the plan was all about the catapults.
Lord Protector: Vixen told me about your ingenious plan involving my death in a fire trap.
Lord Protector: That's not a bad idea, I admit. He would've been both the hero and the Lord Protector.
Tinker Gear: We didn't agree on that! They tricked me!

Chapter 3

Deceiver: Are you still alive?
Lord Protector: Madam, I can't stop admiring your ingenuity. The plan was good indeed.
Lord Protector: But you didn't take into account the fact that Vixen has always envied me, and he won't miss an opportunity to demonstrate his superiority.
Lord Protector: Now Gear knows that you wanted to use him, and the plan with the trap failed.
Deceiver: Fool! If you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself. So I'll turn you into a living torch with my own hands!

Lord Protector: Your hubris may cost you victory again. You haven't learned anything at all.
Envier: Did these idiots ruin everything? I knew I couldn't count on them!
Envier: But that's fine. The others don't have to know how exactly you died — at my hand or in the fire!
Lord Protector: You could never beat me in a fair fight!

Lord Protector: You know, it's better to isolate you from the society so that your ideas won't tempt demons.
Lord Protector: In isolation you at least won't be able to build the machines that turned half of the northern woods into ashes.
Threat: It was a harmless revenge! What's the big deal? There wouldn't have been any holiday and you would've lost reputation.
Threat: I wasn't going to kill you and help the coup. You won't manage to throw me into the dungeon!
Lord Protector: Here we go. And you said I wouldn't manage. One troublemaker fewer.

Lord Protector: That's it. You've played with fire a little bit and that's enough. It's time to spend another couple of decades imprisoned.
Lord Protector: But don't be sad — even though you didn't steal the holiday from Pangea, you did slightly spoil it for me.
Prisoner: You won't handle me so easily! I don't want to go back to the dungeon!

Lord Protector: Did you say that you'd handle the fire without me? Seems like it's time to do it.
Lord Protector: You've lost, and the woods have to be saved.
Vixen: The fight isn't lost yet!
Vixen: You win, Lord Protector...
Vixen: I'll summon a heavy blizzard that will put out the fire, but promise me that no one will learn about this plot!
Lord Protector: I promise. You know that I keep my word. But you have to remember your promise, too.
Vixen: Enough talking. We still have Christmas trees to save.