Festival of Fire

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Festival of Fire is a Global Event released on August 28, 2020.


  • Released: August 28, 2020
  • Rerun: April 23, 2021

Flavor Text

April 23, 2021 Rerun

The fire starts slow at first, growing wilder and louder with every minute. While fire continues to rage, dozens of uncontrolled sparks set off sudden explosions in Pangea. You can hear someone crazy laugh, but its only problem you are facing. Your best alchemist is also out of his mind because he decided to begin a very dangerous experiment on Pangean citizens...

August 28, 2020 Release

The fire starts slow at first, growing wilder and louder with every minute. While fire continues to rage, dozens of uncontrolled sparks set off sudden explosions in Pangea. You can hear someone crazy laugh, but its only problem you are facing. Your best alchemist is also out of his mind because he decided to begin a very dangerous experiment on Pangean citizens...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

April 23, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Kung Fucius

August 28, 2020 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Kung Fucius

Heroes Update (August 28, 2020)

Source: Facebook

Kung Fucius

Changing 1st ability:

  • (1 star) Any hero death: Gets +4 attacks
  • (2 star) Any hero death: Gets +7 attacks
  • (3 star) Any hero death: Gets +12 attacks
  • (4 star) Any hero death: Gets +19 attacks
  • (5 star) Any hero death: Gets +28 attacks
  • (6 star) Any hero death: Gets +39 attacks


  • (1 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 11 damage on random enemy cells
  • (2 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 16 damage on random enemy cells
  • (3 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 25 damage on random enemy cells
  • (4 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 43 damage on random enemy cells
  • (5 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 81 damage on random enemy cells
  • (6 star) Attacked: summon 2 runes 147 damage on random enemy cells

Changing 2nd ability:
Before: Gives to Nature allies (including himself) immunity to Transform
After: Immunity

Changing 3rd ability:

  • (1 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 8 in his place”
  • (2 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 16 in his place”
  • (3 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 25 in his place”
  • (4 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 35 in his place”
  • (5 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 47 in his place”
  • (6 star) Gives to enemies (except buildings): “Death: Leaves Rune of damage 72 in his place”
  • (1 star) End of turn: Gives +4 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy
  • (2 star) End of turn: Gives +7 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy
  • (3 star) End of turn: Gives +12 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy
  • (4 star) End of turn: Gives +19 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy
  • (5 star) End of turn: Gives +29 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy
  • (6 star) End of turn: Gives +40 attacks to allies for each wounded enemy

Shao Lin

Changes in attack and health:

  • (1 star) Before: 7 attack and 22 health. After: 9 attack and 26 health.
  • (2 star) Before: 13 attack and 36 health. After: 15 attack and 41 health.
  • (3 star) Before: 22 attack and 67 health. After: 27 attack and 74 health.
  • (4 star) Before: 39 attack and 114 health. After: 42 attack and 135 health.
  • (5 star) Before: 62 attack and 193 health. After: 67 attack and 218 health.
  • (6 star) Before: 89 attack and 296 health. After: 97 attack and 340 health.

Changing 2nd ability:

  • (1 star) Attacks: Gives +5 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (2 star) Attacks: Gives +7 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (3 star) Attacks: Gives +11 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (4 star) Attacks: Gives +17 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (5 star) Attacks: Gives +25 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (6 star) Attacks: Gives +35 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (1 star) Attacks: Gives +8 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (2 star) Attacks: Gives +12 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (3 star) Attacks: Gives +20 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (4 star) Attacks: Gives +32 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (5 star) Attacks: Gives +48 attack to allies (including himself)
  • (6 star) Attacks: Gives +68 attack to allies (including himself)

TNT, Crazy demolitionist

The hero remained unchanged.

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Monk: Hi, I’m looking for someone. Think you might know where to find him.
Lord Protector: I know everything about everyone on Pangea. Or almost everything...
Monk: I’m looking for Claude Mesmero. Where can I find him?
Lord Protector: Beats me! If you see Claude, tell him Lord Protector wants to talk.
Lord Protector: Wait a minute. I think I know you. Why are you looking for Claude?
Monk: I am not disclosing the details of my mission to you.
Lord Protector: Did you hear something? What was that?
Monk: Sounds like some kind of… laughter…?

Lord Protector: We’ll finish this some other time.

Chuckler: Heh heh heh hahah hah hah!
Lord Protector: Great. Another giggling psychopath!
Lord Protector: You are the one responsible for fireworks tonight, ain't you?
Chuckler: Indeed I am! And tonight, it is going to be a BLAST!
Lord Protector: You mean, me blasting your face open? Happy to oblige!
Chuckler: That’s not funny… You are such a buzzkill!
Lord Protector: At least, I’m not trying to do stand-up comedy while killing innocent people!
Chuckler: I’ve heard you were looking for your little friendly alchemist. Wanna know a secret?
Lord Protector: Fine. Tell me where he is.
Chuckler: Oh, this is going to be hilarious!

Panda: No! What happened to me? The last thing I remember is that I took that bamboo serum and... Now look at me!
Lord Protector: Nothing a good plastic surgeon can’t fix.
Panda: Don’t you recognize me, Lord Protector? It is me, Claude Mesmero.
Lord Protector: It can’t be… You're not a human anymore!
Panda: Must be a miscalculation in my formula…
Lord Protector: Look. There’s an assassin looking for you. I must take you to the safe house.
Panda: I’m not going anywhere! Not until I revert this! You won't take me!
Lord Protector: Come on, Claude. Relax. This is for your own good.
Panda: It’s a conspiracy! I know that! They didn’t want me to succeed and then made me drink it.
Lord Protector: Who are you talking about?
Panda: The brotherhood of alchemists. They always made fun of me.
Lord Protector: I don't think you're right about this.
Panda: Of course you don't! But who else would send an assassin after me? Days before my breakthrough! I don’t have enemies besides them.
Lord Protector: Fair enough. I’ll talk to the assassin and try to find out more about who hired him. And tomorrow we’ll pay them a visit.

Lord Protector: Who hired you?
Assassin: I’m not for sale if that’s what you’re interested in.
Lord Protector: I just need the name.
Assassin: And what makes you think I’ll give it up?
Lord Protector: See those guys behind my back? They have ways of making people talk.
Lord Protector: At least, tell me why your boss wants Mesmero dead.
Assassin: Oh, haven’t you heard? He’s not done with his experiment.
Lord Protector: What do you mean?
Assassin: His transformation was intentional.
Lord Protector: That's nonsense! Who wants to be a panda?
Assassin: Maybe he was aiming at something else but it got out hand.
Lord Protector: You’re insane, dude. Just stay away from Mesmero, okay?

TNT: Look at you! Still looking for your friend?
TNT: Considering he’s still your friend, of course!
Lord Protector: What the heck are you talking about? Stop your nonsense and drop your bombs!
TNT: Drop my bombs? OKAY! CATCH THEM!
Lord Protector: Ka-boom, loser.
TNT: Funny you should mention it. Because tonight this place will light up with fire! Only the cause of celebration will be quite unusual...
Lord Protector: You talk too much. You need to reconsider your behavior. My dungeon will be a great place for it.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: Hello, friend. I talked to the guy. He told me some crazy stuff about you.
Alchemist: Yeah? Like what?
Lord Protector: He told me that you brought this on yourself.
Alchemist: And did you believe him?
Lord Protector: I began to wonder… Why did you experiment on yourself? Why now?
Lord Protector: And then I realized. You made a deal with that mad bomber.
Alchemist: Guilty as charged, detective. But I think you should go now.
Lord Protector: I’m not going anywhere.
Lord Protector: What is your plan?
Alchemist: Oh, it’s simple. That bamboo potion was a mistake, I admit. But I changed the formula, even tested it.
Alchemist: The next stage of my experiment will transform everyone on Pangea.
Lord Protector: But why do you need this?
Alchemist: Imagine the world where all illnesses are cured. Imagine this… As the only way.
Lord Protector: I'm afraid I can't let that happen.

Alchemist: Are you sure? Join me, Lord Protector, and together we will end the suffering!

Tracker: Now you know the truth. Mesmero wants to transform the world into something horrible.
Lord Protector: But for a noble cause, I must give him that.
Lord Protector: I wish I could guarantee that his cure will work.
Tracker: But you can’t. Look at what he did to himself!
Lord Protector: Not the worst case scenario, if you ask me. However, you are right. I won’t let him continue this experiment.
Tracker: That's not enough. We must destroy him, so he will never try making any more of his crazy ideas come true!
Lord Protector: I’ve got one simple rule. No killing.
Tracker: Why are you protecting him?
Lord Protector: It’s all in my name. Lord PROTECTOR, see?
Tracker: But he’s going to change the entire world.
Lord Protector: No. I will go to his lab and destroy the serum of transformation.
Tracker: This is not the answer! He'll just make more of it!
Lord Protector: You’re asking me to cross the line here. I can’t do that. Sorry.

Mr. Blast
Lord Protector: I see you’ve escaped from your cell.
Mr. Blast: It’s easy when you have as much dynamite as I do!
Lord Protector: Last time we met, you said that Pangea is going down. How?
Mr. Blast: Haven’t you heard the old saying?
Mr. Blast: Shoot first, ask questions later! Ha ha ha!
Mr. Blast: How do you make things explode?
Lord Protector: I bash them with my sword until they do.
Mr. Blast: What did they teach you at school? Okay, let me put it simple.
Mr. Blast: If you could plant a bomb big enough to make Pangea shatter… where would you put it?
Lord Protector: Are you asking me for directions?
Mr. Blast: I’m not as stupid as you think I am. Explosives are my only true love. The only thing that makes me tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Lord Protector: You’ve already planted the bomb, haven’t you?
Mr. Blast: Tick. Heh. Tock. Heheh. Tick. Heheheh. TOOOOOCK!
Lord Protector: I don’t have time for your stupid games. I need to evacuate the area!

Lord Protector: Mesmero! Where are you?
Claude: You again? Are you here to arrest me? Don’t you understand the importance of my work here?
Lord Protector: Mesmero, you need to evacuate. Now. The Battle Chamber is going to explode!
Claude: Good. Maybe then you’ll realize that my job here is quite important!
Lord Protector: If you don’t go with me, I will make you.
Lord Protector: The Battle Chamber will explode in a matter of minutes!
Claude: You're so silly. Don’t you get it? I’m ready to die!
Lord Protector: Your death will be pointless. Help me defuse the bomb in the Chamber and I’ll help you in your experiment.
Claude: You promise?
Lord Protector: I… I give you my word.
Claude: Well. Let’s go get your bomb then.

Lin Shao
Lin Shao: I know your squad is protecting Mesmero. Give him to me and I’ll let you through.
Lord Protector: You don’t understand. There’s going to be an explosion. A really big one. Mesmero is the only one around here, who can save the world.
Lin Shao: I thought we agreed that he cannot be trusted!
Lord Protector: Who said that I can trust YOU?!
Lin Shao: There’s no bomb in that Battle Chamber of yours.
Lin Shao: The bomber is just messing with you. These two are clearly working together.
Lord Protector: No, I don’t think so.
Lin Shao: Turn around. Where’s Mesmero? Can you see where he went?
Lord Protector: He probably just… He ditched me.
Lin Shao: Yes, he did.

Chapter 3

The Bomb
Lord Protector: You lied about the bomb.
The Bomb: What else did you expect from a trickster?
The Bomb: I mean, look at my face! Does it look trustworthy to you?
Lord Protector: When we’re done, your face will be unrecognizable.
The Bomb: Come on! Come closer, Lord Protector!
The Bomb: Step up to your doom, and the bomb will go BOOM!
Lord Protector: Are you kidding? You couldn't plant it so fast. We just fought here.
The Bomb: Well, the chances are 50/50. See this little thing in my hand? This is what they call the Equalizer.
Lord Protector: Did I mention that your jokes are getting dumber each time we meet? Must be a brain concussion. Go see the doctor.
The Bomb: Are we talking about the same doctor here? Cause right at this fine moment Dr. Claude Mesmero, your precious little friend, is waiting for your decision.
The Bomb: What do you say? Are you in or are you out… of your mind?
Lord Protector: Stay aside. This is between me and him.

The Bomb: Go save Pangea... Or don’t. I don’t care. Either way, the Pit, where I have actually put the bomb, will explode and there’s nothing you can do to stop it!

Crazy Doc
Lord Protector: Mesmero. I made my decision.
Crazy Doc: And here I thought I’d never see you again. Let’s hear it!
Lord Protector: Your plan is crazy. You turned yourself into an animal and made a deal with that maniac!
Crazy Doc: I double-checked the formula. It’s all safe. As for Jackie, well, he’s willing to help me.
Lord Protector: Still, this is too dangerous. Listen, you need to come with me.
Crazy Doc: No! You listen! I can't stop now! Not when I'm so close to the end!
Lord Protector: How do you plan to poison everyone on Pangea?
Crazy Doc: Poison? I’m going to make them immortal!
Lord Protector: That’s not what I asked.
Crazy Doc: There’s a bomb in the Pit. The really big one. The explosion will vaporize my serum that I poured inside the bomb. And big news, people can't live without air!
Lord Protector: You sound just like that laughing lunatic.
Crazy Doc: Say all you want about him but the guy's a genius.
Lord Protector: Whatever. Show me where exactly you planted the bomb. And don't try to fool me!

Lord Protector: Lin, the bomb's in the Pit. We need to defuse it.
Savior: You never change, Lord Protector. Ready to believe their lies, be their protector… Admit it, things are way out of your control now.
Lord Protector: Okay. You want me to admit it? Fine. I made a mistake. Things are way out of control. You satisfied?
Savior: You must let me kill Mesmero.
Lord Protector: No. Today is not about killing, it’s about SAVING the world. And I really need your assistance.
Savior: Hm. Okay, I’ll bite. Tell me what to do.
Lord Protector: Do you know anyone, who can disarm the Pit Bomb? Any names off the top of your head?
Savior: Well, High Tinker Gear, of course. I’ll go talk to him.
Lord Protector: And I’ll keep TNT and Mesmero off your back. Sounds like a good plan. What do you think?
Savior: This might just work. Come on, no time to lose.
Lord Protector: Uh... Yeah. Let’s go.

Mad Bomber
Mad Bomber: It’s the final countdown! Ha ha ha!
Lord Protector: I’m here to end this, Jackie.
Mad Bomber: Who’s Jackie? My name is TNT!
Lord Protector: Call yourself whatever you want. Your name is Jackie Grunt and you’re an heir to your father's immense fortune.
Lord Protector: Is this how you decided to spend it? Bombs and gasoline?
Mad Bomber: You think I care about money? All I care about is to be remembered!
Lord Protector: And the easiest way to do this is to blow up the world, right? Who’s gonna remember you then?
Mad Bomber: You will witness my greatness.
Lord Protector: What about the detonator? You maniacs always need a back-up plan.
Mad Bomber: Mesmero has it. He’s the real hero in all this.
Mad Bomber: You don’t want people to become immortal. And they’re calling ME a villain.
Lord Protector: I’ve calculated the risks. There’s a 37% chance that citizens of Pangea will turn into mantis-like creatures and a 10% chance for them to die.
Lord Protector: Mesmero knows about this and he just doesn’t care. That’s why I need to stop him before it’s too late.
Mad Bomber: But what about the bomb itself?
Lord Protector: I’ve got this covered. Trust me.

Mesmero: Stand right where you are and don't move!
Lord Protector: What is it you’re holding? The detonator, I suppose?
Mesmero: Don't move or I'll do it!
Lord Protector: Come on, do it. What are you waiting for? You can’t, can you? You know that there’s a risk to kill everyone.
Lord Protector: This is not you, Mesmero. That formula had a negative side effect. Give me the detonator and I’ll inject you with the cure.
Mesmero: But that was my dream... And you won't take it away from me! [CLICK!]
Lord Protector: ...
Mesmero: Hm... Why didn’t it work?
Lord Protector: Guess Lin Shao and High Gear Tinker succeeded. Pangea is safe once again.
Mesmero: I was supposed to become the savior of mankind… Now look at what you’ve done. I’m nothing. Nothing!
Lord Protector: You could kill these people or transform them into something awful. As the Lord Protector, I did what I had to do.
Mesmero: You said you had the cure for me. Do what you must. Give me the shot.
Lord Protector: We had a fight and I… I smashed the vial. I’m sorry. You’ll spend the rest of your days like this.
Mesmero: Ha. Ha ha ha. So ironic, I guess.