Demon Hunting

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Demon Hunting is an Order themed Global Event released on March 29, 2019.


  • Released: March 29, 2019
  • Rerun: April 24, 2020
  • Rerun: May 7, 2021
  • Rerun: July 1, 2022
  • Rerun: June 23, 2023
  • Rerun: April 26, 2024

Flavor Text

April 26, 2024 Rerun

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to find him!

June 23, 2023 Rerun

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to find him!

July 1, 2022 Rerun

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally, and we need to get him back!

May 7, 2021 Rerun

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. A group of orc, guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, was slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!

April 24, 2020 Rerun

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. An orc group guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!

March 29, 2019 Release

A stranger came to Pangea under the cover of darkness. An orc group guarding the chambers of Ludwig, King of Danzig, were slaughtered. The king is missing. He's our ally and we need to get him back!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

April 26, 2024 Rerun

April 24, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Mina Hellsing

March 29, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Mina Hellsing

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Mouthpiece: Hurray! The King is dead!
Lord Protector: Why are you so happy about it?
Mouthpiece: It's time we chose a new one.
Lord Protector: I hate public unrest.

Mouthpiece: Gotta find the king. Fast.

Lord Protector: Hey, lady... You are a lady, aren't you?
Lady: You are quite perceptive for a man.
Lord Protector: Which side are you on? The rebels want to take the throne.
Lady: I'm on my own side.
Lord Protector: You look like you're gonna shoot me with an arrow. You won't though, right?

Psycho: Ha ha ha! Quite a party!
Lord Protector: Do I know you?
Lord Protector: My mother always told me not to play with fire. What about yours?
Psycho: I'm not playing with fire. I am the fire!

Lord Protector: Someone broke into the king's quaters and kidnapped him.
Lord Protector: And I think I have an idea of who that one might be.
Suspect: Guess again, moron!
Lord Protector: If it wasn't you, then who was it?

Night Killer
Night Killer: You are getting on my nerves.
Lord Protector: I'm looking for the king.
Night Killer: The king? He's a monster, you ought to know that.
Lord Protector: You can say this about every politician.
Night Killer: And you are a monster too! Why are you protecting him? Guys!
Lord Protector: So you are the night killer? Why are you here?
Night Killer: The same as you. Looking for your precious little "king".
Lord Protector: Wait! What is it in your hands, some teleportation device? Wait, I need answers!
Night Killer: Why? You are too blind to see the answers!

Chapter 2

Fire Mage
Fire Mage: Ha ha ha! Fire shall rise!

Lord Protector: Don't burn yourself.

Revolutionary: Viva la Revolution!
Revolutionary: We are the workers! And we will start Our own regime!
Lord Protector: Workers overthrowing kings? Don't make me laugh! That's impossible.

Monster Hunter
Lord Protector: You need to leave this place before it all goes down in flames!
Monster Hunter: Not until I find the king.
Lord Protector: Okay, the hard way.

Pyro: Run! Run, you vermin! Your king commands you!
Lord Protector: What did you say? What's that supposed to mean?

Dissident: Death to the King! Death to the King!
Lord Protector: Do you have any idea how to run a state?
Dissident: We'll find the one who does!
Dissident: This... King of yours... I thought you should know that something's very wrong with him.
Lord Protector: If something's wrong with him, I will deal with it.

Chapter 3

Gun for Hire
Gun for Hire: Instead of fighting each other, we should be working side by side, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: I got a rule. I don't kill.
Gun for Hire: One day that rule is going to cost you a lot.
Lord Protector: You need to lower your weapon.

Gun for Hire: I will. When this is over.

Mad King
Mad King: You still have no idea, huh? Okay. It's me. Ludwig. Your king. Kneel before me.
Lord Protector: I'm the Lord Protector of Pangea. I bow to no one. And you need help.
Mad King: Why? Is something wrong with me? You don't like my haircut, do you? Ha ha ha!
Mad King: This kingdom deserves to BURN!
Lord Protector: You are sick, Ludwig.
Mad King: Or maybe I'm the most sane person you've ever met. How do you like that?

Rooker: It's time for commoners to rise.
Lord Protector: You're just hungry for power. You're no better than Ludwig.
Rooker: It was my dream... To become somebody important.
Lord Protector: So be it. Join my squad and I'll make you great.

Lord Protector: I knew your father, Jesebel. He was a great vampire hunter.
Jesebel: My Code demands Ludwig's head, hero. I cannot terminate the contract once I took it.
Jesebel: Do you understand? I'll do everything in my power to fulfill the contract.
Lord Protector: Jesebel, please. Come to your senses. You don't need blood on your hands.
Jesebel: I... I can't! I came too far. Sorry.
Jesebel: What is it... Am I dying?
Lord Protector: No, Jesebel. You are going to sleep for a while. Let's hope your dreams...
Lord Protector: ...will give you the peace you were looking for.

Ludwig: You never learn. Don't you see? You cannot kill me! As long as there's fire, I shall live!
Lord Protector: I don't want to kill you. I'm here to heal you.
Ludwig: Heal me? Really? Ha ha! As usual, so full of heroism! I'm gonna dissapoint you...
Lord Protector: I've always been like this!
Ludwig: How does it feel, hero? You were protecting me so desperately...
Ludwig: ...But you were wrong. It was me all along. With my undercover sanity...
Lord Protector: If it is true and you are really a psycho, then I have no regrets whatsoever.
Lord Protector: Jesebel was right. I need to put you down...