Cycle of Life

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Cycle of Life is a Chaos themed Global Event released on March 1, 2019.


  • Released: March 1, 2019
  • Rerun: July 17, 2020
  • Rerun: December 3, 2021
  • Rerun: June 9, 2023
  • Rerun: April 12, 2024

Flavor Text

April 12, 2024 Rerun

A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...

June 9, 2023 Rerun

A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...

December 3, 2021 Rerun

A new threat to Pangea has emerged from the depths of the Lower Worlds. Cyclops are the most formidable creatures from the dungeons of Pangaea. They take no prisoners, and the purpose of their life is to wreak death and destruction. They seem to have formed an alliance with the Lord Protector's old enemies...

July 17, 2020 Rerun

From the deepest depths of the Lower Worlds a new menace arises. Meet the cyclops, the most fearsome creatures of Pangea! Their only purpose is to spread death and destruction, taking no prisoners. And it seems they've made a pact with some of your old foes!

March 1, 2019 Release

From the deepest depths of the Lower Worlds a new menace arises. Meet the cyclops, the most fearsome creatures of Pangea! Their only purpose is to spread death and destruction, taking no prisoners. And it seems they've made a pact with some of your old foes!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

December 3, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Ogrok, the Leader

July 17, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Ogrok, the Leader

March 1, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Ogrok, the Leader

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Madman: Greetings, Lord Protector. Allow me to introduce myself.
Madman: My name is Pavor and I'm a scientist. One of my great experiments is about to start.
Madman: Taste your fears!
Lord Protector: What did you do to me? I feel dizzy...
Madman: I believe you have an anxiety attack. It's okay. Don't fight it. Absorb this experience...

Lord Protector: I've never had an anxiety attack, Pavor. And I never will.

Lord Protector: I know we had our disagreements, but now cyclops have awakened, and I am here to warn all Pangea citizens.
Missy: How considerate of you. But I'll probably ignore your warning.
Lord Protector: Oh, I see you're not alone.
Missy: Well, someone had to show the cyclops around, right?

Lord Protector: Lo and behold, you have awakened from your dream after a million years! To be honest, it had certain consequences for your looks.
Cyclops: We absorbed the power you never even dreamed of!
Lord Protector: Wow, cyclops know what wordplay is. I always thought you're just big dumb guys.
Cyclops: Shut him up a bit. And then we can finally deal with the power core.
Lord Protector: Wait a minute, what core?
Cyclops: Pangea power core that we will destroy and build the new world order.
Lord Protector: Now, who is a dumbass?

Scarecrow: I know a lot about you, Lord Protector. Like, who you were before...all this. Pangea. Lilith.
Scarecrow: You even had a different name back then.
Lord Protector: What... it doesn't matter who I was.
Scarecrow: Seeds of doubt, regret, and past grievances have been sown. There is just one step left untill a total catastrophe happens in the present.
Lord Protector: You think that will scare me? The past is in the past.

Traitor: We'll find the core, and everything on Pangea will be different. I am sick of your rule.
Lord Protector: Who said you would succeed? I am Lord Protector! Did you sign in at my butler's before making plans of destroying Pangea?
Traitor: Better! We stepped by Lilith's. Tell us where the core is, and no one will get hurt.

Chapter 2

Big Guy
Lord Protector: What a primitive way to blackmail me.
Lord Protector: I am not so pathetic to hand you over the core just because you kidnapped Lilith.
Lord Protector: Moreover, how do I know that you're not lying?
Lord Protector: She might be in her chambers now, alive and well.
Lord Protector: And who is negotiating like this anyway? I made Pangea a civilized place while you were away.
Big Guy: Do you really want to test how true our threats are?

Lord Protector: I'll destroy you faster than anything happens to her.

Pavor: Can you feel it? Powerless, broken... Like Pangea when you left her.
Lord Protector: It wasn't my choice. I had to.
Pavor: Pangea has a lot of secrets... Even from you, Lord Protector. Lilith for example ...
Lord Protector: Are you kidding me? You too? It seems like I have to put an end to your experiments.

Hellcat: Rushing to the power core? Cyclops and I... we parted our ways.
Hellcat: We could join forces, you know. What's the point in our feud if the world is going to be destroyed?
Lord Protector: I don't negotiate with criminals.

Slugger: This planet... This Universe... They are not the way I remember them.
Lord Protector: Of course, not. I made them better.

Phobia King
Phobia King: You're pathetic, Lord Protector. You think you know everything...
Phobia King: Now you're so desperately trying to find the core to save Lilith but you don't even know where to look for it.
Lord Protector: Shut up!
Phobia King: Are you still not feeling fear? You should be...
Lord Protector: Where's the power core?! Show me the way!
Phobia King: The power core? You'll need a lot more than that to beat The One-Eyed! You're nothing without Lilith.

Chapter 3

Witchy Witch
Witchy Witch: So you came to see how is your precious Lilith doing?
Lord Protector: Yes, and save the Universe along the way.
Witchy Witch: I wouldn't count on it, sweety. Battle Chamber belongs to the cyclops now.
Witchy Witch: While you were chatting with some sicko, they made their threat real.

Witchy Witch: Just imagine, we've already got Lilith and soon we'll get the core.

Lord Protector: Lilith, I'm here! What did they do to you?
Schemer: There's something you need to know, human...
Schemer: She is not here, not anymore.
Lord Protector: No! Lilith...
Schemer: Fetch the core, this is your last chance to save her.
Lord Protector: We are not done yet, you hear me?

God of Fear
God of Fear: Everything is lost... Why do you keep fighting?!
God of Fear: Cyclops are already halfway through with their plan...
God of Fear: I'll get the core no matter the cost!
God of Fear: Face your fears, you'll find all the answers there.
Lord Protector: You know what? I already know the truth. And you will get to the better world sooner than you thought!

God of Fear: Ah, see? We can do whatever we want if we want it as badly as you want to get her back.
God of Fear: Give me the core...
God of Fear: ...And I'll let you reunite with your little Lilith...
Lord Protector: No, we are doing it my way.
God of Fear: Get me to Battle Chamber to see the One-Eyed.
Lord Protector: First, you free Lilith, then I'll give you the core.

The One-Eyed
The One-Eyed: Life is a cycle... There is time to live. And time to die.
Lord Protector: Who do you think you are? Why don't you just...
The One-Eyed: Do you know what the Cycle of Life is? Death is only the beginning.
The One-Eyed: A new life commences after you die. This world is stuck in its ways, you can do better.
The One-Eyed: I don't understand you, humans. Why are you so clinging to this Universe...
The One-Eyed: ...If there is a better world waiting for you. Trust me, I've seen it.
Lord Protector: My whole life has always been about a better tomorrow in this world.
The One-Eyed: Perhaps, you need more eyes to see the beauty of it.
Lord Protector: Now when Lilith is safe, I'll deliver my end of the bargain.
The One-Eyed: How does it feel to watch the last seconds of Pangea?
The One-Eyed: Now when the core is destroyed everything will be different!
Lord Protector: Sorry, forgot to mention a little something. Only Lord Protector or ... Lilith can ruin Pangea by destroying the core.
Lord Protector: Anyone besides us, who touches the core, will die. This is a nice self-preserving mechanism, isn't it?
Lord Protector: Death is only the beginning, you were saying?