Customizable Stats List

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This page is for testing a hero stat list with customizable level and reborn for legendary heroes. A user interaction via dropdown is currently not possible...

ID Name Image Faction Gender Type Level 26 Reborn 4
Including Soulbinds
389 Aharin Gods Will Aharin Gods Will.png order male ranged 225 356
386 Airavata Heaven's Fury Airavata Heaven's Fury.png nature male melee 221 499
113 Alexandria Alexandria.png order female ranged 345 235
285 All, Prince of Sands All, Prince of Sands.png order male melee 346 384
337 Amaterasu, Eternal Sun Amaterasu, Eternal Sun.png order female melee 281 340
138 Anak, Princess Dragon Anak, Princess Dragon.png nature female ranged 197 351
226 Angelia the Lightbringer Angelia the Lightbringer.png order female melee 222 509
205 Apep, Aspect of Chaos Apep, Aspect of Chaos.png chaos male melee 194 455
86 Aphrodite Aphrodite.png order female ranged 345 362
229 Apollo Apollo.png order male ranged 314 333
398 Arachne Arachne.png chaos female ranged 279 332
364 Arioch Nemesis Weapon Arioch Nemesis Weapon.png chaos male melee 278 262
377 Arthur Frost Blade Arthur Frost Blade.png order male melee 139 667
37 Athena Athena.png order female ranged 225 355
42 Axe Axe.png chaos male melee 130 506
279 Ball'Zt, the Warden Ball'Zt, the Warden.png chaos male melee 204 384
36 Bastet Bastet.png nature female melee 278 340
123 Blair Blair.png order female ranged 357 292
196 Bravi, Deadly Blade Bravi, Deadly Blade.png order male melee 369 327
328 Cabas, Wasteland Lord Cabas, Wasteland Lord.png nature male melee 247 598
231 Cernun, Archdruid Cernun, Archdruid.png nature male melee 341 368
297 Charon, Soul Catcher Charon, Soul Catcher.png order male melee 274 139
129 Chernomor Chernomor.png chaos male melee 158 577
322 Chuba Cabras Chuba Cabras.png chaos male melee 197 688
189 Coba, Temple Keeper Coba, Temple Keeper.png nature male melee 153 607
35 Count Vlad Count Vlad.png chaos male melee 130 550
214 D'Arc, Iron Maiden D'Arc, Iron Maiden.png order female melee 207 532
303 Dandy Croc Dandy Croc.png nature male melee 287 370
32 Dead Lord Dead Lord.png chaos male melee 168 647
349 Deep Maw Deep Maw.png chaos male melee 222 577
395 Dhorin Dhorin.png order male melee 363 209
202 Diana, Amazonian Queen Diana, Amazonian Queen.png order female melee 202 547
225 Discordia Discordia.png chaos female ranged 294 203
331 Dominus, the Swarm King Dominus, the Swarm King.png chaos male melee 198 411
122 Draggara Draggara.png nature female ranged 184 411
99 El Mariachi El Mariachi.png nature male melee 194 481
144 Enlil, wind of change Enlil, wind of change.png nature female melee 259 415
361 Eostre the Dawn Glow Eostre the Dawn Glow.png order female ranged 210 428
33 Erik the Grey Erik the Grey.png nature male melee 190 701
150 Evil "Santa" Evil "Santa".png order male ranged 253 230
291 Freddy, Lord of Terror Freddy, Lord of Terror.png chaos male melee 417 289
258 Frost, the Snow Queen Frost, the Snow Queen.png order female ranged 193 571
126 Fury, the great warrior Fury, the great warrior.png order male melee 131 263
179 General Zor'Ma General Zor'Ma.png chaos male melee 167 576
153 Ghosta Ghosta.png order female ranged 292 202
38 Goliath Goliath.png chaos male melee 169 513
368 Grace of Rockfleet Grace of Rockfleet.png order female ranged 208 253
166 Grand Ma, Reaper Grand Ma, Reaper.png chaos female ranged 335 221
374 Gremory Night Child Gremory Night Child.png chaos female ranged 162 517
267 Griffius, the Celestial Griffius, the Celestial.png order male melee 241 449
157 Groot, Silent Guardian Groot, Silent Guardian.png nature male melee 151 578
211 Hanako Lady Banshee Hanako Lady Banshee.png chaos female ranged 139 510
112 Hanzo Sama Hanzo Sama.png order male melee 331 405
175 High Tinker Gear High Tinker Gear.png order male melee 187 654
404 Holda Holda.png chaos female melee 153 193
192 Hoodoo Hoodoo.png nature male ranged 287 315
147 Iceberg Iceberg.png order male melee 171 504
249 Jaxy, the Thunderfist Jaxy, the Thunderfist.png order female melee 267 483
325 Justia, Law Goddess Justia, Law Goddess.png order female ranged 278 389
334 Jörmun Grand Jörmun Grand.png nature male melee 358 474
407 Kai the Fiery Soul Kai the Fiery Soul.png order male melee 130 557
105 King Taurus King Taurus.png nature male melee 191 426
288 Kong, Monkey King Kong, Monkey King.png nature male melee 220 377
135 Koschei the Immortal Koschei the Immortal.png chaos male melee 339 329
264 Kung Fucius Kung Fucius.png nature male melee 239 650
234 Lady Medusa Lady Medusa.png chaos female ranged 339 239
132 Leader Nilen Leader Nilen.png chaos male ranged 293 263
306 Legion, God of War Legion, God of War.png order male melee 164 412
40 Life Palace Life Palace.png order sexless building 0 658
160 Loath, Spore Loser Loath, Spore Loser.png nature male melee 144 521
261 Madam Agony Madam Agony.png chaos female ranged 314 216
313 Madam Lo'Trix Madam Lo'Trix.png chaos female ranged 240 404
103 Maeve Maeve.png nature female ranged 275 300
102 Marquis de Sat Marquis de Sat.png nature male melee 179 595
141 Matriarch Eona Matriarch Eona.png nature female melee 181 388
230 Melia, Forest's Daughter Melia, Forest's Daughter.png nature female ranged 308 310
163 Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox.png nature female melee 150 476
276 Mina Hellsing Mina Hellsing.png order female ranged 238 351
95 Miss Lapin Miss Lapin.png order female ranged 349 256
216 Mizu, the Sea Foam Mizu, the Sea Foam.png nature female ranged 237 356
199 Mjolnir, Lightning God Mjolnir, Lightning God.png order male ranged 269 275
219 Morgan, the Sea Tusk Morgan, the Sea Tusk.png nature male melee 459 430
346 Morgen Von Stern Morgen Von Stern.png order male melee 182 652
371 Mosura Wind Breath Mosura Wind Breath.png nature female melee 161 203
22 Mother Owl Mother Owl.png nature female ranged 214 382
20 Mr. Devil Mr. Devil.png chaos male melee 332 234
255 Mr. Flap Mr. Flap.png chaos male melee 306 619
352 Myrddin Caer Myrddin Caer.png nature male ranged 239 412
246 Necro, Master Lich Necro, Master Lich.png chaos male ranged 180 435
270 Ogrok, the Leader Ogrok, the Leader.png chaos male melee 169 554
392 Ondine the Foamborn Ondine the Foamborn.png nature female ranged 249 329
355 Onmoraki Onmoraki.png chaos male ranged 270 290
241 Poison Flos Poison Flos.png nature male ranged 218 521
21 Prince Prince.png order male melee 127 486
39 Prince Nod Prince Nod.png nature male melee 118 576
108 Queen Ananta Queen Ananta.png nature female melee 126 498
120 Red Woman Red Woman.png chaos female ranged 234 507
104 Regardus Diplius Regardus Diplius.png chaos male ranged 339 187
294 Scrap, the King of Garbage Scrap, the King of Garbage.png nature male melee 197 308
309 Serket Sen Scorp Serket Sen Scorp.png nature female melee 159 577
300 Shadow Shaa-Moona Shadow Shaa-Moona.png chaos female melee 270 277
238 Shao Lin Shao Lin.png order male melee 177 565
319 Sheer-Shah Sheer-Shah.png nature male melee 331 345
34 Sir Lancelot Sir Lancelot.png order male melee 154 505
401 Sly the Forest Guard Sly the Forest Guard.png nature male ranged 145 346
252 Snake, the Lizard Prince Snake, the Lizard Prince.png nature male melee 467 442
115 Stormrage Stormrage.png chaos male melee 395 321
172 Strik, The Fiery Heart Strik, The Fiery Heart.png order male ranged 266 228
169 Super Mary Super Mary.png order female melee 345 311
176 TNT, Crazy Demolitionist TNT, Crazy Demolitionist.png chaos male ranged 229 346
340 Taeral Kelhorn Taeral Kelhorn.png chaos male melee 369 365
383 Tai Ling Dragon Dance Tai Ling Dragon Dance.png order female ranged 194 465
186 Tani Windrunner Tani Windrunner.png nature female ranged 280 176
156 Tengu, Ravencrest Tengu, Ravencrest.png nature male ranged 341 266
118 Tesla X Tesla X.png order sexless building 0 671
114 Titania Titania.png order female melee 199 551
282 Tortulus, the Wise One Tortulus, the Wise One.png nature male ranged 140 512
343 Toxic Mantas Toxic Mantas.png nature male melee 369 190
222 Triton, The Bottom Herald Triton, The Bottom Herald.png nature male melee 173 542
273 Tsukumogami Tsukumogami.png nature male melee 317 528
41 Vanakauri Vanakauri.png nature sexless building 0 716
380 Villano Mad Genius Villano Mad Genius.png chaos male ranged 179 452
358 Vixen, The Storm Lord Vixen, The Storm Lord.png nature male ranged 310 315
62 Void Jewel Void Jewel.png chaos sexless building 0 663
208 Yorik, the Risen One Yorik, the Risen One.png chaos male ranged 292 189
182 Ysh'Tmala, The Old God Ysh'Tmala, The Old God.png chaos male melee 172 617
316 Yuri, Shadow Dagger Yuri, Shadow Dagger.png order female ranged 281 263