Crocodile Tears

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Crocodile Tears is a Nature themed Global Event released on August 2, 2019.


  • Released: August 2, 2019
  • Rerun: June 5, 2020
  • Rerun: December 31, 2021
  • Rerun: March 17, 2023
  • Rerun: March 1, 2024

Flavor Text

March 1, 2024 Rerun

Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about, but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!

March 17, 2023 Rerun

Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about, but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!

December 31, 2021 Rerun

Dandy Croc lost the only person he loved but an old witch told him that the Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life. Alas, it's not true. But try explaining that to that furious psychopath!

June 5, 2020 Rerun

Hoth Croc lost the only person he ever cared about. He believes that the Lord Protector is capable of bringing her back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to a furious crocodile cannibal!

August 2, 2019 Release

Dandy Croc lost the only person he's ever cared about but an old witch told him that Lord Protector is capable of bringing people back to life, which is definitely not true. But try explaining that to that furious cannibal!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

December 31, 2021 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Dandy Croc

June 5, 2020 Rerun

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Dandy Croc

August 2, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Dandy Croc

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Lord Protector: Lars, we need to talk.
Friend: What's up, buddy?
Lord Protector: There's a rumor that you've murdered someone.
Friend: I don't know what you are talking about, Lord Protector.

Lord Protector: Sorry, I don't believe you.

Lord Protector: Excuse me, friend. Have you seen where Lars went?
Mushroom: Lars? You mean that spiky little singer? He went south.
Lord Protector: Are you sure?
Mushroom: Hey! What do you need from me? I'm just strolling, man!
Lord Protector: Hm. You look nervous. What aren't you telling me?
Mushroom: Yeah, go to hell!

Crocodile Crocodile: Lord Protector, have you received my message?
Lord Protector: Yes. As a matter of fact, I did.
Crocodile: Then what do you say? I need you to bring Mariko back!
Lord Protector: Look, there are things in this world beyond my power.
Crocodile: You're wrong. She might be in the Badlands. Go there and bring her to me!
Lord Protector: This is not how it works, man. I'm sorry.
Crocodile: You're... Sorry, huh. I have another idea... Take me to the murderer. I promise he won't suffer as long as my Mariko did!
Lord Protector: You just need someone to fight. Okay, let's do it.

Lord Protector: Her name was Mariko, Lars. Why did you kill her?
Spike: I'm innocent, okay? Leave me alone or I'll... I'll hit you! I know we're friends and all... But I'll... GUYS! HELP!

Fungus: Oh damn! Not you again!
Lord Protector: You act too suspicious to pass by.
Fungus: You need money? You think I have 'em?
Lord Protector: I'm looking for truth here. You're coming with me.
Lord Protector: Wait, what is it? Are you bleeding?
Lord Protector: But not with blood... Poison!

Chapter 2

Mr. Gator
Lord Protector: Look. I can't just deal with the suspect if there's no evidence.
Mr. Gator: Evidence? You care about evidence. That's funny.

Mr. Gator: You're a coward, Lord Protector. I'm taking this matter into my own hands.

Lord Protector: What are you doing, Lars?
Innocent: What does it look like? I'm packing my stuff! I'm leaving Pangea.
Lord Protector: If you run now, they will search for you everywhere.
Innocent: Oh, really? My life, my reputation turned to @#$%... Get the hell away from me!
Innocent: I can't go on trial. I did nothing wrong!
Lord Protector: Lars, please, stay. I'm working on your case. I'll help.
Innocent: I hope you know what you're doing.

Lord Protector: I need a sample of your blood or whatever it is inside you. I promise this won't hurt.
Sporelok: But I'm afraid of needles!
Lord Protector: Like it or not, but I'm taking that sample. Don't make me arrest you.

Lord Protector: I have reason to believe that Lars is being set up.
Lord Protector: I know him. He'd never hurt anyone.
Croc: What are you, 10? Still believe in humanity. Surrender your suspect to me...
Croc: ...Or I'll destroy your Battle Chamber. And everything you care about along with it!
Lord Protector: If you destroy the Battle Chamber, Pangea will cease to exist, Croc.
Croc: Does it look like I care?

El Mariachi
Lord Protector: Lars, I think you might be innocent.
El Mariachi: Too late, my friend. Pangea is going down. If you were smart, you'd buy me a ticket to the Badlands.
Lord Protector: No, Lars. We are this close to crack the case. I cannot let you leave.
El Mariachi: So that's how you treat your friends, huh? After I've done for you!
Lord Protector: Wait for me, that's all I'm asking. Soon I'll provide you with some answers.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: The sample I took from you proved me right. It was you who killed Mariko. Why?
Mushy: Ha. Don't you get it?
Lord Protector: You were trying to divert my attention from you, right? You put this murder on Lars but... Why?

Mushy: Like I'm gonna tell you!

Lord Protector: Where is Lilith? I didn't find her back home.
Necromonger: She's at my swamp. I'm looking for a way to kill her. Difficult task but I'll manage.
Lord Protector: You don't know what you're doing, Croc.
Necromonger: I lost Mariko. Now you're gonna lose Lilith.
Necromonger: Then you'll understand how I feel, Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: I'll find her, Croc.

Lars: Please, friend. Let me go. I bought a ticket out of here.
Lord Protector: I need your help, Lars. You remember the old times? You and me against the world?
Lars: I'm not a kid anymore. I know that you want to trade me for your Lilith.
Lord Protector: Without her, Pangea is doomed, Lars. I'm sorry but... I'm out of options here!
Lord Protector: Lars, listen. I can't do this without you. Let's... Try to be smart here.
Lord Protector: We'll beat the hell out of this crocodile, bring back Lilith and you'll be free to go.
Lord Protector: I promise, Lars. Come on... For the old time's sake.
Lars: You know what? I think... I think this is going to be fun!

Loath: I knew that crocodile would go nuts if I kill his precious Mariko.
Loath: I knew that eventually he'll destroy the Battle Chamber and Lilith, so the whole world would go down with them.
Loath: And my spores will finally grow. Me and my people, together we'll create Pangea Fungus, and this land will be ours to rule and live in.
Lord Protector: Can't say I'm impressed with your plan. I would be if it succeeded. But it won't.
Loath: Let me tell you how it's gonna be. You lock me up in prison, I spend there some quality time...
Loath: And one day I escape from there. And our little brawl will commence again. You're too soft to make a difference, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: You sure?

Dandy Croc
Lord Protector: Croc, for the last time... Lars didn't kill your Mariko. It was Loath, Spore Loser. Don't worry, I took care of him.
Dandy Croc: Raaaargh!
Lord Protector: Croc, are you there?
Dandy Croc: Diiiiieeeee!
Dandy Croc: Mariko... Why did they take you away?
Lord Protector: Sometimes we lose our loved ones, Croc. That's the way it is.
Lord Protector: What matters is that at the end of the day... The world keeps spinning.
Dandy Croc: I just don't understand... I thought I deserve a sip of happiness, you know. But it looks like... Looks like I don't.
Lord Protector: Everyone deserves some happiness, Croc. This is not your fault.
Dandy Croc: It is. What happens now, huh? Do I ever get redeemed? 'Cause sometimes I swear I feel like a lost cause.
Lord Protector: There's an old saying. "The darkest hour is just before the dawn".
Dandy Croc: She loved me. And I failed her. She trusted me... And I... I failed her, see?
Lord Protector: We all lose people we care about. And we this fear inside of us. You think that everything is ruined because you did something wrong, because you just couldn't do things well enough...
Lord Protector: But come on... Look up... Look at the sun...
Lord Protector: It's still up there, isn't it?