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There are 3 chatrooms currently in Mighty Party.
You can get to them from the main Mighty Party screen.



Everyone in game can see messages and send messages here.

World Chat.png


This chat is shared by the 10 guilds you are in Turf War with that week all players from the 10 guilds can see messages and send messages here.

War Chat.png


Only guild members can see messages and send messages here.

Guild Chat.png
This article or section contains information on content that has been removed from the game.
  • This article or section has been archived instead of deleted for informational purposes and should not be edited.
  • Reason: Raids were removed on February 21st, 2021 Updates/Archive


This chat is shared by the 10 players in your raid.

Raid Chat.png

Private Messages

You can send private messages to players from there profile by clicking on the message tab.

Private message.png

You can get to your private messages from the main Mighty Party screen by clicking on Inbox, then clicking on the messages tab