Chains of Armadillo

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Chains of Armadillo is a Nature themed Global Event released on November 22, 2019.


  • Released: November 22, 2019
  • Rerun: January 15, 2021

Flavor Text

January 15, 2021 Rerun

The Lord Protector was studying the ancient diary of the late Sir Jasper Macendale who devoted his life to magic. After running his finger along one of the runes that emitted a soft glow, he woke up in a completely different world...

November 22, 2019 Release

While decoding an ancient rune found in the attic of late sir Jesper Macendale, Lord Protector was exposed to an old curse and woke up in a different world...

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

January 15, 2021 Rerun

November 22, 2019 Release

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Warden: Come on! Get back to work!
Lord Protector: You have mistaken me for someone. I…
Warden: Shut up, slave! Roll up your sleeves and get down to business!
Lord Protector: What? Who are you talking to? I'm the Lord Prote...
Warden: Grab your folks and just do your job! Or I'll make you!
Lord Protector: What is happening? Am I dreaming? Is this a nightmare?

Orc Lady
Orc Lady: How did you get here, slave? You are expected at the bridge construction site!
Lord Protector: I'm not a slave! But it's really interesting how I got here.
Orc Lady: Get back to your work and don't ask any questions.
Orc Lady: This is punishable here!
Lord Protector: This place looks like home... Except it isn't. It's topsy-turvy in here.
Lord Protector: Probably that rune I touched somehow teleported me and my guys...
Lord Protector: To a different dimension. Some mirror world. With slavery and suffering.

Lord Protector: Who's in charge here? I want to talk to him!
Armadillo: You have no right to talk, you miserable prick! All slaves must work. This is your destiny.
Armadillo: Disobedience is punished by death!
Lord Protector: I'm fed up with your threats.

Inside Man
Inside Man: Here is the slave who escaped!
Lord Protector: You confused me with someone else.
Inside Man: We usually teach obedience to such rebellious slaves. Come here!
Lord Protector: Now I will teach you politeness.
Lord Protector: Have you heard of Pangea?
Inside Man: Pan... What?
Lord Protector: What is this place? Where are we?
Inside Man: It's Aegnap, home of the gladiator fights.
Lord Protector: Aegnap. Pangea. Then I was right. This IS a mirror world.

Sabretooth: It looks like we have a riot!
Lord Protector: I'm surprised this hadn't happened before.
Sabretooth: To me, sabretooths! Let's kill this vermin!
Lord Protector: To me, my warriors! Let's show them what happens to those who oppress the people.
Lord Protector: Okay, my lady. Please, tell me where I can find those in charge.
Sabretooth: If you wanna find him, you must enter the Colosseum.

Chapter 2

Champion: Who are you? You're not an ordinary slave.
Lord Protector: You're goddamn right. I'm the Lord Protector.
Champion: Ha ha ha. Lord... Protector? What kind of title is this?
Champion: You're no lord! Just a slave foolish enough to try your luck in the Colosseum!
Lord Protector: Okay. Next!

Militiamen: What are you trying to prove in here?
Lord Protector: I just wanna go home.
Lord Protector: Also, I want to save those who are suffering in your kingdom!
Militiamen: You're so full of yourself!

Nemesis: Ha! I expected you! Ready to get killed?
Lord Protector: That depends on how good you really are.
Nemesis: Oh, I'm very good. You'll see.
Lord Protector: Can't wait!
Lord Protector: Tell me everything you know. Who's the ruler here?
Nemesis: I don't know! I learned about him only two months ago!
Lord Protector: So he's the new one? And he... Is responsible for all this slavery thing?
Nemesis: Yes! Please, spare my life! I promise I'll never bother you again.

General: You should mind your own business, fool.
General: Why do you need our king?
Lord Protector: I need to talk to him. He makes people do things nobody wants to do. This is bad.
General: You sure about that? These fools, they enjoy a good battle. They all want a chance to prove themselves.
General: If you take it away... What else are they going to do?
Lord Protector: It's up for them to decide.
General: Why do you care so much about them?
Lord Protector: Because I made a promise to the forces beyond your understanding. And I intend to keep it.

Man of Word
Lord Protector: It looks like you are the guy I need to talk to.
Lord Protector: Tell me, where can I find your king?
Man of Word: You fought well. Defeat me and I'll tell you everything I know.
Man of Word: I'm a man of my word. Ask me anything.
Lord Protector: Who is your king and where can I find him?
Man of Word: You said that you're from a far away land. Well, he is too.
Man of Word: The king's in his chambers. But I doubt that he's waiting for you.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Hey! You promised you'd leave me alone!
Trickster: And you fell for this "damsel in distress" joke? You're even worse than I thought!
Trickster: You should've killed me while you had the chance!
Lord Protector: I won't make this mistake again. Better pray before you die.
Trickster: Kill me now because I'll never stop coming after you. Never.
Lord Protector: Hm... Never say never, lady.
Lord Protector: Leave. I'll be waiting for a rematch.

Royal Guard
Lord Protector: Let me in! I need to talk to the king.
Royal Guard: What a brave slave! Are you serious?
Lord Protector: Of course. Otherwise I would not have come here.
Royal Guard: You're full of determination. C'mon, guys! Let's protect the gates to the chambers of our king!
Royal Guard: Fine. Do whatever you want. The king's inside.
Royal Guard: He wasn't paying me enough anyway. I'll just go and find a new job.
Royal Guard: The one where I will be respected!

Ko'Bzar: I am Ko'Bzar. Son of the Eternal Ocean, Ruler of the Seven...
Lord Protector: It doesn't matter who you are. You stand between me and the king.
Ko'Bzar: I'm tired of you.
Lord Protector: You can just tell me where your king is.
Ko'Bzar: No, I won't!
Lord Protector: Which direction?
Ko'Bzar: His chambers are westwards. Just a couple of steps.

Draggara: Wh... Where's my guild? Where's everybody?
Draggara: Traitors! Stupid traitors! I'm gonna kill each and every one of you!
Lord Protector: Lady, listen. You fought with dignity.
Lord Protector: We have no reason for enmity. Let's make a truce?
Draggara: Never! I don't need your pity. If my warriors have escaped, I will defeat you myself.
Lord Protector: I'll save your life! It's not pity, it's the way we do it in my world.

Sir Macendale
Lord Protector: No... It's impossible. Jasper Macendale. You should be dead.
Sir Macendale: I'm afraid I'm very much alive, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: But you were murdered! Two months ago!
Sir Macendale: The body was never found. But you found my rune. The one I used to teleport myself in here.
Sir Macendale: To a place where I can become a god.
Lord Protector: You're not a god. You're a demon. And I fight demons for a living.
Lord Protector: Jasper Macendale, you won't oppress people anymore.
Lord Protector: If you don't open the portal to bring us back to Pangea, I will end your life. This time for real.
Sir Macendale: But listen! Nobody gave a damn about them until I came. Their families don't starve anymore.
Lord Protector: At the cost of pain and suffering? You could've found something more humane.
Sir Macendale: Lord Protector, that's life. Someone is always oppressed.
Lord Protector: Everything is different in our world. Open the portal. There's a fair trial waiting for you on Pangea.
Sir Macendale: It looks like I have no choice... Hope you will be more human than me.