Aqua Wars

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Aqua Wars is a Global Event released on September 27, 2019.


  • Released: September 27, 2019

Flavor Text

September 27, 2019 Release

Bensalem, the underwater kingdom, is once again in danger. Looks like King Kostner's step-sister is plotting a coup d'etat down there. You must investigate. Who knows what Pangea will look like once Bensalem goes rouge!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements

September 27, 2019 Release

  • Victory over Players with specified Warlord: ?
  • Hero Promotion of specified Hero: Yuri, Shadow Dagger

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Sarge: Gluh-glug! Gluuug!
Lord Protector: I've heard there's a riot ongoing. Where is your king?
Sarge: Guuuuh-glug glug! GLUG GLUGGAH GLUG!
Lord Protector: What did you say?! That's it! Nobody calls me that!

Snake Lady
Snake Lady: You have no power around here, Lord Protector.
Snake Lady: Don't expect us to obey you.
Lord Protector: I'm looking for your king.
Snake Lady: Our king is dead. Now it's your turn.

Lord Protector: You. You are the one responsible for the murder of king Kostner.
Kunoichi: And I'm just getting started.
Lord Protector: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now.
Kunoichi: I don't think you will. You are a good guy. And good guys only know how to die.

Captain: Gluh gluh? Gluh-glug gluggah glug glug!
Lord Protector: Oh no. Don't even think about it, sharky!

Naga: You feel that? This means coup d'etat, Lord Protector.
Naga: We've had enough of you and your protege Kostner. I don't care how powerful you think you are.
Naga: Down here, you're insignificant.
Lord Protector: Well, at least I'm handsome.
Naga: You don't get it, Lord Protector. That king Kostner of yours... He's not who he said he was.
Lord Protector: What do you mean?
Naga: He wasn't the rightful ruler. But Yurika is. She's taking back what belongs to her!

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: I... I think I owe you an apology. I didn't know that Kostner was a liar.
Warmonger: He was more than that. He managed to trick both you and his loyal servants.
Warmonger: But it's in the past. Under my leadership Bensalem will become the greatest kingdom of all.
Lord Protector: And how do you plan to achieve this goal?
Warmonger: By destroying your precious Pangea, of course! Ha ha ha!

Lieutenant: Gluh-glug-gluh! Gluhhah glug!
Lord Protector: No, I don't think this is such a good idea.
Lieutenant: Glug glug glug!
Lord Protector: Fine. As you wish.

Disciple: Soon the entire world will obey to our queen!
Lord Protector: Not if I can help it.
Disciple: You dare rejecting Yurika? Then you don't deserve to live!
Lord Protector: Maybe. But I can't let you destroy Pangea.

Stormrage: You still here? Why? Don't you need to prepare your surface warriors?
Lord Protector: We can still cut a deal. Call off your army.
Stormrage: And why do you think I'd ever agree on this? You're more stupid than I thought!
Lord Protector: At least I tried.
Stormrage: Warriors! Protect your queen!
Stormrage: We'll meet again, Lord Protector!

Lord Protector: I suppose we can't just talk?
Major: Glug glug glug!
Lord Protector: Guess not.
Major: Kaff! We cannot betray our queen!
Lord Protector: Oh, great. And here I thought you were just muscles. No intellect required.
Major: If you want us to put down our weapons... Try talking to the people of Bensalem!
Lord Protector: That's... That's not a bad idea. Thanks.
Major: Glug gluh, Lord Protector.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: I repeat. "People of Bensalem! Queen Yurika wants to wage war on Pangea! You don't need blood on your..."
Medusa: Please. Don't embarass yourself.
Medusa: Guys, it's time to clear the water!

Ms. Miko
Ms. Miko: Still alive? Fine. Come to my coronation ceremony tomorrow.
Lord Protector: You won't live till tomorrow, Yurika!
Ms. Miko: Such anger. That's good. Anger makes you vulnerable.

General: No! He's coming at us! He's coming... I mean, glug-glug gluh!
Lord Protector: Quit this act, general. You make yourself look like a fool.
General: Okay, I'll talk! It was me! I killed Kostner! What are you gonna do about that, huh?!
Lord Protector: Me? Nothing. Let your people decide.

Margery: Everything is ready for the ceremony. Let's make it fast!
Lord Protector: Let me go, Margery.
Margery: Sorry, dear. You should've listened to me when I proposed you to leave!
Lord Protector: Where is Yurika?
Margery: You're late, Lord Protector. The sea army will deploy in a few minutes!
Lord Protector: That's all the time I need.

Lord Protector: Queen Yurika Miko of Bensalem. Sounds awfully wrong, don't you think?
Yurika: Your problem, not mine. I'm not going anywhere.
Lord Protector: I'm counting on it.
Lord Protector: Call off your army or share fate with late king Kostner.
Yurika: Don't you dare tell me what I have to do!
Lord Protector: Then die. I'm not kidding!
Yurika: Okay, gosh! Let's sign a non-aggression pact, shall we?