Book of Time!

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Book of Time! is a Global Event released on October 14, 2022.


  • Released: October 14, 2022
  • Rerun: March 31, 2023

Flavor Text

March 31, 2023 Rerun

Every year the dark forces continue to surprise the Lord Protector. Demons try to escape the Lower World and local sorcerers summon unknown creatures. But the Lord Protector certainly didn't expect the demons to summon him this time!

October 14, 2022 Release

The Lord Protector prepares for Halloween, because every year the dark forces continue to surprise him on the eve of the holiday. Demons try to escape from the Lower Worlds, and local sorcerers summon unknown creatures. But the Lord Protector certainly didn't expect the demons to summon him this time!

Featured Heroes

Chapter Requirements


  • This event was originally called Happy Halloween! and was renamed on March 31, 2023.

Event Dialogue

Chapter 1

Fox: Lord Protector! At last you are in the Lower Worlds!
Lord Protector: Hello to you, too, Mi. How did we even get to the Lower Worlds?
Fox: You'll know soon enough. Hopefully, here you'll be punished for everything you've done. And I'm happy to be a part of it!
Lord Protector: I don't understand anything. But I think it won't get to this. If only because I don't plan on staying here.
Lord Protector: Where did you disappear to? I wouldn't mind having an explanation.
Lord Protector: Okay, anyway I'll try to get out of here. Lower Worlds aren't the quietest place on Halloween Eve.

Envier: Welcome to the Lower Worlds, Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: I wonder if all my ill-wishers have been gathered here. I just saw Mi and now there is you...
Lord Protector: Also waiting for the time when I get what I deserve?
Envier: It would be nice. But since you're here I could get even with you myself!
Lord Protector: Mary, wait... I never had the chance to explain myself back then.
Lord Protector: And she's gone, too. There's something strange going on here...

Demoness: Greetings, Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: Gremory! I think I'm beginning to understand what's happening. Did you summon me to the Lower Worlds?
Demoness: That's right. You can't get out on your own, so I suggest you listen to me first.
Lord Protector: That's for me to decide! I wasn't planning on sticking around.
Demoness: Still, you'll have to stick around. Halloween is the best time to face your fears and conquer them, isn't it?
Lord Protector: I don't think so.
Demoness: Mi and Mary are just a delusion, but they represent your fears.
Demoness: And unless you acknowledge them, you can't get out of here.
Lord Protector: How dare you!

Lord Protector: At least now I know that you don't really exist.
Mirage: But my hatred for you is very real!
Mirage: That terrible fire in the Enchanted Forest happened because of you!
Mirage: Nearly all my skulk died then. I'll never forgive you for that.

Mary: You don't look as brave as usual. Even the Lord Protector is not so strong in the face of fear.
Lord Protector: You're wrong! Let's end all this already.
Mary: Just like my past life was ended? I lost everything: my love, my place in the Higher Worlds, and I almost lost my life.
Mary: my love, my place in the Higher Worlds, and I almost lost my life.

Chapter 2

Lord Protector: You could have helped me at the trial in the Higher Worlds, but you chose to turn a blind eye to the injustice!
Helper: I don't know how or why you cause these delusions. But I've had enough of your tricks!
Lord Protector: I'm trying to help. These unresolved conflicts are dragging you down...
Helper: I wasn't complaining, and you dragged me to the Lower Worlds, literally!
Helper: As you know, neither demons nor gods have power over me. I keep the Book of Time and support the balance. And so do you...
Helper: But your fears are starting to get the better of you. Pangea needs a strong Lord Protector.

Avenger: I was forced to intervene and use the Book to plunge you into the memories you are avoiding and fearing.
Avenger: You don't want to acknowledge your mistakes? Now you're not so flawless, Lord Protector, aren't you?
Lord Protector: You could have prevented that fire!
Avenger: I can't listen to your accusations anymore!
Avenger: Remember when fire dragons and chimeras swept away everything in their path? That was my nightmare for a long time.

Goddess: I hope it will be yours now, too!
Lord Protector: Now you know what it's like to be judged by a single act, throwing away everything that came before.
Goddess: Wait, I...
Goddess: You had the time to speak out at the trial of the gods. Now it's my turn!
Goddess: I fell in love with a demon and believed I could still save his soul. But I didn't know how far he was willing to go...
Goddess: When I realized that the ritual would lead to the death of innocents, I stopped it and almost died myself.

Lord Protector: I was severely punished and banished from the Higher Worlds. But we all know that it wasn't all about my wrongdoing, it was my relationship with a demon.
Guide: You think too much of yourself! I want this to stop!
Guide: You try to cut their images with a sword, but a sword can't help you in this matter.
Lord Protector: The deeper you sink into your anger at yourself, the stronger the illusions become.
Guide: You're the only one I'm angry at right now!
Guide: You need to stop blaming yourself for these situations.

Mi: Mary and Mi are only voicing your subconscious mind.
Lord Protector: The Lord Protector is supposed to defend the people of Pangea, not cause their deaths!
Mi: I will no longer allow my fears to prevail over me!
Lord Protector: Oh, really?
Lord Protector: I wanted to study the pyromancer's inventions so I could use them for good.
Lord Protector: But I couldn't imagine what he would do if he escaped from prison.

Chapter 3

Lord Protector: Is it just me, or has the swarm of accusatory voices in my head become quieter?
Exile: Mary, your punishment was really undeserved.
Lord Protector: Then how can you call yourself an honest and just ruler if you don't uphold these values?
Lord Protector: I had just returned to Pangea then, and I could not challenge the gods. I spoke up for you, but it wasn't enough.

Lord Protector: In the end the Council made the decision, and I regret that I did not influence it.
Illusionist: I explained to them... or rather myself, that what happened was not my fault.
Lord Protector: And you're on the right track.
Illusionist: Why am I still here then?!
Illusionist: Mi and Mary are just a couple of pages in the Book. There are other memories you are avoiding.

Hater: So you need to find the root of the problem. Think about what I said and fight your illusions one last time.
Lord Protector: How can the people of Pangea ever rely on you?
Lord Protector: Your words don't work on me anymore!
Lord Protector: I'm afraid I can't protect Pangea from all threats.
Hater: I am doing my best, but... I am not all-powerful.

Adversary: Your test is passed, Lord Protector.
Lord Protector: I hope you get stuck in your fears and never get out of here!
Lord Protector: Sorry to upset you again, but I have things to do that I've been putting off for a long time.
Lord Protector: There have been mistakes in my past. Some of them I really want to forget.
Lord Protector: I've been afraid to go back to them, but now I feel the courage to put them right.
Adversary: And that goes for you, too, Mary. It's not too late to help you.

Gremory: Gremory is waiting for you.
Lord Protector: I congratulate you, Lord Protector. This journey through the corners of mind has not been easy.
Lord Protector: That's putting it mildly! You also need to learn something — don't mess with the Lord Protector!
Lord Protector: On one hand, rethinking some things might be useful.
Gremory: But, for our next meeting, choose something funnier.
Gremory: As you wish, Lord Protector.
Gremory: And Happy Halloween!.